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My Baby Is a West Coast King

Page 12

by Shvonne Latrice

  “Wow, you’re very romantic. But there are plenty of women willing to fuck you.”

  “Trust me, I know, and that’s what I’ve been doing. However, I specifically want to fuck you.” He licked his lips and exhaled heavily.

  “Well that’s too bad.” I folded my arms even though my clit started to throb at the thought of him filling me up with his long thick pole.

  “So I can’t get no head?” he grinned, and I couldn’t help but to laugh. “Aight, look, I know I said I couldn’t be with you on some exclusive type shit, but right now I’m thinking maybe a nigga can.”

  “I didn’t ask that you be exclusive, I asked that you only give me your attention so we could eventually get there. But no, you want to entertain hoes and then go around—”

  He grabbed me up and pinned me against his car before kissing me deeply. His lips felt too good for me to stop him right away, so I let him get his fix for a few before finally pulling back.

  “Did you hear what the fuck just came out of my mouth?” his brows dipped. I loved his frown.

  “That you think you can be with me,” I spoke lowly, looking up into his handsome face. I was still panting a little bit.

  “Aight then, so is you gon’ be with a nigga or what? I’m not gon’ keep asking yo’ ass. You about to make a nigga change his fucking mind man. What you smiling and shit for?” he scowled with his lip turned up.

  “You are so fine when you get mad.” I hugged his torso. “And you knew I would say yes. I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you.”

  “Gravy. So come spend the night with me tonight. I want some pussy.”

  “Do you even know how to be romantic with it?”

  “I wanna suck your clit and then bang you hard until you cum.”

  “Yeah, that was worse.”

  Turned me on though because I got a visual…

  “Exactly, hurry up so we can leave.”


  He leaned down to kiss me passionately, and then we parted. I jogged to the door, and then rushed up the stairs so I could pack a quick overnight bag. I moved as fast as possible so I wouldn’t run into Jude. When I had my duffle ready, I snatched my phone and raced outside to see Mischief putting something in his trunk. When I got close he tried to shut it quickly, but I stopped him.

  “Roses?” I screeched. “You bought me roses!”

  “Fuck,” he mumbled. “That was a backup plan.”

  “Aww, baby, you do know how to be romantic.” I took them out the trunk and sniffed them with a smile. The fact that he tried to hide them was funny.

  He let his teeth sink into his bottom lip, before leaning down to kiss me.

  “I’m gonna do my best, aight?”

  I simply nodded before he closed the trunk, and then opened the passenger side door for me. Once he got in, we were on our way to his place to make up.


  “Tell daddy how good it feels,” Mischief demanded as he pounded me with my knees by my ears damn near.

  Every time he pumped into me, his ab muscles flexed, showing how well toned his body was. I admired his tattoos while I could, as he pulverized my middle like it was going out of style.

  “I-it fe-feels so good, daddy!” I called out, stuttering like crazy because he was poking my spot with force.

  “Oh fuck,” he groaned, tossing his head back a little as his big hands kept my thighs pinned down to my stomach.

  I loved when he moaned, especially because he said it was rare that he did.

  Bringing his head back up, he gripped my thighs tighter, and started pulverizing me, making our skin slap together. I could barely moan because he was hitting me so deeply, while staring down into my eyes. I felt myself frowning as I sniveled and whimpered with every deep, powerful stroke he delivered, while pressing my thighs into my stomach. I felt him in my chest damn near, as I gushed all over his rod for the third time.

  “Oh! Ah!” my cries were short due to him thrusting into me feverishly, making the sound of him penetrating my wetness bounce off the walls.

  “Fuck!” he growled, before filling the condom up and breathing so hard his chest physically expanded.

  He finally lowered himself onto me, allowing his small gold chain to sweep across my collarbone as he tongued me down nastily. Our bodies were drenched in sweat, but I didn’t care; I wanted to feel him against me.

  “Baby,” I whined, still breathing heavily in between hungry kisses as I held the sides of his face.

  “Mmm, shit, you’re sexy as fuck,” he spoke against my mouth, and then spanked my thigh before pulling away with his teeth sunken deeply into his full bottom lip.

