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Flawless: A Street Love Tale

Page 9

by Jade Jones


  Two Weeks Later

  Shayla begrudgingly headed towards the entrance of Atlanta’s popular mega club, The Mansion Elan. Dressed in her best, she had only come out because Kimberlyn begged her to. For the last couple weeks, she’d been keeping herself cooped in the house, depressed that Romeo had dropped her like a bad habit.

  In spite of the wonderful two days they spent together, he never called Shayla afterwards. She’d even gone out her way to hit him up a few times. But when it was obvious that he was avoiding her, she quickly backed off. The last thing Shayla wanted was to seem like a pest. Still, she couldn’t stop herself from believing he was an asshole.

  Romeo fell into her world, rewarded her with the best sex of her life, and then seemingly vanished. If he only wanted some pussy, I would’ve rather he been honest. She’d take a real nigga over a car any day.

  Sashaying inside the building, Shayla tried her best to put on her game face. She’d been being pretty elusive the last few days, and she owed her girl a good time.

  Once inside, Shayla found Kimberlyn in a reserved VIP section. “Hey, bitch,” Kim waved excitedly. She looked extremely vibrant, and there was a natural glow to her skin. Shayla could tell there was someone special in Kim’s life making her happy. She never seemed so bubbly.

  Shayla had no idea Cool was out, and Kim didn’t plan on bringing it up. In her book, he was a done deal and all she wanted to do was get on with her life.

  After the altercation with her baby daddy, she temporarily backed off Desmond for a second to get her mind right. Cool had her all fucked up in the head. Yet there was also a part of her afraid to start over with someone new—especially someone who had their own share of baggage.

  Shaking off her reservations, Kim went on and took that chance. So far Desmond was everything she wanted in a man. He was sweet, charming, funny, and generous. When Cool went on a petty ass rampage, and turned off her utilities, Desmond cut them all back on with no problem. Most of all Desmond made Kim feel secure, protected. With a relentless baby daddy who knew no limits, it was good to have someone strong and ready in her corner.

  “You look cute,” Kim smiled, looking her friend over.

  Shayla was dressed for the Gawds in a nude strapless exotic print skirt and gold single sole heels. Her hair was pinned up, showing off her high cheekbone structure. Her makeup was subtle and neutral, and there wasn’t a flaw in sight.

  “So do you mamas,” Shayla laughed.

  Kimberlyn wore a shimmery tight-fitting gray dress which cost more than her mortgage. Prior to the event, Desmond surprised her with a bag from Nordstroms.

  “When’d you get here?” Shayla yelled over the loud music.

  “About five minutes ago.”

  Shayla was just about to ask Kim where she got her shoes when she noticed a familiar face through the thick of the crowd.


  An unsettling feeling immediately took over Shayla after seeing him booed up with a cute redbone. Him, Desmond, and their entire camp were parked a few sections down from them.

  Secretly, it hurt Shayla to see him having such a good time. She’d thought they had made a connection, but it was obvious Romeo only wanted to play mind games.

  From the very beginning, he’d given Shayla the impression that he was a male-hoe, but she still allowed high hopes. I should’ve known better, she told herself.

  Kimberlyn looked over her shoulder to see what had Shayla so captivated.

  “Did you know he was gonna be here?” Shayla asked. She was feeling some type of way and Kim knew it.

  “Well…I mean—yeah. Desmond invited me to his friend Ava’s birthday party. So I invited you,” Kimberlyn explained. “But I didn’t know ya’ll wasn’t kicking it like that.”

  Like Kim, Shayla too had her own secrets she wasn’t clamoring to share. No one wanted to admit they had been shitted on.

  “Forget about it. It’s not a big deal,” Shayla waved her off. She wasn’t going to let Romeo ruin her evening.

  “You sure?” There was a genuine look of concern on Kim’s face.

  “Yeah, I’m good,” Shayla lied. Truth be told, she was fuming inside. There was nothing she wanted to do more than toss a drink in his face. Nigga ain’t shit.

  All of a sudden, Kim’s girl Nina walked up waving excitedly. “What up, babe?” she sang. “Thanks for the invite. Long time no see. Yo’ ass been MIA lately. Either Cool got out or a new nigga got you locked down.”

