Whispered Promises

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Whispered Promises Page 16

by Brenda Jackson

  Dex tenderly held Caitlin in his arms. Although at the moment he was totally frustrated, a part of him admired her and respected her decision to hold back. His hunger for her went deep, but he wouldn’t be completely satisfied until he possessed all of her. And he couldn’t do that as long as she couldn’t fully accept the way the relationship had to be between them. She wanted something from him that he could not give her again. The pain went too deep. There could never be promises of love between them. Not ever again.

  After moments of contented silence with Caitlin in his arms, Dex leaned over and kissed the tip of her nose, her lips and the side of her mouth. “No matter what, Caitlin, I will be a good husband to you and a good father to Jordan.”

  Caitlin heard Dex’s words and knew them to be true. From the moment they had met, he’d come across as a man of honor. He had proven it countless times during their brief courtship. At no point had he tried taking advantage of her innocence. He’d always been the perfect gentleman, always treating her like “his lady.” And now she knew that with that same sense of honor, he was accepting what he felt to be his obligation to her and Jordan. He was not a man to turn his back on his responsibilities. Dex Madaris was a man who took care of his own. A part of Caitlin believed that in the end, her father had known that.

  “I believe you, Dex,” she said softly as he continued to hold her.

  They were silent for several minutes, and then Dex spoke again. “I better go.” He pulled himself up and sat on the edge of the bed.

  Caitlin also sat up. “Dex, I…”

  “It’s okay,” he assured her, whispering against her forehead. He slid his arm around her waist, and she leaned against him. “Everything’s going to work out all right, Caitlin.”

  “I hope so,” she replied.

  “It will. We’re in it for the long haul. We have the rest of our lives.”

  She nodded, yawning.

  Dex stood. “You’re tired. You need to sleep, and I’ve kept you up long enough.” He drew her up gently into his arms. “Good night, Caitlin,” he whispered before kissing her on the cheek. “Sleep well.” He then turned and walked out of the bedroom.

  Corinthians threw the overnight bag on her bed and immediately went to the telephone. She had to dial the number twice. Her nervous fingers just didn’t want to cooperate.


  “Brenna, can we talk?”

  “Corinth? Where are you?”

  “I’m at home.”

  “At home? What’s wrong? I thought you’d made plans to spend the night at the hotel.”

  “Oh, Brenna, tonight was a total disaster.”

  “What happened, girl?”

  Corinthians settled down on her bed. She should have taken Brenna’s advice, then none of this would have happened. But no, she thought she’d had everything under control, only to have things blow up in her face.

  “Dex didn’t show,” Corinthians said.

  “He didn’t show? And you went to all that trouble buying those outfits and making arrangements to get connecting suites.”

  “Brenna, Dex didn’t show up, but someone else did. Dex sent his project foreman in his place. I didn’t know about the change and…

  “And what?” demanded Brenna.

  “He saw me, Brenna. This other guy saw me the way Dex was supposed to see me.”

  Corinthians heard her best friend’s sharp intake of breath. “This man saw you? He saw you dressed in that black thing?”


  “Girl, get outta here. Tell me you’re lying,” Brenna said before bursting into full-fledged laughter.

  It’s not funny,” Corinthians shouted. “It was a totally embarrassing situation for me. I’d appreciate a little bit of sympathy from you.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry,” Brenna managed between giggles. “But as far as I’m concerned you got just what you deserved. I told you from the get-go that your plan to snag Dex was a bad one. Now tell me what happened. Don’t you dare leave out a thing.”

  Corinthians gave Brenna the story blow-by-blow, pausing occasionally to allow Brenna’s outbreak of laughter, especially the part about her fainting and him finding the condoms.

  “So after I made it back to my own suite, I quickly dressed, packed my bags, checked out of the hotel and came home. I’m embarrassed to death. How on earth can I possibly face this guy at the meeting tomorrow?”

  “Um, Corinth?”


  “You say this brother is fine?”

