Darkblood Academy: Book Two: Supernatural Slayer Squad
Page 15
“Yes, thank goodness for that,” Cillian interjected, his eyes locked on Ryder.
Ack, he totally knows. I shifted in my seat to put a little distance between my instructor and me.
Draven rose, clearing his throat. “If that’s all you need from me, I must be on my way.”
“Thank you for coming, Draven,” said Garrix, offering his hand. Instead of a normal handshake, they did some sort of weird forearm holding thing. The old sorcerer bowed his head. “I live to serve.” In a whirl of flowing purple fabric, he disappeared out the door.
“Well, that certainly was enlightening.” Garrix rubbed at his smooth chin.
“Why don’t you want the rest of the Coven Council to know about me?” I’d been wondering why my father was so dead set on keeping this a secret.
“Because people fear what they don’t know, and mostly they fear power. I don’t want you to become a target, not until you’ve fully come into your abilities and can protect yourself.”
A dark thought crept into my mind. Was that why Luxora wanted me? Did she know about my warlock-ness somehow? I gulped. Why couldn’t I just have been a plain old witch?
Chapter 20
“I’m really not comfortable with this,” I whisper-hissed at my father.
“Luna, there’s no other way to control your skinwalking ability than to practice it. I can’t take you off property every time.”
I craned my neck around the tree and stared at the rabbit scampering across the newly fallen snow. Only the cute little creature wasn’t just a bunny, she was a rabbit shifter named Ruby, and we’d trailed her all the way out into the middle of the woods.
“This is the perfect chance, Luna. I’ll force her to shift back, and you can jump in.”
I shook my head; it felt wrong. “I promised Cillian I wouldn’t use my powers on any of the students.”
“She’s alone, and no one will ever know,” he pressed. “I’ll wipe her memory clean once we’ve finished.” He placed his hands on my shoulders and forced me to face him. “Luna, you must learn to control this power. Once you’ve mastered it, you don’t ever have to do it again if you don’t like it.”
The problem was I did like it. And that’s what scared me. Over the past week, I’d taken over the unsuspecting bodies of a seelie, a sprite and a troll. I’d never felt so free in my life. Occupying someone else’s body was like being invisible, and the heady sensations that came with it were addicting.
Now Garrix insisted I try other types of supes besides the neighboring Fae. So here we were, skulking in the forest stalking my prey. My skin puckered in anticipation, every nerve ending on edge.
“All right, let’s get this over with.”
“Good girl.” Garrix emerged from between the trees, and the little bunny’s ears twitched. Before it could run, purple light shot from his fingertips, immobilizing the terrified rabbit. “Transformarem!” he shouted, hands still splayed out.
The fuzzy creature began to vibrate, its legs stretching out and torso expanding. Its long brown ears shrank down as its tawny fur began to recede. I blinked, and a very naked Ruby cowered in the middle of the clearing.
I hid behind the tree like a big coward, guilt tearing at my insides. Garrix slowly walked toward her, hands raised. “It’s okay, little one. No one is going to hurt you.” He snapped his fingers and clothes covered her naked form.
Something like a smile began to cross Ruby’s trembling lips when he uttered, “Dormite.” Her eyes closed and before she hit the snowy ground, Garrix wrapped his arms around her, keeping her up right. He turned toward the tree line where I still lurked behind the massive pine. “She’s all yours, Luna.”
Curling my fingers into tight little fists, I stalked over. “This is the last time I’m using a student.”
“Yes, of course. Whatever you say.”
I focused my energy on the girl’s limp form, and goose bumps rippled over my skin. My flesh itched, like a million spider legs crawled over every inch of me. I felt the familiar pull and then the rip as my essence became untethered from my insides.
I floated over my own body for a second before diving into hers. My spirit filled her being, swirling into every corner. Even her insides were warm and fuzzy. The incessant guilt ratcheted up a notch. How would I like it if someone invaded my body?