  Shayla didn’t think it was possible for her night to get any worse. She couldn’t stand Nina’s ass. She was so over the top with everything—including her outfit for that night. Her black mesh two piece left little to the imagination; but that was the typical dress code of a thot.

  Shayla did an automatic double take at the guy standing behind Nina. It was her ex, Dexter.

  “Yeah, I been kickin’ it,” Kim said sheepishly. “And I see you been too.” Her entire disposition changed after seeing Nina with Shayla’s ex-boyfriend. Although Nina and Shay weren’t the best of friends they still were cordial with each other. In Kim’s opinion, Nina was definitely breaking the girl code.

  Nina looked back at Dexter and smiled flirtatiously. “Yeah, something like that.” She then looked over at Shayla as if she dared her to say something.

  Dexter looked extremely uncomfortable, but he stood his ground.

  “Anyway, we’ll be back. A bitch need a drink.” With that said, Nina grabbed Dex’s hand and proceeded to walk off.

  “You invited them?” Shayla hissed. “Did you know Nina was seeing my ex?”

  Nina was barely two feet away when she heard her name. Stopping in her tracks, she turned around to see if there was something that needed to be addressed.

  “I invited Nina, but I didn’t know she was gonna show up with Dex. Hell, I’m just as shocked as you,” Kimberlyn said in her defense.

  “Really?” Shayla asked, growing angrier. “’Cuz to me it looks like you had some ulterior motives when you invited me!”

  “Shayla, boo. You really need to calm down. You trippin’,” Kim said. Her girl was doing way too much, and it took everything to keep her patience.

  “Um…Did I hear my name?” Nina asked with sarcasm in her tone.

  “Bitch, go GPS the nearest seat! I’m not talkin’ to yo’ ass!”

  Kimberlyn’s eyes popped open in surprise. She wasn’t used to seeing Shayla get buck. She was always so calm and reserved. However, everyone had a breaking point.

  “I don’t give a fuck! I’m hearing my name ringing though!” Nina clapped back.

  “Aye, chill, Nina,” Dexter said, trying to pull her back.

  Kimberlyn quickly stood in front Shayla. “Boo, calm down. It ain’t even that serious,” she told her friend.

  “It sure ain’t. You da only one bothered sweetie. Please believe we sleep peacefully at night. Get one, hoe!”

  “You fucking bitch!” Shayla screamed. Reaching around Kim, she snatched a handful of Nina’s hair.

  Upon hearing all the commotion, Romeo looked over at Shayla and Kim’s section. It was his first time noticing she was in the club. What he didn’t expect was to see her turning up.

  Desmond quickly rushed over to help his girl out. They were wildin’ and creating a huge scene in the club.

  Luckily, Dexter was able to pry Shayla’s hand loose while Desmond pulled the girls apart.

  “You wanna hit me, bitch?! Hit me!” Nina said, kicking and screaming. A breast had popped out of place, but she hardly seemed to notice or care.

  “Suck sick dick, bitch! You triflin’ as fuck and you know it! You fuckin’ backdoor hoe!” Shayla hollered. She was acting completely out of character. Romeo and Dexter had her head and heart all messed up.

  “Bitch, I’ll be a backdoor hoe with yo’ nigga though!” Nina yelled.

  Dexter struggled to drag Nina away from the altercation. She always did have a big mouth, but she sucked a nigga into submission so he put up with her a

  It took both Desmond and Kimberlyn to hold Shayla back. She didn’t calm down until Nina was finally out of site.

  Back in her section, Ava rolled her eyes in irritation. Tonight was her special day and Kim and her ratchet ass friend were ruining it. She also despised the fact Kimberlyn was able to easily steal Desmond’s attention from her.

  Jealousy coursed through Ava’s veins as she stormed out the VIP and to the restroom. After locking herself in an empty stall, she plopped down on the toilet seat and ran a hand through her hair.

  Fuck Desmond. He’s so damn blind to not realize he’s got a good thing right here. Ava didn’t know why Desmond kept going for the same type of chicks. All of them had the same outcome.

  “I didn’t even invite that bitch,” Ava complained. Her mood was now sour and it had a lot to do with Dez’s new girl.

  Digging in her clutch, Ava extracted a small sandwich bag. Cool had turned her out to the powerful drug, and after her first hit she was addicted. She and Cool had been going hard together the last couple weeks, and while he was fun and exciting her heart was still with Desmond.

