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Dirty Daddy (A Single Dad Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

Page 11

by Alycia Taylor

  “Reed Maxwell, my man, are you telling me that you finally did it with the woman you have been lusting over for the past few weeks? The one that you won’t admit to liking? The one that I know that you like a lot more than you’re letting on?”

  I laughed. “Well, actually, it’s not the first time.”

  “Seriously? Dude, I had no idea. I’d shout at you for not telling me if I wasn’t so impressed that you finally got it on with her. No wonder you’re smiling all the time. So what’s going on between you guys? I mean, are you a couple now? Is she your girlfriend? I cannot believe I’ve been trying to get you to date for such a long time, and then you get it on with the nanny.”

  I chuckled. “Wow, you make it sound incredibly unromantic. And I have no idea what’s going on between us, to be honest. We haven’t spoken about it. I guess we will one day, but we just haven’t had a chance to. And right now I don’t think either of us really has any idea. I think we’re just playing it by ear. Neither one of us want to upset Trinity, so I think we’re going to just take it easy until we figure things out ourselves.”

  “And, at the same time, you finally get to do the hot nanny.”

  I groaned. Someone walked into the kitchen and glared at me, and I laughed and pretended like it was all a bit of a joke. When the person finally walked out, I glared at Warren. “Could you maybe not put it quite so crudely? You know how rumors spread here.”

  He laughed. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself. I mean, you’re pretty much living every guy’s fantasy, you know.”

  “Seriously? That’s really a thing?”

  “Oh, it definitely is. And you, my friend, have gone up a notch in my mind.”

  “Really? This is all it took?”

  “Nah, I’m just messing with you. I’m happy for you. You definitely seem a lot more relaxed these days. And I’m glad to see that you’re not taking work as seriously as you used to. I mean, I know it’s an important job, and it’s good to be focused, but you also have to look out for yourself sometimes. In fact, I’d go as far to say as you’ll be a better doctor if you learn to take some time off for yourself every once in a while.”

  “Yeah, I think so too. In fact, I’m taking tomorrow off. Which means I better get back to my office and get started.”

  I headed back to my office and immediately got started on my work for the day. I didn’t have too many clients, but I did have a lot of paperwork. I started working methodically, just as I always did, but every now and again I would find my mind wandering. And two of my clients told me that I looked different that day.

  “Different? What do you mean?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. You just seem happy.”

  I smiled. “Well, that’s good. I guess I am. Who knew that happiness manifested so much in the physical?”

  The woman chuckled. “That’s the problem with you doctors. You spend so much time worrying about the body that you forget about the mind. I think a lot of our bodily problems can be fixed simply by leading happier and less stressed lives.”

  “I hate to admit it, but you are absolutely right.”

  I was surprised to find how many times my mind wandered to Kennedy that day. She kept popping up in my mind, and little things kept reminding me of her. This had never happened to me before. Usually, I was so focused on work that I battled to think of anything else.

  By the end of the day, I’d somehow managed to get a lot of work done without once feeling stressed about it. That woman had been right; I did feel physically better without the stress. I switched off my computer and was just about to head off for the day when Warren popped his head around the door.

  “Oh good, I’m glad you’re still here,” he said.

  “I was just about to leave, actually. What’s going on?”

  “I just received an email about Saturday and I wanted to see if you had remembered it. Because, I’ll be honest, I had completely forgotten that it was still happening.”

  “Saturday?” I asked as I tried to rack my brain. I shook my head. “No, doesn’t ring any bells. What’s happening on Saturday?”

  He laughed. “Oh, good, I’m not the only one with the poor memory. And for some reason, it’s not on my calendar. Saturday is the banquet.”

  “The banquet? I completely forgot about that. Really? This Saturday? I remember thinking that it was still weeks away. I actually thought it was next month. Oh man, I’m not in the mood for it. They can be so boring. Are you going? Is it mandatory?”

  “Oh yeah, it’s mandatory.”


