Book Read Free

The Junior (College Years Book 3)

Page 28

by Monica Murphy

  “Gracie?” he booms.

  Deciding I can’t hold back any longer, I run up to him and he grabs me in his arms, holding me close. Despite all the gear he’s got on, I can feel him. Warm and solid and whole. I press my face against his chest, breathing in deep as I close my eyes. I forget where we are, forget the woman interviewing him and the crowd and the stadium and the game.

  I’m just glad he’s okay. Here in my arms.

  “What are you doing here?” he asks, his mouth right at my temple.

  “I wanted to surprise you.” I pull away slightly so I can look into his eyes. There’s so much joy there in the blue depths. He’s genuinely happy to see me, which eases some of my tension. “But you surprised me instead. First with that interception, and then when you got hurt.”

  “That play was pretty fuckin’ epic, was it not?” He looks very, very pleased with himself.

  “It was amazing,” I breathe, staring at him in wonder, so grateful that he’s whole, and not hurt.

  He doesn’t say a word, but he stares, his gaze eating me up.

  Just before he dips his head and kisses me in front of everybody.

  “I didn’t like that hit you took,” I whisper against his seeking lips. “You scared me so bad.”

  “Aw, G. Don’t worry.” He pulls away completely and spreads his arms out wide, grinning. “I’m fine.”

  “You didn’t look fine earlier when you weren’t moving,” I remind him.

  “I got knocked out cold for a second. Kind of a trip. Next thing I know, my eyes pop open and I can hear people chanting. They were chanting, right?” He frowns, as if he’s trying to remember.

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but you lying there. Not moving.” A shudder moves through me at the memory. “I hated that.”

  “I’m fine.” He pulls me in for another reassuring kiss. “Promise.”

  Jackson, Ellie and Hayden find us soon after, and Tony is with them. We all chat, everyone going on about the exciting game Caleb had today. The touchdown and the near injury. They didn’t let him play for the rest of the half for fear of a concussion, but he says he feels all right, he’s just tired.

  I can tell. I see it written all over him.

  “We’re flying home today,” he tells me at one point. “Our flight leaves in a couple of hours.”

  “I’m sorry you didn’t win,” I murmur, meaning every word.

  “Hey, I had the game of my fucking life today. I intercepted the ball and made a touchdown. Got my ass knocked out on live TV, and I’ve got my girl.” He slips his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his side. “I have no complaints.”

  I can’t help but grin. “Neither do I.”

  Neither do I.



  It’s hours later, long into the night, and I’m in my bed with Gracie, the both of us naked and tangled up in each other. We had sex, but I took it slow because my body is aching, and so is my head. The team doc says I have a mild concussion and I can’t play for the next few days, which is fine by me. I still have to show up to practice though.

  I’ll just stand on the sidelines and encourage my boys.

  Despite the epic game for me, I hate that we lost. Eli feels like shit. The Rebels were tough, we all told him this, but he’s taking it personally. Just like he takes everything. The guy throws his entire being into something, and when he fails, it breaks his heart. Sometimes I think it’s kind of hard, being him.

  I’m glad I’m just me.

  Other teams in our division lost as well this weekend, which means our chances for a playoff spot just got a bit easier, so this is a good thing. The only other bright spot in a kind of shitty day for the Bulldogs’ football team.

  Me? I’ve got bright spots all over the place. Life is good.

  No, that’s not a strong enough word. Life is fucking excellent. I may ache like a motherfucker, but I don’t mind, thanks to the woman who is currently snuggled up close, her leg thrown over both of mine like she’s trying to claim me.

  She can claim me all she wants. I’m hers.

  “I’m so glad you’re finally home,” she whispers, her lips moving against my chest tickling me. “And in one piece.”

  “You just want to use me for sex,” I drawl, teasing her.

  “Not true.” She lifts her head, and her gaze is serious, the color of her eyes a deep, dark green. “I was so scared when you got hurt, Caleb. And it was weird, but I felt like something bad was going to happen right before it, too. Like I was having a…premonition.”

  Reaching out, I brush her hair away from her face, the silky strands sifting through my fingers. “I felt the same thing.”

  Her mouth pops open. “Really?”

  Nodding, I cup the back of her head and pull her in for a gentle kiss. “I’m okay though.”

  I don’t want to dwell on it. What’s done is done. I’m all right. We can move on.

  I’d rather focus on her. And us.

  “I know you are.” She runs her hands up and down my chest, her fingers bringing my skin—and dick—to life. As usual. “Football is dangerous.”

  “It’s safer than it used to be.”

  “Sometimes you’re reckless.”

  “You only live once.”

  “Right. That’s why I need to tell you something.” She pulls away slightly, her gaze meeting mine once more. “I’m uh….”

  My lips curl up in a closed-mouth smile. “You’re uhhh…what?”

  Those gorgeous eyes of hers well up with tears. “I’m in love with you.”

  “Aw babe.” I pull her back to me, my mouth on hers in a quick, devouring kiss. My heart is soaring at her admission, which makes me feel like a sentimental ass. “Why are you crying?”

