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Scars: A Killers Novel, Book 5

Page 30

by Brynne Asher

  Unknown – You really are the most self-centered SOB I’ve ever worked with. I have personal business.

  Randolph – This is your last warning—stay out of the U.S.

  Unknown – Gotta go. Boarding. We’ll share the same piece of land in less than seven hours.

  I toss the papers on the plywood and kick off my heels. I didn’t bother to stop at Crew and Addy’s to change and now I’m regretting it. I’m definitely gaining my weight back and this dress is cutting off my circulation.

  I look at Ozzy. “Have you exhausted all options of tracking that phone?”

  He drags a hand down his handsome face. “I’m still working on it. This one is different. If I had my guess, it’s been encrypted by someone who knows what they’re doing. And by that, I mean someone like me.”

  Ozzy is a bit different from the rest of Crew’s men. Is he a big, brute American? Of course. I assume it’s a prerequisite. But the rest of the men have somewhat of a barbaric side they have to work to control—it’s visible, simmering beneath their rugged surfaces. Cole is cut from the same cloth.

  But not Ozzy.

  I’ve gotten to know him over the last few days while I’ve had to sit for hours and stare at the mind-numbing screens while waiting for something to happen. Ozzy is different.

  An engineer by trade, he doesn’t have a background in the military or other type of enforcement—not your typical soldier of fortune. He is not a fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants man. He’s methodical in his risk-taking. Even so, he could snap the average human in half in a heartbeat and wouldn’t think twice of it, which makes him scary on a whole other level.

  I tip my head. “So you’re saying there’s still the teensiest chance?”

  He hikes a brow and a ghost of a smile plays on his lips. “What the fuck, Bella? First you ruin my phone by sexting your long-lost lover and now you’re busting my balls for not trying hard enough? I said I was working on it.”

  “Indeed, you did. I was only confirming.”

  “He hasn’t figured it out yet?”

  I turn to find Cole striding into the control room in a pair of athletic shorts and one of the few T-shirts he still owns. I need to do some online shopping for him.

  Ozzy flips Cole off and turns away from both of us. “Your woman is giving me enough shit. I don’t need more from you, Carson.”

  Cole slides his hand down my side and cups the side of my bum where I’m leaning on a makeshift desk. “Are you giving him shit?”

  I turn to Cole. “I don’t know what he’s talking about. I’ve been a sweet, sugarplum fairy.”

  Cole lifts his chin to one of the screens. “Seems they’re getting busy at the church.”

  I turn to take it in. It’s the first sign of life since the men barged in and nabbed Gary and his minions. Gary is still enjoying his stay at the Vega B&B, but, lucky for him, he gets three delicious take-out meals a day, prepared by none other than the café at Whitetail. I doubt they know they’re feeding our captive. Gary has complained, but not about the food.

  At this point, we believe he’s nothing more than a pawn in a much larger game. He is becoming more and more desperate and has given up information about other crimes he’s committed for Wendy Sisson’s organization over the last few years.

  We’re keeping him as a witness. When all is said and done, we’ll need him since our illegal wiretaps will not be admissible in court. And quite honestly, given the drastic measures Randolph takes when someone dares to cross him, Gary is safer here. I have no trouble sleeping at night knowing there’s a criminal being kept in the barn next door.

  Well, I do have trouble sleeping but it has more to do with the hand on my bum and the man attached to it.

  “I’m going to get out of this dress but I’ll be back. I want to see what’s going on there.”

  He stops me when I try to move away from him. “Do you need some help?”

  “I’m trying to work over here,” Ozzy complains.

  As much as I would love that right now, I lean up to kiss Cole. “We shouldn’t push him too far, love. I’ll be right back and I’ll bring food for everyone.”

