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Kissed by a Carrington

Page 23

by Linda Hudson-Smith

  Before slipping off to take a leisurely stroll around the deck, Houston and Kelly stayed with the group and danced for a couple of hours more. Their journey would ultimately end up in the brothers’ cabin. Lanier and Dallas planned to spend the night in the suite the two women had been assigned.

  Moonlight streamed in through the suite’s sliding glass door. Lying nude in bed, holding each other closely, Houston and Kelly eagerly claimed some serious “us time.” His desire to romance her all night long was finally being fulfilled.

  Slowly, Houston’s eyes roved Kelly’s beautiful body. “I had a good time at dinner and in the dance club. The romantic stroll was nice, too. What about you?”

  Kelly smiled softly. “Everything has been fabulous.” She reached up and tenderly caressed his face with the back of her hand. “Everyone appears to be having a great time. Does your family take many vacations together?”

  “We all try to get away once or twice a year. Because our off-seasons occur at different times, we have to grab opportunities when we can all make it.” He lowered his head and took possession of her mouth, gently caressing her soft, silky flesh.

  As Kelly straddled Houston, she moaned softly. “In the words of Marvin Gaye, ‘Let’s get it on.’ I want to be kissed by a Carrington.”

  Houston raised an eyebrow. “Any Carrington?”

  Her fingertips caressed his face while her tongue sought out his. She kissed him passionately, causing him to moan with pleasure. Pulling her head back slightly, she stared into his eyes. “You’re the one and only Carrington for me and yours is the only Carrington kiss I crave.”

  The next night, the time continued to pass by with the speed of light, but the Carrington group had already crammed in enough excitement to leave the ship quite satisfied if it came to an abrupt end. Leaving the older couple to their own devices, after dining at the midnight buffet, the three younger couples climbed up to the top deck to indulge in a little dancing and lots of romancing. The stars were out in full force. A brightly lit crescent moon hung low in the sky. Soft music could be heard strumming the air as it soulfully drifted from the disco club.

  Houston whirled Kelly into his arms, holding her close to him. While swinging her around and around to the beat of the melodic music, he saw joy and peace in her eyes. She was so relaxed. He was proud of her and proud to be seen with this incredible beauty.

  Even as Kelly settled comfortably in Houston’s arms, she couldn’t help wondering what her parents were doing at the moment. She wasn’t eager for the cruise to end, but she was anxious to start making things right with her mom and dad. Why she thought of them at this moment was kind of puzzling, but maybe it had to do with seeing how wonderfully the Carrington family interacted. They were an incredibly close family. Kelly desperately wanted what they had for Carolyn, Jared and herself.

  As the music continued to fill the atmosphere with stimulating melodies, Houston led Kelly outside and over to a table in a quiet corner of the upper deck. After he pulled out two chairs, they sat down. Taking a black velvet box from his pants pocket, he closed her hand around it. “This is for you. I hope you like it.”

  Kelly’s fingers and face suddenly felt frozen. Whatever was inside the box had her mind wandering all over the map. A bad case of nerves clawed at her heartstrings and she struggled to get a tight grip on her emotions. Kelly felt sure the gift wasn’t an engagement ring, especially since Houston hadn’t even confessed to loving her. If it was a ring, she mused, she knew she could never turn down a marriage proposal from him. Kelly loved Houston like crazy, loved him with every fiber of her being.

  Kelly loved Houston, but was she prepared to take the big plunge?

  Taking the box from Kelly’s trembling hand, Houston flipped it open. “It’s only a promise ring, a promise to never hurt or humiliate you. This hand-crafted perfection symbolizes my promise to be faithful to you, to cherish only you whether we’re together at home or miles apart.” He slid the tiny diamond ring on her left hand. “If we decide to marry, you can select a much bigger rock. I might be able to afford a couple of carats.”

  They both laughed at his joking remark.

  Kelly didn’t try to hold back her tears. To show Houston how much she loved the gift, she kissed him until he gulped for air. Laughing, she held up her hand, wiggling her fingers. “This is beautiful! Thank you for the sweet promises.”

