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Blinding Echo

Page 3

by Tina Saxon

  I’m yanked off him, thrown to the side of the room, landing on my ass. An intense need to ravage him has me clawing on all fours to get to him, but I’m held back.

  “Kase, if you don’t back off, I'll pull my gun out and shoot you,” a voice barks, pushing me back again.

  My chest heaves and I stare down at my raw, bleeding knuckles then look at my lifeless father, his face already swollen, smeared with blood. What did I do?

  Sheriff Jake Cole glares down at me. Everly’s father. His hand resting on his holster. Tears sting my eyes as the reality sets in.

  “Don’t move,” he snaps, and I nod. He leans down over my father, feeling for a pulse. When he shuts his eyes and shakes his head, I already know. I killed my father.

  I cover my head with my hands, leaning in between my legs as my head spins. “He wouldn’t stop,” I wail. “He said I was just like him.” I lift my head and stare at Jake. “I’m nothing like him.” Nausea wreaks havoc on my stomach and I leap up, running to the trash can right before I lose my airport lunch.

  “I’m not like him,” I cry over and over.

  “Kase, I’m kinda stuck here,” Jake sighs. “I have to take you in.”

  My entire future crumbles before my eyes. I’ve lost Everly and now I’ve lost the military. I'll spend the rest of my life in jail.

  Jakes stands above me, his hard eyes studying me. “Son, I’m only doing this because I know how much you meant to my daughter.” I swallow, my mind racing, searching for what he'll say. He hates I was with his daughter, so I’m surprised by his words. “Nobody will miss your dad. Leave town and never come back. Not for my daughter, not for anything.” His words are slow and calculated. My thoughts scramble to understand what he’s saying.

  “What about…” I pause, looking at my dad’s lifeless body.

  “I’ll take care of it. Do we have a deal?”

  I’ve already lost Everly, so leaving this town and never returning is an easy decision. But what if Everly's memory returns? I won’t be able to explain myself, leaving right now will be the end of Kase and Everly. I squeeze my eyes shut. What do I do?

  “Kase, you need to decide. I called backup when I got here and heard you fighting. They’ll be here any minute. The offer is off the table once they walk through that door.”

  I scramble to my feet. “Okay.” Everything moves in a slow-motion blur as I grab my bag and run out the door. I glance back at the house knowing it might be the last time I’ll ever see it and then look to the sky.

  “I’m sorry, Momma.”

  Chapter Five


  10 Years Later

  “Why’d you leave the Navy?”

  It’s a question I’ve been asked a lot. The lie I’ve told everyone else almost slips out. Except, this is Max Shaw. Former FBI Agent, known for his behavior expertise, who has built a security team of only the best. To be sitting here is an honor. He sits forward in his chair, leaning his elbows on his desk and watches me closely. I clear my throat and sit up taller. I haven’t been this nervous since… hell, I can’t even remember ever being this nervous. He knows the answer; he’s just testing me to see if I will tell him the truth.

  “It was time to do something else.” His eyebrow cocks up. He bought that as much as he buys bullshit from a grocery store. I hate talking about this. It's a secret I've tried to forget since I left home almost ten years ago. “My trust becomes available this year.” I look past Max, out the large window behind him to the vast open ranch. His chair squeaks as he sits back and I meet his eyes.

  “So, why are you looking to work? Why not just kick back and enjoy being rich?”

  “Because that’s not me, sir.”

  Max shakes his head, dropping his head for a second. “Stop calling me sir.”

  “Sorry, Mr. Shaw.”

  “Max. Call me Max. You make me feel old. I’m only two years older than you.” His chuckle makes me relax. I’ve heard so many stories about Max and his elite team. It shouldn’t have been a surprise when I received an email responding to my application, but it was. I know I’m the best, it just reinforces my thinking when other people think so too.

  “I’d like to learn from you and someday open my own security firm. There are stipulations in my trust I won’t be fulfilling anytime soon, so I won’t receive the entire amount of money. Plenty to get me started in my new life though.”

  “You’d be a great fit for our team.” He holds up a folder and drops it on the desk. "Everything about you that’s on paper, I already know. Anything else you’d like to add?” His intense eyes wait for an answer, or he’s searching mine for one. My heart slams a hard beat against my chest and I swallow. Telling him I killed my dad isn't a good idea to bring up during an interview. “Look, we all have skeletons. I just don’t want them coming back to life and knocking on my door. I know that your father went missing after you left for the Navy.”

  Missing? That explains why no one has questioned me. They never found his body. “My father was an abusive drunk. I wouldn’t be surprised if he picked a fight with the wrong person.” I shrug half-heartedly, trying to feign indifference rather than guilt. Max sits back in his chair, studying me. I keep my breathing even and slow. “When I left that town, I left him and all those jacked up memories.” I lean forward in my chair. “Forever.”