  Chapter 40



  I love my job but that doesn’t make me a workaholic. When I was active, I’d count down the minutes until Bella and I could steal precious hours together outside of our cases. Since I’ve been back at Langley, I can’t wait to get home to Abbott. And when this shit is filed under cases solved, to Bella too. I work long hours. I don’t need extra work on the side to keep me busy.

  But today, on the day I had to say goodbye to Red, I’m over the damn moon to have this distraction.

  And it’s proving to be a doozy.

  One car pulling into the scam of a church turns into two.

  Two turn into three.

  Something is going down because someone feels the need to meet.

  Bella has been gone for at least forty-five minutes and I just pulled out my phone to text her to hurry her ass back when car number three arrives.

  But I force myself to put my phone down and frown as I lean in to get a better look. “Zoom in on the dark blue sedan.”

  Ozzy’s fingers fly over the keyboard. Theoretically, I know the technology allows us to see anything larger than five inches off the ground in high resolution and cameras don’t lie. But my fucking brain doesn’t register what I’m seeing.

  It can’t be.

  “Keep that camera on him,” I demand. “This feed is being recorded?”

  “Do I look like an idiot?”

  I don’t acknowledge that and hiss, “Fuck.”

  My blood churns and my heart races to catch up. If I didn’t stick to a mostly clean diet and work out at least four times a week, I’d think I was experiencing what Red had four days ago.

  This is not good. This is so far off the scales of bad, I’m not sure where we go from here. A heart attack might be a welcome event if it means diverting everyone’s attention from the person walking up to the church located not far from where I stand.

  “These ladies are the loveliest I’ve ever known. Do you know what they did?”

  I turn and realize I was so overcome by what’s playing out live on the screen, I hadn’t heard her walk into the room. I’m not sure why she complained about the tight dress because her jeans look like a second skin and I’d bet my life she’s not wearing a bra under that T-shirt.

  I move to fully block her view. Her arms are full of containers stacked on top of containers, and from the smell, someone’s been busy in the kitchen.

  Her icy blues hit mine, innocent of what’s going down behind me. I know I won’t be able to keep it that way for long, if even a few more moments. But the need to throw myself at her, protect her, shield her heart, and her soul is overwhelming.

  This will shatter her.

  She lifts the containers in her arms. “I feel horrible we’re here and not back at Crew and Addy’s. They arranged a meal in honor of your father. Everyone is there and I told them I’d bring you back but they said they understood we need to be here. Still, I think you should make an appearance. They worked so hard—the food smells amazing.”

  “Baby.” My voice doesn’t sound like my own and I put my hands on her shoulders, turning us one-eighty so her back is to the screens. I look over her shoulder and Ozzy is frowning, wondering what the fuck is going on.

  Bella gives her head a shake. “Why are you acting like an odd duck?”

  I’m not sure I’ve ever been at a loss for words in my entire life. But I know the moment she learns the truth, her world will shift and never be the same again.

  “Cole,” she bites. “What in the ever-loving hell is wrong with you?”

  I pull in a deep breath but make a mistake. It’s instinctive and maybe even a form of self-preservation, but I glance at the screen that’s zoomed in, displayed in the highest definition currently on the market. Internally, I curse Crew for having so much money he does not fuck aroun
d when it comes to quality.

  I dip my head, cutting the few inches that separate us, and level my eyes on hers. I keep my tone even and calm. “I need to talk to you, but I need you to put the food down and sit.”

  She tries to pull away but my fingers flex on her biceps. Her eyes go big, sensing the difference in my touch, and she grits her teeth. “Dammit, Cole. Let go.”

  “No,” I snap. “I need to talk to you first.”

  “What in the fuck is going on?” she demands, and for the first time ever I regret falling in love with a woman who’s as tough as nails with a will as strong as steel. Because unlike every other woman I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing, she doesn’t panic. She’s intense, all-business, and ready to kick someone’s ass.

  Right now, it looks like that ass might be mine.

  “Sweetness.” I try to calm her but her eyes narrow and I can see this is not going to fly. “Okay, at least put the food down.”