  He pulled out of me, and then turned me to the side as he admired my ass. He leaned down to bite it, and I squealed which prompted a sexy crooked grin to cover his handsome face.

  “That hurt,” I pouted playfully with my bottom lip out.

  “Make a nigga wanna eat ass in this bitch,” he admitted before we both burst into laughter.

  He removed the condom and then took it to the bathroom to flush. I heard him wash his hands, and I planned to get up soon but my body was still recovering. When he came back, he climbed into the bed with me, towering over my body in the push up position.

  “What?” I frowned because he was staring, eyes low with his lips tucked in.

  “You’re pretty as fuck, you know that? People stare at you all the time.”

  “Thank you. It’s weird when you do it though.”

  “I’m your man, you should find pleasure in me staring at you. I know bitches who wished their nigga still looked at them like they meant something.”

  “No, I love the way you look at me, but maybe you should smirk or something and not be so serious with it,” I giggled and laid on his chest, running my finger across his chiseled abs, and all his gang affiliated tattoos. “You said you were my man, how does it feel?”

  “Not as bad as I thought.”


  “I’m being honest, fuck you mean?” he smiled. “I thought I would be miserable, or thinking about another fat ass while being laid up with you, but it ain’t like that. I’m realizing when I’m with you, and shit, even when I’m not, you occupy my mind.”

  “I like you being my man, I feel like nothing can touch me.”

  “And it won’t touch you. Believe that shit,” he chuckled to himself, almost like he was wishing a nigga would even try.

  “I still can’t believe you bought me roses today.”

  “Don’t get used to that shit.”

  “Why? Shouldn’t I always get the nice side of you?”

  “You will get the nice side, just not the sappy ass ’90’s R&B singer shit. You’ll only get that occasionally; you’ll appreciate it more.”

  “I hate you,” I laughed.

  “Oh word?”

  He hooked my chin and then pressed his lips against mine before maneuvering himself on top of me.

  Mischief was definitely rough around the edges, but I loved it.

  Kordell Benjamin

  Every time I come through she lay it out for me. And the only thing she asks, is how I want it? Told her she was my baby, she said boy stop frontin’. She right, ‘cause tomorrow night I’ma be on something new. Something new.

  I sang softly into the microphone as Chaz and I performed our up-tempo R&B track for the crowd inside of Viper Room. It was a sold-out show, and even though the majority of our shit always sold out, it always felt like the first time.

  I danced around the stage as my brother ripped through his verse, and I saw a lot of beautiful ass women giving us that look. One face in particular caught my eye though; fine ass Cassie. The fact that she showed up let me know she was interested, even though I could already tell from the few times I’d seen her and saw her watching me.

  “We love y’all so much! Thanks for having us!” Chaz yelled as the song went off. I was too busy making eye contact with my bed buddy for the night.

  I waved for her
to come to the side of the stage, and when she did, I squatted down to look into her face.

  “Go sit by my cousin Ishmael, and I will be over there in a minute.”

  “Okay,” she nodded and pushed her hair behind her ear nervously.

  I went to the back to wipe the sweat off and get some water. When Chaz and I came out, a lot of girls wanted pictures and autographs, so we did that for a little bit and then started towards the table. Some of the girls wanted to get down with me, but I already had plans for the night so I declined.

  “Chaz, can we talk to you for a minute,” two girls smiled seductively.

  “Married, but you two have a goodnight.”

  The way their faces dropped had us both dying, and as we walked towards where Ishmael, Sammi’s weak ass, Mischief, and his girl were sitting, I nudged him.

  “You sure you wanna pass them up?” I asked him.

  “Nigga, I have a whole damn wife at home. Fuck is you talking about am I sure?” he hissed and shook his head.

  “You right,” I chuckled. “Ain’t nothing wrong with still exploring though.”

  Nobody in our family really fucked with his wife Jade, but we knew if we said anything, Chaz’s ass would go ape shit and ain’t nobody wanna deal with that. We were some big ass niggas, and us fighting anywhere was not good. So I wasn’t gonna mention the fact that she didn’t even come to his show.