  Images of Trevor Grant wearing nothing but a white towel covering his middle flashed across Corinthians’s mind. “Yes, he’s fine, but that’s not the issue here. Didn’t you hear what I said? Dex’s married and has a child. How could that happen?”

  “The usual way I guess. What part don’t you understand? The wedding or the conception part?”

  “Brenna! Get real. You’re making fun of this.”

  “You’re right, I am. Face it, Corinth, Dex Madaris is no longer a viable candidate for your affections. He’s a married man. We both know you aren’t a home wrecker, so I suggest you get over him and move on to someone else. And I got just the person for you.”

  “Who?” Corinthians asked, sounding totally defeated. She didn’t want anyone else.

  “The fine brother who saw you in that call-girl outfit tonight.”

  “Never!” screamed the voice on the other line.

  Chapter 13

  Caitlin spent the next day preparing for her move to Houston. The Realtor had phoned that morning to let her know that he had already found a buyer for her father’s print shop. After her talk with Dex last night she had decided not to do anything regarding her parents’ home for now.

  She glanced at her watch as she carefully sealed the cardboard box containing the last of her father’s things that were being donated to charity.

  It was a little before noon. Dex had taken Jordan to a morning movie matinee. He had invited her to come along, but she’d refused because she still had a lot to do before they left for Houston tomorrow.

  That morning at breakfast, things had been slightly tense between her and Dex. She couldn’t rid herself of the memory of him in her bed, holding her in his arms last night. The mere thought had stimulated a fierce ache within her. And what made it even more unbearable was that she had a feeling Dex was experiencing a similar ache. More than once, over the breakfast table, his dark eyes had sought her out. Jordan’s ever-joyful presence had served as a buffer for their sexual frustrations. Frustrations Caitlin knew were taking their toll on her. She had to do something to burn off some of her nervous energy.

  She left her father’s bedroom and entered her own. Removing her jeans and blouse, she replaced them with her white jogging pants and a blue T-strap top. Shoving her feet into a pair of Reeboks, she raced downstairs and quickly scribbled a note to Dex. She stuck it on the front of the refrigerator with a magnetic holder.

  Once Caitlin’s feet touched the earth, she broke into a run. It was a lovely summer day, not as hot as the others had been. Her destination was the park a few blocks away. She ran until perspiration soaked her entire body and until the muscles in her legs throbbed. She ran until she couldn’t possibly take another step, and collapsed on the first park bench she came to. Her whole body heaved as she fought for breath, and at the same time she silently berated herself for running hard without warming up first.

  Minutes later, after her body had relaxed, she hauled herself to her feet and stretched her taut muscles. Her body was, for the moment, rid of the frustrations and tensions that had plagued her since awakening that morning. Taking a deep breath, she headed toward home, walking at a slow pace.

  She couldn’t help wondering how things would be for her in Houston. Would Dex’s family forgive her for the pain she’d caused him? She and Dex had been apart for four years. Had he been involved with someone during that time? He was a very handsome man, and she was sure he’d been dating while they’d been apart.

  “Look out, lady!”

  Caitlin found herself being jerked backward by big, strong arms and colliding with a hard, solid chest. If it hadn’t been for the support of the arms holding her, she would have lost her balance and fallen. “What’s going on?”

  She turned to the heavyset man dressed in a jogging suit. “That car nearly ran over you!” He pointed toward a dark-colored sedan that was rapidly disappearing down the street with the roar of its engine fading into the distance.

  “It was probably some crazy kid who shouldn’t even be driving yet,” the man muttered, releasing her. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “Sorry I had to grab you so hard like that, miss, but that car was zoomin’ up real fast.”

  “Please, don’t apologize,” Caitlin protested. “I should’ve been watching where I was going. I appreciate what you did. Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it. I jog this way every day. There’s always some nut who wants to be a show-off on wheels.” He laughed loudly. “Enjoy the rest of your walk. See ya later.”

  Caitlin watched as the man jogged off. “Thanks again,” she called out to him.

  He threw up his hand in a wave.

