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Sexy Holiday Delights

Page 45

by Shara Azod

  “These things have to be the most bewitching items in every world imaginable,” he said, staring at the lace garment as if it were some great discovery he’d been long seeking. He then pressed them against his nose and inhaled deeply. His head fell back and his eyes closed.

  Chrissana froze, not knowing whether she should be embarrassed or not, especially considering she’d been walking and working in them the entire day. However, Audric’s eyes opened and she found herself pulled to the floor with him moving over her, kissing her deep and with urgency. When he broke from her, she’d never seen a human being move so fast. He was suddenly out of his boots and hose, and once again, she was pressed to the floor. Her body expelled a pool of wetness when she felt his hardness against her thigh, his leg parting hers. There was a brief coolness when he raised up, but then he pushed his way deep inside her. Her back arched to its fullest as she cried out.


  Reaching behind her, he unhooked her bra, pulling it from her body. It was wrapped around his hand as he grasped her arms, stroking rhythmically deep inside her. Chrissana’s mouth parted, and her cheek pressed against his chest, as she met each of this thrusts. Never had she felt anything so good; her body moved beyond her control. His arm slipped around her waist, holding her against him as he raised up, sliding even deeper inside her. She opened her legs wider to receive him, twining them around his, holding on for dear life. Her body was like a creature being fed after years of starvation. It was just as demanding as his, and she was crushed against him when he cried out, which brought on her own release—a sweet rush of pleasure that pulsated for what seemed like an eternity. Her body quivered in waves against his, causing gasps to escape her.

  Audric rolled onto his back, pulling her with him, cradling her in his arms. His fingers smoothed back her hair as he pressed his lips against her temple. “My most precious darling.”

  They lay that way for a long time in silence. Chrissana felt like she was floating on a cloud. There were no thoughts, just the feel of his warm body next to hers. It was so natural a thing between them that once again she got that strong sense of déjà vu.

  At last he rose, pulling her up next to him. He led her over to the tub and stepped into the warmth of the water. They both reclined in a recess at the back of it. She cuddled next to his chest, running her hands up and down it. His arm held her, his fingers rubbing over the soft flesh of her hip.

  “A long time ago,” Audric spoke finally. “When I first arrived in Jerusalem. There wasn’t much fighting at the time. I came with the Third Crusade and our Templars were with King Philip II of France. Being good Christian men, we were discouraged against interacting with any of the locals. However, every day, I would run into this Moorish woman.”

  He stopped himself and looked down at her. “I mean no disrespect because that’s what we called black people back then.”

  Chrissana smiled at his concern. “No worries.”

  Audric leaned his head back. “Anyway, I thought she was the loveliest thing I’d ever laid eyes on. She had children who walked with her—a tiny boy, maybe two or so, and a slightly older girl. She would come to the well to get water. It was near our post, and I would always find myself outside. There’d she be with this huge jug on top of her head, her children behind her with smaller ones. Her movements were so like a dancer’s. Her hands…she had the most beautiful hands.” Audric lifted Chrissana’s hand from the water and stared at it. “Long fingers, and she made the strenuous chore of pulling the bucket from the well seem like it was light as a feather. She had a gentle voice, was always smiling, and spoke patiently to her little ones. They were so well behaved and attentive to her every word.”

  He bounced her hand gently in his for a moment then released it.

  “Why didn’t you go help her?” Chrissana asked.

  “I couldn’t. Being a Muslim woman, she would have gotten blamed for my showing her any attention, especially if she was married. She would have been stoned to death.”

  “I’ve always hated the way they treat women over there,” Chrissana gritted her teeth. “It’s not fair. That type of belief system is hard for me.”

  “It was hard being a woman in those days, period, and still today in some places. But as hard as some rules are, my love, we can’t change the nature of the world. We can only do little things here and there.”

  “So is she the reason why you’re attracted to me?”

  Audric turned around in the water to face her. “Do you believe in reincarnation? That a soul can visit the Earth more than once?”

  “I’ve heard of it, but it’s rather hard for me to fathom.”

  “I know,” he said, moving forward until his forehead touched hers. “But on one of my excursions to your world, I saw you walking down the street, carrying groceries. And I saw once again my woman from Jerusalem. I followed you, but kept my distance. Same walk, same movements, and the same serene look in your eyes. I have watched and listened to you and your thoughts. You have this incredible way of masking your sadness and how you’d smile in spite of it. On so many occasions, I wanted to reveal myself to you, but I didn’t want to hurt you. Not all women can handle being involved with me, having to spend times alone without me there. However, I couldn’t allow you to take your life either. I vow that I will be here your entire life, Chrissana, if you would have me.”

  His mouth was gentle when it found hers again, kissing her with much softness, and a gentle fusion of their lips ensued.

  Chrissana didn’t know if she was dizzy from his story or from his kiss, or a combination of the two. Tears welled in her eyes from the idea that life could gift her with such a beautiful man—this good sir knight.

  Audric bathed her body with his hands, between kisses, and placed her hands on his chest to bathe him. He took her again in the water, slow and easy, as they moved about the pool with her over him then he flipped her over to press her up against the side, taking her from behind.

