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Corrupted Love: A Dark Mafia Romance (Mackenzies Book 2)

Page 7

by Elizabeth Knox

  “We don’t have the luxury of sitting back and acting like we’re not Mackenzies, Sloane. Did you forget what just happened?”

  Sloane grabs the red wine she’s just been served and throws it in my face. It drenches me, covering my white dress in the process. “Don’t you ever say something like that to me ever again. You can sit here and wait for our brother to arrive, but I want no part in this life, Greer. And don’t you try to force it either, because I don’t want it. Do you understand me? I’m perfectly happy being a doctor who lives in Los Angeles, a single, hot Latina. I don’t need anything else.” Before I can think of a reply she’s sliding out of the booth and is going back down the way we came from.

  The natural response is to call after her, to beg her not to go, to sit across from me and do this the right way. But it’s no use. She’s going to do what she wants just as she has her entire life, and she wants no part of our family. There’s nothing I can do to change her mind and I know that, so I’ll sit here and wait for Liam by myself.

  My stomach churns at the mere thought. I mean, after all these years I’m finally going to meet my brother. While I’m excited, my body is riddled with anxiety. I find myself breathing in and out slowly as my heartrate increases and even as I breathe it doesn’t seem to calm the heat coursing over me right now.

  In fact, my anxiety distracts me so much that I didn’t even realize I wasn’t alone any longer. A man with deep auburn hair comes walking toward me. And just as I’m about to say something, I spot another man a few feet behind him. They’re both dressed in suits, depicting what every mafioso has ever looked like in the movies. Stereotypical much?

  “Wow. Your pictures don’t do you any justice,” the auburn-haired man speaks, in a thick Irish accent. I almost can’t make out what he’s even saying.

  I scan over his features, from the slightly copper facial hair to his intense grassy green eyes. Upon first glance I could tell he’s a man with authority, but as I take in every bit about him, I notice the small ridge in his nose. The same one I have.

  “You’re Liam.” He nods at my assessment while a small smile drifts over his face.

  “And you’re Greer, obviously.”

  “Most call me Greta,” I joke, needing to find some humor in this. My friends know me as Greta, while the world knows me as Greer. Picking my modeling name was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, and I wanted to send a message, to have it represent me. How else was I going to do it unless I used my name? My real name.

  He lets out a loose chuckle, “I’m sure they would.”

  Moments of silence pass us by until the man standing behind him comes forward a bit. He has darker hair, though it’s shaved back like someone who’d be enlisted in the Army, or Marines.

  “I’m Luca McCarthy, your cousin.” He states, extending a hand as he approaches.

  “It’s lovely to meet you,” my response almost feels impersonal, robotic in a sense.

  “Jesus, this is awkward.” Liam huffs with a laugh, sliding into the booth and as he does his eyes narrow in on me, “I don’t mean to be rude, but was your dress made like that, or?”

  I slide back in on the opposite side of the booth and shake my head, “I’m afraid not. That would be our darling sister, Sloane. I said something stupid and she, well, you can see.”

  “She takes after Sofia,” Liam smiles brightly like he’s speaking of someone who’s still here with us. It’s . . . agonizing in a sense, causing my eyes to water.

  “How do you do that?” I question him. After my godparents were killed, I don’t see how anyone would be able to talk about someone so important in their lives like they’d just walk down the street at any given moment.

  “Do what?” Liam asks, cocking a brow.

  “Act like they’re still here with us.”

  Luca darts his eyes right over to my brother and I’d be a fool not to know there’s something I haven’t been made aware of. “Greer, I have to tell you something, but first we need to touch base on a few other things. You don’t have anywhere else to be tonight, correct?”

  I shake my head, “No, I cleared my schedule for you.”

  He chuckles lowly, “And you have our father’s horrible sense of humor.”

  It might be an insult to some, but it’s a pat on the back for me. Hearing how I relate in some way to our father makes me feel at ease. Hell, it might be stupid but I had a fear that I’d have to try really hard to fit in with them, but I shouldn’t. This should be effortless. We are family after all.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The two most powerful warriors are patience and time

  ~ Leo Tolstov


  February 3rd

  “What are we doing here?” Aleksei asks, showing me just how aggravated he is. He isn’t a fan of doing my father’s bidding. Of course, he never has been and never will be. Obviously, he now knows I have other intentions when it comes to Greer Mackenzie and while he hasn’t yet commented on it, I’m sure his opinion is coming. He’s never been the type to hold his thoughts back.

  “Whatever we need to,” I say from the bar, sipping on my vodka. Aleksei has water considering he’s the one who always needs to be alert. I told him to order a drink tonight considering we’re amongst friends, but he wouldn’t do it.

  He scoffs and shakes his head, “You’re serious about this, aren’t you?”

  “About what? Greer?” I question.

  He nods.

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be? I need to fix the madness my father has created. There are limited ways this can be done, brat.” I tried thinking of many different options, but when push came to shove the only feasible option is marrying the Mackenzie girl. I’m too worried the past will overshadow the progress I’m trying to make if I don’t make a big move like this.