  “I thought I was going to, I don’t know, lose you earlier. This last week you were so distant because you heard what I said—”

  “Why did you say that?” I interrupt, needing to know. “To the girls. It’s like you already expected us to be over. As if you weren’t ever really giving us a chance.”

  “I’m not good at this relationship shit, you know this,” she says, vaguely defensive. “The moment I said it, I felt like an asshole.”

  I don’t say anything. It was an asshole move, but she doesn’t need the reminder. Plus, she’s apologized for it once already.

  I’m usually the asshole in these situations, so it feels kind of good, not being one for once. And I’d love another apology, in person this time.

  “I’m sorry you had to hear me say those things,” she says, and from the shaky sound of her voice, she’s on the verge of tears. “And I’m sorry for ever uttering those words out loud. I love you, Caleb. I can’t even believe it, but I’m totally in love with you and I don’t know what I’d do without you. Witnessing you get hurt out on that field today was devastating. I…”

  Her voice drifts and she is full-fledged crying. I gather her in my arms and offer her comfort by kissing her face and squeezing her tight. She cries for a moment, and I let her get the emotion out. It was an emotional day. It’s been an emotional week.

  Thank Christ everything worked out in our favor.

  Once she’s calmed down some, I decide it’s my turn to bare my soul to her.

  “I’m in love with you too, G,” I admit softly as I drift my fingers up and down her back. “I know I’m kind of a fuck-up and I have no idea what I’m doing with my life, but as long as I’ve got you by my side, I’m pretty sure I can do anything I set my mind to. I need you. More than you will ever know.”

  There are more tears, but I can tell they’re happy ones this time around. They still break my heart though and I do my best to kiss them away, my mouth always finding hers. We kiss and kiss, overwhelmed with emotion, exhaustion, happiness. My hands start to wander as they do, and so do hers. She touches my cock, and of course, it’s hard. Eager.

  Ready to get back inside her.

  “You should rest,” she chastise
s, as she continues stroking me.

  My eyes feel like they might cross because she keeps squeezing me. “Can’t rest when you’re touching me like that.”

  She sighs, her gaze sparkling. “Fine. Lie back, and I’ll do all the work.”

  I do as she asks, my hands folded beneath my head as she races her mouth all over my chest, my stomach. The inside of my thighs. She licks at my balls and cradles them in the palm of her hand, holding me as if I’m something she cherishes.

  I know I cherish her. She’s the best fucking person I know.

  When she wraps those tempting lips around the head of my dick, I hiss out a breath, losing myself for a few minutes to the sensation of her mouth and tongue working me into a frenzy. Within minutes, I’m ready to explode and she slows down. Releases me completely.

  Only to climb on top of me, grab hold of the base of my erection and slowly sink herself onto me, until I fill her completely.

  I arch into her, my hands settling on her hips as I guide her, help her maintain the rhythm. I’m not one to use corny expressions like making love. I am all about straight fucking.

  But this moment right here is about as close as we can get to love. I’m so damn grateful for this woman.

  Gracie rides me steadily, her hands braced on my chest as she works her hips. She’s careful, keeping up the rhythm and always pushing me off when I try to exert power over her. She’s watching out for me, probably still worried about me too, and I let her. I enjoy the shift of her body, and how she takes me deep. I savor the view of her tits bouncing, the look of pure pleasure crossing her pretty face. I’m a lucky man.

  And I know it.

  Within minutes her pussy clenches tight around my shaft and I close my eyes, a groan sounding low in my throat. I’m close again. It doesn’t take much for us to come. And it always seems to get better between us too.

  Will it always be like this? Probably not. There will be ups and downs and arguments and maybe even some resentment sometimes, but damn it, there’s no other woman I want to do all of this with. I want to fight and love and laugh and just be with this girl.

  For as long as she’ll let me. If that’s forever, then…

  That’s more than okay with me.



  Late Spring

  “Miss Hughes, Miss Hughes!”

  I laugh as my students rush toward me, surrounding me with their eager smiling faces. “What, what?” I ask them.

  They’re all hyped because the end of school is drawing closer and closer, and they can feel it. The air becomes warmer and the days become longer. We start doing more school activities outside, and they love it. So do I. Being outside helps them burn off all the pent-up energy that keeps them restless throughout the day.

  If I could bottle up little kid energy and sell it? I’d be a gazillionaire.

  “We want to go outside!” one of the boys announces.

  It’s near the end of the school day, and sometimes I let them sit in the grass and we take turns reading a story. Anything to feel the warm sun on their faces and the cool breeze stir their hair.

  “Let’s go read then,” I tell them.

  We pick out a couple of books and head outside, my class sitting in a circle in the grass. I stare at all of their faces as I read to them, my heart swelling with emotion. I swear to God I always thought I was such a heartless bitch, but once I opened up this cold heart of mine to my man and my class?

  Forget it, now I’m an emotional, weeping mess.

  I’m starting to read another book when a couple of my students start getting antsy. They keep giggling and looking at the spot above my head. I pause in my reading, sending them a look.

  “What’s gotten into you guys?” I ask them, frowning.

  They shake their heads, still giggling.

  Big, warm hands suddenly cover my eyes, and I can smell him.

  My boyfriend is here.