  When they stepped out, Audric wrapped Chrissana and himself in towels then carried her to bed where she fell promptly asleep. There, she dreamt of Audric as a knight in full armor, the banner of a cross draped across it.


  The next morning, Chrissana awoke, feeling her back pressing against Audric’s chest. His arms tightened around her as his lips nibbled the lobe of her ear.

  The sun streamed in through the stained glass windows of his room. It appeared much more medieval in décor than hers. There was no canopy over his bed; the only thing hanging from the ceiling was a round iron candleholder full of large, white pillar candles like the one in the foyer. Giant tapestries covered the walls showing scenes of hunting, one with men gathered in a group and talking, and the last displayed the sun and the moon side by side with a circle of stars around them.


  “Yes, my love,” he answered.

  “You said that you would be there for me my entire life if I would have you.”


  “But if I understand things right, I will age and grow older, but you will not.”

  It was a long time before he spoke. “You are correct.”

  “Wouldn’t that bother you? To stay with an old woman?”

  “No.” He pulled her onto her back and ran his hand over her hair. “You will always be beautiful to me, no matter how old you get.”

  Chrissana sighed, her fingers reaching up to twine with his.

  “And when the time comes, I will take your soul, and you can stay here with me until you’re ready to move on. You still have a few lifetimes left in you on Earth. I can then come find you again.”

  “But I won’t remember you.”

  “When you first saw me, you felt that spark of recognition. The next time it will be even more intense. You won’t forget me.”

  “You make everything sound so simple.”

  “It is simple,” he said. “Human beings just need to stop complicating things.”

  A moveme
nt out of the corner of Chrissana’s eye made her gasp. When they both turned, they saw Dinnya, curled up on the pillows above her head. The fox wagged her tail and bared her teeth like a grin.

  “Ah Dinnya,” Audric greeted, reaching over to scratch her on the head.

  Chrissana slid from beneath him and out of the bed to stretch. Her face glowed when her eyes met Audric’s, who raised up onto his elbow to watch her. She wandered about the room, looking over the tapestries. Something on the table near the window caught her attention—something that looked too modern and out of place. It was a magazine. When she drew closer, she read the words Victoria’s Secret. Upon picking it up, she saw her name and address on the back.

  “Audric! I’ve been looking for this.”

  He sat up in bed and yawned. “I didn’t think you’d miss it.”

  “So you’re sitting here getting off on my lingerie catalogs?”

  “No, my dear. But you can’t deny that they have some beautiful underthings. I couldn’t stop helping myself to them.” He stood and stretched his long body. Walking over to the front of the bed, he dipped and picked up her bra. “Page twenty-three.”

  Chrissana paged to where he’d told her and saw the bra and panties she’d been wearing the day before. “How did you know my size?”

  “You talk in your sleep.”

  She rolled up the catalog and walked over to smack him on the arm with it. “Stop taking my catalogs.”

  “Why? You’ve never ordered anything out of them.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  Audric turned from her and ran his hand through his hair. He walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a drawer, taking a white plastic package from it.

  “Here.” He tossed it to her.

  Chrissana looked at the name Audric St. Sauveur on the package. “You have a post office box?”

  He gave her a mischievous grin. “Open it.”

  While he donned a long white robe, Chrissana opened the plastic envelope that had already been cut into to find a bra and panties set in red decorated with black lace.

  “Now put them on.”

  “You’re something else, you know that?” she said over her shoulder as she dressed herself in the items.

  “I know,” he said, seating himself in a nearby chair.

  When Chrissana turned around, she swore she could see flames in his eyes.

  “Come here,” he whispered.

  She walked over to him, feeling his hands take hold of her legs, pulling her close. His face pressed against the bra, his hands sliding up to cup her breasts.

  “I feel strange,” she said.

  “Strange like how?”

  “I was afraid to do this at first.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  “I don’t know.” Her hands lightly grasped his shoulders. “It’s strange, like my body won’t allow me to say no to you. I’ve never felt a connection like this before. Maybe I was that woman at the well, and I imagine she may have stolen looks at you and felt rather intrigued. Sadly, it was buried underneath her tradition. Now, we have our chance, and for as much as my mind kept pulling away from you, my heart keeps pulling me toward you.”

  Audric pulled Chrissana down to him, kissing the tip of her nose. “I belong to you, Chrissana, and you belong to me. That’s all there is to it.”


  The sun had just gone down when they boarded the carriage to the Christmas Eve celebration in the town’s square. They were dressed in red and white beneath their furs, and this time, they sat cuddled close together on the ride.

  “For a moment there I didn’t think we’d make it,” Chrissana said.

  “Mmmm,” Audric sighed.

  “I never thought that staying in bed all day, looking through Victoria’s Secret catalogs could be so much fun.”

  “Neither did I,” he said. “And this means the store warrants a visit.”

  Chrissana took ahold of his arm, leaning against it. “We’d probably be asked to leave or get arrested.”

  “So is that a bet?” he asked.

  “We’ll see.”

  The town square was crowded when Tam and Driel dropped them off a good mile away. A band played Christmas carols, backing the choral group. The restaurant and patisserie had set up tables beneath canopies where people could get food, desserts, and drinks.

