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Waiting for Rain

Page 5

by Susan Mac Nicol

  “I’m fine, Simon. Nothing a little ice won’t cure.”

  Simon looked over at Rain, and I noticed his fleeting glance downward at Rain’s crotch, then to mine. Neither of us left anything to the imagination. I wanted the floor to open and swallow me up. Rain looked at Simon with challenge in his eyes.

  Hell, didn’t the man have any shame? This was my bloody boss noticing just how turned on we both were with each other.

  “I see you’re in good hands, Toby,” Simon said as he moved away. “Keep using the ice, and take some time off if you need. I’ll cover the front for you and anything else you need me to do.”

  Before I could respond, he’d disappeared. I groaned. “God, that was bloody embarrassing.”

  Rain eyed me curiously. “What? Him seeing you have a hard-on for me?”

  I opened my mouth to deny it but thought that was a little silly, seeing as how the physical evidence was right there in front of us. “That and the fact he knows I got smacked, and the fact that he seems a little disappointed with me.”

  Rain took my arm and pulled me over into a darkened corner, out of the way of Eddie’s obviously listening ears and other customers. “You do know he has the hots for you, Toby?” he said with a frown.

  My mouth must have gaped open because my split lip protested. Rain leaned in with a soft chuckle and nudged it shut with his hand.

  “You think that too?” I said feebly as the world spun.

  Rain nodded. “Oh yes. That man definitely has a thing for you. He saw us together and decided to bow out gracefully. I think he wanted to kiss your boo-boo better.”

  Then, to my complete amazement, Rain leaned over in front of the whole bar—well, all right, there was only Eddie and about four other people—and kissed my swollen lip, his lips lingering on the cut. I felt the slight touch of his tongue on it, as if he was trying to lick it better.

  “Someone had to kiss it. I’d rather be the one to do it,” he murmured with a dangerous glint in his eye. “I know everyone knows you’re gay, so I haven’t outed you, and most people know about me too. I’m sorry I called you a twink. I was mad at being called the hired help.”

  I was still too gobsmacked and aroused to even respond. Rain turned, and I watched as his jeans-clad arse disappeared out into the lobby, leaving me in state of shock. I saw Eddie grin at me with glee, giving me a thumbs-up. The other customers didn’t seem too bothered, and I was relieved Esther Mountjoy wasn’t there. I’d be tarred and feathered by now.

  I need a shower, right now. I can’t work with this huge boner. Christ, I wonder what Rain’s going to do about his? Probably flaunt it with pride. The man hadn’t seemed too bothered about anyone seeing it.

  I took a napkin off the table nearest me and held it as inconspicuously as I could across my groin. I wasn’t fooling Eddie, though. He laughed quietly as I escaped.

  Chapter 4


  IF I hadn’t left the bar when I had, I would have swept everything off one of the tables, ripped Toby Prentiss’s snug-fitting and tailored trousers off his legs, and bent him over on the table right there and then, regardless of an audience. My cock was so hard I really needed to relieve the pressure. There was no way I could work with a hard-on like this.

  I walked awkwardly to the bathroom, the rather fancy one just off the area Lucas and I were working in. I locked myself in a cubicle and proceeded to jerk myself off. It wasn’t a very busy restroom; I’d hardly noticed anyone using this one in the week I’d been here. I hoped everyone would stay out, as my moans of sheer indulgence resonated in the porcelain wilderness. It didn’t take long. The memories of seeing Toby facing down that homophobic prick in the car park, his dry, sardonic comments, and the sheer quiet ferocity of the man had me spewing my load within a few minutes. He’d been an incredible sight to see, with his shoulders tautened in anger and those strong, coltish legs standing firm even when he’d been hit. Finally, I sat back on the closed toilet, my jeans around my ankles, feeling extremely undignified but relieved. I cleaned myself up as best I could. I’d been thoughtful and used my underwear, my treasured Calvin Klein boxers, as a receptacle for most of my sticky release, but that meant I’d now have to go commando for the rest of the day.

  Christ, this was getting beyond a joke. What the hell was this man doing to me? I knew I was horny, but this was something else entirely.

