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My Baby Is a West Coast King

Page 25

by Shvonne Latrice

  One thing I will say though, is that from the very beginning of our relationship, something was always off. Yes, I loved him and eventually became damn near obsessed, but there was always something missing. It just wasn’t big enough for me to break it off… at the time. That same feeling was starting to resurface, but it was much stronger this time around.

  “Morning,” I spoke to Chaz when he came back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

  His deep caramel complexion glistened under the water droplets as he swiped deodorant under his arms, causing his abs to flex. He watched me slip my panties up my thighs with his lips tucked in and eyes low. One thing that would never change was my attraction to my husband. He was the finest man walking these Los Angeles streets, and no one with eyesight could deny it.

  He still hadn’t replied to me, and while silent, he made his way over and picked me up roughly. Placing me on the dresser, he yanked my panties down my thighs as we kissed like we hadn’t seen one another in years.

  “Ah!” I gasped when he pushed his long thick dick inside of me. Since being pregnant, taking him seemed harder but the pleasure was still there for the most part.

  Locking my arms around his neck, I held on for dear life as he pumped in and out of me feverishly. Only a little while after, I was cumming so hard I had to grab a handful of his soft curly hair as my body trembled. He kept going, but I noticed his pumps got slower until he stopped altogether.

  “You okay?” I panted. He just closed his eyes and buried his face into my neck. At that moment, I felt his dick get soft.

  What the fuck?

  Pulling out of me, he left the bedroom and returned with two warm towels for us to clean up with. He wiped me with one, and then himself with the other before going to wash his hands and returning without saying a word.

  “Is something wrong, Chaz?” I inquired. He’d never gotten soft with me. I usually had to silently pray that he’d be done soon because he had such stamina. But hey, at least I got my orgasm.

  “Nah, I’m good.” He slipped his boxers up and then grabbed some jeans from the drawer before turning to me. “I thought you were off today.”

  “I was, but I decided to pick up a shift. I like to have the extra money in case something happens.”

  He just turned away and we both got dressed in silence. I was finished first, so I grabbed my purse and cell phone, before leaving the bedroom.

  “Aye.” He gripped my arm and pulled me in for a kiss. His big tall frame towered over me as he looked into my eyes for a few.

  “I have to go, Chaz.” I pulled my arm from him gently and left.

  I was running late, so I drove like a bat out of hell to my destination. Once I got to the doctor, I saw my friend Aidan waiting for me. I waved to Aidan, and then walked up to the front desk so that I could check in to the doctor.

  “Okay, thanks, we will have you come back in a moment, Mrs. Benjamin,” the nurse smiled as she pulled the clipboard down to type in my information. “Let me just get your insurance card for a copy.”

  I handed it over, and once she made the copy I got it back. Sighing, I turned on my heels to go and sit next to Aidan.

  “How are you?”

  “I’m okay, just a little bit tense,” I replied, nervously bouncing my leg.

  “Just relax. It’ll be over soon, and you’ll feel better about all this shit.”

  “You always make me feel better.”

  Aidan caressed my hand, and I just watched. When the nurse called my name to come back, I quickly pulled my hand away from Aidan’s, and then went to the back. The nurse took me to a room and closed the door behind herself before setting her clipboard on the counter.

  “Okay, Mrs. Benjamin, the doctor will be in shortly. I just need you to change into this gown with the open side to the back, and please remove everything, okay?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  “And you have someone to drive you home after the abortion, Mrs. Benjamin?”

  “Yes, I do. My friend is outside waiting on me.”

  “Great. See you in a bit,” she smiled and left the room.

  I always wanted to be a mother, but I knew now wasn’t a good time for Chaz and I to have a baby. He was stuck on becoming a rapper, and I was dealing with some issues. I didn’t want to be possibly tied to him forever even after a divorce, so it was best I got this done. He was gonna murder me in cold blood if I told him, so I would just pass it off as a miscarriage in order to save my life.


  I logged into my Facebook, took a quick picture, and then posted it with my location as being in New York, New York. I felt it in my gut that Miles was getting close to me, but hopefully that would throw him off. His ass being all the way over on the east coast would help me buy some time to figure out what I was gonna do about him. If he caught up with me, I honestly didn’t know what would happen. Miles was a lawyer so he could take my baby away or have me killed and get off for it. Truthfully, I didn’t know what his plans were for me and that’s what scared me the most.

  “You think this will work?” Laine questioned me as she, Erynne, and I sat in our room.

  “I surely hope so. Can you tell if a location check-in is fake?”

  They both shrugged so I let out a sigh. I closed my eyes and just prayed that God helped me get through this because Miles had me scared for my daughter and myself.

  As soon as I finished praying, my phone vibrated and I looked down to see it was Kordell. I was kind of hoping that it was Miles texting me to let me know he knew I was in ‘New York’.

  Kordell: Wanna see you.

  Me: Okay, come get me and we can go to my mother’s.