  “And anyway, we have to go because I heard that they will be honoring both of us for our achievements this past year. We can’t not be there.”

  “Really? Oh, well, that’s pretty cool. That will make the whole thing a bit better. I had no idea that we were even getting anything. How did you find out?”

  “Yeah, neither did I. I think they told me because they knew I wasn’t going to go otherwise. Which they were right to do. I was going to probably feign illness or something.”

  I laughed. I probably would’ve done the same thing. These types of events were not my idea of fun. “Okay, well, it looks like I’ll be there then. At least we’ll both be there together. Thanks for reminding me. I don’t think it’s on my calendar, either. I cannot believe how fast time has gone.”

  “Tell me about it. Hey, why don’t you bring Kennedy with? We’re allowed to bring partners,” Warren suggested.

  “Ha! You just want to meet her, don’t you?” I knew Warren well enough to know that he was dying to meet the girl that I was finally interested in.

  Warren laughed. “Yeah, I do. But it will still be nice, anyway. She’ll get to see you getting an award.”

  Actually, the idea of Kennedy being there to see me getting an achievement award did sound like something I would want. I nodded. “Hell yeah, I’ll bring her. That way Trinity can come too.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Sadly, Reed couldn’t get the day off as he had planned, but he did take a few hours off in the morning and took Trinity and me out for breakfast. I knew he was busy and that he would have to work so hard just to make up for the time he had lost, but he made sure that Trinity didn’t know this. After breakfast, he left for work, and I spent the day with Trinity. I taught her various things in the kitchen, and we spent about two hours working on our art. I was amazed at how much I could learn from someone who had only been in this world for six years.

  We had dinner together, and afterward we watched Finding Dory, and when I saw her getting sleepy, I went to put her to bed. Once dressed, she climbed into her bed and I sat next to her to read her a story. It was one of my favorite parts of the day with her.

  Once the story was finished, she smiled at me.

  “I love that story,” she said. “I like it when they have happy endings.”

  “Oh, they always have happy endings,” I said. “Because they make us happy.”

  “They do. Do you think our life will also have a happy ending?”

  I smiled. “Of course. And I also think that our life is pretty happy right now, don’t you think? I mean, we’re always laughing.”

  She chuckled. “We are always laughing. I think you’re the funniest person in the world, Kennedy.”

  “You do? Is it because of the dinosaur faces I make?” I said and stood up to do my classic dinosaur pose that I’d done at the museum.

  She laughed. “Yes. I like that,” she said. Then her little face got all serious. “Kennedy, can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course you can. You can ask me anything that you want.”

  “Will you be my nanny forever?”

  I gulped. I wanted desperately to just say yes to her, but I also didn’t want to lie. I couldn’t bear the thought of disappointing her one day just because I’d been too much of a coward to tell the truth.

  I sighed. “Probably not. But that’s only because one day I’d like to open up my
own restaurant. I can’t do this job forever. And anyway, one day you’ll be too old for me to be your nanny.”

  She nodded sadly as if she had known the answer already. “Okay.”

  “But you’re asking me the wrong question,” I said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “What you should’ve asked me is if I will be your friend forever. Because the answer to that is most definitely yes. You should’ve asked me if I will be in your life forever. Because that is also a yes. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

  Trinity broke into such a big smile that my heart broke into pieces. “Really?”

  “Of course. I think you’re the coolest girl in the whole world.”

  “I think you are the coolest girl too,” she said.

  “Okay, are you ready to go to sleep? I can see that you’re tired.”

  She nodded. “Good night, Kennedy.”

  “Good night, Trin.”

  Trinity was asleep within seconds. I sat there for a while, just watching her. She looked so peaceful and happy. I decided then that no matter what happened between myself and Reed that I would not let it get in the way of my friendship with Trinity. I couldn’t do that to her. She would always come first, no matter what. I switched the light off, closed the door, and made my way slowly downstairs to wait for Reed. I had no idea what time he was going to be home, but he generally got back at around this time. I grabbed my book and a cup of coffee and went to sit in the living room to wait.

