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Lola the Fashion Show Fairy

Page 2

by Daisy Meadows

  Unfortunately, Jack Frost stopped mid-twirl to gaze lovingly at himself in the mirror. This meant that his pass didn’t swing out very far at all . . . and Lola had to make a quick loop and soar back to her hiding place. How horrible! Their plan was ruined again!

  “Perfect,” Jack Frost declared with a smirk, as he finished his turn and headed back down the hall. The goblins watched with admiration. One even clapped!

  Kirsty thought quickly. “You know, I’ve heard that you should do a really big, dramatic twirl at the end of the catwalk if you want the agency to notice you,” she said to Rachel. “I’m going to practice that now, I think.”

  “No, you’re not,” Jack Frost told her. “Get off my catwalk, you silly girl. This is my practice time now, and I’m going to do the biggest and most dramatic twirl anyone has ever seen!”

  Rachel winked at Kirsty. “Hmmm, I’m not sure he’ll be able to do a really big twirl,” she said uncertainly.

  Jack Frost cringed with annoyance. “Well, watch this,” he snapped. “Prepare to be dazzled by my twirl!”

  Again, Kirsty, Rachel, and Lola all held their breath as Jack Frost neared the end of the hallway. Approaching the big mirror, he whipped around in the most exaggerated twirl ever, sending his pass flying straight out. In the blink of an eye, Lola zoomed down at lightning speed and plucked her pass out of the plastic sleeve. It shrank down to fairy-size, and she flew away with it, grinning in triumph.

  Jack Frost looked so furious, Rachel and Kirsty thought he might explode. “That’s mine!” he yelled. “Give that back!”

  “It’s not yours,” Lola insisted. “And I’m using its special magical powers to ban you from this fashion show — and your goblins, too. I won’t let you ruin it anymore!”

  Jack Frost stomped his foot, but he knew he was powerless against the magic of Lola’s pass. Now that she had it back, she could use it to make all fashion shows run perfectly — which meant he was unable to stay. “Well, it’s your loss,” he said, sulking. “I’ll go back to my Ice Castle and keep my Ice Blue designs all to myself from now on. And then you’ll be sorry!”

  The goblins looked pretty happy to hear this. “If you’re keeping your designs to yourself, does that mean we can wear green again?” one of them asked. He lifted his blue top to reveal a green T-shirt underneath, with GOBLINS ROCK! embroidered in messy writing. The other goblins cheered.

  With a growling sound, Jack Frost stomped his foot again, sending a flurry of ice chips swirling everywhere. When the ice chips vanished, he and the goblins had disappeared.

  Rachel and Kirsty cheered in triumph. Then they gazed in wonder as hundreds of bright silver sparkles began shooting from Lola’s magic pass and streaming down the hallway.

  “Just in time,” Lola said under her breath. “My magic will make sure the fashion show runs perfectly. Which is lucky, because it’s going to start in five minutes!”

  Some of the magic sparkles swirled around Kirsty and Rachel, and they gasped as their hair was magically styled and a touch of pink gloss was added to their lips. Then, as they went to look for Jessica, they saw that the catwalk had been fully repaired, the curtain was back on its rod, and the audience members were filing in to take their seats.

  “This fashion show is ready to roll,” Lola said happily. “And now I should return to Fairyland and make sure that the fashion show there is just as perfect. Would you two like to come with me?”

  Kirsty’s eyes lit up immediately. She knew that time stopped in the human world while they were in Fairyland, so they wouldn’t be missed for a second. “Oh, yes, please,” she said, just as Rachel said the same thing.

  Lola smiled and waved her wand again. “Then off we go!” she cried.

  The next moment, Rachel and Kirsty were swept up in a cloud of sparkling fairy dust and spun away from the fashion show. Soon they felt themselves land again. The sparkles cleared to reveal that they were inside the Great Hall of the Fairyland Palace. Even better, they were sitting in the front row of the audience, next to the king and queen of Fairyland!

  Queen Titania’s eyes twinkled as she saw the girls. “Perfect timing,” she said, smiling. “The show’s about to start.”

  Rachel and Kirsty said hello to the king and queen in their politest voices. They looked around with excitement to see the large catwalk and the huge audience behind them.

  Suddenly, the lights went down, and the hall was plunged into darkness. Pretty, tinkling music played and a single bright spotlight shone on the center of the stage as a figure appeared.

  “It’s Ruby!” whispered Kirsty with a smile. She recognized Ruby the Red Fairy, the very first fairy friend she and Rachel had ever made.