  He nods in understanding. I'm not certain he believes me, but he’s giving me the benefit of the doubt. “It’s hard to say forever to a place you own.”

  I release a heavy sigh. “If my grandfathers could see me now, I’m sure I’d be a huge disappointment to them.”

  “I doubt that,” Max states matter of fact. “I’m sure they fought for that land, just as you fought for the people of this land. Don’t sell yourself short because you didn’t become a rancher. They’d be proud.”

  “Not when I sell it.” I’ve waited for the day I could break free from that place and the memories that haunt me. It can’t come soon enough, but I still feel like I’m letting down my heritage.

  “Considering they’re dead, who cares what they’d think. It’s your land to do as you please.” I like Max and his no bullshit attitude. He reminds me of a couple of guys on my team. “The job is yours if you want it.”

  I flash a tentative smile. “That’s it? No, ‘I’ll call you back in a few days. Thanks for coming in?’”

  He smirks and shakes his head. “Nope.”

  “Okay.” My grin widens and my energy spikes. “Hell yeah, I want it.”

  The possibilities of being on this team flash through my mind. Everyone in the security business knows about Max Shaw’s team. And he asked me to work for him.

  “How long do you need to move out here?”

  “I’ve already got everything I own with me. So… I can start as soon as possible.”

  “You’re as certain getting the job as I am giving it to you.”

  “I know a good thing when I see it and I was fairly confident.” I leave out the part that I own nothing other than clothes and one box of important stuff.

  “Wouldn’t have offered you the job without it. Take a week to settle in. I have a friend who’s a realtor.” He reaches into his desk drawer and pulls out a card. I take it when he holds it out. “Her name’s Pepper and she can help you find a place. Don’t fuck her.”

  I jerk my head up from the girly business card to his hard stare. “Yes, sir. I mean Max,” I stumble. He cocks a smile at my obvious state of nervousness.

  “Most of the guys live in Gilley Cove because it’s only fifteen minutes away and off the beach. Pepper will be able to help you. I have a case I need to leave town for and I’m not sure when I’ll be back. Stone will get you set up and answer any questions.” He pushes his chair back and stands. I stand, adjusting my suit jacket. “And I don’t know who told you to wear a suit, but that shit needs to stay in your closet. When I left the FBI, I swore I’d never wear a suit to work again. Unless you’re getting married and force me to wear one,” he grumb
les the last part.

  “Got it,” I say, sticking the card in my wallet.

  He holds out his hand, “Welcome to the team, Kase.”

  Chapter Six


  A red-head looks up at me from behind her desk. "I’m assuming you’re Max's new guy?" Of course she’s flaming gorgeous. I nod, flashing a quick smile. “Have a seat.” She gestures for me to sit in the empty chair.

  “Thanks.” I wipe my hands along my jeans after I sit. My neck tightens, and I hold off from cracking it. I’m nervous as hell around this woman. When someone tells me not to do something, I use it as an opportunity to test my boundaries. This time, I’d be kissing my job goodbye and burning bridges I can't afford to burn if I want to be in this business. Everything I do could be construed wrong and she’ll think I’m flirting with her. “I’m Kase Nixon.”

  She leans back, fidgeting with a pen and studies me. “Max gave me a heads up you were coming. Welcome to Gilley Cove.”


  “What area do you like?” She spins her chair around to her computer but looks over her shoulder to me.

  I shrug. This is the first time I've been in this town. “Stone told me the Village was good.”

  She snorts as her fingers press keys. “Of course he did.” She searches for available properties and I feel I’m the butt end of this joke.

  “So, what’s the Village?”

  She glances over at me attempting to hide her amusement by pulling in her lips. “I’ll show you later. Are you wanting to rent, own? How many rooms?”

  Only one requirement, I want a view of the ocean. It's the only place I found peace in my unstable world the past ten years. The sight of it every day might calm the nightmares. Pepper makes a few phone calls and I can tell by how her voice increases an octave, she located something. I squeeze into her Honda Civic, afraid if I breathe, I'll break it. She observes me and laughs. “Sorry. I should get a bigger car if I’m taking clients out.”

  I fold my shoulders together to make myself seem smaller. “Nah, it’s okay. I’m good.”

  “Good thing we’re only five minutes away.”

  Damn good thing. My junk is squished. I try to push down my jeans, hoping for a slight reprieve, but get none. As soon as the car is put in park, I jump out and adjust myself, not caring who's watching me.

  “This place just became available. You'll appreciate the view, it's hard to find oceanfront units. Except for the Village,” she snickers, walking toward the garage exit.

