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Whispered Promises

Page 21

by Brenda Jackson

  Dex grabbed her wrist and brought her back to him. “Who told you?”

  Caitlin glared up at him. “You didn’t, that’s for sure.” She snatched her hand from him. “Corinthians Avery came here today to apologize on behalf of Remington Oil for Malone Land Developers’ actions. Can you imagine what a fool I felt like when I had no earthly idea what she was talking about? You should have told me.”

  “I thought it best that you not know.”

  “There you go again, thinking you know what’s best for me. Didn’t it matter to you that you were losing the project?”

  “I don’t care about losing this project. There will be others.”

  “But none of this magnitude, Dex. I read the report. This job can make you millions.”

  Dex didn’t know how long they stood there, staring at each other, before he spoke. “Money isn’t everything.”

  “You’re right. But love is. Besides Jordan, you’re the most important person in my life. Shadowland is just a piece of land. It’s cold, hard, rocky soil. You’re a man. The man I love. The man who gave me a beautiful little girl. The man who starts my blood racing with a smile, a word, a touch. And you’re right, Dex, money isn’t everything, but my love for you is.”

  With a low groan, Dex pulled Caitlin into his arms and began showering her with kisses. With a flick of his wrist the sash around her waist came undone and the front of her robe fell open. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed then placed her on it. He tugged the towel from around his waist. With a swipe of his hand, he removed Caitlin’s robe and nightgown. His gaze met hers.

  “Caitlin, I—I love—”

  Caitlin’s breath was held suspended in her throat.

  “…looking at you,” he finished.

  Caitlin pushed her disappointment aside. Love draws love. She had to believe that.

  Dex lay with Caitlin sleeping in his arms. Her head was tucked under his chin and her leg rested between his muscular thighs. The passion they’d shared earlier that night had been shattering and gratifying. Even now, his heart was beating erratically inside his chest. He pulled her closer to him. Her eyes were closed but he couldn’t stop staring at her.

  Tonight she had shown just how much she loved and trusted him. And the truth smacked him dead in the face that she’d been doing that all along. She had named his daughter after him, even when she hadn’t been sure of him. And even when he’d not made her any promises, she had freely given him her love, faith and trust.

  She had not given up on him as he had done on her. What she’d told him a couple of weeks back had been true. Deep down, he never really gave them a chance. To his way of thinking, she had lived up to his expectations, exactly what Greg had prepared him for—the pain of falling in love. Instead of giving up, he should have fought for her and her love. He should have come after her, even after receiving the divorce papers.

  He leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips. As much as he didn’t want to, he needed her and despite everything, he still loved her. And if he was completely honest with himself, he had to admit he had never stopped loving her. He had been too bullheaded to see it until now.

  Dex knew at that moment that all the hurt and anger he’d harbored in his heart for the past four years had crumbled under the onslaught on Caitlin’s undying love and trust. The emotions consuming him were too powerful to ignore, and at the moment, too new to share with her. Blinking rapidly, he fought the stinging in his eyes. Caitlin was just where she should be, where she belonged. She was in his arms, next to his heart.

  And he would never let her go.

  Chapter 16


  Upon recognizing a familiar face standing next to the tall stranger who’d opened the door, Jordan Madaris’s face broke into a huge smile.

  “Uncle Clayton!” She squirmed out of her father’s arms and ran straight to the outstretched ones of her uncle who knelt down for her.

  “I think I’m jealous,” Justin Madaris said, greeting Dex with a firm handshake. “Your daughter is already playing favorites. That puts the rest of us at a disadvantage.”

  Dex laughed at his brother’s remark. “You of all people should know just how much of a ladies’ man Clayton is. Every female around is fair game, except for Lorren and Caitlin of course.”

  “Of course.” Justin eased his mouth into a smile. He turned his attention to the beautiful young woman at Dex’s side. He didn’t miss the way his brother’s arm was possessively wrapped around her waist. “Caitlin, it’s good seeing you again.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek.

