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Skyscraper Cinderella

Page 27

by K. Webster

  “You have it all figured out,” I deadpan, feigning a boredom Winston would be proud of.

  Leo pulls out one of the Starbursts he stole from me. Slowly, he unwraps it and holds it up in front of me. “Lick it.”

  “Fuck you,” I snarl, shoving at his immovable form.

  He grips my jaw making me shriek. “Lick.”

  With tears threatening, I stick my tongue out. He makes a perverted show of rubbing the candy all over the tip of my tongue before he tosses the red square into his own mouth. His hand lets go of my face and he grins.

  “Yummy,” he says, his dark eyes flashing with evil intent as he chews on the candy. “Back to what I was saying before you started being a bitch.” I flinch as he continues. “Find out why he’s so fucking obsessed with that building. None of his family members or friends work there. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “Maybe he just likes fucking with you,” I throw back, because it seems like a Winston thing to do.

  “Maybe,” he agrees with a shrug, swallowing the Starburst. “Regardless, I want to know what has his dick so hard when it comes to my building. It’s like he’s waiting for something. All of it was too easy, and I don’t buy it that he sold it to protect you. I just don’t.”

  Gee, thanks, asshole.

  “So that was the deal?” I ask, lifting a brow, channeling my inner What Would Winston Do? vibes. “You got to buy the building if you left me alone?”

  “Seems too easy, right?”

  “Seems like you reneged on your end of the deal,” I spit out at him. “Accosting me and threatening me is not leaving me alone.”

  He barks out a surprised laugh. “Nothing gets by you, sweetheart, does it? What Winston doesn’t know won’t hurt him. But, if you tell him, I will hurt you.” He steps closer, his dark eyes falling to my lips, the scent of cherry Starburst strong on his breath. “You like a little pain, though, right? From the videos I’ve watched many, many times, I’d say you do.”

  My skin heats at his words, but I refuse to let this man make me cower. “I’ll try and find out why he loves that building.” I’ll say anything to him in order to get the hell out of the bathroom and back to safety.

  “Trying isn’t good enough. Find out for sure. Use your persuasive womanly abilities. It’s evident you hold some kind of power over the great Winston Constantine. All I’m asking is for you to wield it.” He smirks. “To help a friend.”

  “You’re not my friend, fuckface.”

  “If you get me what we need, we could be. Trust me, pretty girl, you need a Morelli friend if you plan to make it in this world.”

  “So the Mannford triplets are your friends?” I demand, pinning him with a glare. “I can assure you, Morelli, I have no desire to be friends with anyone those psychopaths associate with.”

  He stares at me for a beat and then holds out his palm. “Give me your phone.”

  “You already stole the last one,” I exclaim, tears pricking at my eyes. “I haven’t even done anything with the new one yet!”

  “Stop throwing a tantrum,” he bites out, “and give me your phone. I’m adding a contact, not stealing it. When I call, you best answer. I wouldn’t want to have to accidentally leak those filthy pictures of you to the press.”

  The thought of my indiscretions with Winston becoming front page news for all to see has bile rising in my throat. It’ll ruin everything. His career, our relationships with our families, my future and college. This sort of thing is a stain on your reputation you can’t erase. I hate that Leo and his minion triplets are able to hold such power over me.

  I yank my phone from my purse, unlock it, and shove it against his chest. His dark chuckle chills my blood as he adds in the contact. He hands it back to me, and I notice it’s my old number with the contact name: Answer Me.

  “Why are you working with the triplets?” I demand as I throw my phone back into my purse. “Tell me.”

  He sneers at me. “The triplets are working for me. Not the other way around. As soon as you accept the Morellis run the show around here, the better. I’d love nothing more than to drag you into my world and show you what darkness and power really look like. Don’t fucking tempt me.”

  I shudder at his words. The filthy, devious intent is written all over his face. I’ve only got eyes for one villainous bastard. The rest can go to hell.

  “Why?” Despite my trembling in fear, I don’t back down from my need for answers.