  The last week, even though we hadn’t been really speaking to each other, I’d been aware of every move he’d made, and hearing his voice had given me a distinct thrill. I was like a kid with a crush. I’d never felt this way before, with a constant hard-on that just screamed, “Touch me, suck me, please.”

  I scowled, pulling up my jeans, making sure my now-relieved cock didn’t get caught in the zipper. I quickly washed my boxers in the sink and used the blow-dryer to take some of the wet off them. Shoving them into my pocket, I looked at the man in the mirror, who stared back at me with a slightly unfocused expression. Black hair fell over his eyes, and his cheeks were flushed with the recent exertion. The dark-blue eyes I knew so well stared back at me with an expression of uncertainty, eyes that not so long ago had stared into a pair of clear green ones. About the same time, I’d felt an almost electric shock to my chest.

  When I’d seen Toby with the guy in the parking lot, my first instinct had been to protect him. He was tall and wiry, but the other guy was built like a rugby forward. Hearing Toby’s confident insults and seeing the way he’d handled himself made me sure he’d done this before. He seemed very street smart, almost cocky. But I’d had the impression Toby wouldn’t have welcomed any interference from me.

  But it was in the bar that I’d really felt “it.” The slight look of vulnerability on his face as he held the ice on his lip, the dirty talk between us, and the fact that his boss was crazy about him and it worried him, together with the feeling I’d had when Simon had moved in on him—my attraction to this man wasn’t purely physical. I took one last look in the mirror and grinned at the man I saw looking back.

  Keep this about sex and nothing else, Rain. You just need to get laid and everything will be all right.

  Two days later, I kind of got my wish. Well, it wasn’t actual sex, but it was a release of sorts. Toby and I had been skirting around each other, giving each other looks, smiling and flirting. Even Tammy was getting fed up with the sexual tension between us. I grinned when I heard her lambasting Toby one afternoon when they thought they were alone in the office. Of course, I had to creep in behind the reception desk to hear what was going on. But as it was currently empty and there was no one really around, I didn’t feel too bad about it.

  “Just fuck him already!” Tammy’s voice was frustrated. “It’s driving me crazy. God knows what it must be doing to the two of you.”

  Toby’s voice answered her with a sight hint of sulkiness. “I can’t just ‘fuck him,’ Tam.” Just the sound of those words on his lips was a turn-on, even though I scowled at the assumption I was going to be the one to be fucked. “When do we ever get the chance? He’s always in the barroom, working, or I’m working. Or Simon’s around, and I can’t invite the guy up to my room.” His voice went all prim. “You know I wouldn’t do that. And he’s not making any real moves, so honestly? He’s just flirting with me. I’m not even sure he’s serious about having sex.”

  If I’d had a drink in my mouth, it would have spluttered all over the place.

  Not serious about having sex with him? What the hell did he think I’d been trying to do for the past couple of days, with the lip licking, the smoky glances, and the accidental brushes against him when I passed by—deliberately on purpose. Christ, I’d even bought a couple of new cutoff tee shirts because he’d seemed to enjoy the look of them on my body.

  I felt aggrieved that all my sexual ploys didn’t seem to be convincing him to let loose.

  Tammy sighed heavily. “You, Toby Prentiss, are a bloody idiot. Anyone can see the man is besotted with you.”

  I scowled
at that.

  Besotted? It sounded like something out of a swooning romantic novel.

  “Why don’t you invite him out one night, go somewhere that the two of you can be alone together? Go out on a normal date, like normal people.”

  I wasn’t sure about the whole dating thing. That sounded too serious.

  “What if he says no?” Toby’s voice was quiet. “What if all he wants is a quick booty call and nothing serious?”

  I nodded fervently. That sounded better.

  “Then give it to him!” Tammy’s voice was exasperated. “But for God’s sake, find some way to get your rocks off, Toby, because you’re starting to frustrate me.” I heard them moving around in the office and turned to make a run for it. I looked straight into the eyes of Stacey, the relief receptionist, who stood behind me with an amused look on her face.

  “Can I help you, Rain?” she murmured with a smile.

  I shook my head as my face burned in embarrassment at being caught out. “No, err, I was looking for Toby to ask him something, but I can see he’s busy. I’ll get out of your way.”