  Her pink, plump lips flatten, and before I know it, I catch her heel in my shin. It’s enough for her to twist out of my hold and move away from me.

  “What the hell is going on with you two?” Ozzy asks.

  My hand is on her bicep again but I’m too late. She’s already scanned every screen, her eyes settling on the one in the middle. I feel it under my touch when it sinks in. She freezes.

  Her body goes totally and absolutely rigid.

  I move in behind her. “Bella—”

  She exhales on a whisper. “It can’t be.”

  “There has to be an explanation,” I try, praying there is but not sure how. “We’ll figure it out.”

  Her breaths become labored. “Fuck me.”

  For once in my life, I have no smartass comment for that.

  Ozzy still has no clue of the significance of what’s happening but keeps the camera zeroed in on the man who’s now standing in the gravel parking lot, openly talking with Wendy Sisson and Nick Peterson.

  She shakes her head. “Why?”

  “Baby, sit down—”

  And that’s when it happens.

  Food hits the floor—the smell of fried chicken, baked beans, and rich, thick macaroni and cheese fill the command room like a greasy-spoon diner. Some remote part of my brain comprehends the combination of muck on the floor is an ode to my late father.

  “What the—” Ozzy yells but I ignore him and reach for her.

  She’s around me and out the door before I can grab her hand. My foot slips on beans and melted cheese, putting me behind her at least four paces. By the time I catch up and get an arm around her waist, we’re in the entryway of the old house.

  I try to get her feet off the ground but she kicks, catching my bullet graze, causing me to buckle a knee. That’s when her elbow catches my jaw.

  Dammit—she knows my face is off limits.

  “Fuck, Bella. Stop it,” I growl.

  “Let me go! I’m going to kick his fucking arse—”

  She spins, flattens her hand, and smacks my temple.

  She’s lost her mind.

  “You’re not going anywhere,” I rumble and try to lift her to steal her footing.

  The back of her head connects with my forehead and I’m forced to blink away stars. “I bloody well am. I’m going to wrap my hands around his neck until he tells me what the hell he’s done.”

  “For fuck’s sake, I don’t want to hurt you—”

  “Then let me the hell go!”

  I twist her in my arms and swipe my foot under her legs. We both hit the wood floor with a bang that echoes off the aged walls.

  “I’m not letting you go anywhere, especially like this.”

  I roll on top between her legs but she already has a foot planted flat. She grabs my neck, arches, and pushes off the floor. We both go the other way and she rolls on top of me—her face flushed, her eyes wild.

  She gets to her feet but I grab her wrist and put my feet to her hips, lifting her legs out from under her.

  “Damn you—” she yells.

  I kick one of her hips up, twisting her, and let gravity do the rest. I catch her between my legs before I roll and have her pinned, face to the floor.


  She struggles, but she’s not getting up until I let her. Her wrists are grasped in my hands, her legs down to her ankles are pinned by mine, and my pelvis is pushed into her lower back and ass.

  “You two are crazy.” I look up and Ozzy is standing at the entrance to the hall, his stance wide and his arms crossed, taking in the freak show we’re starring in.

  “Leave us the fuck alone and call Crew,” I demand, needing to be alone with Bella. “Tell him and anyone else who’s free to get their asses here now! And get back in there to triangulate every phone in that building. I want to know every step that fucker takes when he leaves. Turn on the bugs we planted a few days ago.”

  We’re both breathing like we crossed the finish line of an ironman race, or in her case, a badass-out-of-control race. The last thing I have time for is Ozzy. Nothing is more important than Bella’s broken heart right now.

  Every muscle in her body is tense.

  I put my lips to her ear through her wild hair. “Baby, stop. Think. Just for a second. You cannot go over there. I can’t, either. We need to do what we do best and figure out what the fuck is going on.”

  She shakes her head where she’s pinned against the wood but says nothing.

  “Calm. Let me help you.”