  For years, Ava had hoped and prayed he’d eventually break up with his BM. And even after he did she still stalled for another six months. Now Kimberlyn was in the picture, making shit even harder.

  I am so fucking stupid, Ava cursed herself. I should’ve said something when I had the chance. She was losing it, and she didn’t even know it. Desmond had her head gone and the recreational drug use was only making it worse.

  Why should I sit back and let these bitches have him?

  Bitter with regret, Ava dumped a small amount of coke on her hand and sniffed it off.

  Outside in the club, Shayla and Kimberlyn continued with their banter.

  “Shay, you hype as hell tonight. This ain’t even you, boo. Why don’t you have a drink or something? Mellow out a lil’—”

  “I don’t wanna drink!” Shayla snapped. “I wanna know why you ain’t tell me your friend was fucking my ex! I would’ve never kept some shit like that from you. And you got the nerve to call a bitch like that yo’ girl?! If she’d do some shit like that to me, she’d do some shit like that to you!”

  Kim tried to laugh Shayla off. “Girl, you talking crazy. And instead of jumpin’ off at me and Nina you should’ve been checkin’ Dexter’s ass.”

  “Don’t tell me what I should’ve done,” Shayla said. “You shouldn’t have invited me to this bullshit ass party tonight! My mama always said a stranger will stab you in the front but a friend will stab you in the back. You two bitches deserve each other.”

  Brushing past Kimberlyn, Shayla quickly left the VIP section. She’d never felt so embarrassed in her life. Shayla tried her best to avoid stares as she shuffled through the crowd of partygoers. She was just about to leave the club until she remembered Romeo was there.

  Fuck it. I’m already on one, she told herself. Turning around, she headed to his section.


  “Can I talk to you?”

  Shayla didn’t have the least amount of consideration when she barged inside Romeo’s VIP section. The redbone sitting next to him looked Shayla up and down with disgust. She was two seconds from putting her ass in her place. She’d earned her place that evening, and would be damned if she let Shayla have it.

  “Why?” Romeo asked nastily. “I saw you over there wildin’. Don’t bring that messy shit over here.”

  Shayla couldn’t believe Romeo was openly dissing her in front of his peers. When they were kicking it, he made her feel so special. Now he was making her feel like total shit. Unable to back down, Shayla continued with her piece.

  “I…I thought—”

  “You thought what?” Romeo interrupted. “’Cuz you mopped me down you was my bitch? I got’chu a whip. I ain’t get you no ring. Fuck outta here. I ain’t that nigga.”

  Romeo’s groupie broke out laughing at Shayla’s expense. She felt lower than low. Never had a guy talked to her so recklessly.

  Refusing to let them see her tears fall, Shayla walked out the VIP fuming mad. She could feel the waterworks coming as she headed towards the exit.

  “All dat shit wasn’t necessary, bruh,” Desmond said. He had just walked up when he overheard Romeo going in on Shayla. He’d never condoned the way Romeo treated chicks, but Shayla was good peoples. “Why you do her like dat? To hurt her?”

  Romeo took a swig straight from a Hennessey bottle. “Nah. To protect her,” he said. Shayla was better off without a nigga like him in her life. She’d only get hurt in the end from having her hopes too high. He was a hood nigga who put cash before commitment. In his mind, a bitch would only slow him down. So he used them for what they were worth and kept it moving.

  Desmond gave his boy the side eye. “Fuck that. I think you tryin’ to protect yaself…”

  Meanwhile, halfway across the club, Shayla was stopped by Dexter on her way out. “Hold up, Shay. Can we talk?”

  “Go talk to your bitch! We don’t have shit to discuss.”

  “I think we do,” Dexter told her. “’Cuz if we didn’t you wouldn’t have started spazzin’ when you saw me with Nina. You still got feelings for a nigga.”

  “Boy, she can have your ass!” Shayla spat. “Let’s start there. Get over your damn self!”

  Before Dexter could respond, Romeo walked up and grabbed Shayla’s free hand. “Aye, we gotta rap,” he said.

  Right there in the middle of the club, both men played tug-of-war with Shayla. Territorial over his girl, Dexter pulled Shayla towards him. Romeo may’ve got at him in the locker room, but he wasn’t going to let that happen tonight. His pride was on the line.