  Reed came back only a few minutes later and smiled at me when he walked in. I sighed at the sight of him. Reed was one of those men that had no idea how good looking they were. Just because he wore glasses and had a higher IQ than most made him think that he wasn’t as attractive. But that is what made him more attractive.

  “Hey, Ken,” he said.

  “Hey, you. She’s fast asleep,” I said. “And she had a great time at breakfast this morning. Thanks for doing that, even though I’m sure you were so busy.”

  “Ah, it was worth it. I’m finally starting to see how important it is for me to make more time for her. I’d rather be a little bit stressed at work and know that she is happy. Anyway, it was fun.”

  “It was a lot of fun, and she loved it. So, how did your day go? Oh, and can I warm up some food for you?”

  Reed smiled. “You don’t have to. Finish your coffee. I’ll warm up the food and bring it here. Would you like some?”

  “I’m good thanks. I ate with Trinity. There’s a bowl in the microwave waiting for you.”

  “Thank you. And yeah, my day was good. Busy, but what’s new? Thank goodness I love what I do. I don’t think you can do that kind of job and not love it.”

  “Oh yeah, I agree with you. I guess I can say the same thing about cooking. There’s a big difference between eating food from someone that loves cooking to something from someone that doesn’t,” I said. Then I laughed. “Not that I’m comparing being a chef to being a neurosurgeon. I sound like that woman you went on a date with.”

  Reed chuckled. “No, you definitely don’t sound like her. Trust me; you wouldn’t be looking after my child if you were like her.”

  He walked over to the living room with his bowl and sat on a sofa near me. I’d made a chicken a la king that night that I was hoping he’d enjoy. It had always been one of my go to meals whenever anyone asked me to cook for them. It was one of those meals that almost everyone enjoyed. There was just something so comforting about it.

  “Oh, this is amazing. You have to teach me how to make this one,” he said.

  “No way.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “I told you just now, there’s going to be no job for me. I think I’m going to start keeping my cooking secrets to myself.”

  “You say that like I’d actually be able to make this as well as you. I bet you that even if you gave me all the ingredients as well as a step by step instruction on what to do with them, my dish would taste different from yours.”

  “I hope so. This is my job after all. I’d prefer it if you didn’t actually get better than me.”

  Reed laughed. “Oh, that won’t be happening anytime soon. By the way, are you free on Saturday?”

  “Why? Do Peter and Petunia have another wedding to go to?”

  He laughed. “I still have no idea why I came up with the name Petunia. It sort of just fell out of my mouth and then there was no turning back.”

  “Yeah, that was so mean! I almost burst out laughing.”

  “Sorry about that, but it did make the night funnier. No, no wedding. But I have a banquet coming up for work, and we’re allowed to bring someone. They can be dreadfully dull at times so I was hoping you could come and liven things up a bit.”

  Another night out with Reed? I could handle that. “I’d love to, Reed. Sounds better than what I had lined up, anyway.”

  “Oh yeah? What’s that?” he asked.

  “Uh, nothing.”

  He laughed. “Well, let me know once the banquet is done if you still feel that way.”

  We sat for a while, just talking. And I found it amazing that we could sit and talk like old friends despite what had happened between us.

  “You know,” Reed said as if reading my mind. “It’s nice to finally have someone to talk to like this. I really enjoy being around you, Kennedy. I haven’t had someone that I got along with like this in a long time. You’re a great listener.”

  I beamed. “I was literally just thinking the same thing about you. Uh, Reed, I hope I’m not being too forward here. You don’t have to answer me if you don’t want to. But . . . what exactly happened with your ex-wife?” It was a question I’d wanted to ask him from the moment I met him, and I’d finally found the courage to ask him.

  “You’re not being forward at all. And I’m sorry I haven’t told you about her yet. It’s just . . . well . . . .”

