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Dirty Daddy (A Single Dad Romance) (The Maxwell Family)

Page 66

by Alycia Taylor

  “Oh yeah,” he said and chuckled.

  “Well, that man was a genius,” I lied. I figured the only way I’d get him to confess was to have him on my side. “I mean, it’s incredible.”

  “It was me!”

  I looked at him. That was easier than I thought it was going to be. The man was delusional.

  “You? Why’d you do it?”

  “Well, I’m in love with the woman who used to live here.”

  “You’re in love with E—uh, the woman?” I said, almost blowing my cover by saying Emily’s name.

  “Yeah. I’m in love with her. And I’m sure she’s in love with me. Although I asked her out three times and . . . and she said no. I’m not sure why. Maybe she’s scared about just how much she wants to be with me. I knew I couldn’t ask her out a fourth time. That would be too weird,” he said. That would be too weird, I thought but didn’t say anything. I just nodded and let him talk. “Also, I know she doesn’t have family to turn to. So I burned this ugly house down so that she could come and live with me.”

  “Did it work?”

  “Nah. I forgot about her best friend. The woman that works with her. So that was a bummer. But it’s okay. I’ll find a way to get her.”

  I turned to him and punched him in the nose. He staggered back and looked at me in surprise.

  “Ow. What was that for?”

  “You could’ve hurt her.”



  “You know her?”

  “You could’ve hurt her. Imagine if she were inside. How can you do something like that?”

  “Whoa, dude. I made sure she was out. I wanted to try and get her, remember? Why would I hurt her?”

  “So you burned her house down? Do you even realize how messed up that sounds? You’re a freaking psycho.”

  “I prefer to think of myself as intelligent, thank you very much. A creative thinker.”

  I couldn’t take it anymore. If ever there was a time that my rage was unstoppable, it was now. I could feel my blood boiling the longer I stood there and looked at his face. I walked up to him and grabbed him by the throat.

  “Listen here. If I ever see you again, I will kill you. You hear me? I will kill you. You’re a good for nothing son of a bitch, and I don’t ever want to see you again.”

  Just then Brady came running out of his house after he’d heard the commotion outside.

  “Grant, what are you doing? Let him go.”

  I held tight.

  “Patriot! Let him go!” he screamed.

  I let him go, and the man scurried off.

  “Run away like the coward you are,” I screamed as I watched him retreat.

  “Whoa, what the hell was that all about? Who was that guy? Hey, I think that was the same guy I saw snooping the last time, actually.”

  “It was.”

  “What the hell was he doing here again? Did you talk to him?”

  I nodded. “He did it. He’s the one that burned the house down.”

  “He actually told you?”

  “Not only did he tell me, but he boasted about it. He was happy about it. Oh, he was delighted at what he had done. I think he’s been bursting to tell someone about it. He obviously had no idea who I was.”

  “But why would he do that? I mean, why would he burn her house down? Did he have a reason?”

  “Because Emily turned him down numerous times. He didn’t want to ask her out a again so he burned her house down in the hopes she’d come and stay with him. Clearly, that didn’t work out too well for him. The guy is messed up man.”

  Grant groaned. “Are you serious? He burned her house down because she wouldn’t go out with him. That man is a psycho. No wonder she turned him down.”

  “Tell me about it. I actually couldn’t believe it when he told me. Look, I’m sorry for losing my cool out there. I couldn’t help myself. He was actually laughing about what he had done. I think that’s what did it for me. The laughter.”

  Grant shook his hand. “Nah, I don’t blame you at all. I would’ve done exactly the same thing if I had been in your shoes. But you need to let him go. The last thing you want is to get into trouble for any of this. He’s the one at fault.”

  “Yeah, you came at the right time. Thanks, man,” I said. I was still visibly shaking.

  “And listen, have you spoken to Emily?” Grant asked.

  “I haven’t since the time we fought. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, clearly you care for her a lot more than you think you do. I think you might be in love with her. Don’t you think it’s about time that you made amends?”

  I sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. I need to make things right with her.”

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I was sitting at work, waiting for Terra to finish up with a late client, when my phone rang. It was my father. Ever since the two of us had gone for dinner, we’d spoken almost daily. The phone calls generally didn’t have a meaning, and most of the time it was just asking me how my day had gone. I called him yesterday first for the first time because I wanted to talk to him about his book. I was already half way through, and I was loving it. I wanted to ask what was going to happen and if my suspicions were correct. But he had only laughed and told me he would not tell me. I told him that there was no point knowing the author if the author wouldn’t give you any information. But he’d only laughed and told me he’d talk to me when it was done.

  “Hey, John,” I said when I answered the phone.

  “Okay time to talk? You still at work?” he asked.

  “I’m still here. Just waiting for Terra and then we’re leaving. So this is a good time. But before we talk about anything, I have to tell you that I finished the book!”

  “What? Already? But you were half way through yesterday.”

  “I know. But you wouldn’t tell me what happened, and I just had to know. So I stayed up until about two this morning finishing it.”

  “Oh no, I’m nervous now.”