  Caitlin resumed her walk, a little shaken over her near mishap. She’ll have to be more careful in the future and pay more attention to where she was going. She’d been walking with all of her thoughts on Dex.

  When she turned the corner of her block she saw that her car was parked in the driveway, which meant Dex and Jordan had returned.

  “Did you have a nice run?”

  Upon entering the house, Dex’s question made Caitlin whirl around. He was standing in the kitchen doorway.

  “Yes, but I may have overdone it a little,” she replied, deciding not to mention her near accident to him. The last thing she needed was for him to know how careless she’d been. She stared at him. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and nothing else, and as usual they revealed just how masculine he was. When she remembered just how wonderful his bare chest felt caressing the nipples of her breasts, a deep sensation erupted in the pit of her stomach.

  “Have you heard anything from Trevor about the meeting with Remington Oil?” she asked.

  “No. Unless there’s some major development, I probably won’t hear from him until much later.”

  Caitlin nodded. “Where’s Jordan?”

  “Taking a nap. She barely made it through the entire movie before falling asleep.”

  An easy smile played at the corners of Caitlin’s mouth. “Are you hungry? If so, I can fix you something for lunch.”

  Dex stood very still. His eyes moved slowly over Caitlin. “Yes. I’m hungry, but not for food.”

  She blinked at his words. If his statement was meant to shake her up a bit, he had succeeded.

  “What about you? Are you hungry?” he asked, giving her a smile that made her breath catch in her throat. His dark eyes were as velvety as his voice. “And I don’t mean for food.”

  Caitlin couldn’t help the shiver passing through her body. Her mind screamed not to ask, but she couldn’t help herself. “Hungry for what?”

  The slow smile that spread over Dex’s face increased Caitlin’s anxiety. “Hungry for me.”

  Regaining the breath that had been knocked out of her with Dex’s response, she made an attempt to make light of what he’d just said. “Dexter Jordan Madaris, you’re awful.”

  Dex chuckled wryly. “How would you know? You haven’t tried me in four years,” he teased in a low, caressing tone. “And if I remember correctly, the last time you did, you thought I was pretty good.”

  For a while neither spoke when the meaning of Dex’s words sank in. Caitlin watched him walk slowly toward her. The teasing glint in his eyes had been replaced by smoldering desire. Her breathing quickened. He stopped directly in front of her.

  Dex gently pulled her closer. His hands moved down her back and over the slope of her backside. “Ask me what I’m hungry for,” he taunted.

  There was tension virtually crackling in the air surrounding them. “What are you hungry for?”

  He looked down at her. “For starters, this.” He lowered his lips to hers. His tongue swept the insides of her mouth, mating with hers in a sensuous duel. Caitlin let his magic engulf her as he took her mouth fiercely. He showed no mercy. His hands moved to her face and cupped the sides of it.

  He suddenly broke the kiss. “Take a deep breath, baby.”

  Caitlin obeyed his command mere seconds before his mouth came down fiercely to take possession of hers again. His hands left her face to again move to her behind, pulling her closer to him and letting her feel his deep desire for her.

  His mouth moved to the side of her neck, placing fleeting kisses there. She clung to him, unable to stand on her own. His kisses had sapped her of any strength.


  Dex lifted his head. “What’s wrong?”

  She saw concern in his eyes. “My leg. It’s hurting. I think I may have pulled something during my run.”

  Before she could say anything else, she found herself swept into big, strong arms. “Dex! Put me down. I can walk.”

  Ignoring her words, he carried her up the stairs. Without pausing, he took her to her bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. “Take your pants off.”


  “I said, take off your pants. I want to take a look at your leg.”

  “T-that’s not necessary, Dex. It’s probably nothing more than—”

  Before Caitlin could react, he leaned down and quickly removed her shoes and socks. He then grasped the elastic waistband of her jogging pants and pulled them down slowly.

  Caitlin’s breath caught in her throat. She found herself held motionless by the look in Dex’s dark eyes. As he tugged her jogging pants past her thighs, his eyes left hers to look down at her body. She lifted her hips slightly, and he completely removed her pants. Her cheeks were flushed when she lay before him wearing only her top and white bikini panties.