  “You know what they say about eavesdroppers.” Stacey grinned at me, her long blonde hair falling in waves around her face as she laughed. I kept what was left of my dignity, moving hastily around to the front of the desk. I hotfooted it back to the barroom, hoping that Stacey didn’t say anything about my little eavesdropping episode.

  Lucas looked at me strangely when I got back and picked up my tools. He shook his head. “Rain, my friend, you have it bad.” He lifted the drill and aimed it at me. “Pow.”

  “Don’t talk crap, Lucas. I just need a little loving, that’s all.” I leaned over my drawings, trying to ignore the smirk on his face.

  “Uh-huh. You keep telling yourself that. I honestly don’t know what the problem is. Just fuck the guy.”

  This conversation was becoming uncomfortably like the one I’d just overheard. “I will. Just give me time. We seem to be having a little timing problem.”

  “Ask Toby back to your place for dinner and a drink. What’s the harm in that? Then you can get all snug and cozy in that huge bed you have and play hide the sausage.” He laughed loudly.

  “Jesus, Lucas, give me a break. I’m not ready to have anyone at my place.”

  Lucas sauntered over to me, laying a hand on my arm, his eyes soft. “You need to open up, Rain. You can’t fight things forever. Yes, you got hurt. But that’s life. We carry on.”

  I shrugged his hand off my arm. “Easy for you to say. You didn’t have the man you loved and were going to marry run off and leave you high and dry.” I heard the bitterness in my voice.

  Lucas sighed. “No, I didn’t. But you need to move on.”

  “Yeah, well I will, when I’m ready.” I turned and started rummaging in my toolbox. Lucas knew the conversation was over when I did that. He sighed again, going back to his drilling.

  Later that evening, when Lucas had left and the hotel was quiet, I cleaned up, going outside to the garden to wash my hands under the garden tap. I liked being in the quiet solitude of the garden, with the high trees, the soft sounds of the crickets and birds, and the smell of the herb garden beside the path leading down to the parking lot. The garden was empty, the sun was still shining, and there was an air of tranquility about the place.

  “We do have a bathroom, you know, where you can wash up. You don’t have to do it outside.”

  I turned slowly to see Toby, formal shirt unbuttoned to the second button, his tie slung loosely around his neck. He looked like the decadent version of a sexy businessman. His lip was still slightly swollen but healing. I might have mentioned before that I really loved his pouty look. My heart beat faster. “I thought the hired help had to wash outside. Sorry. My mistake.”

  I was joking, but I wasn’t prepared for the slight grimace of his lips, a look almost of shame.

  Christ, I hope I haven’t upset him with my stupid misplaced wit.

  “I’m sorry I made that comment,” he murmured. “I was being an arsehole.”

  “I was joking now, Toby, trying to make you smile. I like it when you smile.”

  He eyed me and then treated me to one of the things I liked. “It’s peaceful out here, isn’t it? I come out here when it all gets a bit much. Inside there’s always someone around. No privacy anywhere.” His voice sounded wistful.

  I finished washing my hands and dried them on my shirt. I was conscious this was the first time we’d actually been alone together, just the two of us. I motioned to the wooden hut in the corner of the garden. “What’s that place?”

  He looked puzzled. “It’s a garden shed. We keep the mowers and stuff in there, along with other odds and ends.”

  I smiled slowly.

  Yep, it was definitely big enough for what I had in mind.

  I moved over to him and grabbed his hand, feeling a surge of excitement. He looked startled as I pulled him toward the shed. “Come on. Follow me.” Reaching the shed, I pushed open the door. The musty smell of mown grass, what smelled like garlic, probably from the fennel that grew wild, and a general miasmic air of neglect permeated the small but adequate room.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Toby sounded apprehensive. His eyes darted everywhere as he looked around the garden.

  “Getting us some ‘us’ time.” I manhandled him into the small room, which barely gave us room to breathe, let alone move, and shut the door behind us. His eyes widened, his breathing getting deeper. His mouth parted as if he was about to say something, and once again I took it as an invitation. I pulled him to me, desperate to taste him. He moaned into my mouth as his tongue touched mine, and I lost it. I slammed him against the wooden frame so hard the implements hung on the wall rattled. His mouth got hungrier, and he pushed me back, shoving me against the opposite wall fiercely.

