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Demon Warriors 4: Takeo

Page 4

by Lynn Hagen

  Takeo eased his cock back and then pushed it forward, making Kamiko cry out with pleasure. He had never felt anything close to this. It was as if Takeo was inside of him, making love to him from inside his skin.

  “Kamiko,” Takeo growled as he pulled back and stared down at Kamiko with nothing but love in his eyes. “We’re mates.” Kamiko’s heart burst with joy at Takeo’s words. He wrapped his arms around Takeo, clinging to him as a tear slid down his face. He knew what mates were from living with the shifters for so long. Takeo was his!

  With a burst of lust, Kamiko slammed down onto Takeo’s cock, riding out his high of finally belonging. He arched his back, feeling Takeo’s large shaft gliding in and out of his entrance as he cried out, hot jets of seed erupting from his cock.

  Takeo sat back on his haunches and jetted into Kamiko, showing him just how much he wanted him. Kamiko’s hands flew up to the headboard and held on for dear life as Takeo showed him just how skilled a lover he truly was. Within minutes Takeo was crying out Kamiko’s name as his cock pulsed its release in Kamiko’s ass.

  Once his orgasm had passed, Kamiko glanced away, embarrassed at the bold way he had acted with Takeo. The man had been nothing but kind and gentle, and Kamiko acted like a complete slut.

  “Look at me, little flower,” Takeo crooned as his knuckles grazed his cheek. Kamiko could feel his entire body blush as his eyes slowly glanced over to Takeo. He bit his bottom lip, wondering if Takeo looked at him any less from the wanton way he had acted.

  “You belong to me now. Anything we share together is acceptable.”

  “I know, I just…” Kamiko shook his head.

  “You are my mate, and the gods couldn’t have given me a more perfect man to call my own. Never be afraid of wanting me or feel ashamed for the desire you feel. That’s the way it is supposed to be between mates.”

  “So, you don’t think I was a…” Kamiko swallowed hard as he stared at Takeo’s chest, afraid to meet the man’s eyes. “A slut?”

  “I think you were hot!”

  Kamiko’s eyes snapped up. “Really?” Takeo grinned down at him. “Really.”

  “Can we do it again?”

  “Give me a little time to recover and I’m all y—well, hell, who the fuck is that?” Takeo growled when someone started pounding on the front door.

  Kamiko groaned in protest when Takeo pulled away.

  “I’m sorry, little flower.” Takeo planted a small kiss on Kamiko’s lips. “I have to answer this.”

  “Tell them to go away,” Kamiko said. “They can come back next week.”

  Takeo’s eyebrows shot up. “Next week?”

  “You’re going to be busy.”

  Takeo’s jaw dropped as Kamiko spread his legs and grabbed his cock, giving it several good strokes. Yeah, so he was being slutty again. Who the fuck cared? Takeo didn’t seem to mind it, so Kamiko was going to use it to his full advantage.

  “I’ll be right back,” Takeo said as he climbed off the bed backward, never taking his eyes off of what Kamiko was doing. “Just keep doing that.”

  Kamiko smirked and watched Takeo back away toward the door.



  “Put on a damn towel or something.” Kamiko waved his free hand toward Takeo’s naked body. “That belongs to me now, and no one gets to see it but me. Remember?”

  “Towel, right.” Takeo grabbed the towel he had discarded earlier and wrapped it around his waist. He glanced at Kamiko one last time then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

  Chapter Five

  Panahasi entered Takeo’s apartment, assessing his warrior as he walked into the living room. He looked healed, but looks were always deceiving. Panahasi had learned that long ago. “Where is Kamiko?” Takeo closed the door, turning to face him. “Resting.” From the looks of things, the two had done more than rest. But that was none of Panahasi’s business. “And how do you feel?” Takeo shrugged as he crossed the room and sat on the couch, his muscles visibly tense as he ran a finger over the wounds running the circumference of his wrists. “Better than I did yesterday.”