  Caitlin’s entire face spread into a smile for her brother-in-law. Like Dex and Clayton, Justin Madaris was a very handsome man with chocolate-chip-colored eyes and a chestnut-brown complexion. “Thanks, Justin. I understand congratulations are in order. First on your marriage and then for your son and daughter. You’ve been a very busy man.”

  Justin laughed. “Yes, I’ve been very busy and very happy. Everyone is out back. I put Dad and Jake to work grilling the ribs with Mom supervising. Traci and Kattie are in the kitchen fixing a salad, and Lorren and Christy went to the airport to pick up Syneda. They should be back at any time.”

  “Who’s Syneda?” Caitlin asked curiously. She didn’t remember the name when she’d met Dex’s family four years ago.

  Justin’s smile widened. “Syneda is Lorren’s best friend and is like a member of the family. She’s an attorney in New York, and there’s never a dull moment when she and Clayton get together. You can always count on them to have different views on various issues, and usually all of us have to suffer through their opposing summations.”

  “Syneda and I keep these dreary family gatherings lively,” Clayton bellowed, placing a bubbly Jordan on his shoulder. He leaned down and boldly gave Caitlin a kiss on her lips. “I still say you married the wrong brother.”

  “Who’s that?” Jordan asked curiously, eyeing Justin Madaris.

  “I’m your uncle Justin.” Justin smiled up at the little girl who looked so much like his brother it was uncanny.

  “Oh, goody. You’re the one who’s gonna take care of my horse for me,” Jordan replied happily.

  Justin raised an amused brow. “I am?”

  Jordan bobbed her head up and down and gave her newest uncle a radiant smile.

  “I can’t turn down such a beautiful young lady,” Justin replied, chuckling. “And you’re in luck. If Spitfire cooperates, her baby will be arriving before you leave.”

  Jordan frowned. “Who’s Spitfire?”

  “Spitfire is your aunt Lorren’s horse. She’s a beauty and I think she’ll have a beautiful baby colt. And if she does, it’s all yours.”

  “Goody,” Jordan exclaimed, clapping her hands. “Now I’ll have two babies.”

  Justin’s and Clayton’s eyebrows raised inquiringly. “How will you have two babies, Jordy?” Clayton asked, grinning.

  “Uncle Justin is giving me his baby horse, and my mommy and daddy are giving me a baby sister or brother.”

  Caitlin’s face tinted. Dex merely laughed. “That’s wishful thinking on Jordan’s part, you guys. Caitlin’s not pregnant, so don’t go spreading rumors, Clayton.”

  Clayton looked aghast. “Would I do something like that?”

  Justin and Dex answered simultaneously. “Yes.”

  Caitlin couldn’t help laughing. The three Madaris brothers were close, and didn’t mind anyone knowing of their fondness for each other.

  “Come on, let’s join the rest of the family,” Justin said. “Don’t worry about your luggage. I’ll send Clayton back for it later.”

  A frown covered Clayton’s face. “Why me?”

  “Not being married, you need all the exercise you can get to stay in shape,” Justin answered, giving Caitlin and Dex a wink.

  “That’s not necessary, big brother,” Clayton answered, grinning. “There are more enjoyable ways for a single man to stay in shape.”

  “Not in front of the
child, Clayton,” Dex admonished with a grin. “Not in front of the child.”

  The dark blue sedan turned off the highway into a heavily tree-lined street. Instead of pulling into the driveway leading to Lorren Oaks, the driver parked the car, hiding it from view among a cluster of trees.

  He had followed the light-colored Camry undetected for over three hours, wondering where it had been heading when it had left Houston. Seemed like someone was having a big cookout. The huge ranch-style house was sitting too far off the road for him to get a good view of the people.

  He slammed his fists against the steering wheel, wondering when he would get the chance to make his move. There was no way he would leave Texas without first teaching the woman a lesson. He intended to make her sorry she’d refused to cooperate. Thanks to her, he’d lost everything.

  Walker Malone opened the car door and got out. He would check out the place and wait for the perfect opportunity. Opening a gate, he slipped onto the property without being seen.

  “You and Justin have a lovely home, Lorren.”