  He shakes his head back and forth, while he leans against the bar. “I think there could be another way. You really want to marry this Irish girl? Someone you have never met?”

  I stare blankly at Aleksei, knowing he doesn’t understand the magnitude of pressure I’m under. But he never will. “This isn’t about whether or not I want to marry her. I need to. If I don’t, the Irish will never take our alliance seriously. Think about it, Aleksei. Who’s to say I won’t agree to this alliance between us and then turn around and change my mind, or maybe they could?”

  “That could happen anyway.” He isn’t wrong, but I’ve already thought this through.

  “Yes, it could. Although, what’s the probability of it coming to fruition when I’m married to one of their own and have a couple kids with her?” I cock a brow.

  Aleksei’s eyes widen before he releases a chortle. “I want to think you are kidding, but I know you better. I see you have planned out an entire life with this girl.” Aleksei knows I’m a planner. If I could plan out every aspect of my life, I would.

  “Life can’t be planned, brat, but you can always plan some parts of it. I have every intention of marrying this Mackenzie girl, getting her pregnant as soon as possible, and ensuring the Irish won’t turn their backs on us. It’s finally time for me to fix what my father has done, and I’ll need your support in this more than I’ve needed it ever before.”

  “You know I will always stand by you, regardless of what is needed.”

  I nod and pat my brother on the back. “This is why you’re my righthand man. I wouldn’t have been able to get this far without you.”

  “How are you going to deceive your father? He will begin to figure out what you are planning.”

  I nod, having already thought about this. My father is incredibly nosey, always keeping tabs on others. There is no doubt in my mind he’s had someone following me this entire time. “By playing the game of chess better than he does. Every move I make will be slow, and heavily calculated. I’ll wait for his reactions to my movements and decide on how to handle things from there.”

  “Hmm. Smart of you to play on his weakness—his emotions.”

sp; “I did learn from him, so it can only be expected.” My phone vibrates in my pocket so I pull it out and open up my messages.

  From: Liam

  Are you here yet? I’ll be finished with her in about twenty minutes.

  To: Liam

  Yes. I’m at the bar, as discussed.

  From: Liam

  Perfect. She’s wearing a white dress with red splotches on it.

  To: Liam

  Okay, I’ll keep my eyes on the back and will wait for her.

  “Everything going to plan?” Aleksei questions.

  “Yes. She’s in the back with her brother now. He said she’ll be out in about twenty minutes or so.”

  “Ah. Want me to skedaddle when that happens?”

  “Skedaddle? Look at you picking up on some American sayings.” I toy with him, never able to refrain from poking the bear. Aleksei glares at me and I know I shouldn’t poke fun at him for trying to learn and fit in here more, but, as I’m about to speak up I see a familiar raven haired woman standing at the other end of the bar. She seems to be drinking red wine and the bartender is leaning over doing his best to flirt with her. “Fuck.”

  “Fuck what?” Aleksei narrows his eyes, looking around us.

  “Sloane is at the other end of the bar. I’m going to need you to take one for the team and distract her for a while. Maybe take her to the club downstairs?”

  “I won’t leave you alone here. It’s too dangerous.”

  “If you don’t everything I’m working toward could come crashing down. Please, brat, do this for me.”

  Aleksei mulls over his options for a couple moments before he ultimately nods and looks down to the other end of the bar. “Which one is she?”

  “Black hair, sky blue dress.” I answer him, watching his stern scowl transform into a playful smirk.

  “Well, at least she is hot.”

  That does it. Aleksei will keep Sloane Mackenzie distracted while I do what I need to with Greer.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Remember this dear, if you stay small, you play small

  ~ The Classy Tribe


  February 3rd

  “Sorry. I’m not normally one to text in the middle of a meeting, but I needed to handle something quickly. I hope you don’t mind.” Liam says as he slides his phone back into his suit jacket.

  I shake my head, “No, of course not. Do what you need to.” What else am I supposed to say? I mean, it’s rude as hell, but whatever. I’ve waited a lifetime to meet my family, so if he needs to handle business in the middle of chatting with me so be it.

  Liam looks over me and takes in a deep breath, like he’s internally debating if he should say something. I recognize the look from my godparents constantly doing it to my sister and I when we were young. We’d always ask about our family, and this is the exact same expression that would cross their faces.

  “Greer, there’s something I feel I need to tell you. I was going to wait for a bit. At least until you were in Ireland but seeing you here, now . . . I can’t keep it from you. But before I do, I need to know if Sloane is a highly reactive person.”

  I shrug, “She can be. Depends on the circumstances.”

  “I see.”

  “Why? What’s going on?” Whatever it is, he needs to tell me.

  “I hate to ask this of you, but I need you to keep this from your sister for now. If . . . shit. There’s no bloody way for me to say this without causing you some sort of worry, so I’m sorry for that. Given what’s happened with your godparents I believe you’re being watched. It’s obvious to us that whoever is responsible for their deaths was trying to send a message. With that being said, what I’m about to tell you cannot leave this room. You can’t even tell Sloane. Is that understood?”

  “What? Why?”

  Luca glares at my brother again, confirming he doesn’t want him to say a damn thing. “Liam, now isn’t the time.”