  “I wanted to talk to you about your captivity,” Panahasi began as he took a seat, facing Takeo. “What do you remember?” Takeo took a deep breath as he sat back, tossing one arm over the back of the couch as he stared at Panahasi. “To be honest, nothing. I remember waking and escaping, but I don’t remember being kidnapped or anything that happened after that.” He sat forward, resting his arms on his legs. “But some strange memories are playing around in my head. I’m not sure if they’re real or not.” Panahasi had a feeling they were very real. Everything about this didn’t make sense to him. Takeo had been gone for two months. How could he have lost two months with not even a shadow of a memory?

  He sat forward, brushing his hand over his chin. “I want you to see the keeper. He can access your memories, the moments lost to you.”

  Takeo jumped from his seat, shaking his head adamantly. “I’ve heard horror stories about scannings gone wrong.”

  “Half truths.”

  “Are you willing to put your memories on the line to prove that? I’m not. Have you ever had it done?”


  Takeo grunted. “That’s what I thought. As badly as I want to remember, I’m not willing to screw my brain in the process.”


  “No!” Takeo barked loudly. “Not a chance. Find some other way.

  Most of my memories may be violent and bloody, but they are mine to have.”

  “Very well,” Panahasi said as he rose to his feet. “We’ll find another way.” He wasn’t sure he knew another way, but he had to try.

  Things were getting strange in Serenity City, and Panahasi needed answers. He thought accessing Takeo’s memories of what had happened to him would help, but the warrior wasn’t budging.

  And to be honest, he didn’t blame the man.

  Takeo stared at the door long after Panahasi had left. He could feel his entire body trembling. Part of it was rage at the thought of anyone probing into his mind. He had real horrors that would never see the light of day, but most of it was from fear.

  He was afraid to find out what was done to him. The memories were buried for a reason, and that was the way Takeo wanted them to stay. Just that small glimpse he had in the kitchen had scared the hell out of him. If one small memory had done that to him, what would happen if everything came flooding back?

  Takeo wasn’t sure he would survive it.

  “Is everything okay?” Kamiko asked from the bedroom doorway, a sheet wrapped around his slim body. He could see the hesitation in Kamiko’s eyes as he stood there.

  “Yes,” Takeo said as he sat back down on the couch. His body was still shaking slightly, his hand trembling as he lifted it to brush over his head. “Everything is fine.” The lie tasted bitter on Takeo’s tongue, but he needed to protect his mate. The ugliness of the situation need never stain Kamiko, and he wanted to keep it that way. His mate was pure, innocent.

  Kamiko scuttled across the floor, taking a seat next to Takeo on the couch. “May I ask what that was about?” Takeo didn’t want to tell another lie. It made his skin crawl to think of starting his life with his mate surrounded by deceit. He pulled the small man into his arms and held him as he rested his chin on Kamiko’s head. “Maybe someday.”

  Takeo needed to talk to Wayland. They were still no closer to tracking Crypt down, and he needed to get Gammy and Constantine off the streets. The demon realm wasn’t safe with those soul-sucking bastards loose.

  What shocked him the most was the fact that all was quiet with Crypt. The creature usually caused mayhem and destruction, but there hadn’t been a peep out of him since he broke free from the underworld.

  He knew Wayland would be down at Diablo’s club this time of night, so that was where he needed to go. “I have an errand to run.

  Will you be okay by yourself?”

  Kamiko reared back, his head shaking back
and forth. “I want to see the demon realm. I’ve been in one place for far too long. It’s about time I got out and explored.” Just what Takeo didn’t need, Kamiko being in harm’s way.

  “As I’ve explained to you before, Serenity City isn’t safe. You cannot go, little flower.”

  Takeo wasn’t sure what the hell happened, but here he was at Diablo’s, with Kamiko at his side. His mate looked around in wonder as Takeo spotted Wayland at one of the tables, a twink straddling his lap.

  This was not the place Takeo wanted his mate, but he found it really hard to say no after the spectacular blow job Kamiko had given him. The man was born to suck cock.

  “Are all these people demons?” Kamiko asked as he began to wander away. Takeo grabbed him by the arm and hauled him back.

  He didn’t like the looks his mate was getting from some of the patrons.