  “I’m always nervous when people I know read my stuff, but it’s even more nerve-wracking with you. Can you just tell me you liked it even if you didn’t?”

  I laughed. “No need for me to lie. I loved it. You’re so talented.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief. “Really?”

  “Really. But did you really have to make Robert die? I liked him!”

  “I know. Me too. I hated writing that scene. But it was important to the story.”

  “You should write a book that happens before all of this, and have him as your main character. I feel like I need to know more about him.”

  “You know, that’s not a bad idea. I might just do that.”

  “Are you serious? Okay, get started soon!”

  He chuckled. “You’re worse than my agent.”

  We spoke a bit more about our day, and what we had done and when I put down the phone, I was smiling. Terra walked in and saw me.

  “What was that all about? I only heard the tail end of the conversation.”

  “Oh, that was John.”

  “Your father?”


  “So, you guys talk often?”

  “Almost every day, really. Feel like some coffee? I thought we could go over to that place across the road before going home.”

  “Sounds great. I’d love that.”

  We grabbed our bags and headed out to the café. We ordered our coffee at the counter and took them back to the table with us.

  “So, things seem to be going well between you and your father then. Have you seen him again?”

  “No, we’ve just spoken on the phone. I also read that book he gave me. It was amazing. He’s so talented.”

  “Can I read it next?”

  “Of course! I’ll drop it off with you.”

  “I’m happy for you, Em. I know it’s not going to be easy and I’m sure you’re going to have your ups and downs, but I’m glad you let him
into your life. You deserve this. And, from the sounds of things, he’s not such a bad guy.”

  I sighed. “He’s not. He’s really nice. And he regrets what he did. Sometimes I get so mad at him, but my feelings always soften. I know he wants to be in my life. And he’s trying really hard.”

  “That’s good. I’d love to meet him.”

  “Read the book, and then I’ll organize a meet up with him. We can interrogate him about it.”

  “Ooh, I like that. Hey, remember that book club we used to have together?”

  I chuckled at the memory. It was a few years ago, and everyone had bailed on us because we really wanted to read books and not just drink wine.

  “We should do that again. Wow, now we actually get to talk to the author of one of the books. That’s cool,” I said.

  “Very cool. It looks like your life is finally getting back on track.”

  “Sort of. Although, I might have gained a father, but I’ve lost a boyfriend.”

  “I thought you and Grant were never going out.”

  “Not officially. But I guess I sort of saw him as my boyfriend. I really liked him, Terra.”

  “I know you did. I’ve never seen you like anyone as much as him. Are you sure you don’t want to just call him? Maybe the two of you just need to talk.”

  “Maybe. But then I get angry and think that he should be the one that calls me.”

  “Oh no, that’s a terrible game to play. What if he’s thinking the same thing about you? It’s an endless game then. Just think about it.”

  “I will.”

  “So, changing the subject,” she said, and I smiled. I wanted her to change the subject. “Have you seen Brett and Wendy lately? Weren’t they supposed to come in this week?”

  “He canceled again. But he assures me that he’s coming in soon. He actually called me this time. He sounded all weird. I don’t know. As much as I miss Wendy, maybe it’s good that he doesn’t come back. I don’t need more drama in my life.”

  After the coffee, I went home to get the book and dropped it off with Terra. Then, instead of going home again, I decided to visit my mother’s gravestone. I tried to go there at least once a month, but with everything that had been going on lately, I missed the month before. I sat down and placed my hand on the stone.

  “I miss you, Mom. I wish you were here. You would know what to do in this situation. Can I tell you something that I haven’t told anyone? I’ve barely even admitted this to myself. I think I’m in love with Grant. I’ve never felt that way about anyone before in my entire life. I always wondered what it felt like to be in love with someone. I wasn’t sure that I’d ever find out what it felt like. And then I met Grant. He’s different from most of the guys I’ve known. I don’t know what it is about him. He’s just different. And now it’s all ruined. Is this what it felt like with you and my father? Did you also just know? I’m so sad thing he left us when we could’ve been such an amazing family together. I met him, Mom. He came back. And he’s amazing. But . . . sometimes it’s hard for me to forget what happened. And then I worry that you’re going to be upset that I’ve forgiven him. And what if Grant is like him? What if he leaves me the way Dad left you? I just wish you were here to talk to me. Sometimes I feel so alone.”

  I sat there crying for a while. Sometimes when I visited her grave, I’d have pretend back and forth conversations. But this time I was more aware of the fact that I’d never hear her voice again. I’d never feel her arms around me. I heard a sound behind me, and I jumped. I turned around, and my father was standing there.

  “I’m sorry I gave you a fright,” he said. “Mind if I sit down?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, of course,” I said and wiped my eyes. “Did you hear me talking?”

  “A little,” he admitted. “I’m sorry that you feel so alone.”

  “It’s not your fault,” I said.

  “It is a little, though.”

  I nodded. It was true, and neither of us could deny it. But as hard as it was, I was grateful that we were being so honest with one another. “Do you come here often?”

  “Ever since I’ve moved back here, I’ve come every day.”

