Whispered Promises

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Whispered Promises Page 17

by Brenda Jackson

  As she applied light lip color to her lips and blush to her cheeks, she noticed her reflection in the mirror. She felt nervous. Once again she had come close to losing control and throwing all caution to the wind. That was something she couldn’t do with Dex.

  The three of them would spend a perfectly normal evening together, which would include a special dinner she was preparing. What really worried her was what would happen later that night after Jordan went to bed and she and Dex found themselves alone.

  She quickly decided as soon as Jordan went to bed, she would avoid Dex by going to bed herself. After all, she did need a good night’s sleep for the drive to Houston in the morning.

  Taking another deep breath, she left her bedroom to join Dex and Jordan downstairs.

  “Trevor, you’re early. The meeting doesn’t start for another hour.”

  “I know, Adam,” Trevor said, glancing around the huge conference room. “I was hoping to get a chance to speak with Corinthians Avery before the meeting.”

  “She hasn’t arrived yet, but I expect her any minute. Would you like to wait for her in her office?”

  “If it’s okay.”

  “Sure. Come on, I’ll take you there.”

  Minutes later, Trevor was pacing the confines of the plush office. He wasn’t as alert as he wanted to be. He had spent most of the night thinking about Corinthians Avery. The woman had truly gotten next to him. Visions of the chocolate-colored woman had danced through his mind all night, along with mental images of silk sheets and naked bodies. Last night her velvety smooth dark skin had glowed in the hotel room’s soft lighting, and she had smelled so good when he’d picked her up off the floor after she’d fainted. And that sexy black scrap of nothing she’d worn would forever be carved into his memory. The enticing piece of lingerie had showcased her small waist, firm breasts and shapely hips.

  Trevor sat down in the leather chair in front of the large oak desk. He reached for one of two framed photographs sitting on it. The first one was a group picture of Corinthians, an older couple and a man. The man he recognized immediately from seeing his picture in the newspapers a number of times. He was Senator Joshua Avery. Trevor could only assume the older couple was Corinthians’s parents. A younger-looking Corinthians stood next to her parents and brother, wearing a black cap and gown. Evidently the photo had been taken on her college graduation day. He placed the picture back on the desk and picked up the other one.

  The other framed photograph was another group picture and one person he recognized immediately was Dex. He was standing next to Corinthians, at what appeared to be a job site, with his arm around her shoulder. Everyone in the group was smiling for the camera. Everyone but Corinthians. Her smile wasn’t directed at the cameraman, but at the man standing next to her.

  Trevor’s eyes darkened. Dex had told him that he and Corinthians had never been romantically involved, and that he thought of her as one of his sisters. Trevor had no reason not to believe him. Evidently during the years of Dex’s friendship with Corinthians, he’d never picked up on the fact that she had wanted more. Or to put it more bluntly, Dex had no idea that Corinthians Avery was in love with him.

  Trevor couldn’t help wondering what were Corinthians’s plans now that she knew Dex was married. Would she try to get over Dex or would she pursue him anyway? Was she one of those women who thought nothing of breaking up a marriage? The kind of woman who had ruined his own parents’ marriage.

  He placed the photograph back on her desk at the same exact moment Corinthians entered her office. He watched her walk into the room, unaware of his presence. She closed the door behind her.

  Trevor’s breath caught in his throat. Today, with the bright sunlight shining through the blinds, she looked just like the woman Dex had described her to be: someone with easy charm, polished manners, prim-and-proper, well-bred, nice and likable. He also knew by the outfit she was wearing this morning, a conservative, dark, two-piece suit, that she was totally professional. She looked nothing like the alluring seductress who had been in his hotel room last night.

  “Hello, Corinthians.”

  Corinthians stopped dead in her tracks when she heard the low, husky voice. It was the same voice she’d heard countless times in the deep recesses of her mind during her sleepless night. “What are you doing here, Mr. Grant?” She watched his gaze travel swiftly from the crown of her head to the black pumps on her feet and back up to her eyes. She hoped just from looking in her eyes, he could tell just how furious she was at seeing him.