  Liam cranes his neck over toward our cousin and widens his eyes. “If not now, then when? There won’t ever be a right time to tell her this.”

  “It’s safer if we do this back in Ireland.” Luca adds.

  “It isn’t safe anywhere and you know it.” Liam comes to his own defense, firm in his decision to tell me whatever’s on his mind.

  “I don’t mean to be a bitch, but can you just tell me whatever it is already?” I speak up, tired of the useless arguing going on in front of me.

  Liam leans his arms over the table and clasps his hands together, while Luca mutters something in response. However, it’s inaudible. “What were you saying?” Liam asks him.

  Luca scowls over to Liam. “I’m going to secure the perimeter and make sure we don’t have any eavesdroppers.”

  “Perfect.” Liam smiles widely, obviously in a fake manner. Then he turns his attention to me. “I’m sorry for the attitude. I’m sure you can see the banter between Luca and I is a bit . . . tense.”

  Oh, I can see it, but I won’t say a damn thing. “Eh, it’s nothing. You’ve seen what Sloane is capable of,” I point to my drenched dress, which gets a chuckle from Liam.

  “Yes, well, I suppose we both have our hands full. I um, I haven’t said this to anyone out loud before, so I apologize if it takes me a moment.”

  God. Now I’m so curious to find out what’s going on. It appears like it’s heavily weighing on him, so it must be important. “Whatever it is, you can trust me.” I comment, hoping it’ll help.

  Liam smiles softly and sucks in a deep breath. “Greer, your mother is alive. When she was shot it grazed part of her brain and the bullet was lodged, but while you and your sister were being delivered, we had a neurosurgeon working on her. She’d been in a coma for over twenty years and very recently she began to wake up. She isn’t at our home in Ireland any longer, but she is in a very safe place. We have the best doctors in Ireland working with her every day.”

  I stare at him blankly trying to process what he’s telling me right now. I put my hand over my chest and breathe in and out slowly, freaking out. Jesus Christ. I never thought this was possible. I’d only ever been told she was dead. I expected her to be dead.

  “Why . . . why did we think she was dead? Why didn’t they tell us?” By they I mean my godparents, but I’m sure he knows that.

  “Father never told them she was alive. He wanted everyone to believe she was dead just in case anyone were to ever turn on the family later down the line. We’ve had situations like that arise before, so we weren’t going to take any chances. There was simply too much risk in it.”

  I nod, processing what he’s saying to me while I’m still fighting to wrap my head around it. I’d grown up my entire life believing my father was the only living relative besides my brother that I had left. Finding out my mother is alive is like watching the lights come alive on Christmas morning.

  “What about Uncle Alejandro? Was he in the dark too?” I can’t imagine him ever lying to Sloane or I for that long.

  Liam nods, “Neither of your uncles were ever made aware. The only ones who know Sofia is still alive are the people within our general household. Though, I’m sure the next time he sees us he’s going to lay a punch into our father.” Liam chuckles lightly at the end, trying to find some humor in this.

  “Wow. I mean, wow . . . this is all so much to take in.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure. But you needed to know and I needed to get it off my chest. I couldn’t sit across the table from you and not tell you this. Not with everything going on right now.”

  “Are you taking us to Ireland?” It has to be the next step, right? I mean, why else would he come out to Los Angeles.

  Liam immediately shakes his head, “No, not yet. We need to get a better grip on who was behind the attack on your godparents. In the meantime, I’m going to recommend you wrap up whatever jobs you have going on. Then I’m sending you to a safehouse with two friends of mine, who I know will protect you for a few weeks while I get things sorted.”

uck, Sloane isn’t going to like this.” I murmur.

  “No, I’m sure she won’t, but it’s the safest thing for you both. Now, I need to get going. No one can know I was in Los Angeles, so I’m sorry I can’t stick around and chat with you more. I . . . I’ve waited a hell of a long time to meet you, Greer. My friend is out front at the bar. It should be easy to spot him, considering he has rose tattoos on his neck. His hands are also tattooed, and his name is Aleksandr. Wait for five minutes and then go up to him.”

  “Okay. You’re sure I can trust him?” I look over his eyes, waiting for his response, but Liam laughs before he replies to my question.

  “If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be trusting him with your care,” Liam slides out of the booth and walks over to my side. He fastens his suit jacket and stares directly into my eyes. “Take care, Greer. With any luck we’ll be seeing each other again in a few weeks.” And just like that, he’s walking back from where he came. Luca follows behind him and I’m left here sitting in this booth, for four minutes and fifty-eight more seconds.

  I think I’ll be counting down the days until I can go to Ireland and meet the rest of my family, but if I’ve waited this long, I can wait a little more.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Good things come to those who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them

  ~ Gracious Quotes


  February 3rd

  My brother’s kept Sloane’s attention for quite some time. He even somehow managed to pull her over to a table so they could chat privately. I look over in their direction to find they’re no longer there. He must’ve gotten her out of here, which will only help me in the end. I spot Liam and Luca leaving the restaurant and he looks at me while he pulls his phone out and I get a text message.


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