  Kelly really believed they belonged together, for better or worse, but they had such a long way to go before deciding on eternity. She had to think in more sensible terms rather than going off the deep end. It was too easy for her to lose it over him.

  A diamond promise ring wasn’t what she had expected, but the very idea of it thrilled her no end. Houston was remarkable. Although he hadn’t made an affirmation of love to her she believed he cared deeply. Kelly silently promised in her heart to accept Houston’s proposal of marriage if he ever asked. If he didn’t propose, perhaps she would just ask him to marry her. She had a lot of work to do on herself, as well as handling her family affairs. She felt confident she was ready for both.

  God willing, maybe Houston and I will end up together forever.

  Kelly giggled loudly while listening to one of Houston’s corny basketball jokes.

  She inhaled deeply of his scent as he held her in his arms from behind. She still had a hard time believing all the changes in him, but she knew he was for real. His philosophy on marriage and commitment while on the road made perfect sense. Maybe he hadn’t poured his heart out because he didn’t love her, yet Kelly felt that he wanted to.

  “Staring into the starlit sky is pretty tranquil,” Houston whispered. “You never did tell me what you wished on the star for down at the lake, after your first Carrington dinner night. Tell me. Did your wish come true?”

  Kelly tilted her head back and looked up into Houston’s eyes. “It finally came true. My wish was for you to make love to me when we got back to my place.”

  Houston frowned slightly. “I’m glad I didn’t know. I was way out of my league then. I had started something I wasn’t sure I could finish, not in the absence of commitment. It’s history now.” He brought her around to face him. “I know I didn’t say anything when you told me you loved me—and I’m sorry about that. I guess I wasn’t ready to face my true feelings head-on. I love you, too, Kelly. I wouldn’t confess to loving you if I didn’t mean it. I’m opting to take your love rather than leaving it behind.”

  Kelly felt like crying. This was a beautiful moment, one to be savored. Hearing Houston confess his love for her was too surreal. “I’m nearly speechless,” she stammered, genuinely bewildered. “Knowing you love me back has me ecstatic. Welcome into my heart, Houston.” Crying softly, she flung herself in his open arms.

  The Carrington family and their special guests had added some personal touches to the celebration despite the fact the travel agent had made special arrangements for Angelica’s birthday. This was the last night of the cruise.

  The younger women had earlier decorated the assigned table with the colorful party favors Ashleigh had packed away in her suitcase. A colorful, glittery Happy Birthday banner, balloons and sparkling streamers were all in place.

  Angelica proudly wore the magnificent black-and-silver gown the younger women had chosen for her. When she was told that Ashleigh, Lanier and Kelly had picked it out, she mentioned how close their taste ran in fashion. Although she was the only matriarch of the group there wasn’t anything old-fashioned about her. At fifty-seven years of age, she was as stylish and upbeat as the younger women.

  Beaumont couldn’t keep his eyes off his strikingly beautiful wife.

  Angelica’s wrist, neck and ears dripped with brilliant diamonds. Lanier and Kelly’s fine jewelry sparkled as much as the more expensive jewels. The men were dressed in stylish black tuxedos, crisp white shirts and complementary accessories.

  One of the most beautiful women aboard the Ecstasy, Ashleigh shone brightly. The autumn-brown sequined dress sensuously
hugged each of her full curves. Her eyes sparkled like flecks of gold and her cheeks were flushed with the healthy color of impending motherhood. Her large, copper ringlets had been left loose to run rampant. The low-heeled dress shoes she had on were safe and comfortable yet also stylish.

  Ashleigh also wore the diamond teardrop earrings. Her husband had given them to her earlier. Poor Austin hadn’t been able to wait until the baby was born to present her the gift. It had always been hard for him to keep surprises under wraps.

  Since everyone’s meals had been served, Beaumont asked for a humbling blessing over the food and for the hands that prepared it. “This is a beautiful day that the Lord has made. Let us be happy and rejoice in it. I also want to wish my lovely bride and the mother of my sons, Angelica, an extremely happy, happy birthday.”

  More happy birthdays and cheers rang out from the others present.

  Once the meals were consumed, Austin passed out the birthday gifts.