  Trevor smiled as he stood. It was a slow smile that showed perfect teeth, straight and pearly. It was also a smile that nearly took Corinthians’s breath away.

  “After last night, I’m sure we can dispense with formalities and be on a first-name basis. Especially considering our friendship,” he said.

  Corinthians felt the heat of anger filling her head. “We’re not friends.” She couldn’t help but study him. Unlike last night when he’d been wearing a towel, he stood before her fully dressed in an expensive suit. She had to hand it to him, the brother was well put together. Her gaze returned to his face to find him watching her close scrutiny of him. The hard line of his mouth curved into an even wider smile.

  She cleared her throat. “I’m going to repeat myself, just in case you weren’t listening. We aren’t friends.”

  “Oh, but we are, Corinthians. Mainly because we share a secret.”

  Corinthians came closer into the room, walked over to her desk and placed her briefcase on it. She then faced Trevor with a deep frown. “We do not share a secret.”

  “Are you suggesting what happened last night shouldn’t be kept between the two of us?”

  She straightened her shoulders. Of course she didn’t want anyone to know she’d made a complete fool of herself. She had told Brenna, but she wouldn’t dare tell anyone else. Her eyes narrowed. Would Trevor Grant mention it to anyone? Possibly even Dex? The thought of Dex finding out was too humiliating to think about.

  “I’m not suggesting anything.”

  “Then we do share a secret?”

  Corinthians knew he had her cornered. She folded her arms across her chest and glared at him. “Yes.” She was literally boiling on the inside. No man had ever gotten on her last nerve like Trevor Grant was doing, not even her brother, who could be a monumental pain at times. She quickly did a mental comparison of Dex and Trevor Grant. She remembered Dex as being a perfect gentleman, a man who always treated her like a lady. But she had a gut feeling that Trevor Grant would never treat her like a lady. He would treat her like a woman. He would make her feel hot, sexy, sensual, desirable…

  Corinthians reared up in shock at the way her thoughts were going. “I would appreciate it, Mr. Grant, if you left.”

  Trevor stared at her. She was beautiful. A fierce rush of desire surged through him. Although she was a possible home wrecker, not to mention a woman pining for his best friend, he still wanted her. “I’ll see you at the meeting.”

  With those final words, he crossed the room, opened the door, then walked out of her office.

  “Dex? Hey, man, can we talk?”

  “Yeah, Caitlin and Jordan are next door. What’s up, Clayton?”

  “Are you standing or sitting?”

  Dex frowned. “Why?”

  “You might want to sit.”

  Dex leaned against the kitchen counter and adjusted the telephone to his ear. “I take it you found out something.”

  “Yep. Alex has given me the report on Malone Land Developers.”

  “And?” he asked quietly.

  “After careful and thorough digging, Alex was able to come up with information that indicates that Malone Land Developers is an undercover land-buying agent for Remington Oil.”

  Dex slammed his fist down on the table. The sound traveled through the telephone line.

  “I didn’t think you’d be happy about it, especially since they just chose Madaris Explorations for a major project.”

bsp; Dex rubbed his forehead. He suddenly felt a strong headache coming on. “Are you sure about this, Clayton?”

  “Yeah, man, I’m positive. There’s been a massive land buy in the area near Eagle Pass, and as usual, everything is pretty hush-hush. However, I’d bet my Porsche that Remington Oil isn’t aware of the tactics Malone Land Developers is using to coerce people into selling their land. I believe S. T. Remington would denounce such actions.”

  “I agree,” Dex said, deciding to sit down, after all. He felt a deep sense of loyalty to the company he’d worked for for twelve years. Remington Oil was one of the largest oil companies in the United States, and S. T. Remington, as far as Dex was concerned, was an honest and fair man.

  Since Dex had started Madaris Explorations, he had gotten a number of smaller contracts with the company and now he had been offered the opportunity to head up a major project. He knew Caitlin’s refusal to sell to Remington Oil would place him in a precarious position with them.