  “Why not?” he throws back. “They want you, and I want Constantine. It seems the two of you are a package deal right now.”

  I sense there’s more to it, but he’s not offering anything up.

  “Are we done?” I seethe, glowering at him.

  “Find out why he wants my building, and answer my call when it comes.”

  “Heard you loud and clear the first time.”

  He studies me long enough to have me withering under his hard stare, and then he nods. “Talk soon, pretty girl.”

  I scramble out of the stall and the bathroom so quickly I nearly stumble over my feet. Rushing over to the elevator bank, I press on the button, hoping the doors will open soon.


  I whip my head to the right, surprised to see Nate striding down the hall toward me. His expression is one of suspicion.

  “What are you doing on my floor?” he demands.

  I can’t control the shiver that rattles its way down my spine. “I, uh, accidentally got off on the wrong stop.”

  He narrows his eyes, glancing past me down the hallway. “Since when do you not know the floor you work on?”

  “Since today,” I snap back. “Jesus, Nate, I wasn’t paying attention. Get off my back already.”

  He clenches his jaw. “Does Winston know you’re servicing more than just him?”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  I can handle Nate wrongly thinking I’m fucking someone else because Winston knows that’s not true. What worries me is Nate finding out about Leo Morelli. Until I can figure out a way to get Leo off my back, I don’t need Nate meddling. He already hates me. If Nate found out Leo was manipulating me into getting information on Winston, there’s no telling what he’d say or do to put a wedge between us.

  “We all know you’re nothing more than a gold-digging plaything who happens to have grabbed my best friend’s attention for a hot minute. Nothing more, Ash. Just a paid-for service.”

  I smack his smug face as the elevator doors open. Storming inside, I try to ignore him as I stab the button to the correct floor. He follows me inside, rubbing at his cheek.

  “He may not see things clearly at the moment,” Nate says, his voice low, “but I assure you, I’ll make sure he does before it’s all said and done. I won’t let you waltz in and fuck everything up because Winston is enamored by young pussy. I’ll expose you for everything you are and send your leech ass packing.”

  I’m sick and tired of all these assholes threatening me.

  “Does Winston know you try and chase away his young pussy every time he turns his back?” I grin when he flinches, since I clearly hit a nerve. “Stay the fuck away from me, and don’t ever threaten me again.”

  “Or what?” he demands. “You’ll tell your sugar daddy on me?”

  “That’s exactly what I’ll do.”

  He grabs my bicep. “You’re the flavor of the month. I’m his friend since prep school.”

  “You don’t warm his bed at night like I do,” I hiss, yanking my arm out of his grip, “which means this young pussy has the upper hand and pulls rank.”

  Fury burns in his eyes. I’m saved by the opening of the elevator doors to our floor. I leave Nate behind, and stride through the lobby of the office, making a beeline straight for Winston’s door. I could tattle like Nate suspected I would, but I’m not about to make Winston choose between a lifelong friend and me. Besides, I’m not sure I could face it if he didn’t choose me like I so smugly insinuated he would if forced to. Contrary to what Nate thinks
, I’m not trying to pull a fast one on Winston or get to his fortune. Sure, the money is nice, but I’m in too deep with Winston. Based on his fierce need to protect me and his damn near obsession when it comes to me, I’d like to say he feels the same. Even without the money to tether us together, we’d still be bound by an undeniable connection between us.

  I have to believe that.

  One thing’s for sure, though.

  I’ve had enough of bossy assholes for one day.

  “You’re late, Cinderelliott,” Winston growls, making me smile with relief as I push through the door into his office.

  I only have room for one bossy asshole. The others can all go to hell.

  “Good morning to you too, boyfriend.”



  “A word, big man?” Nate darts his gaze to Ash. “Alone?”

  Her brows furl, and a brief flicker of worry glitters in her eyes. She quickly schools the expression and smiles at me. “I’ll go check to see if Perry needs any help.”

  I nod at him and check out Ash’s cute ass as she exits my office. Nate closes the door behind him, hiding us from prying ears.