  Angelica read the card before opening the first gift. A fourteen-carat-gold heart pendant engraved with Happy Birthday and the date of her birth made Angelica smile, bringing tears to her eyes. “Thanks, Lanier and Kelly. The gold heart is as beautiful as both of your hearts and spirits.” She blew kisses to the two women.

  Next Angelica unveiled a beautiful set of handmade Mexican jewelry and a colorful silk shawl. She loved Mexican goods and artifacts. Ashleigh and Austin had purchased the authentic gifts during the shore excursion they’d taken with Angelica and Beaumont. Smiling beautifully, she thanked her son and devoted daughter-in-law.

  As Angelica picked up the gift from her three sons, they came over and stood behind her chair. Each triplet bent over and hugged their mother. After kissing each of her rose-blushed cheeks, the brothers wished her a happy birthday…and many, many more. “We love you, Mom,” they said in unison.

  Tears cascaded from Angelica’s eyes as she lovingly fingered the brilliant four-carat diamond earrings, two carats per stud. “These jewels are exquisite, sons,” she cried happily. After removing the earrings she had on, Angelica replaced them with the new diamonds, holding back her hair so everyone could get a good look. “Are these precious gems beautiful or what? In fact, they’re just too beautiful for words.”

  Austin, Dallas and Houston had come to the conclusion that the diamond gift card wasn’t personal enough for their mom, so they’d gone back to the jewelry store and made the purchase two days later.

  Ashleigh got up and embraced her mother-in-law with a warm hug, wiping away Angelica’s tears. “It is okay to cry happy tears, Mom,” she soothed. “Happy birthday!” Ashleigh then reached for Beaumont’s hand, squeezing it gently. “I love you both.”

  Fighting back his tears, Beaumont squeezed her hand back. “We love you, too. Thanks for being so kind at heart and gracious, my dear. You’re a beautiful young woman and a loving wife and a national treasure to our son, Austin. You’re going to be a wonderful mother.” Beaumont looked at Kelly and then Lanier. “You ladies are beautiful and gracious, too. We’re happy you’re sharing in Angelica’s birthday celebration.”

  Nodding and smiling at the kind acknowledgment, Kelly thought of her parents again. The Carringtons had taught her that family was everything. It was now time for her to reclaim hers. After putting her arms around Angelica, Kelly tearfully wished the Carrington matriarch a delightful birthday.

  Ashleigh smiled through the blur of her tears. “I wish my mother and father were still alive for me to celebrate their birthdays. On Father’s and Mother’s Day and other special holidays I ache painfully for them, although I’ve never met either one. You two are the closest I’ve ever come to having a mother and father. I love you so much. Lanier and Kelly, you’re so blessed, so fortunate to have your parents alive and well. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t give to have what you two possess, but my once foster parents now in-laws make me feel like a natural daughter versus an in-law.”

  As Ashleigh started back to her seat, a sudden rush of dizziness caused her to become slightly disoriented. In looking over at her husband, she had the oddest expression on her face. Glancing down at her feet, she saw water pooling there. “Oh, no,” she screamed, laughing and crying at the same time. “Austin, my water just broke! I may be in labor.”

  Looking quite stunned, Austin was out of his seat in a flash, rushing to his wife’s side, gathering her into his arms. “Are you in pain, Ash? Oh, God, this isn’t happening right now. It can’t be. It’s too early.”

  Austin gave his mother a bewildered look. As Angelica made her way over to where Ashleigh was, she saw the anxious looks on her kids’ faces. Her feet sprouted wings. The others all sprang into action to see what they could do to help out. No one had expected Ashleigh to go into labor. The baby wasn’t due for another month, but the unexpected always had a way of happening.

  “Dallas, Houston, help Austin get Ashleigh down to the infirmary,” Angelica calmly ordered. “Thank God we’re headed home. Our baby may be born on the ship. Kelly, we need you over here, too. Thank God we have a doctor in the family.”

  Houston heard that remark, loud and clear, but he didn’t so much as bat an eyelash. His mother considered everyone as family, because that was how the Creator intended it. However, Houston didn’t think his mother was too far off the mark. Time would tell all, he thought. He watched as Kelly zipped into action, eager to do her part.