  “Thanks. I’m very proud of it, especially since I helped with the decorating. And that was before I had any idea Justin’s and my relationship was serious. I knew I loved him, but had no idea how he felt about me.”

  Caitlin’s arched brows raised slightly. “I don’t understand.”

  Lorren grinned. “It’s a long story but one with a very happy ending, just like yours and Dex’s. I’ve never seen Dex laugh or smile so much. I’m glad everything has worked out for the two of you.”

  Caitlin couldn’t help smiling at Lorren’s words. She didn’t have the heart to tell her that she had very little to do with Dex’s improved demeanor. Jordan was the main reason for his happiness.

  “I think the two of you make a beautiful couple,” Lorren added.

  Dex had been right, Caitlin thought after thanking Lorren for her compliment. Lorren Madaris was a sweetheart whose husband loved her deeply. It was evident in Justin’s loving attitude toward his wife and his casual touching of her, whether it was placing his arm around her shoulder, holding her hand or sitting close beside her. Caitlin envied the open display of genuine affection. And it was obvious Lorren was deeply in love with her husband, as well.

  Lorren was also a beauty, Caitlin thought. Her caramel-colored eyes, dark brown hair and high cheekbones were a perfect combination with her nutmeg complexion.

  “Do Clayton and Syneda debate often?” Caitlin asked. She couldn’t help observing the couple standing on the other side of the patio who were in a very deep discussion about the upcoming presidential election. Caitlin thought Syneda Walters was a gorgeous woman with her long, luxurious, golden-bronze curls and attractive light-brown face.

  “They really don’t debate all the time, just ninety-nine percent of the time.” Lorren grinned. “They get a kick out of verbally sparring with each other. We’re all used to it.”

  Caitlin nodded. Her gaze then came to rest on some of the other guests. Dex’s family had welcomed her with open arms and had been completely taken with Jordan. All of them had acted as if her and Dex’s long separation had never happened, and as far as they were concerned the past was dead and buried.

  Dex’s sisters, Kattie and Traci, offered to take her on a shopping spree to show her how to spend their brother’s money, and Christy offered to keep Jordan if she ever needed a sitter. Dex’s parents had smothered her with hugs. They told her they wished they could have been there for her when her father had died, and that they were glad she and Dex were back together.

  Tall, handsome Jake Madaris had said basically the same thing. He even offered to give her an opportunity to come back to Whispering Pines to update his computer system. Granted she was willing to take on his bookkeeper, Delane Ormond, again. Caitlin had quickly turned down the offer, causing Dex to burst out laughing.

  Caitlin also got a chance to meet Nora Phillips, Lorren’s foster mother, as well as a couple who were good friends of Justin and Lorren by the name of Rod and Rhonda Clark. Rod was the sheriff of Ennis, and Rhonda worked as a drama professor at a university in Dallas. Rhonda, a blond beauty with gorgeous blue eyes, was the mother of four. And to Caitlin’s astonishment, was considering a fifth.

  Caitlin glanced around for her husband and didn’t see him anywhere.

  “The guys are probably out near the corral,” Lorren said smiling, noticing Caitlin’s roving eyes. “Justin purchased a wild stallion a few weeks ago and the guys are probably checking him out. That horse is a mean one. He hasn’t been broken in yet.”

  Caitlin nodded. “I’d like to see this animal. I need to walk off some of this food anyway.”

  “Just follow the path over there and you’ll come to the corral. It’s half a mile from here. I would walk with you, but I promised the children I’d read them a story.”

  Caitlin smiled. “You have a beautiful son and your baby daughter is just adorable. She reminds me so much of Jordan when she was a baby,” she said.

  “Thanks.” The beginning of a smile tipped the corners of Lorren’s mouth. “Is it true that you and Dex are thinking about having another baby?”

  Caitlin’s face split into a wide grin knowing where that rumor had come from. “That’s wishful thinking on our daughter’s part.”

  Minutes later, following the path Lorren told her about, Caitlin headed for the corral.