  This should be interesting.

  “Let me guess,” I deadpan. “You’re here to tell me I’m too close to her and you want to protect my fortune from her greedy little paws?”

  His jaw clenches. “I’m that transparent, huh?”


  He sighs and takes a seat across from me, running his fingers through his gelled hair. It’s a mannerism he’s had for as long as I can remember. Dating back as far as prep school when we both played rugby. If the score was too close for comfort, he’d rake his fingers through his hair as the worry ate him alive.

  Question is, why is he letting my life worry him to death?

  “Listen,” he murmurs as he studies me. “She’s just not who you think she is.”

  I arch a brow, waiting for him to continue.

  “She has secrets.”

  “Don’t we all, Nate?”

  “Hers could negatively impact you.” He throws a hand in the air. “Don’t look at me like that, Win. I’ve been your best friend for fucking forever. Sometimes, your eyes are so focused on the prize, you forget to take a look at the world around you.”

  “Serves me quite well, don’t you think?” I challenge, coolly darting my eyes over my office, indicating all that I’ve achieved. “You’ve watched me rake in the money for Halcyon in a way my father never could. If I’m such a shrewd, focused man, how is it you’d think I’d let a little girl crawl into my world on her hands and knees and wreck everything for me?”

  “I know you’re not stupid. I just worry. Ever since…”

  He trails off, leaving Meredith’s name unspoken but no less impactful. It’s because of her, though, that I know better than to let my dick and heart call the shots. The Constantine mind is what moves mountains around here.

  “We’ve been over this. Ash is a plaything. I’m not sure why you think there’s more.”

  “You bought her a car, a wardrobe, and fuck knows what else, man. And then I overhear Deborah arranging to have an apartment set up for an employee, which has to be her because you sure as hell never bought me an apartment. When does it end? The pussy can’t be that good.”

  “The pussy is fantastic if you must know.”

  “Enough to put a ring on her finger?”

  “What is it with you people and your obsession with marriage? I’m not marrying Ash. We’ve beat this horse to death.”

  “I’m sorry,” he grumbles. “I’m overstepping, but I wouldn’t be your best friend if I didn’t look out for you. You’ve helped me out of all my fuckups over the years. Forgive me for wanting to be there for yours.”

  I chuckle at him. “I have the money and means to erase my fuckups, but I do appreciate your concern.”

  “Well, now that that’s cleared up, want to go out for drinks tonight?”

  Not really, but sometimes duty calls.

  “Certainly. Let me just clear it with my girlfriend first.” I smirk at him when his eyes widen in shock. “Oh, that’s right. I don’t have one. As much as Mother would love to marry me off to a rich European princess or heiress to a fortune that rivals ours, I’m not biting.”

  He leans in and flashes me a devilish grin. “Speaking of financially compatible matches, I heard Layla Reynard’s on the market. Her husband passed away, and she inherited everything. Your mother would be so proud.” His eyes gleam. “Not to mention, Layla never got knocked up by Reynard, so her tits and ass are still fine as fuck.”

  “You go from defending my honor against a poor teenager to trying to pimp me out to someone we went to prep school with and is probably still mourning the loss of her husband. Never cease to amaze me, old friend.”

  “Fine, maybe I’ll hook up with Layla, because we both know Reynard was probably a terrible lay. She’s probably desperate for some good dick, which I could provide. That would make Mommy Constantine proud.” He winks at me. “But your mom might be so impressed she’ll also want some good dick—”

  “Finish that sentence and I swear to god I will strangle you with your own tie.”

  He laughs, and I shake my head at him. Always trying to get a rise out of me. Asshole.

  “Seriously, though, man. Layla doesn’t need your money. Someone like her would fit into your world. Hell, she’d probably be so happy with the security and future you’d provide that she wouldn’t care about your side piece in a whore’s apartment.”

  Ash and Nate call it a whore’s apartment.

  I call it protecting my investment.