  “Have you moved back for good?”

  “I have. I don’t want to leave you again. Now that I’ve found you, I never want to let you go. I hope you don’t mind.”

  I felt a little smile form on my face. “I don’t mind,” I whispered.

  “You know, Emily, I loved your mother very much. I think one of my biggest problems was that I always felt like I didn’t deserve a woman like that in my life. She was everything to me. When I left, I wanted her to tell me to come back. And when she didn’t, I thought she was happy that I had gone.”

  “Would you have come back?” I asked.

  “I think so. I don’t know. But all I’m trying to say is that if you really love Grant, then don’t let him get away. Maybe he’s just scared, like I was. Some people just need a bit more reassurance than others. You’ve got to put everything into a relationship if you love someone. You can’t just run away from your problems. Look at me. I ran away, and it didn’t make me a happier man. I was lonely all those years without my family. I regret that so much. I’ve lost out on so many years.”

  Suddenly he was crying. Ever since we’d met, he’d had a very calm demeanor about him, and as horrible as it was to see him cry, I was glad to see the emotion. I reached out and wrapped my arms around him. It was the first time that the two of us had hugged, and soon I was crying too.

  “You know,” he said when we eventually pulled away. “Your mom would be happy to see us like this.”

  “I think so too. She never said anything horrible about you, you know. That was something I never understood growing up. I kept asking her if she was mad at you, if she hated you, if you were a horrible person. And she always told me what a lovely man you were. I think she always knew you’d come back.”

  “I just wish she were still here,” he said.

  “Me too. Every single day. I don’t think that wish will ever go away.”

  “No, I suppose not. Emily, I’m never going to leave you. I hope you know that. I don’t ever want to leave you again. This is it now. I’m here for good. I want to be in your life. I might have missed out on your childhood, but I want to be there for the rest. I really mean it.”

  I smiled. “I know you do.”

  “I love you,” he said, and his voice choked slightly on the words.

  I nodded. “I love you too, Dad.” He looked at me in surprise at the word ‘Dad’ and I smiled. “Okay, that was weird to say out loud,” I said with a nervous laugh. “But I liked it.”

  “I liked it too.”

  We sat in silence for a few moments.

  “Are you going to fix things with Grant?” he asked. “I really liked him, you know. It was clear to me how much he cared for you.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know. I’m scared it’s too late.”

  “No, it’s not too late.”

  I smiled at him. “Have some time?” I asked.

  “Of course. Why, what did you have in mind?”

  “I was thinking we could stay here a little longer, and maybe tell some stories about Mom? There’s lots about her that you know, and I don’t. And there’s tons I know that you don’t. I think it will be nice. Oh, and I come here once a month to visit. Want to make this a monthly visit together?”

  “I’d love that, Emily.”

  I leaned and put my head on his shoulder, and the two of us sat for almost an hour, talking about my mother. It was both the saddest and happiest moment of my life.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I couldn’t get Emily out of my head. After I’d calmed down, which took a lot longer than I’d hoped, I finally made my way to her house. I had to see her. I had to know that she was okay. Brady was right: I was falling in love with her, and if I didn’t rectify things now, I was going to regret it for the rest of my life.

I went to the shop and bought a few ingredients, and then made my way to her house. When I arrived, she wasn’t there, and I had a sinking feeling that she might not come home that night. Maybe she was going to spend the night at Terra’s. But I decided to wait before calling Terra, in case I was wrong. When I finally saw her car pulling into the driveway, my heart lurched with joy. When she got out the car, I could see she hadn’t seen me. She got her bag and coat out the car and started walking toward the car. When she saw me, she stopped and put a hand to her heart.


  I smiled at her. I couldn’t believe how much I’d missed her.

  “Hey, Em.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  I held up the bags. “I’ve come to make you dinner.”


  “And to apologize. If you’ll let me.”

  She smiled. “I was going to call you, anyway. I also need to apologize.”


  “Yeah. I’ve been thinking about it all day. Come in,” she said and opened the door.

  The minute we got inside, I pulled her in toward me and kissed her. At first, her body felt tense. But as our lips pressed together and we shared our warmth, I could feel her relaxing in my arms.

  “I missed that,” I said.

  “I missed you,” she replied. Then she looked at my bags. “So, what’s for dinner?” she said casually, as if we’d never had a huge fight at all.

  I chuckled. “I figured you still hadn’t tasted my cooking, but at the same time, I didn’t want to poison you. So I thought it would be nice to get pizza crusts and just throw a whole bunch of toppings on them and stick them in the oven. So, in a way, it’s sort of like me cooking.”

  “Oh, that totally counts as you cooking,” she said. “So, what toppings did you get?”

  “Like you really had to ask. I have four packs of bacon, and four different varieties of cheese.”

  She burst out laughing. “Four packs of bacon? That’s amazing. We’re totally using them all.”

  “And, of course, I have champagne. It felt like a champagne sort of night. Let me open this thing. You get the glasses.”

  She got out the glasses while I popped open the bottle, and I poured us each a glass.


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