  “No, there is a variety of species here. I thought we talked about you wandering off?”

  “Hmm?” Kamiko said as he looked up at Takeo. “Oh yeah, we did. Sorry.”

  Takeo had his work cut out for him as he pushed through Diablo’s, heading straight for Wayland. The sooner they got out of there, the sooner he didn’t have to kill anyone for looking at Kamiko with raw lust in his eyes.

  Takeo was caught off guard when Kamiko’s slim body slammed into his with more force than the skinny guy should be capable of. He hit the floor hard, landing on his knees before he jumped up to ask his mate what in the hell was wrong with him.

  His mouth hung open as Kamiko jumped onto some twink, tearing at his hair as he screamed the word mine. Takeo stood there stunned for a moment before he closed the distance to pull his mate away.

  Fighting like a hellcat, Kamiko wouldn’t release the man. His mate began to punch the guy repeatedly before Takeo was able to pull him away. The twink glared at Kamiko as he pointed a finger at his mate. “Do that again, and I’ll kick your balls into your throat!”

  “Touch my mate’s ass again, and I’ll kick you in the face with my boot!” Kamiko shouted as he tried to wrench himself free. Holy hell!

  Takeo had thought his mate timid and shy. Fuck if he just didn’t get an eye-opener.

  A small crowd started to form around the two men, some looking sympathetically at Kamiko, others with a malicious gleam in their eyes, as if they really wanted to see a fight. Takeo pulled Kamiko away as he headed toward Wayland’s table.

  “Do you want to tell me what that was all about?” he asked his mate as he took a seat, yanking a heated Kamiko down onto his lap.

  His damn knees were killing him now. His mate was full of more surprises than Takeo had ever imagined…and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t turned on by them.

  “He touched you.”

  “Kamiko, you can’t—”

  “Yes, I can!” Kamiko snapped. “Anyone who touches you will see my wrath.”

  If the situation wasn’t so serious, Takeo would grin from ear to ear. Hell, it really wasn’t all that serious. His smile stretched across his face until Wayland reached across the table and poked Takeo.


  Kamiko growled as his eyes dropped to slits. “You know what I mean.”

  “I just wanted to see you jump over the table and kick my ass.” Wayland chuckled.

  “Enough,” Takeo growled as he leaned closer. “Have you heard anything about our escapees?”

  Wayland smacked the guy’s ass that was straddling him, jerking his head for the man to take a hike. The guy sniffed indignantly at Kamiko as he strutted away. “Nothing on Crypt, but I’m hearing some bad shit on Gammy. The slimeball is back to his old routine. The thing is, every time one of us has him cornered, the slick bastard gets away. It’s as if he has a fucking warrior radar and can tell when we’re coming.”

  “Who is Gammy?” Kamiko asked as he leaned against the table.

  Oh, hell no. His mate was not about to get caught up in this mess.

  “He likes to suck souls out.”

  “Panahasi said something about soul stealing. Is it the same thing?” Kamiko asked Wayland.

  “Shut up!” Takeo shouted at Wayland. “He doesn’t need to know all the gory details of what we do.”

  “It seems to me the knowledge of what happens will better prepare him,” Wayland stated as he sat back, a triumphant look on his face. Smug bastard.

  “It’s the same thing,” Wayland answered Kamiko.

  Takeo was five seconds away from dusting Wayland’s ass. He didn’t care what the warrior said. Kamiko didn’t need to know.

  “Leave your friend alone,” Wayland said as he waved at hand at Kamiko. “Let him know what he’s up against being here.”

  “He is my mate!”

  Wayland’s eyes grew round, and then a smile split his face. “All the more reason.”

  “He is my mate, and I’ll decide what he needs to know.” Takeo stood, placing Kamiko on his feet.

  “Shouldn’t I have a say in this?” Kamiko asked.

  “Yes,” Wayland answered.

  “No.” Takeo curled his lip at the warrior. “This is ridiculous. Let’s go. We need to find out where Crypt is hiding.”

  “And your mate?”