  Audric escorted Chrissana about, making sure he spoke with everyone in the town. People treated her as if she were his girlfriend, shaking her hand or hugging her when she was introduced. They made eye contact and included her in their conversations with him. She even got to reconnect with the gambler, Tom Trevers, who was hanging out next to some pastries, as she’d first met him. Then there was the girl from the salon she’d first visited. She wore a cute pink jacket with a white, fur-trimmed hood.

  “Madam, it’s nice to see you again,” she greeted. Still popping her bubblegum, she looked up at Audric and drawled, “I see you’ve been very refreshed.”

  Color rose in Chrissana’s cheeks. “I was wondering if I could get my pajamas back?”

  The girl smiled. “Oh, you’ll get them back real soon.”

  The hands on the large clock tower pointed straight up and the bell began to toll midnight. Everyone cheered and began to hug one another as though they were ringing in the New Year.

  As the time passed, Chrissana noticed that people were disappearing. She saw the little girl who asked her about getting a healing when she’d first arrived, and when she looked again, the girl was gone, nowhere to be seen.

  It was similar to how it had been with the carriages, with the people all gone and the resident spirits wandering back towards the town or to the residences behind them.

  Soon, it was just her and Audric alone, walking over to his carriage. He lifted her up inside and climbed in behind her.

  Chrissana knew that her time was drawing to a close. She didn’t want to speak about it, because if she said anything to the effect out loud, she’d lose her composure and start blubbering. Audric’s little vial wouldn’t be able to hold all of those tears.

  Thankfully, Audric wasn’t quite done with her because he pulled off his furs and hers. It was warm enough inside the carriage to offer enough comfort. He pulled her into his arms and started kissing her, moving down her body until he was all the way on the floor, kissing the tops of her feet. His hands slid beneath her dress, pulling her legs apart to move between them. Kisses planted up her legs and over her knees left Chrissana melting into the cushions behind her.

  Audric’s mouth made a beeline for her panties, and he kissed and licked on the outside of them. The first orgasm hit her, and she surrendered herself to his mouth, his hands grasping her thighs to pull them over his shoulders. He ripped the panties from her, throwing the remnants behind him then rammed his tongue up inside of her.

  Chrissana bit down on her fist as she fought to keep the volume of her moans low. They were still inside the town and outside someone’s home. His lips were exceptionally soft when they rubbed between the lips of her pussy. His tongue began to lick its way up to her clit, and his finger dove inside her. Slow and steady, he worked her until yet another climax found her.

  Audric’s breath came hard as he sat up, pushing the waist of his hose down enough to free himself. “Touch me, my love,” he whispered, taking her hand to close around his hardness.

  Chrissana stretched out on the seat as her hand stroked up and down him. She pulled him to her, and her lips found him, kissing the tip of his manhood, then opening her mouth to take as much of him as she dared.

  Audric’s head fell back and a long moan escaped him, enjoying the feel of her soft hands and her mouth. When he could stand it no more, he gently disengaged her and pulled her down to join him on the floor and onto his lap.

  Chrissana closed her eyes as she leaned back in his arms, his hands cupping her breasts tightly as he pushed his way inside her. They danced, long and slow, until she was turned around to face him, wrapping
her legs around his waist while he took her fast and hard.

  The whole town must have heard them, as their voices rang out and the carriage bounced wildly. She didn’t care, and Audric certainly didn’t seem concerned.

  Finally, the carriage took off as they sat entwined, with him still embedded deep inside of her.

  “I have a present for you,” Audric said, running his finger down along the line of her jaw. “But you’re not to open it until you return.”

  “Audric, you shouldn’t have. I have nothing to give you.”

  He sighed, a satisfied smile spreading across his face. “You’ve already given this poor knight more than he could ever ask for, Chrissana.” He bowed his head to her then reached up to his mantle, digging inside the pocket. A small white box wrapped with a red ribbon was brought forth.

  Chrissana took the present, feeling like a giant hand had brushed over her entire body. “I’ve never received a gift from a man before.”

  “When you return, your life will change, and I want you to remember what I said about directing your thoughts. Think of life as one big thought form. Treat it as you would an art project. This gift will get you started.”

  “I love you, Audric.”

  “And I love you, my darling, Chrissana,” he said, pulling her close to kiss her deeply. “I won’t say goodbye because this is only the beginning.”


  Chrissana walked through the gallery, her gaze fleeting over her paintings that hung on the walls. The one she’d painted of the spa built into the side of the mountain had a sold sign on it, as did the one of Tom Trevers in the patisserie. He was staring out the window with a tea cup in his hand, poised to take a sip. Everyone thought it a novelty, seeing a rough cowboy holding such a dainty item.

  Funny, she never had a photographic memory, yet ever since returning from Bera’lanis, all she had to do was simply close her eyes, and she could remember every single detail, as though she were actually present. For most of the evening, she’d accepted compliments from those who marveled at her imagination, the vivid colors and airbrushed quality of her work, as well as how her pictures produced an unusual feeling of well-being in them.


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