  I smiled at my phone, thinking about spending time with Kordell. It was official; I was head over heels in like with this trifling, ignorant muthafucka. I mean, he wouldn’t leave me the hell alone no matter how many times I’d asked, and no matter how mean I was to him. Every time I would tell him to get gone out of my damn life, he would laugh like it was a joke. A part of me felt like that was a glimpse into his crazy, but did that deter me? No. He was fine as hell, a blast to spend time with, my daughter wanted to marry his ass basically, and his dick game was extraordinary. Yes, I said extraordinary.

  “What are you smiling at?” Laine broke me from my trance. “Kordeellllll?” she sang as I playfully rolled my eyes and Erynne laughed.

  “Text from my mom.”

  I was scrolling through my photo stream, looking at all the pictures Kordell, Melody and I took at Mulligans. We looked like a for real family, and as cute as the pictures were, it made me feel some type of way.

  Even though I really liked Kordell, I didn’t see him as being the guy I would marry. I knew what we were doing was just for right now, and that was the main reason I didn’t want him to meet Melody. Months from now, he would probably be on to some other girl. Not to mention he had a baby on the way with his ex.

  Kordell: Outside.

  I got off the bed and grabbed my travel bag to take with me. I knew after spending time with Melody at my mom’s, I was gonna go home with Kordell, so I wanted to have all my shit.

  “See you guys tomorrow,” I said to Laine and Erynne. They both nodded as they continued their conversation.

  I made it outside and as I moved closer to Kordell’s car, he got out and opened the passenger side for me after throwing my bag into the back seat.

  “Where my kiss at?” he stood in the doorway, looking down at me.

  “Uh—” He bent down and pressed his soft lips against mine, so I just cupped his chin as we got into the kiss.

  Closing the door, he jogged around to the driver’s side. He got in, and once his loud ass rap music blared through the speakers, we were on our way to my mom’s in Long Beach.

  I had him park in the garage area, and then led him up inside where my mother was waiting for me so she could leave. She’d met some guy, and they’d been hanging pretty heavy.

  “Well,” her eyes lit up a
t the sight of Kordell as I closed the door behind us. “Carla,” she stuck her hand out to him.

  “Nice to meet you, I’m Kordell.”

  “Yes, I know—”

  “Delly!” Melody came running from the room in her onesie. He scooped her up as she giggled, and started tickling her little tummy.

  “Umm, excuse me. You speak to him before Mommy?” I looked up at her in his arms.

  “Sorry,” she laughed as he handed her over to me.

  “Kordell, it was very nice meeting you, handsome, but I have somewhere to be.” My mom left out, so we all sat down on the couch.

  We watched cartoon movies with Melody for a couple hours, and then I cooked some spaghetti for us. After Melody finished, I gave her a bath and then put her to bed.

  When I walked out of her room, I stopped by the bathroom because my bladder was going crazy. Once I relieved myself, I got up to wash my hands and my phone lit up. I saw Unknown flash across, but I didn’t answer. Soon after, a text from Miles came through.

  Unknown: Nice try bitch. I should be seeing you this weekend.


  I jumped at the sound of who I assumed was Kordell knocking on the door. Answering it, I stepped back when he barged in and locked the door.

  “Excuse me, I’m in here.”

  “You’re finished. I heard you washing your hands.”

  He threw me over the sink, and reached around the front of me to undo my shorts. After yanking them down to my ankles, he kissed between my legs from behind on his way up, biting my ass cheek along the way. I watched him through the mirror as he opened a condom and slid it down, then I inhaled deeply when I felt him push his thick rod inside of me.

  “Shit,” I whimpered lowly, gripping the sides of the sink.

  He started off slow, getting my pussy used to his size. Once I started to accept him more, he held my waist tightly in his big hands, as he pummeled me from behind. I tucked my lips in to muffle my screams, allowing the sound of our bodies clashing together to take over.

  “Ahhh, ahhh,” I cried, unable to stifle my moans any longer.

  Kordell went faster, keeping eye contact with me through the mirror as he pounded me from behind. I had no control right now, and could only stand there and take the dick down that he was delivering. I released, gushing all over him, but he kept beating it up from behind like I hadn’t.

  “Fuck, shit,” he grumbled, going even faster, as his dick seemed to get even harder.

  As soon as he spanked me, he delivered a few more deep thrusts before cumming so hard he fell onto me with his big ass.

  “Kordell,” I whined, feeling like he was about to crush every bone in my body. His abs were prodding my back.

  “Shut up,” he growled lowly, making me smile.

  He lifted up off of me a little bit, and then craned his neck around so he could kiss me hungrily. If he kept giving it to me like this, I may actually want to be his girlfriend. It sounded good but it was a terrible idea.

  Chapter Ten: Erynne

  Few days later…

  “Thank you for taking me even though you don’t approve,” I looked over at Laine once we pulled up in front of the Renaissance Hotel in Long Beach.

  “I don’t agree with whatever it is you’re doing with this nigga, but I love you so I’m not going to just turn my back.”

  “We haven’t even done anything really. This is all so weird. We usually just talk, and he will flirt a little bit and so will I, but nothing too much.”

  “Y’all haven’t fucked?” she turned in her seat to face me.


  “Not even the night after his show? I thought you guys went to a hotel.”