  “Hell, you taste good,” he gasped as his tongue, that hungry, voracious tongue, literally fucked my mouth. It was my turn to groan. His hands slipped in under my shirt and stroked my stomach, and my cock flipped. It hardened and strained against my jeans, and all I wanted to feel were his hands on it. I didn’t have long to wait. Toby was already unzipping me and reaching in to grasp me in his hand. My testicles swelled achingly. My cock—well, suffice to say, if it could tap dance it would.

  “Undo me,” he panted. “I need to feel your hands on me. Right now.”

  “Easy, hotshot.” I chuckled as I unbuttoned his pants and then drew the zip down. “You can be very bossy, you know that?”

  I reached into his opened trousers, slid his silky boxers down his lean hips, and gripped him firmly. He shuddered and pushed his body closer into mine. We now had hold of each other’s dicks and were stroking them, hard then slow. Mouths and lips moved in carnal passion together as our eager hips humped frantically. It was sheer heaven after so much anticipation and celibacy.

  The action was quick, and neither of us took long to climax. I felt him quiver in my hands as his tongue slicked mine and felt the sticky, hot fluid of his come shoot over my hand and arm. He moaned softly, his breath tickling my inner ear, and at that erotic sound my cock jerked in his hand and I flooded my jeans. I leaned my forehead against his, gasping and feeling a little better. We both stood there, hands still clasping each other’s spent cocks, whilst our breathing got back to normal. Finally, I pulled my hand away from him, wiping it on my jeans. Toby stepped back, his face flushed, looking much like mine probably was, satiated and rosy. He wiped his hands on his boxer shorts, pulled them back up, then fastened his trousers. I rearranged my underwear and did my jeans up. We looked at each other.

  “Well, that was quick but fun,” Toby said softly. “I guess it was a start.”

  “Start to what?” My brow furrowed. I hoped he wasn’t going to say “relationship.” I definitely wasn’t ready for that.

  “To whatever this is that we’ve got going. Even you have to admit there’s a definite… spark between us.”

  I felt a little relieved. “Oh, th
ere’s a definite spark. More like a bloody flare, I’d say. Hopefully this is the first of many such encounters, when we get the chance.” My tone was wry as I grinned.

  Toby laughed softly. “Yup. This—” He waved a hand at the inside of the shed. “—this is nice. It’ll do in a pinch.”

  I pulled him to me, kissing him a little more softly this time. His mouth tasted of chocolate and coffee and mint. “Yes, indeed,” I whispered into his ear as his lips nuzzled my neck. “It will do very well.”

  THE NEXT two weeks we managed a lot more encounters in the shed, virtually daily, all hot, pulsing action, from jerking each other off to blowjobs, at which Toby was very good. He knew how to suck me off and made sure he made the most of me when he had me in his mouth. I think he felt the same about my blowjobs, judging from the squeaks and expletives that came out of his beautiful and very dirty mouth. But we still never found the time to properly fuck. I wanted so much to feel myself inside him, feel those muscles of his clench around me and bring me to orgasm. I wanted to own him, hear him shout my name as I pounded his arse. We tried to be circumspect, and while people knew we were interested in each other, we never made our little sessions obvious.

  I felt possessive about this man, and that wasn’t my usual style at all with someone I’d just met and only wanted to use as a fuck buddy. It worried me a little. But I needn’t have worried because I managed to screw it up a few days later.

  We’d just had a particularly good workout in the shed, and both of us were leaning against the wall of the hut, gasping, trousers around ankles.

  “Christ, that was intense,” Toby panted as he got his breath back. “I swear those lips of yours get better every time you suck me off, Rain.”

  I nodded in satisfaction at his words. “Practice makes perfect, Toby. And we’re certainly getting enough of that.”

  Toby leaned down awkwardly and pulled up his trousers. “Perhaps we could do something different for a change?” he said wistfully. “Go on a real date sometime instead of just quickies in the shed? Get to know each other a little better?” He zipped himself up and looked at me hopefully.


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