  Dex dragged in a large breath. “Which leg?”

  His question, asked in a low husky tone, made Caitlin’s skin burn. “This one,” she answered. Her eyes held his as she slowly lifted her left leg to him.

  When he reached out and touched her leg, there was a slight tremor in Dex’s hand. His fingers tightened around her leg as he gently massaged it. He pressed down with his thumbs, gently moving up the back of her leg in circular motions, tenderly kneading each muscle with long, soothing strokes. A fine film of perspiration formed on his brow. “Does it feel better, baby?”

  His term of endearment sent Caitlin up in smoke. Yes, it feels better but I’m replacing one ache with another. Unable to speak, she merely nodded in response to Dex’s question. She was slowly floating on a wave of sensuous pleasure. The workings of his fingers on her leg reminded her of the workings of his fingers on other parts of her. She noticed his fingers were slowly inching their way upward, toward her inner thigh. Her eyes met his. The smoldering look of desire and longing in them made a quiver surge through her body. He leaned toward her. His fingers moved erotically closer and closer to…

  “Whatcha doing to Mommy, Daddy?”

  Caitlin snatched her leg from Dex at the precise moment he drew back and stepped away from the bed. Jordan entered the room, wiping sleep from her eyes.

  “Mommy’s leg hurts a little, Jordan. I was trying to make it feel better,” he offered.

  “Oh,” Jordan said, as if understanding completely. She looked at her mother with sympathy in her eyes. “Why don’t you kiss it, Daddy? That makes the pain go away.”

  A glint of amusement shone in Dex’s eyes. He gave Jordan a sparkling smile. “You don’t say? Why, I think that’s a great idea. I don’t know why I didn’t think of it myself.” He took a few steps back toward the bed.

  Caitlin immediately straightened. “No. That’s not necessary. My leg feels better already.”

  “But he has to kiss it, Mommy,” Jordan ex
claimed. “You always kiss whatever makes me hurt. It’ll make the pain go away.”

  “Yes, Mommy,” Dex said with hidden laughter in his voice. Reaching out, he gently grabbed Caitlin’s leg. “I’ll kiss it and the hurt will go away.”

  He leaned down and gently lifted Caitlin’s leg to his lips, placing a kiss on it. Caitlin thought she would faint when she felt the tip of his tongue caress her smooth skin.

  “And just to be on the safe side,” Dex said to Jordan who was wide-eyed. “I’d better do it twice.”

  Jordan bobbed her head in complete agreement. “That’s a good idea, Daddy. Isn’t that a good idea, Mommy?”

  Caitlin gave her daughter a forced smile, then gave Dex a disapproving look. “Yes, darling,” she answered through clenched teeth. “That’s a good idea.”

  Dex winked at Caitlin before kissing her leg again. She closed her eyes. The heat flowing through her was overwhelming. She opened her eyes. He backed up slowly from the bed and stared at her as she pulled herself up in a sitting position. His gaze roamed over her, and she knew she hadn’t been the only one affected by the kisses.

  “Can we have pizza for lunch?” Jordan’s question reminded her parents they were not alone.

  Dex made a face at his daughter. “Pizza! Is that all you ever want to eat? Maybe your mom and I should send you to live at a pizza restaurant, then you can eat pizza every day,” he teased, reaching out and grabbing her into his arms. He lifted her high on his shoulders.

  Jordan giggled. “But I don’t want to live with anyone else but you and Mommy. I like living with the both of you. It’s just like Faye’s house now. I have a mommy and daddy, too.”

  Caitlin and Dex exchanged glances. Their daughter, in her own way, had just let them know she wanted the three of them together as a family. Dex bounced Jordan on his shoulders. “Let’s go downstairs and raid the refrigerator.”

  Caitlin watched Dex and Jordan leave. Getting off the bed, she closed the door behind them. After taking a shower, she put on a pair of beige slacks and a yellow blouse.


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