  At the beginning of the week, when the girls had first been whisked away to Fairyland, they had sat in this same hall waiting to watch the fashion show. Back then, Jack Frost had ruined Ruby’s entrance. Rachel quickly crossed her fingers. She hoped nothing would go wrong this time!

  Ruby strode down the catwalk in a gorgeous long red dress, edged with glittering sequins. She had red roses woven through her hair, silver bangles on her wrist, and red ballet shoes with red ribbons crisscrossing around her ankles.

  “She looks so beautiful,” said Rachel happily.

  One after another, fairies took to the catwalk in a series of amazing outfits. This time, there were no interruptions from Jack Frost or his goblins, and definitely no Ice Blue clothes to be seen!

  At the end, the audience gave a huge round of applause. Kirsty and Rachel both clapped until their hands tingled! Then Lola and the other Fashion Fairies walked onstage holding hands and took their bows.

  “We’d just like to say,” Lola began, “that today’s show would not have been possible without our friends Rachel and Kirsty — thank you, girls. Once again, you saved the day!”

  A second round of applause broke out, and the girls blushed with joy. Oh, it was so amazing to be friends with the fairies!

  Queen Titania smiled at them. “We’d better send you back to your world now. I can see that you have your own special outfits to model,” she said. “But before you go, let us give you a sprinkling of fairy dust, just to make you sparkle even more under the catwalk lights.”

  She and King Oberon lightly sprinkled some of their glittering dust over the girls. “Thanks again,” King Oberon said. “And good luck with your fashion show!”

  “Good luck!” the Fashion Fairies said at once, waving and smiling.

  “Good-bye,” Rachel said, waving back. “We hope we see you all again soon.”

  Queen Titania waved her wand and then, in a cloud of rainbow-colored fairy dust, the girls went spinning all the way back to Tippington.

  Back at the fashion show, Rachel and Kirsty saw Jessica coming toward them.

  “There you are!” she cried. “We’re all ready to go, so come and take your places in line. I hope you’re not too nervous. I know this must all be overwhelming for you.”

  Kirsty and Rachel grinned at each other. After seven adventures with the Fashion Fairies, outwitting Jack Frost and the goblins, and a whirlwind trip to Fairyland, the thought of walking down a catwalk actually seemed pretty relaxing!

  “I think we’ll be fine,” Kirsty said confidently.

  “That’s the spirit.” Jessica smiled. “I’m going to introduce the show now, so good luck!”

  Rachel and Kirsty made their way over to the catwalk entrance. Peeking through the curtains, they could see that a huge audience had gathered, including Rachel’s parents in the front row.

  Kirsty felt goose bumps on her arms as Jessica walked onto the stage and the audience clapped. “This is going to be great,” she whispered happily.

  Rachel smiled. “When we’re together, things are always fun,” she replied. “And this is the perfect way to end a very fashionable week
with the fairies!”

  Don’t miss any of Rachel and Kirsty’s other fairy adventures! Check out this magical sneak peek of


  the Tooth Fairy!

  Rachel Walker opened her bedroom window and leaned out to gaze up at the starry sky. She took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled happily.

  “This is going to be the best summer ever,” she said.

  Her best friend, Kirsty Tate, had arrived that morning to stay with her in Tippington. Three long, sunny weeks stretched ahead of them. Rachel couldn’t wait to find out what adventures awaited them. Whenever they were together, the most exciting and magical things seemed to happen!

  She heard her bedroom door open and turned around. Kirsty came in, carrying something small in the palm of her hand.

  “Rachel, guess what?” she said. “My loose tooth has finally fallen out!”

  “That’s terrific!” said Rachel. “We can put it under your pillow, so the Tooth Fairy can come tonight.”

  She closed the curtains and both girls changed into their pajamas. Then Kirsty slid her tooth under her pillow and patted it down happily.

  “We’ve never met the Tooth Fairy, have we?” she asked, climbing under the covers. “I wonder what she’s like.”

  Rachel and Kirsty had a very special secret. They were friends with lots of fairies and had visited Fairyland many times. Sometimes Jack Frost made trouble with his goblins. The girls had often helped the fairies foil his plans.

  “Maybe we’ll wake up when she comes to exchange your tooth for money,” said Rachel. She got into bed and yawned.

  “The Tooth Fairy is so quiet that she never wakes anyone up,” said Kirsty.

  Rachel smiled and turned out her bedside light. It had been a long day, and within a few minutes, both girls were fast asleep.

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  e-ISBN 978-0-545-53935-7

  Copyright © 2012 by Rainbow Magic Limited.

  All rights reserved. Published by Scholastic Inc., 557 Broadway, New York, NY 10012, by arrangement with Rainbow Magic Limited.

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  First Scholastic printing, July 2013




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