  Angered by Dexter’s boldness, Romeo practically snatched Shayla from him. She nearly lost her balance in her heels; and she had to grab him to keep from falling.

  “I think you better fall back, homie,” Romeo threatened. The menacing look in his eyes was enough to make Dexter let go. He could play if he wanted to. Romeo had no problem paying to make his ass go missing.

  Holding his hands up in mock surrender, Dexter looked from Shayla to Romeo. “Aight then. You got it, bro’.”

  “Yeah, I know I do,” Romeo said, looking him up and down. “You just make sure you know dat shit too.”

  As soon as Dexter walked off, Shayla snatched away from Romeo. “What fucking game are you playing at?!” she yelled. “You don’t want me but you don’t want nobody else to have me? What type of shit is that?”

  “Shayla, lemme explain—”

  “You don’t need to,” she said. “You showed me with your actions.”

  Shayla left his ass standing in the middle of the club when walked out and headed towards her car. The breeze outside was refreshing considering the fact that she was burning mad inside. Tears stung Shayla’s eyes, but she tried her best to keep them from falling. She didn’t want to see another man for a whole two months. They all were pieces of shit.

  Stopping at her car, Shayla froze in place. She was an emotional wreck that night. “I should’ve never let a couple guys get me out my hookup,” she told herself.

  “Shayla?” Romeo called out from behind.

  Teary-eyed, she turned around to face him. Suddenly, all Shayla saw was red as she walked up and slapped him. The momentum made the blunt tucked behind his ear fall.

  “How dare you disrespect me in front of those people!” she screamed.

  Romeo casually bent down and picked up his blunt. He decided to let Shayla have it since he knew that shit was coming. “You gon’ yell at me or you gon’ talk to me?” he asked calmly.

  “Fuck you!” was all Shayla could think to say.

  Without warning, Romeo snatched her ass up and pulled her close. She wanted to be angry with him, but his aggression was such a turn on. “Let me go,” she said, wriggling in his embrace. Secretly, she didn’t want him to.

  Ignoring her useless demands, Romeo backed Shayla up against her Benz. “I don’t think I wanna do that.” Staring de
ep in her mahogany eyes, he almost became lost in them.

  “Go tell that to your groupie in the club,” Shayla said, still on her petty rant.

  Romeo wasn’t fazed by her jealousy. It actually showed him that she really was feeling a nigga. Leaning in, he stole a kiss regardless of Shayla being angry. Although she tried to fight it in the beginning, she quickly melted into his strong embrace. Romeo was so damn irresistible, and Shayla despised her body for betraying her.

  “Don’t worry about her,” Romeo whispered after they pulled apart. “She where she needs to be and you where you need to be.”

  Shayla couldn’t argue with his statement.

  “Come on, let’s get in da whip,” Romeo said. “We doin’ the most out here right now. And I hate for mufuckas to be in my bizness.”

  Wiping her tears away, Shayla hit the automatic door unlock. Together they climbed inside and sat in silence for a few minutes.

  Firing up his blunt, Romeo took a few puffs before releasing the smoke through his nostrils. Jhene Aiko’s “3:16” played softly through the speakers.

  “I’m not gon’ sit here and flex like ya heart’s safe wit’ a nigga like me,” Romeo began. “Hell, I’ma just keep it real.” There was a small pause as he thought about what he was going to say next. “But if you can work with me, I’m ridin’ with you, Shayla. And I ain’t ever told no female that,” he added.

  Shayla sniffled and grinned. “So that’s supposed to make me feel special?” she asked sarcastically.

  Romeo was happy to see a glimmer of happiness on her face. “You are,” he told her. “Come here…”

  Unfastening her seatbelt, Shayla slowly leaned over and kissed him.

  I do not feel the fear of falling…I wanna fly…

  If it all goes well, then I will…But what if I don't?

  I'll be right where I was before…But I'm not alone…

  You say "take my hand"…And we go…

  And I hope that we don't overdose…

  Jhene Aiko crooned in the background as the two indulged in a passionate make-up kiss. Feeling her temperature slowly rising, Shayla crawled out her seat and mounted Romeo. He wasted no time lifting her dress up and pulling her panties to the side.


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