  “Drinks. After work. The two of us. Don’t try and set me up with anyone, dickhead. Now get out of my office and actually earn your keep around here.”

  Satisfied and looking much less stressed on my behalf, he stands and gives me a nod. “I’ll have Deborah set up a lunch through Layla’s assistant. So you two can catch up. When you’re swimming in more money at your wedding, you can thank me.”

  “I like to make it and spend it, not swim in it. Go, before I hire someone ten times more qualified than you at half the price.”

  He laughs all the way out of my office.

  As soon as he’s gone, Deborah peeks in to let me know the apartment keys will be ready later that afternoon. Before she leaves, I make an impulsive decision.

  “I’d like for you to set a lunch up for me one day soon,” I say, straightening my tie and boring my stare into her. “Layla Reynard.”

  Her smile kicks up on one side. “Already one step ahead of you. Nate said you might be interested in meeting with her.”

  Meddling bastard.

  “Interested might be a stretch. Necessary is more like it. That is all.”

  She vacates my office, and I suck in a steadying breath. Though it annoys me Nate pries and thinks he has a say over who I fuck, he’s right. Ash is a plaything. Nothing more than a distraction from all the hard work I do. We’re a transaction. I pay her, and she performs. The fucking end. There’s no room in my life for love or commitment.

  The only thing of value to me is my name and the stacks of endless green bills that we sit on high above everyone in the sky. It’s unfortunate Ash will one day come to understand that, but it will be inevitable. As inevitable as the day Mother talks me into marrying someone of our caliber to strengthen and solidify our fortune.

  As a Constantine, duty is required of me.

  What I pay for behind closed doors is the reward I give myself for doing my part in this family.

  * * *

  “This is yours.” I walk into Perry’s office where Ash is planted in a chair beside him, the two of them looking at something on his computer. “You’re welcome.”

  Perry stares at the key on his desk, a frown of confusion marring his features. Ash, however, knows exactly what this is.

  “I told you I don’t want that,” she snips, her neck turning splotchy red.

Her embarrassment is cute, and I’d love to exploit it if I weren’t annoyed at her stubbornness.

  “It doesn’t matter what you want.” I shove the key toward her, leaning over the desk to glower at her. “You’ll take it, and you’ll use it. It’s yours.”

  “Your condo key?” Perry asks, making me wince.

  “No,” I clip out. “It’s for an apartment. Her own apartment. So she doesn’t have to worry about those douchebags retaliating for her playing bumper cars with their Audis and then telling her daddy that they’re monsters.”

  “Smart thinking,” Perry says with a nod of his head. “Those dickheads—”

  “It’s a whore’s apartment.” Her voice is shrill as she trembles with anger that’s unfairly now pointed at Perry. “I thought I could at least count on you to side with me.”

  “He’s my brother. Why in the hell would he side with you?” I pin her with a dark stare. “We’re Constantines and you’re—”

  “The paid help. Yes, Win, you’ve made that abundantly clear.” She stands up and starts past the desk, but I step in her way, not allowing her to throw her tantrum alone.

  “Move, asshole.”

  “I’m the asshole,” I growl, “for getting you an apartment to keep you safe? You’re being a brat, and you know it.”

  She crosses her arms over her chest and glares up at me, her hazel eyes gleaming in defiance. Only Ash fucking Elliott would throw a fit over something like this. The girl will let me toss thousands of dollars at her to do dirty shit for me or buy her an armored vehicle, but a nice apartment close to her job is the threshold of what makes her a whore.


  “Are we done here?” Her nostrils flare. “If so, I’d like to leave.”

  Perry shifts in his seat, clearly uncomfortable at our heated discussion. I hold Ash’s stare for a long minute before I give her a nod.

  “We’re not done discussing this, Cinderelliott.”

  “Oh, Constantine, we so are.” She shoves past me, her sweet scent swirling around me in her wake.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Perry asks once she’s gone.

  “She’s being unreasonable.” I scoop up the key from the desk, turning it over in my palm and wondering how something so insignificant could piss her off so much.


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