  “We did. And okay, we didn’t have sex, but he used his fingers on me. I haven’t done that shit since my twelfth-grade year of high school. It was never that good though,” I reminisced, as Laine chuckled softly.

  Chaz was good with his hands, very good. I had never cum so hard from someone fingering me. It was like he went in, knowing exactly where my G-spot was, and just worked it.

  “And what about his wife? You don’t care about how she possibly feels?”

  “I mean, yeah, I do, Laine. But to be honest, she doesn’t seem like she cares about him that much. She’s never at his shows or anything.”

  “So what, Erynne! That’s like saying someone doesn’t care about their girlfriend or wife because you don’t see them on social media.”

  “Like I said, we haven’t done anything. I want to, but I know it’s wrong so I don’t push him. And I can tell he’s a good guy which is why he’s so conflicted. Any other nigga would have fucked me already and slept like a baby next to their wife at night.”

  “I agree. Chaz is a good guy, even though he’s stepping out.”

  “Alright, I will see you later. We’re not staying. He said he just wanted to talk to me.”

  “Okay. I’m gonna go to Starbucks around the corner to answer some emails. Text me and I will come back to get you, okay?”

  “Thanks.” I hugged and kissed Laine, and then got out of the car to go into the hotel.

  I had no idea what Chaz wanted to talk to me about, but a small tiny part of me was hoping he was calling me here to tell me he didn’t want to be with his wife anymore. I wasn’t trying to marry the guy, or even be his girlfriend just yet, but I didn’t like dating him while he was married. Then again, I guess it wouldn’t be fair for me to ask him to leave his wife to simply court me with no guarantees. But who am I kidding? I for sure wanted to be his girlfriend.

  I checked my texts to make sure I had the right room number, and then knocked on the door lightly. He answered almost immediately, and by the look on his face, he wasn’t too happy.

  “Hello,” I spoke lowly as I walked in and sat on the couch in the living area of the hotel.

  “Sup,” he replied, closing the door behind me.

  When he came and sat next to me, his cologne hit me in the face. He always smelled so good and looked so clean. He was never ashy or bearing chapped lips. There was nothing like a rough guy who still knew how to take care of himself. These days, if you wanted a man without ashy elbows and dirty fingernails, you had to get a dude that was damn near gay.

  “I’ve decided I’m gonna move out here. I have to work my job one more month though, and during that time, Laine is gonna find a place for she, Cassie, and I to move into.”

  It was quiet between us so I decided to say something to break the ice. We usually had plenty to say to one another, so his hushed attitude had me on edge.

  “Erynne, we can’t be cool anymore.”

  “What? Why?”

  This was not what the hell I was expecting.

  “I like you, I’m gonna be honest. I like you a whole fucking lot. You’re beautiful, smart, and you’re like a breath of fresh air to me. But at the end of the day, baby girl, I’m married. I made a vow in front of God to my wife, and I can’t break it.”

  “Chaz, we can at least be just friends,” I whined. I loved having him in my life. He was a breath of fresh air for me too, and just the thought of going back to Chicago without having him to talk to sounded dreadful.

  “I can’t be your friend, Erynne, and I don’t want to be your friend. I can’t even look at you without getting a fuckin’ hard on. Look,” he pointed to the crotch of his jeans, and sure enough it was raised slightly.

  “We don’t have to see one another, we can just talk on the phone every now and then.” I felt pitiful.

  He fell back against the couch and rubbed his hand over his short-tapered curls, before scratching his low-cut beard. He was the most handsome nigga ever. I watched as his biceps seemed to flex in his plain white t-shirt, while he contemplated his next sentence.

  “Talking to you is the main thing that has me so damn into you, baby. Your physical is phenomenal, but I’m most attracted to your mind. Talking to you would be worst than just having to look at you.”

  “Chaz, you have—”
/>   “I couldn’t even fuck my wife the other day. Do you know how terrible that shit is? My dick got soft in the middle of me fucking my wife, the woman I’m supposed to love forever, Erynne.” He was refusing to look at me straight on at this point. “Last night I tried again, and the only reason I made it to the end was because I thought of you. I thought about you while I was making love to my damn wife.” He shook his head and chuckled angrily at himself. His tone was dripping with disappointment, and I realized I needed to back off.

  “I understand.”

  “And honestly, you deserve better than what I’m attempting to put you through.”

  “I know.”

  “Good, and don’t let a nigga make you forget it. You deserve to be someone’s one and only, and as bad as I want to be the one that gets to claim you, I can’t.”

  I nodded, having nothing to say really.

  “I guess I better go then.”

  “Do you need a ride or—”

  “No, Laine is just around the corner.” I shot her a text to come get me.

  “Aight. Well, enjoy the rest of your day.”

  Again, I nodded, fearing my voice would crack if I spoke.

  I quickly left out, and for some reason, a tear fell from my eye. I would get over this though. I didn’t even know him like that…


  I pulled up to the homie Tenny’s crib, and locked my gun onto my waist. I had no plans on shooting a nigga tonight, but if it came down to it, then so be it.

  Tenny was a producer like myself, who was pretty hot in Los Angeles as well. He let me know that Cardio had been working with him recently, which I knew he was doing because he was salty about what that label told him.


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