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Brazen Temptation [Temptation, Wyoming 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

Page 9

by Zoey Marcel

  “Pleasure me, little one,” Dakarai crooned to her as she started to sit up.

  Joaquin pushed her back down. “I’m not done with you yet. Don’t sit up all the way.”

  Dakarai stepped closer to the table while she propped herself up with her elbows and welcomed his dick into her mouth. His shrill gasp spurred her on, as did his calming fingers in her hair, massaging her scalp while she brought him pleasure. His cock felt cold at first, not unlike a Popsicle, and she recalled how Nex had mentioned earlier that none of the three men had a soul. Was Dakarai some kind of vampire like Joaquin?

  His member grew warmer the more she suckled him and the ice began to melt as it joined her tongue in twirling around his dick. His breaths became quick and shallow as he occasionally met her suction with smooth, gentle thrusts into her eager mouth.

  Joaquin parted her labia and pierced her channel with a finger. Claire practically howled with excitement at the penetration, trying not to lose concentration on the head she was giving Dakarai. She whined and flailed when Joaquin gathered some of her pussy juice and spread it to her anus.

  “Be still. There will be no boundaries between us, slave. Every orifice you have to offer is ours. Now loosen up and get used to the invasion.”

  Claire wasn’t sure if she wanted to smack him or let him keep exploring this new ground with her. The finger forging into her virgin passage felt naughty and sinful. Rochelle would be furious over something so forbidden, but the dull burn of his entry appealed to Claire. Like the slaps on her butt and pussy, it hurt so good.

  She continued to love on Dakarai’s penis, enjoying the warm contrast of it against the chilly, melting ice cube. He seemed to enjoy the frigid temperature gliding along his erection and the warm strokes and swivels of her tongue.

  Joaquin teased her clit before slapping her mound. She yelped in surprise, nearly choking on Dakarai’s cock when it touched the back of her throat. He backed off a bit so she could adjust.

  “I want you to come from me slapping your little clit,” Joaquin told her in a husky tone.

  She made a noise, attempting to tell him she wouldn’t be able to come from a mere slap, but he responded with a nasty swat on her pussy for daring to contradict his wishes.

  “You can and you will obey me.”

  She groaned in rapture at being put in her place. She rubbed Dakarai’s balls gently before picking up a stray ice cube off the table and applying it to his nuts. He hissed in surprise, jumping a little before uttering muffled curses under his breath.

  “You’re wonderful,” he managed as she rolled ice along his drawn-up sac. Like his cock, his cold scrotum grew warmer from the stimulation and was slowly melting the ice.

  Joaquin tickled her tiny gem again before slapping it. She bucked and squealed in protest, breathing heavier as he fucked both holes with his fingers while his thumb traced her clit, seeming to make delicate, invisible designs on it.

  The ice made her hand hurt from the cold, so she put it down and rubbed her pinked, raw palm over Dakarai’s cool testes, trying to warm them both.

  “Good, sweet Claire,” he praised unevenly as he accelerated in her mouth.

  “Bad, obstinate slave,” Joaquin corrected him as he drew her body closer and closer to the edge before slapping her cunt again.

  Claire screeched at the swift, hot sting, nostrils flaring as breathing became more difficult amidst the growing pressure in her twat.

  “Your Master wants you to come from his slap. I’m going to keep spanking your hot, little cunt until you do.”

  She took deep breaths as he circled her clit again before smacking it into a hot, mad rush of pain and pleasure. She was so close.

  Dakarai’s eyes closed and he cried out as he bent forward, jerking his hips as he pulsed his warm release all over her tongue. It flooded her mouth and she toyed with whether or not to swallow. She hadn’t the first and only other time she had done this. Would he give her a napkin to spit into? He played with her hair as he caught his breath before pulling out. She discreetly spat his cum into the empty glass next to her.

  Apparently not discreetly enough to escape Joaquin’s notice. His cold eyes narrowed. “Does Dakarai’s semen offend you?”

  Her face grew warm. “No. Of course not. I’ve just never swallowed before.”

  “And you never will until you do,” he said plainly.