  “I know,” I said. “It’s not easy with Trinity around.”

  “Yeah, it’s not. I want to protect her. If she wants to talk to me about it, I will, but until then I’m just leaving it alone. Well, there isn’t much to the story. We were married, and as far as I knew, we were happy. Then she became pregnant, I was all excited, and when Trinity was born, she decided that she no longer wanted this life anymore. She ran off without saying a thing.”

  “What? Are you serious? She actually ran off?”

  “Yeah, she left a note so that I wouldn’t worry. And that was it. I was left with a newborn baby and a very busy job. It was . . . well, it was one the hardest things that I’ve ever had to go through. I had to be strong for Trinity, but it wasn’t easy. I wish I could say it was, but it wasn’t. I’m not sure I’ve ever really gotten over what happened. I thought I was such a lucky man, you know? A wife and a beautiful little girl. And then, all of a sudden, that was stripped away from me. And to this day I have no idea why.”

  “She hasn’t been back?”

  He shook his head. “Nah.”

  I sighed. That was the saddest thing I’d ever heard. Not even an explanation? Poor Reed must’ve been going out of his mind wondering what he had done wrong. I was almost sure that he’d done absolutely nothing wrong in this situation though, but I knew that if it was me, I would be blaming myself too.

  “I’m so sorry, Reed. I cannot even imagine how hard this must’ve been for you.”

  “It’s okay. It was a long time ago. I guess I’m stronger for it now. It was horrible when it happened, and I was angry for a long time. But I’m fine now. Time really does heal all wounds. And I have the best little girl out of the situation. I don’t know how anyone could’ve left someone like her.”

  I didn’t know how anyone could leave someone like Reed. “Yeah, it’s so messed up. You didn’t deserve that. It was a cowardly thing to do.”

  “Yeah, and then Linda goes and leaves without saying goodbye to her, either. I wasn’t happy about that. I know she wasn’t all that close to Linda, but still. I know it hurt her feelings.”
  I leaned over and kissed him softly on the mouth.

  “Reed, I don’t know what’s going on between you and I. Right now I’m just happy to see how things pan out. But I want you to know one thing, no matter what happens with us, I’m not leaving Trinity. I’m not going anywhere right now, and I promise to always be in her life.”

  Reed looked up and smiled. “I’m so happy I decided to go to the grocery store that day.”

  I smiled back. “And I’m so glad I handed you that business card.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  It was Friday night, and I’d just told Trinity about the banquet the next day. I thought she’d be excited at the prospect of spending yet another Saturday with Kennedy. She smiled politely but didn’t say too much, and when I looked at her, I saw that her head was down and her face was somber.

  “Oh, darling, what’s wrong? Don’t you want to go? I know it doesn’t sound like much fun,” I said.

  I groaned. Perhaps I should’ve gone alone and asked Kennedy to look after Trinity. I thought I was doing the right thing, but maybe I was just thinking of myself because I was the one that wanted to see Kennedy. I should’ve known that a medical banquet wouldn’t exactly be something that would interest Trinity. She wanted to spend time with me but not necessarily like this.

  “It does sound like fun,” she insisted. But she still didn’t look happy.

  “Trin, you can talk to me. If you don’t want to come, I’m sure Kennedy won’t mind staying behind with you,” I said even though I didn’t really want to do that to Kennedy, either. I had been so looking forward to spending the evening with my two favorite girls. And, admittedly, I had wanted them both to be there if I got a prize. I wanted them to see that I was doing something good with my life.

  “I do want to come,” she insisted again.

  “Then what’s wrong? Because you don’t look very happy about it. You must just tell me Trin. I’m your dad; you can tell me anything remember?”

  She nodded. “I just . . . I don’t have anything to wear. I wore my nice dress to the wedding, and all my other dresses are too small for me now. And I don’t want to go there wearing the same thing I always wear. But I do want to come. I promise.”


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