  “A lot wrong with exploring when you’re married.”

  “That’s why I will never be married. No bitch will ever have me standing at a damn altar waiting on her ass to walk all slowly to me and shit. Come to think about it, if I do get married, her ass gon’ be waiting on me.”

  “You know you’re ignorant as fuck, right?”

  “Of course.”

  “Just making sure you know,” he laughed.

  We got to the booth that our people were in, and I made sure to sit right next to Cassie who had her friend on the other side.

  Laine was turning my brother into a little bitch by the looks of it. I ain’t never seen that nigga smile all in a bitch’s face like he was doing, and sharing weak ass pecks. But hey, if he liked it I loved it.

  “You look perfect tonight,” I scanned Cassie from head to toe. I believe she had on jeans, but it was dark. My main focus was the way her titties looked in that fucking top.

  “I know,” she smirked with her brow raised, and then laughed. “I’m kidding, thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I was about to say, I don’t give compliments and not get a thank you. You look like you’re from the Caribbean or some shit.”

  “What do women from the Caribbean look like?”

  “Fine as fuck with alien eyes.”

  She almost spit out her drink, before snapping her head to look my way.

  “Nigga, did you just really tell her she had alien eyes?” Chaz frowned.

  “You act like I ain’t just tell her she looked good first! So what she got alien eyes, she’s still sexier than a muthafucka.”

  “This nigga,” Mischief mumbled as his girl shook her head at me.

  “My father is Jamaican, so I guess your hypothesis is valid.”

  “I know it is, shit,” I took a sip of the whiskey I’d ordered.

  “So I’m guessing you’re mixed with tarantula because of them dreads, right?” Cassie shot back, and of course Ishmael and Chaz were instigating and backing her up.

  “Very funny, baby girl. But nah, I’m mixed with black and big dick.” I took her hand and tried to set it in my lap, but she snatched away with her lip turned up.

  “I’ll be right back, I’m about to go get y’all payment for the night.” Ishmael got up, and as soon as he was gone, Sammi had her eyes fixated on Mischief and Laine.

  “Why don’t you ask about a threesome?” I told her, and she would have clutched her pearls if her broke ass could afford a pair.

  “Kordell, shut yo’ ignorant ass up, please,” Mischief sucked his teeth.

  “Nigga, I don’t know what the fuck you’re thinking, disrespecting me! Ain’t nobody worried about Mischief or his bitch,” Sammi snapped, pushing her hair behind her ear.

  I just laughed because her little rant didn’t faze me. I fucked with people to get them mad all day, so when they did, my mission was accomplished.

  “Excuse me, please don’t call me a bitch. Thank you,” Laine fake smiled at Sammi. The way Laine spoke calmly, let me know she was just as nutty as my brother. They were meant to be.

  “Oh my gosh, Ish!” Sammi yelled for my cousin, knowing his ass was busy in the back.

  “Sam, get out my ear with that shit. He’ll be back in a little bit,” Chaz shook his head. Old voice of reason ass nigga.

  “My bad, Chaz. I just can’t stand your immature ass brother.”

  “Aight y’all, let’s play a guessing game. Sammi don’ sucked two out of the four niggas here dicks, and y’all gotta guess who,” I said, since she wanted to continue to talk shit.

  “Oh my gosh!” Cassie covered her mouth, and Laine kept her lips parted so she wouldn’t laugh, as my brothers groaned.

  “For real?” Ishmael appeared. “Aye, stop doing my girl like that, Kordell.”

  “Hard not to, my nigga.”

  “Take y’all damn money.” He tossed the checks to Chaz and I, and then helped Sammi up from the booth.

  All of us got out of the booth, and since Cassie drove and I didn’t, I convinced her to come back to the crib and chill. My dick was hard as a brick just thinking about fucking her.

  My brothers and I dapped one another up, and Ishmael was still mad at me about coming for hoe ass Sammi, so he didn’t say shit as he got into his truck. She was still a hoe though.

  “You are so mean to that girl. Your ass is mean period, but really to her,” Cassie chuckled once I got in her car on the passenger’s side.