  He also knew it was not uncommon for a major oil company who was interested in a certain piece of property, to obtain the property through different land brokers and camouflage their intentions so as not to tip off their competitors. That way, no one would know of their plans to go into an area with a massive exploration program. It would be imperative to their well-planned strategy to keep everything quiet and deflect curiosity and unnecessary problems. And because he was a former geologist, Dex understood the driving force behind an oil company wanting to be first with any discovery. He knew if Remington Oil was interested in Caitlin’s land, there was a very good reason for it.



  ‘There’s something else I got to tell you. You better sit, this time for real.”

  Dex leaned back in his chair. “I am sitting, Clayton. What else is there?”

  “That major project you’re suppose to do for Remington Oil—what do you know about it?”

  Dex frowned, wondering about Clayton’s question. “Not a whole lot. Adam can’t go into any specific details until one loose end has been tied up. He said something about a piece of property they were negotiating on. It’s called the Leabo Project. Why do you ask?”

  “Caitlin’s land is part of the Leabo Project, Dex. It’s the final piece of property Remington Oil needs. Evidently Malone Land Developers led them to believe Halston Parker was willing to sell. Caitlin’s refusal to cooperate has put them in a tight squeeze. No wonder they’re desperate. You and I both know how much oil companies pay their land buying agencies. Malone Land Developers could lose a bundle if Caitlin doesn’t sell, not to mention them losing face with Remington Oil.”

  Dex said nothing. He was shocked. When he finally spoke, his voice was weary and downcast. “Are you absolutely sure about this?”

  “You know Alex, Dex. He’s very thorough. Two things I never question about his reports—how he gets his information and the validity of it.”

  Dex sighed defeatedly. Madaris Explorations’ golden opportunity hinged on Caitlin. “I guess we may as well kiss our deal with Remington Oil goodbye. Caitlin has no intentions of ever selling that property.”

  “I’m sorry, Dex. I guess this doesn’t help your and Caitlin’s already delicate relationship, does it?”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  “Are you sure she won’t sell? Maybe if she knew the position you’d be in, she might change—”

  “No. That property has been in her family for generations. It’s all she has left of her parents. It’s her legacy, and I won’t influence her in any way.”

  “Will you tell her what’s going on so she can make the choice?”

  Dex couldn’t help but remember the last time Caitlin was faced with making a choice involving him; the one between him and her father. In the end, Dex had lost out. He didn’t want to think about the outcome if she had to choose between him and a piece of land.

  “No. I’m not telling her anything. Whatever happens or doesn’t happen between me and Remington Oil is my business.”

  “I think you’re making a big mistake, Dex. You should at least talk things over with her and see if perhaps—”

  “No. There’ll be other projects. If not with Remington Oil, then with some other oil company.”

  After several moments of silence, Clayton said, “When will you and Caitlin be leaving for Houston?”

  “We’re leaving in the morning. And, Clayton, I want your word that you won’t say anything to Caitlin or the rest of the family about this.”

  Clayton hesitated a second before saying, “You have my word. But I still think you’re making a big mistake.”

  “How’s your leg, Caitlin?” Dex asked when they were seated at the dinner table.

  Caitlin glanced up from her meal and looked at him. Ever since she and Jordan had returned from visiting Mrs. Logan, Dex had seemed preoccupied about something. She wondered if he’d heard from Trevor. Had something gone wrong at the meeting with Remington Oil?

  “My leg is fine,” she answered. “Thanks for asking.”

  “See, Daddy. Your kisses helped.”

  Dex smiled at his daughter. “They sure did, honey.” He cast an amused glance at Caitlin. “You wouldn’t happen to have any more aches and pains would you? I would just love kissing them to make them better.”

  Caitlin tinted. “No, but thanks, anyway.”

  When dinner was over, Dex helped Caitlin clean up the kitchen. Afterward, he read Jordan a story. Caitlin used that time to do some last-minute packing.