  She snickered. “Yeah, true. I just wasn’t sure if…”

  “He doesn’t have any diseases, not that you have to worry. You can’t get any.”

  She averted her gaze. “True.”

  “Why is that, slave?” Joaquin’s eyes taunted her as he massaged her clit softly, drawing all sorts of wonderful sensations from her.

  She glowered at him. “You know why.”

  He pinched her nub, making her mew with discomfort. “I asked you a question, slave. Why are you immune to human diseases?”

  He slapped her pussy harder than before, hitting her clit in the process.

  Claire screamed and bucked, realizing the magnitude of the situation. She was lying nude on a table, soaked with gin and water, with a glass of cum sitting next to her. She had just snow blown one man, and his partner was the devil, teasing her clit to the point of madness and taunting her diabolical nature while he slapped her pussy.

  Yes, Rochelle would most definitely be pissed off later. Claire had agreed to this to keep her job. It was her favorite one out of all the jobs she’d ever had, but admitting to her demonic nature while an undead man pleasured and punished her would make her feel guilty, knowing Rochelle’s fury would be that much worse later when she went to sleep.

  Claire pushed into Joaquin’s attentive fingers while he toyed with her clitoris, seeking her own release. She would show him. She would get off by his digits rather than the spankings he wanted her to come by. She was almost there.

  He seemed on to her impish schemes and his dark eyes flashed hot with warning and lust. He parted her labia and delivered a good hard slap directly to her clit. She screamed as the painful force plunged her into a miniorgasm that heated her core and rocked her world.

  “What are you?” Joaquin demanded as he inserted a second finger each into her anus and pussy, thrusting like a penis in each hole.

  She panted and squirmed at the impossible fullness. It was too much, not enough. “Please. I can’t…I can’t…Oh, god!”

  “You can’t what?” Joaquin backed off before she could climax. “You can’t admit that you’re no better than us? But it’s true, Claire. Is this truth painful for you to hear?”

  She let out a sharp cry of pain and need when he spanked her cunt twice. “Ow! You bastard!”

  He struck her pussy again, much harder this time. “That wasn’t what I told her to call me, was it, Dakarai?”

  Dakarai shook his head with a faint smile. “No, I believe that was your second choice, but we decided on Master instead.”

  “Does that sound familiar, slave?” Joaquin sassed her.

  Claire blushed. “Yes.”

  He flicked his finger against her nubbin. “Say it.”


  “Now, what are you?” His voice reminded her of the devil at that moment. It sounded hushed and evil.

  She wanted to ignore him until he grew weary of this game, but with all the teasing and pussy swatting, she didn’t see that happening. She had a feeling he could go on like this all night if need be. The building aura of nirvana continued to grow inside of her. Her mons swelled with heat and longing.

  “Let me come.”

  “Not until you tell me what you are,” Joaquin bargained.

  “Three little words and then Joaquin will make you feel better than you can imagine,” Dakarai promised her.

  She gasped from the frozen, erotic touch of the melting ice cube he rubbed over her tits and belly. The icy fire burned cold against her skin, leaving it wet, pink and raw.

  Below where Joaquin’s expert digits worked, a smoldering fire crackled o
n her clit and sizzled through every nerve ending in the region, making her hot, cold, shaky and desperate.

  “I’m…a…demon,” she choked out as Dakarai knelt to soothe the numbness the ice had left behind on her torso with his slightly warmer tongue.

  Joaquin smiled with an irritatingly wicked satisfaction and brought her to orgasm with his fingers this time. Claire screamed, delirious with euphoria as his fingers and Dakarai’s tongue drugged her with mind-altering pleasure. When it was over she lay there panting in awe, too amazed to speak or even breathe in the powerful, awakening moment.

  Joaquin poured some water into the glass containing Dakarai’s spunk. She sat up and swallowed nervously.

  “She doesn’t have to drink my load this first time,” Dakarai insisted. “I’m not offended.”

  “I am,” Joaquin countered, holding the glass in front of her. “It’s diluted this time, but from now on you will take whatever we give you. Dakarai was generous enough to share his seed with you. Now drink it.”