  The men had ridden their horses to a meadow not far from the ranch. A cloister of tall oak trees surrounded the glen and hid a stream of clear water. It was a beautiful, private place and Dex knew immediately that before he and Caitlin left to return home, he would bring her to this spot of ground. He would try to talk her into going skinny-dipping with him. He glanced around. All the oak trees that enclosed the meadow would assure them complete privacy.

  “Did Caitlin tell you what she’s decided to do about Remington Oil, Dex?”

  Dex’s gaze turned to Clayton who was leaning back against a tree. Justin and Rod had ridden a little farther, leaving Dex and Clayton behind to water their horses. “Yeah, she told me.”

  “I think her mind is pretty much made up.” Clayton tossed a couple of twigs into the stream.

  “Speaking of minds,” Dex said, slanting his brother a curious look. “What’s on yours? It was obvious you wanted to get me alone for some reason. What’s up?”

  Clayton gave in to a low laugh. “I was that easy to read?”

  “Only when you suggested that we go riding. Everyone knows how much you hate riding a horse. That’s how Justin and I used to keep you in line when we were kids. All we had to do was threaten to take you horseback riding with us whenever we visited Whispering Pines.”

  Clayton couldn’t help himself. He laughed loudly at the memory. “You were a mean cuss even back then, Dex.”

  Dex smiled. “If you say so. Now tell me what’s up.”

  “Caitlin…” Clayton began, and with obvious reluctance, he met his brother’s quick frown.

  Dex turned and stared out over the stream. “What about her?”

  “She loves you, man. Once she found out that Shadowland was a part of the Leabo Project, she took steps to protect you and your company, Dex.” Clayton’s gaze lingered on his brother’s profile for a full minute before he continued. “Did you know that when she found out she was pregnant she not only wrote to you telling you about it, but in the same letter she also asked you to take her back and give your marriage another try?”

  Dex turned and looked at him. “She told you that?”



  “Yesterday. After Corinthians Avery left, Caitlin invited me to stay and join her and Jordan for lunch. We talked about a number of things. I wanted to make sure she understood what selling her land to Remington Oil meant if that’s what she wanted to do. Somehow we got to talking about Jordan. That’s when she told me about the letter and what was in it. According to her, she found out she was pregnant a couple of weeks after she had sent those divorce
papers to you. She had made up her mind that she wanted a life with you and the baby, and had even told her father of her decision. She mailed you that letter and waited for you to call to tell her it was okay to come to Australia.”

  Dex crouched down in front of the stream and threw a pebble in it. “I never got that letter.”

  “I know, and what really happened to it will always remain a mystery. We’ll never know if it got lost in the mail or if it was destroyed by Caitlin’s father. The important thing is that she now knows you didn’t get it. But at the time Jordan was born, she didn’t know that. She thought you were rejecting her like she’d rejected you.” Clayton threw another twig in the stream before continuing.

  “But still, believing that you didn’t want her didn’t stop Caitlin from keeping your child, naming it after you and telling her about you. From the way I see it, there was never a question that Caitlin loved you. Everybody makes mistakes. She’s made hers and you’ve made yours.”

  Dex had to swallow to find his own voice. “Yeah, I have, and these past couple of weeks have made me realize just how many mistakes I’ve made with Caitlin. I love her, Clay.”

  “I know that, Dex. But you’re telling that to the wrong person. The reason I wanted to talk to you is because I couldn’t help noticing how Caitlin’s been watching Justin and Lorren with wistful eyes. It’s plain to see Justin proudly wears his heart on his sleeve for Lorren. Maybe it’s time you let your woman know that you love her just as much.”

  A grin appeared on Dex’s face. “I can’t believe I’m getting advice on how to handle my wife from you, of all people, Houston’s number-one womanizer.”

  “Well? Are you going to take my advice?”

  Dex stood when he heard the sound of Justin and Rod returning. “Yep. So do me a favor and make sure this place is vacated when I get back. There’s a special young lady I want to bring here.”

  Clayton laughed. “Sure thing.” He then watched as Dex mounted his horse and rode off.


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