  Concern written all over his face, Beaumont, right along with his sons, rushed over to help carry their precious Ashleigh to the infirmary. The flurry of activity had caused a crowd of gawking onlookers to amass. Austin thought it was the last thing his wife needed in her delicate condition.

  Ashleigh’s contractions hadn’t yet begun when the Carrington men lifted her with ease, extremely careful not to hurt her. A sudden sharp pain caused her to scream out, causing the guys to pick up speed but remain cautious and careful.

  Austin smoothed back Ashleigh’s dampened hair. “It’ll be okay, Ash. I’m right here, sweetheart.”

  Ashleigh reached for Austin’s hand. “Don’t leave me. I need you. I’m so scared.”

  Austin kissed her forehead. “I’ll never leave you. Don’t worry. Hold on.”

  Then another contraction hit Ashleigh hard and she snatched her hand away from Austin’s. Casting him an angry look, she groaned loudly, gritting her teeth.

  All the way to the infirmary, Ashleigh repeatedly took hold of Austin’s hand, only to snatch it away again when another stretch of unbearable pain came upon her. As a few mild expletives flew from her mouth, he became an off-and-on target for her rage and then her affection. Angelica assured her son that Ashleigh was reacting normally.

  Inside the ship’s infirmary, a doctor and nurse took charge, directing the guys over to where they wanted them to lay down Ashleigh. Everyone but Austin, Angelica and Kelly were shooed from the room. Once Kelly identified herself as a licensed physician, she was asked by the ship’s doctor, Dr. Mark Carson, if she’d like to stay on to offer medical support. Helping Ashleigh bring her child into the world was a high honor.

  “I’d like nothing better than to help deliver Ashleigh’s baby.”

  The newborn might turn out to be my niece or nephew. Kelly smiled at the very idea of it. Uncle Houston and Auntie Kelly. She suppressed a tickling giggle.

  For the next several hours, Ashleigh screamed her head off and yelped mild expletives, yet she refused to be medicated. Austin was often hailed as her beloved husband. When the pain was too much for her to take, he became her archenemy, her wild sway of emotions erupting like a bobbing yoyo. Through it all, Ashleigh bore down and inhaled and exhaled as she was instructed by Austin and the ship’s nurse.

  Angelica continued to assure her son that Ashleigh’s reactions were common. “A display of anger and affection often occurs in deliveries. She doesn’t hate you, son.”

  Austin knew his wife didn’t hate him, yet her loathing seemed real at times.

  Kelly quickly familiarized herself wi
th the location of the emergency medical equipment inside the infirmary. She listened in as the nurse busied herself by making arrangements for Ashleigh and the baby to be airlifted to a hospital once the emergency birth took place. Ashleigh was already fully dilated. The baby would be labeled a citizen born abroad. Austin would have to make plans for them to fly home after his new family was released from the hospital.

  The Ecstasy would sail into home port without Austin, Ashleigh and the baby.

  “One last push. A big one,” Kelly instructed Ashleigh. “We’re almost there.”

  “I can’t,” she cried out. “It hurts. Don’t make me do this. Drugs, now! Please!”

  The doctor swapped places with Kelly to allow her to assist the newborn into the world. Unable to believe she’d actually be a part of this incredible delivery, Kelly looked totally bewildered as she sent up a quiet, heartfelt supplication.

  Minutes later, eyes wide with pride and incredulity, Kelly scooped up into her sterile, gloved hands the chubbiest newborn she’d ever seen, the first delivery she’d ever helped in. Austin and Ashleigh had a new family addition, a beautiful son.

  Kelly instructed Austin on cutting the umbilical cord.

  Once the necessary suctioning and other precautionary measures were administered to the infant, he was handed over to the nurse for her to weigh and measure. This newborn may’ve come prematurely, but he appeared healthy.

  Just as Kelly’s emotions gave way, she handed the baby to Ashleigh.

  The infirmary curtains were pulled back so all the smiling faces pressed against the glass could get their first peek of the new Carrington addition. Ecstatic over their nephew, Houston and Dallas gave the thumbs-up to Austin and Ashleigh.


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