  “I just don’t like when hoes try to act like they ain’t hoes. I mean shit, if I was a female and I was a hoe, I’d embrace that shit,” I palmed my chest.

  “I don’t think any woman wants to be looked at as a hoe, Kordell.” She hopped onto the freeway towards my crib after I directed her.

  “Then they shouldn’t do hoe shit. She dick hopping within one family and wanna act like she’s some damn angel.”

  “Yeah, I get it,” she nodded, and stared straight ahead as if she were in deep thought.

  We made it to my crib in Long Beach about twenty minutes later, after making small talk in the car. I had one thing on my mind for the night and I was hoping she wasn’t on any bullshit. I had plenty of bitches that were willing to come through at any time if she wasn’t with it though, thankfully.

  “I heard your parents live in Beverly Hills,” she said as she scanned my living room before sitting down. I chuckled subtly at her.

  “Yeah, they do. We grew up in Compton mainly, and then when I was around twelve years old, my father got us up out. My older brother stayed hanging out over in Compton though.”

  “Is that why he’s in a gang?”

  “Yeah. Come to my bedroom, it’s cold in here.”

  She looked at me and laughed, before grabbing her purse and walking to the back like she lived here.

  Cassie was fine as hell, even with them weird ass eyes. Her hair was long, and her body was banging, which were two of my requirements. I needed my bitch to have long hair for me to pull on, and a fat ass. Only other thing was having good pussy, and by the way she walked and carried herself, I’d bet every dime I had that she had some good good.

  Once we got comfortable on the bed, I cut some low music on to play in the background. Soft music always got the mood going. I didn’t have to do much to get pussy, but just in case she was hesitant, I was gonna give her that extra push.

  “It is warmer in here,” she nodded and gave me a shy smile.

  She didn’t seem like the timid type, but maybe that boisterous shit was a facade. I’d seen that shit plenty of times. A bitch will get me hype by telling me she gon’ sloppily suck
my dick upside down, then when I get her over here she can only lick the tip like a damn kitten.

  “Why you so far away?” I scooted closer to Cassie, adjusting the bulge in my jeans so I wouldn’t scare her away just yet.

  When I got up close and personal, she tensed up, like she was afraid of what I was going to do next. Furrowing my eyebrows for a second, I leaned into her face and pecked her very gently. Her lips were like butter, so I couldn’t help but to go back in for another.

  “Umm, how did y’all come up with the name Hunnit Boyz?” she asked nervously, trying to ruin the mood. I knew I was tall as fuck and muscular, but I wasn’t no damn body builder, nor was I that intimidating, so I wasn’t sure why she was doing this.

  “Our last name is Benjamin, like Benjamin Franklin. The nigga on the hundred-dollar bill.”

  “Ohhh,” she chuckled, but when she saw the seriousness in my face, it faded. “Stop, move.” She nudged me when I tried to lean in for another kiss, and then she climbed off my bed and grabbed her heels.

  “Wait? What did I do?” Again, my brows were dipped down between my eyes in confusion. “Hello? Cassie?” I quizzed to get her attention as I pushed my dreads from my face.

  “What do you think, I’m just some hoe that plans to fuck you the first night? You don’t even care to find out anything about me!”

  Not a hoe, but I was trying to fuck, I thought.

  “I uhhh… ummm—”

  “Of course, you think I’m some slut. I don’t know why I thought we could actually… never mind. You’re used to groupie bitches so I can’t even be mad. Umm, yeah, so I’m gonna go and just… we don’t have to talk anymore,” she rambled, tousling her hair every now and again nervously, while her eyes darted like she was searching for something.

  “Cassie, I—”

  “Bye. Thanks for inviting me to the show, it was fun.”


  “Just leave me alone!” she hollered over her shoulder.

  “Your purse, baby, you forgot your purse!” I got off the bed to grab it for her.

  Stopping in her tracks, she turned around and came back into my bedroom to get her heavy ass bag from me. Throwing it onto her shoulder, she switched to the door as I slipped my feet into my Nike slides.


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