  Later that night, before putting Jordan to bed, a few of the neighbors dropped by to say goodbye and to wish them well. It was late when the last of their company had left. Dex had taken Jordan up to bed hours earlier.

  Caitlin had been tempted more than once during the course of the evening to ask Dex what was bothering him. But each time she changed her mind.

  Even now he stood looking out the window at the darkness. He appeared entrenched in deep thoughts. She tried not to notice how good he looked wearing scuffed black boots, a white shirt and faded, skintight jeans. The sight of him sent a surge of desire through her.

  “I think I’ll go on up to bed now,” she said, breaking the silence. “I’m feeling sleepy. I guess it’s because I ran today. I’m going to have to jog more often. I’m definitely out of shape.”

  Dex turned around to face her. A smile touched the corners of his lips. “You’re rambling, and I happen to like the shape you’re in.”

  Caitlin lowered her lashes. Should she try to find out what was bothering him? Could she handle it if he were to tell her it was none of her business? For all she knew his mood may have nothing to do with Remington Oil. Suppose he had been seeing someone special in Houston, and with plans of taking her there in the morning, he was beginning to have second thoughts about continuing their marriage.

  She lifted her gaze to his. “Dex, is something—”

  “Good night, Caitlin,” he cut in before she could finish her question. “Sleep well.”

  And every time you say that to me, I usually don’t, Caitlin thought, turning to go up the stairs.

  Chapter 14

  “…Here’s another soft favorite for your listening pleasure. This sound is going out to all the frustrated drivers caught in Houston’s noontime traffic. This number has just the right touch to add a bit of magic to your afternoon. It’s a golden hit from the Supremes titled, ‘Where Did Our Love Go?’”

  The disc jockey drawled the words over the radio in a velvety masculine voice, and the sound of the Supremes followed, bathing the car with their soulful Motown sound.

  Where did our love go? Caitlin tried keeping her mind on the scenery outside the car window and not on the question being asked in the song playing on the radio.

  The long drive from San Antonio to Houston had seemed endless. Each road sign they’d passed, and the small and sparsely populated towns and cities in between, had brought her closer to the city and her new home.

e dashboard clock indicated it was a little past noon. Jordan slept peacefully in the backseat while Dex maneuvered the vehicle expertly through the freeway traffic.

  He suddenly broke the silence when they came to a stop at a traffic light. “I spoke with my parents before we left this morning. I finally reached them in Freeport.”

  Caitlin turned to find him staring thoughtfully at her. “And?”

  He reached over and gently touched her hand, then squeezed it reassuringly. “They are happy about our news. They are very, very happy.”

  Caitlin nodded. “About Jordan?”

  Dex smiled. “Yes. They’re ecstatic to find out they have another granddaughter. It took me a full half hour to convince them not to cut their trip short and return home. I assured them Jordan wasn’t going anyplace and that she would be here when they return two weeks from now.”

  Caitlin removed her hand from his. “I see.”

  “My parents are also thrilled that you and I are back together again.”

  Caitlin moistened her lips with a nervous sweep of her tongue. She wondered if that was something Dex knew for sure or something he was hoping for. Although she knew Dex to be his own man and a person who made his own decisions, she couldn’t help wondering if the Madaris family would resent her because of the pain she’d caused him.

  It wasn’t long before they arrived in Dex’s neighborhood. He’d told her he had poured all the money he’d made over the past four years into purchasing a home a few months ago in a nice area of Houston.

  Caitlin’s eyes widened at the house. Dex’s home was a stately stucco house that rose two stories with a large, meticulously well-tended lawn on a tree-lined street.

  The car stopped at the end of a long driveway. Dex rested one arm on the steering wheel and with the other he reached out and cupped Caitlin’s chin. “We’re home.”

  Upon entering the house, they moved through a wide foyer that led into the living room. The house was spacious and the decor had the professional touch of an interior designer. Most of the contemporary-style furniture appeared new and obviously expensive.


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