  Claire tried to take the cup from him, but he held onto it while she drank. Stubborn, frustrating man. The water certainly diluted the semen, but it had still thickened from exposure to the air. It added a salty hint to the water, but it certainly didn’t repulse her in any way. Next time she would swallow for Dakarai, though if Joaquin ever got his cock in her mouth she knew she’d be tempted to bite it.

  Claire knew Rochelle would be waiting for her in her dreams, ready to haunt the crap out of her for messing around with a vampire and whatever the heck Dakarai was. Maybe she could see if they had some sort of sleeping pill she could take for a better night’s rest. She might still have nightmares, but at least she wouldn’t keep waking up from them. Maybe the pill would even give her such a deep sleep that she wouldn’t dream at all.

  Chapter Six:


  After Claire had her shower, Dakarai showed her back into their room. Her eyes practically popped out when she saw the large steel cage her masters required her to sleep in. He wanted her to sleep cuddled up between them in their bed, but Joaquin accused him of appearing too eager, thus the cage was employed. Dakarai made sure there were plenty of blankets and a pillow in there so she would be warm and comfortable.

  Her eyes lit up when she saw the red satin pajamas they bought for her to wear. They were long sleeved, so despite the flimsy material she should stay warm. She climbed in and he locked the door to the cage behind her and left her alone to sleep.

  Joaquin went off to hunt after the club closed and Dakarai helped Cory Taylor close. After Cory went home, Dakarai quietly passed through the wall into their room so Claire wouldn’t hear him come in. Good, she was sound asleep. He sat in a chair and watched her sleep.

  She had asked him earlier for something to help her sleep and he gave her the only thing he had, dreamscape dust. He didn’t tell her what it was or where it came from. He simply mixed the turquoise dust into a glass of water, turning it to the color of blue raspberry Kool-Aid. She seemed to enjoy the fun color as she drank it. He’d gotten extremely turned on watching her sensual lips mold to the rim of the glass to permit the liquid clearance. He remembered how delicious those lips had felt wrapped around his cock earlier. Knowing she took in the dust that came from his body proved incredibly stirring.

  Dreamscape vampires fed off of people’s dreams, but sometimes they slipped dreamscape powder into their target’s drink to trigger sleep. Depending on the dose, it could be anywhere from a light nap or restful sleep all the way to a deep coma that only the vampire could bring the victim out of. The dust had a tendency to heighten sensations during the person’s sleep if they were given enough of it. It also tended to elevate the power of emotions, fear and desire in particular.

  He wondered why Claire wanted a sedative when she looked so young and healthy. She looked to be in her midtwenties and didn’t strike him as the sort of person prone to sleeping disorders.

  Still, he’d been happy to help and found himself rushing through the closing chores so he could get back upstairs to be with her and feed off her dreams. He hoped she didn’t have any nightmares like she had the first and only time he’d stepped into her dreams. Certainly he had fed off of plenty of human nightmares. Hell, he’d even triggered a few. The terror gave him a potent rush that always increased his energy and power. Regardless, the idea of Claire having nightmares didn’t sit well with him.

  Now as he sat up here and tapped into her nocturnal visions, he hoped her dreams would be erotic. Fantasies were equally empowering.

  In her dream Dakarai saw Claire tied to a tree, yelling bloody murder and drowning in a flood of tears. She looked so disturbed and tormented his heart went out to her. Certainly he had no heartbeat, but if the organ in his chest were living as hers was, his heart would have broken in two from seeing her this way.

  He looked to see who or what had caused her suffering. His fists clenched when he saw the brunette he’d seen in Claire’s dream before—the one she had called Rochelle. The young woman had an apparition of Joaquin on his knees with his head on a chopping block. His hands were fettered in chains and she stood beside him with an ax.

  “Please don’t hurt him! He hasn’t done anything!” Claire pleaded tearfully.

  “He defiled you. I warned you not to behave like a little harlot. It doesn’t pay to whore yourself to a demon, does it?” Rochelle taunted.