Feeling returned, and I realized I was still slumped against Garrix. I peeled myself off him and took Ruby’s legs for a spin. The magic within her pulsed. It wasn’t as strong as some of the others I’d been in, but it was a rush nonetheless.
Garrix looked on, something like pride flashing across his vivid cobalt eyes. “Now I’d like for you to practice shifting while in her form.”
“That’s why you picked her?”
He nodded. “I figured it would be an easy one to start with. Dragons, wolves, lions and bears are a bit more challenging.”
Yikes, I couldn’t imagine myself as any of those creatures. Oooh, but I could fly as a dragon. My heart raced at the thought. This was exactly why skinwalking was bad. It was too tempting, the power much too seductive.
“Whenever you’re ready.”
I searched for the source of her magic and found a brilliant white orb at her center. It was shiny and pure, like the emotions floating inside her. I wondered what my magic looked like. Something told me it wouldn’t be this untainted white.
Reaching out for it, my own magic wrapped around the glowing circle. Our powers combined, filling my chest like a balloon.
“Now shift,” Garrix instructed.
Right. I turned my thoughts inward and focused on the image of the furry little rabbit. It only took a second for my body to react. My insides quivered, and a thousand tiny earthquakes shook my core. My bones contracted and began to bend and reshape. A scream tore from my lips as cracks reverberated up and down my spine. Holy, shift! This hurt like hell. My body screamed at me to stop, and I nearly gave in as darkness edged in.
“You’re almost there, Luna. Don’t give up!” Garrix’s voice grounded me, and I bit back the pain.
Scorching heat blazed through my veins, lighting my blood on fire. I wanted to scream again, but instead a strange little squeak escaped my furry lips. My eyes widened as all the sounds and smells of the forest intensified. My nose twitched, and white whiskers fluttered in my peripheral vision.
I pushed off my back legs and bounded through the snow, my thick coat protecting me from the icy chill. I raced around in a wide circle across the clearing, vaguely aware of Garrix’s watchful eye. My little rabbit heart raced, its rapid beats much faster than my normal human one. It was exhilarating.
I sprinted past Garrix into the encroaching tree line as the scents of the forest called to me. Mice scurried across the fallen foliage, and strange insects sounded their tune across the tranquility.
A dark shadow darted across my peripheral vision, and my head spun to the left. My sharp eyes focused on the thick copse of trees surrounding me, but nothing stirred. Who knew what kind of woodland creatures roamed these woods? The last thing I needed was to be made into a bunny shish kebab.
The hairs on the back of my neck bristled, my rabbit senses on overload. There was a predator in the area, and I was its prey. I knew it with every fiber of my bunny being.
I scampered back through the woods as fast as my legs could go. Relief set in the moment I reached the clearing to find Garrix. I didn’t waste a moment to shift back into my human self—or Ruby’s anyway.
The transformation wasn’t as painful this time. The crunching bones and stretching tendons didn’t feel like the raging fire of last. At least I didn’t scream anyway. Not until I found myself naked in the middle of the frosty winter. I wrapped my arms around my bare torso until Garrix zapped me with some new clothes.
That was embarrassing.
“Well done,” said Garrix once I’d composed myself.
“Thanks.” I glanced back at the darkening woods, a chill scurrying up my spin
e. “I thought I saw something out there following me.”
He scanned the tree line and frowned. “It could’ve been a wild animal.”
“That’s reassuring. Maybe next time we should try something a little less prey and slightly more predator.”
His eyes sparkled. “I was only waiting for you to ask.”
“But not at the academy, Garrix. I happen to like living here, and I don’t want to get kicked out for blatantly disobeying Cillian’s rules.”
He waved his hand and tsked. “That guardian angel would never force you out. It’s not in his nature. He’ll protect you with his life for as long as your sister holds his heart.”
A twinge of sadness pierced my chest. Poor Cillian had never really gotten over Kimmie-Jayne. I hoped one day he would find the happiness he deserved.