  Her chest convulses and she chokes out a sob.

  Finally, her body goes limp.

  Still, I brace. “Are you going to hit me again if I let you up?”

  Tears leak from her eyes and I’m not sure my heart can take it. This might be worse than seeing her unconscious in the hospital.

  I let go of one wrist at a time and twist to my ass. She doesn’t get up, she doesn’t run, and she doesn’t give me an elbow to the eye socket. She folds into herself and her tears flow.

  I drag her onto my lap, my woman who can overcome anything. She’s endured time on her own—not only survived but thrived—working and doing what she loves even though it had to be in the shadows.

  And he put her there.


  She shakes her head where it’s tucked in my neck, her hands fisting my shirt. “How did this happen? Why? Why would he do this?”

  I tuck her in tighter, never wanting to let her go. “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.”

  Chapter 41


  Nine years ago


  “I’ve made a decision.”

  My family turns their attention to me. It’s our first night back together, all of us. We’re on holiday and my first semester as a fresher at uni was fabulous. I loved my courses, my professors, and I even made some friends. Though, not many girlfriends.. They never much take to me.

  Mum takes a sip of her wine. “What decision is that, love?”

  “My course of study.”

  Devon laughs. “Weren’t you supposed to decide before you started?”

  I toss him a glare. “Maybe. But I wanted to be sure. It’s a huge decision.”

  Dad stabs a piece of meat and dismisses my brother. “You’re fine, Bella. What did you decide?”

  I hike a brow at Devon before looking back to my parents. I don’t have an apprehensive bone in my body but this … this is something different. I don’t need their approval nor their blessing, but I can’t lie, it would be nice. And my decision comes with enormous shoes to fill.

  I pull in a big breath. “Criminology.”

  “Fuck,” Devon chokes. “No way.”

  “Devon! You’re never too old to watch your mouth at my table.” Mum admonishes him before looking back to me with a smile. “I knew it. The day you took your first jiu jitsu lesson and kicked your instructor in the crotch, I knew!”

  Archer picks up his beer. He was hired onto SIS as an MI6 like Dad and Grandpa before him. He’s in
training now. “Well, this is gonna be fun! The whole damn fam in the business.”

  “Proud of you, darling.” Dad levels his eyes on me and has his serious-as-hell look about him. He’s not trying to appease my latest whim, he truly believes in me. “I know you’ll give it your all like you do everything.”

  Devon shakes his head.

  “What?” I snip at him.

  Devon is two years older than me—we’re closer in age than he and Archer. Archer has always loved me the way one would love a puppy, because I’m merely a cute little girl in his eyes. But Devon and I were closer in school, competitive with grades and friends and basically everything.

  Devon lifts his beer, tips it to me, his words dripping with sarcasm. “Congratulations. The princess has spoken and all approve.”

  I roll my eyes because this is nothing new. “Bite me.”

  “Devon, stop,” Mum chides but can’t keep the smile off her face. “I’m very proud. You’ll be amazing.”

  “Thank you.” I smile at Mum, and it doesn’t matter how old I am, I stick my tongue out at Devon. “See you in class, big brother.”

  He grins—a shit-eating one at that. “Always the competitor. I’ll take that challenge, Bella.”

  Archer raises his beer. “To Bella.”

  Dad picks up his high ball and corrects Archer. “To the Donnellys. May we carry on for generations, serving our country—in secret and with honor. We stick together, always.” He looks to Mum and continues. “You gave me a good lot, love.”

  Mum picks up her wine and clicks it to his crystal. “Cheers. Couldn’t be prouder of my family.”

  “We’ve already identified Sisson’s and Peterson’s phone. Every other device in the building needs a tracker on it when they walk out of there. If he has one fucking app with the location services on, I want inside it,” Cole growls.

  In all the times we worked together, I’m not sure I’ve heard that tone fall from his lips. Cole’s intensity is off the charts.


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