  Takeo cursed as he looked down at Kamiko. What the hell was he going to do with him? If he took the man back to his apartment, Takeo knew that Kamiko would go out wandering. He definitely wasn’t going to leave him with the other mates.

  They would only help him wander.

  The only place safe for Kamiko was by Takeo’s side. He just prayed no shit jumped off because he would wipe out Serenity City if anyone harmed his mate.

  Kamiko couldn’t get enough of the demon realm. It was like a whole new world to him. Well, it was, but he couldn’t help but to ogle everyone and touch everything. He had been a hermit in his room for so long that he thought he would grow old in there.

  It wasn’t the shifters’ fault. The grey wolves did everything they could to help him. Kamiko at first couldn’t get over being kidnapped and raped repeatedly, and then he discovered Takeo and feared that if he left his room, he would miss a visit from the large warrior. It had become his own personal hell and paradise that he had created.

  And now he was free.

  There was no way he was ever going back to the bedroom in Pride Pack Valley ever again. His place was here, by his mate’s side. He wanted to giggle for a lifetime and shout to the world over and over again that he had a mate.

  No, he wanted to shout that he was mated to Takeo, the largest and bravest warrior on the face of the planet…and wherever the demon realm was.

  He knew the dangers. After all, he wasn’t daft. He had heard of soul-sucking and prisoners breaking free from what was told to him and what he overheard. He also lived with the grey wolves and knew that the paranormal world was a dangerous place to live.

  But Kamiko was willing to risk everything to be with Takeo, even his own life. He had fallen deeply in love with the man and nothing short of death would separate them.

  Kamiko stopped walking and looked around. Where the hell was Takeo? He had been so engrossed in his thoughts and jubilation that he hadn’t paid attention. Now he didn’t see his mate or Wayland anywhere.

  He knew if he stayed right where he was at that Takeo would backtrack and find him. He knew this, but the temptation to explore was just too great. He knew where the warrior lived. All he had to do was go back in that direction and he would be home.

  Kamiko saw a store called Devil Mart and giggled at the name. He didn’t think the devil was actually in there, but it was catchy. He walked through the sliding doors and looked around. It looked like an ordinary store to him. That sucked. Kamiko was hoping for otherworldly goods in here.

  “Can I help you?”

  Kamiko turned around to see a stranger standing there with a bored expression on his face. The guy looked like he’d rather be anywhere but there. Kamiko sighed at the plainness of the store and walked out.

  As he strolled down the street,
he saw another shop called Come Get Some Hair Salon. That was a very odd name. Kamiko decided he would try to find something otherworldly in there.

  As he stepped through the door, his eyes grew in size.

  “Well, don’t just stand there, human, get your ass over here.”

  Chapter Six

  Takeo took in deep, measured breaths as he tried once again to remember the last time he saw Kamiko. He was talking with Wayland about Crypt, that much he remembered, and then he turned around and Kamiko was gone.

  He was scared, furious, and worried, all in equal measure. Kamiko knew nothing about his world, and even the most innocent thing could be deadly in the demon realm. To top it off, the three escapees from the underworld were still on the loose. Constantine had gone after Kamiko once already, and Takeo feared he would try it again.

  The primal need to protect his mate overwhelmed Takeo to the point of insanity.

  As big and lethal as he was, what Takeo feared the most was the inability to keep Kamiko safe. After spending so much time getting to know his mate over the years, Kamiko had become his world. He felt a vulnerability inside of him that hadn’t been there before, a weakness for a man that he never knew existed before.

  Kamiko was his only weakness, and Constantine knew this.

  “The guy in Devil Mart said he saw Kamiko about a half hour ago,” Wayland said as he joined Takeo. “But he didn’t pay attention to which way he went.”

  Fuck and double fuck. Takeo was about to tear this damn city apart. His mate wasn’t anywhere in sight. His eyes scanned his surroundings as he tried to think like Kamiko. Where would he go?

  His eyes landed on the well-lit window of the hair salon. The vibrant colors blended together to create a work of art. If he were Kamiko, that would be the next place he visited. Takeo took off at a fast pace as he headed straight for Roxy’s Come Get Some Hair Salon.


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