I glanced at my vacated body, leaning against a tree. It was still surreal. “I’m hopping back in.” I pointed at me but not me. “I want to head inside, I’m pretty tired.”
“Fine. You did very well today, and you expended a lot of magical energy. You should be exhausted.”
The trudge back to the academy was a quiet one. All the thoughts that clamored in my mind provided me with more than enough company. My father, too, seemed wrapped up with his own concerns. Spending the past week training with him had been nice—weird, but nice. Kimmie-Jayne had been right about it not being easy to get to know him. Though we’d spent a considerable amount of time together, I couldn’t say I’d learned much about him.
We reached the back door of the dormitory building, and Garrix stopped as I yanked it open. “This is as far as I go today,” he said. “I have an important Cabinet meeting in two hours. The decision granting supernaturals the right to vote is coming up soon, and the situation is rather tense in the human world.”
I cursed myself for not keeping up with human politics. With everything going on here, it was the last thing on my mind. And given my position in the supe slayer squad that wasn’t smart. Just because we hadn’t been called out to fight again didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen soon. Especially now with our new dragon, Zephyr, firmly in the mix.
I leaned against the thick door, and Ms. Mikalson caught my eye. She stood in the corridor talking with Desmond, flipping her silky brunette hair. Ugh. I still hated her for some reason, even after Ryder had shot her down. A smile crawled across my lips at the memory.
“Who is that?” Garrix asked, tearing my thoughts back to the present.
Figures my father would ask. Every male in Azar seemed hopeless to her charms. “That’s Ms. Mikalson, she’s the Demons and Fiends teacher.”
“Hmm. I see.”
Her gaze swiveled toward us for a moment before returning to Des.
“Nevertheless, I must be going. I will come again as soon as I can, but the next week will be rather important, and I don’t see myself being able to get away.”
A flutter of disappointment flickered inside, but I pushed it down. He’d been spending a lot of time with me, and I did appreciate that. “Okay. Thanks for today.”
“You’ve come a long way in a short time, Luna. I’m very pleased with your progress.”
I opened my mouth to say thank you again, but he disappeared in a puff of hazy violet smoke. Shaking my head, I stepped inside, the warmth immediately heating up my chilly skin.
Ms. Mikalson lowered her voice as I approached, and Des glanced at me over his shoulder. The hair on my nape stood on end.
My feet picked up the pace of their own accord, darting by the odd pair. Des wasn’t even in her class. What could they be whispering about?
I hurried up the winding staircase to the seventh floor, my legs burning by the time I reached the top. Man, I really had used a lot of energy between the skinwalking and shifting. With all the training I did, the stairs were usually a breeze.
Turning the corner to the main corridor, a group of Fae girls crowded around an unmistakable head of platinum hair. I groaned. I’d been avoiding Drake since the night of the celebratory party after the big race. I’d skipped out on all of our one-on-one training sessions and ignored him in class. It had proven fairly effective so far.
I lowered my head as I passed by the prince’s Fae harem, thanking the stars I hadn’t been caught alone with him in the hallway. I made it a few yards past the giggling gaggle of girls and released the breath I’d been holding.
“Luna, wait!” Drake’s rushed footsteps echoed behind me.
I didn’t stop, practically sprinting to my dorm. Please, let Scarlett be home. I turned the knob, but no luck. Argh! I scrambled for my keys and finally finding them, jiggled the key in the lock, cursing each second that allowed Drake to get closer.
I shoved the door open and darted in, but as I attempted to slam it shut, a hand stopped me.
“Luna, please.”
Flipping faeries!
“What?” I poked my head through the crack and shot him a narrowed glare. “You want me to pretend to be your girlfriend again so your little devoted entourage will keep groveling at your royal feet?”
He hissed through clenched teeth. “I’m sorry, okay?”
My eyes widened. “Did the great prince just apologize to a lowly human?”