  “Guess who?” he asks, his deep voice full of amusement.

  “I have no idea,” I say drolly.

  “It’s your boyfriend!” squeals one of the girls at the top of her lungs, making me wince.

  Caleb drops his hands and presses a kiss to my cheek before he plops onto the grass next to me, sitting cross-legged like the kids. He’s visited me a couple of times on campus lately, always stopping by the main office as is protocol, getting a visitor’s pass and essentially charming the ladies that work there. They adore him.

  So does my class.

  A couple of the boys scoot closer to him and ask questions about football. I stop reading from the book and let the kids talk, knowing we only have a few minutes before the bell rings. I smile as I watch Caleb with the children, content. I am going to miss this class, and this school when I’m finished. I’ve been hunting for a permanent job and I found one that I haven’t said yes to yet, but I really want to.

  I need to talk to Caleb about it first.

  Within a few minutes, I’ve got the kids rounded up and headed back to the classroom so they can gather their things, Caleb taking up the back of the line and steering them. The bell rings and I lead them back out, delivering the kids to the bus and car pickup line while the rest of them go with another teacher to get picked up in person.

  When I’m done with my after-school duties, I head back to the classroom to find Caleb sitting behind my desk, his hands resting on top of it.

  “It’s kind of hot that you’re a teacher,” he says, leaning back in my chair.

  I let the door shut as I roll my eyes. “You say that a lot.”

  “I would’ve had mad fantasies about you if you were my teacher,” he says with a faint smirk.

  I laugh. “Please. Not at eight years old.”

  “I might’ve kissed the pillow at night pretending it was your lips,” he teases.

  Walking straight up to my desk, I lean in and drop a kiss on his smiling mouth. “You’re weird.”

  “Just trying to keep it real.” He glances around the classroom. “You going to miss this place?”

  I nod, settling my butt on the edge of the desk. “Yes. I’ve really liked it here.”

  “Found a job yet?”

  I’m surprised he’s asking. It’s been a bit of a sore subject between us. He’s scared I’m going to leave the area, and I can’t deny that I’ve applied to a few school districts that aren’t close.

  Hey, I had to keep my options open, though he’d rather I stay here.

  I get it. I don’t want to leave him either.

  “I think I have,” I say, keeping my voice light. Casual. “I wanted to discuss it with you first, though.”

  He frowns, those thick brows of his drawing together. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “Well, I got a job offer as a second grade teacher.” I pause for only a moment. “In your old school district.”

  His frown deepens. “Wait a minute…in my hometown?”

  I nod, excitement bubbling up inside of me. “They’ve lost a lot of teachers lately, due to them retiring, and they were desperately in need. I applied and I got the job.”

  “Which school?”

  “Rivergold Elementary,” I tell him.

  His frown completely disappears. “Where all the rich kids went?”

  I burst out laughing. “Okay sure. Whatever.”

  “Wait a minute.” He gets out of my chair and approaches me slowly, his steps careful, as is his gaze. “What are you saying right now?”

  “I’m sticking around, Burke.” I’m smiling so hard my face hurts. “You’re stuck with my ass.”

  “You’ll be teaching in the same area where I grew up, Gracie. Are you going to…what? Live up there? It’s an hour away from here,” he points out.

  “Not at first. I thought maybe…I could live with you still. If you don’t mind,” I say with a shrug. “But eventually I’ll have to move up there.”

  With you, is what I want to say, but I’m too scared.

  Which is dumb because
I love this man and he loves me, so why should I be scared? But I’m really going out on a limb here, taking a job in the same area he grew up. Looking like some sort of stalker, even though I doubt he actually thinks that.

  Here’s the thing. As we’ve gotten closer, he takes me to his parents’ house. A lot. Especially once the football season ended. I really like his mom and dad, and the relationship that they have. They genuinely love each other, and they’re having a good time right now. Life is all right for the Burkes. They have no complaints.

  And that…appeals to me. I don’t need anything flashy. I just want to be happy.


  “Gracie, what the fuck? Are you saying you want to have a mundane life and live in the sticks in some small house? Teach a bunch of brats while married to that one guy with the slight beer gut thanks to all those IPAs he drinks?” Caleb asks. He sounds serious, but I see the sparkle in his eyes.

  He’s giving me shit. And repeating back to me something he said a long time ago.

  “Minus the beer gut, yes,” I say simply, breaking out into a huge grin when he starts laughing.

  “Okay then,” he says, yanking me into his arms, his mouth finding mine just before he murmurs, “Deal.”


  The moment Gracie and I walk into our apartment, hand in hand and laughing, we come to an abrupt halt. Eli is pacing back and forth in the living room with a grim look on his face, his phone pressed against his ear as he yells into it.

  “You’re really going to do that? That’s what you want? What about me and what I want?”

  Gracie and I exchange looks, her eyes wide.


  This doesn’t sound good.

  Eli is quiet as he continues pacing, listening to whoever it is talking to him. His expression is grim, his lips thin and his eyes are blazing with emotion.

  Mostly anger.

  “Really,” he says mockingly. “An opportunity you can’t pass up? Fuck that, Ava. You promised me you would come home for the summer.”


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