  “I made a mistake, but don’t punish him for it. Punish me.”

  “I am punishing you.”

  “No!” Claire hollered in anguish when Rochelle raised the ax and cut Joaquin’s head off. He turned to dust and disappeared. Claire sobbed in misery.

  Even though this was only a dream, Dakarai fought every urge inside of him not to run over and beat the shit out of Rochelle. He almost did, but he wanted to listen to their conversation to see if he could learn more about this woman who gave Claire nightmares.

  “Now for this one.” Rochelle approached an image of Dakarai, but the real him remained invisible as he took all of this in.

  This dream version of him was chained to a pole with a large pile of kindling surrounding him. She lit the pile on fire.

  “Stop! You bitch, you’re killing him!” Claire shrieked as the tears poured faster.

  “Then maybe you should have thought of that before you fornicated with him. I’m saving your soul, you trashy ho. If you ever even had one to begin with,” Rochelle shot back.

  “Please stop! I’ll do anything, I swear!”

  “You sound awfully desperate for someone trying to save their bosses. I think you have feelings for these swine.”

  “No. I just don’t want to see anyone get hurt.”

  “Except me.”

  Claire’s eyes closed in agony. “I’m sorry, but I can’t change the past.”

  “No,” Rochelle agreed bitterly, “you can’t. You stole my future from me and now I’m going to rob you of yours. Do you think he will scream when the fire finally touches him?”

  “Dakarai!” Claire wailed with suffering, trying to somehow free herself and save him from the flames consuming him.

  Rochelle grabbed her chin, eyes fueled with hatred and hostility. “Let’s not forget the fact that you’ve also taken up an interest in bestiality it seems, sleeping with a were-tiger. If you can’t control yourself, why didn’t you just marry a nice human guy with morals? But no, you had to resort to sleeping with a demon and an animal. You disgust me, Claire. Oh look, it’s your other partner in sin.”

  Dakarai followed their gazes to Nex, who hung supine over a bed of spikes.

  “No! Rochelle, listen to me. I’ll make this up to you,” Claire promised.

  Rochelle walked toward the spikes. “How does one go about killing a were-cat? Is it the same as a werewolf, with the whole pure silver thing, or is there a different method?”

  “I don’t know and if I did I wouldn’t tell you.”

  “It doesn’t matter. If the knowledge is in your head, I will soon have
it, and if not, I will find a way to get it. Now, what will you do to appease me and try to make up for this unforgivable sin?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “I want you to promise never to have sex again.”

  Claire snorted. “I can’t do that. No one should unless they want to. I’m a succubus, Rochelle. I have to—Stop!”

  Rochelle pulled the lever and sent Nex hurtling toward the vicious-looking spikes.

  “All right I’ll do it! Just please stop!”

  She pulled the lever again and Nex stopped falling only inches away from the nasty spikes. She approached Claire in disgust and squeezed her chin so tight her lips puckered. “You’d better go to the church tomorrow and find someone who can fix this.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  “And if you ever sleep with them again, you’ll regret it, I promise you.”

  “I won’t. I’ll be good.”

  Dakarai made himself visible and caused Nex and the spikes to disappear. He sent Rochelle flying backward and made her vanish into thin air, startling Claire.

  “Dakarai! I thought she killed you.”

  He raised his hand and the ropes fell from her. He changed the setting to their bedroom and willed her clothing away with his eyes and his as well.

  She gasped and tried to cover herself. “What are you doing?”

  “Giving you what you need.” He approached her confidently.

  “Don’t. I promised.” She held up her hand to stop him.

  “This is only a dream. You can do whatever you like.”

  She ran her palms up his brawny arms. “We could dance.”

  “I would like that,” he murmured back.

  Their dance was slow and sensual. It turned into a series of provocative touches as she made her way around him, gliding her hands all over his back and chest. Whenever he tipped her he kissed her breasts gently or slid his hand down the front of her body, admiring her perfection.

  She looked surprised when he envisioned her pussy bare and it became so in the dream. He smoothed his fingers over it, smiling when she mewled at the intimate contact. “How did you do that?”


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