“Yes, and he meant it. Or I mean, I meant it.” He raked his hand through his hair, setting off all the spikes. “It was stupid, and I never should’ve done it. I guess I didn’t really think about the consequences. Most girls like it when I kiss them.” A smirk tugged at his perfect lips.
I rolled my eyes and grunted. “Maybe it’s different when it actually means something.”
“It rarely means anything to me.” He shrugged and leaned against the doorjamb.
“Oh my faeries, you are unbelievable!”
My door swung open, and Ryder’s dark form filled the entryway. His tight black shirt and navy jeans hugged every flawless curve of his muscles, and I had to tear my eyes away before I started mentally undressing him. His gaze bounced from me to Drake and back before he closed his fingers around Drake’s arm and shoved him inside my dorm, slamming the door behind them.
“Please, both of you come right in,” I deadpanned.
Ryder pointed at me then at Drake. “Whatever is going on between you two has to stop now. Kiss and make up or end it. Do whatever it is you have to do to fix things.”
“We’re not—”
Ryder raised his hand, cutting me off. “I don’t want to hear it. We’re a team, a very powerful one and we can’t let personal issues get in the way. I know you two haven’t been practicing, and I can see the difference, Luna.” He eyed Drake. “And you… Raine won’t even look at you so I can only imagine the two of you are on your off phase.” He threw his hands in the air and growled. “Do I have to forbid relationships among the squad now? I don’t want to do that, but I will if you guys can’t figure this out.”
“We’ll figure it out,” muttered Drake.
Ryder speared me with his black gaze. “Luna?”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.”
“Good. I expect both of you to be back to training on your regular schedule by tomorrow.” He paused and worried at his lower lip before fixing his attention on me once again. “And that goes for us too. I expect to see you in the training room this evening.”
“Fine,” I gritted out through clenched teeth.
He stomped out, dragging Drake with him, and I sank onto my bed. As if uncontrollable magic and skinwalking wasn’t enough, I had to deal with my messy love life too.
Chapter 21
“This is it, you guys. Think of it as your end of the semester final exam.” Ryder loomed in front of us with his arms crossed over his chest. Beside him stood Logan.
It was the first time I’d seen the gargoyle guardian since Madison Square Garden. His mere presence had my mind flashing to that terrible day. My heart constricted as Ash’s vacant-eyed stare filled my vision.
“I know we haven’t been on a mission since… the last one
,” said Ryder, drawing me away from my dark thoughts. “But it’s essential we carry on with your training. The unexpected Luna rescue from a few weeks back went off without a hitch, and there’s no reason this one will be any different. That was completely unplanned, but this we’ll be ready for.”
“It will be cake compared to New York City,” said Logan. “A few rogue vamps and weres have been terrorizing a small town in the Valley outside Los Angeles.”
“Shifters?” Triston balked.
“I’m afraid so,” the gargoyle answered. “It’s not only the demons anymore.”
“Do you think Luxora is behind this too?” asked Drake.
Logan and Ryder exchanged a glance I didn’t like one bit. “Hard to say at this point.”
Ryder’s jaw clenched and his forearms pressed tighter against his chest, making his biceps twitch. “There are rumblings that my sister has expanded her reach into the other houses of Azar.”
“We’ve been keeping a close eye on the Underworld,” explained Logan. “So she’s been forced to search elsewhere for hired help.”
“But why would the other supes help her?” I asked.
“You want to field that one, Ryder?”
“Sure. It’s not only the Underworld that’s unhappy with the current restrictions on entering the human world. Others would like to move more freely as well. And unfortunately, not all of their motives are benign ones.”
“The Etrian Assembly has been under a lot of pressure to loosen the restrictions of inter-realm travel,” the gargoyle guardian explained. “They’ve been working closely with the American president, but he’s leery about opening the borders any further.”
I nearly flinched at the mention of my father. It was easy to forget that only a select few knew of the president’s true identity. “It makes sense,” I interjected. “Humans are no match for supes, and the attacks have already been ramping up. Why would they let more of them in?”
“You mean us,” snapped Raine.