  “C’mon, you have to tell me what the Village is.” She snorts again, making me chuckle. Her cheeks redden, and she swats at my arm. Why does she have to be adorable too? We both wince at the sun’s brightness as we step out onto the sidewalk.

  “Don’t make fun of my laugh,” she says, pulling her sunglasses off her head, covering her eyes.

  “I’m not. It’s cute.” I peek over at the red-head with her pouty red lips I’d wouldn't mind lined across my–

  Don’t fuck her. Max’s words scroll through my head like a stock ticker on CNN. I jerk my head straight, looking ahead at the ocean view in front of us.

  Through the corner of my eye, I notice her giving me a suspicious glance. “Goddamnit. Max told you to stay away from me, didn’t he?”

  “Not those exact words.”

  She huffs and wrinkles her freckled nose. “I swear, I’m going to kill him. If he doesn’t stop interfering with my love life, I'll die a virgin.” She throws her arms in the air and I whip my head in her direction. A virgin? No way. She has to be around my age. “Well, a born-again virgin.”

  “Is there such a thing?” I ask, bemused.

  Her smile fades and she looks away from me. “In my case, yes.” Her voice softens, and I sense there's a backstory. “Did Max tell you about me?”

  “No. I assumed you and Max had a past. He was straightforward with his demand; I didn’t need to question it.”

  She sighs. “We definitely have a past, but it’s not what you think. Three years ago, Max and his team rescued me from a sex trafficking ring.”

  I stop walking, grabbing her upper arm. “Shit. I’m sorry, Pepper. I didn’t mean–”

  A small smile curves her lips. “Don’t feel sorry for me,” she says, sternly. “I’m in a good place. My past is where it belongs—behind me, but my future is up to me. I’m stronger and more independent than I’ve ever been, thanks to Max. Except the part about him being an overprotective ogre.”

  I understand Max now. Shit, I don’t even know her and I’m ready to kick anyone’s ass that messes with her. “He means well.”

  “I know,” she says, rolling her eyes. "You’re not my type, anyway."

  Stepping back, I puff out my chest. “What is wrong with my type?” Women love me, and I’ve had no complaints. She laughs as she bruises my ego.

  “You’re hot, don’t get me wrong.” Through narrowed eyes, I wait for the inevitable but. “But, I don’t prefer my guy… as ripped as you are.” She squeezes my bicep. “It makes me think I need to work out more, or you’ll expect me to.”

  “I’m not that shallow,” I balk.

  “And you’re clean shaven and I have a hard time believing you’re twenty-eight.”

  Nothing like a woman stomping on your ego a little more. “Anything else you’d care to throw in?” As much as I’m surprised by her outward case of truths, it’s refreshing. She knows what she wants and isn’t wishy-washy. “You sound like Stone.”

  A small moan escapes her lips and the wicked smile that flashes on her face surprises me. “Now, that man is my type.” Which explains a lot. Stone and I couldn’t be any more different.

  I shrug. “I guess if you want skinny Grizzly Adams.”

  She slaps me again on the arm. “Jealous?”

  “Nope. To each their own.” Total lie. When a gorgeous woman tells you that you’re not her type, it stings.

  “Come on, let’s go see your new apartment.”

  When we reach the elevator, I glance around for the staircase. “What floor?” She doesn’t question why I prefer the stairs, she just meets me up there.

  Pepper points out the amenities in the building before entering the apartment. When we walk into the living room, she continues rambling with her sales pitch. I’m sold when I admire the view. Across the street, white sand meets ocean blue.

  “It looks perfect. I’ll take it.”

  “You haven’t even looked around.” She stares blankly at me. I spin around a hundred and eighty degrees. I spot the kitchen, a bedroom, and the eating area. Done. When I glance back at her, she's shaking her head.

  “What? You told me to take a look around. I did. It has everything I need. I’m assuming it has a bathroom, but I guess I should confirm that before I take it.”

  “You’re such a man.”

  “Thanks for noticing.” I flex my biceps knowing she’s not a fan. Her laugh echoes in the space. I don't care for the hardwood, but I can put rugs around. “It’s perfect.”

  “How can you say it’s” —she pauses for a beat— “never mind. Let’s go sign your lease and you can schedule a time for someone to deliver your stuff.”


  “Furniture?” She gives me a quizzical gaze.

  I yank on my shirt. Traveling light makes it easy to relocate. “All I have are my clothes.”

  “Men are basic beings, but this takes it to a new level.”

  We are basic. We need food, a place to live, and a woman. Not necessarily in that order. It's been ten years since I've had somewhere to call home. I’m happy just to have air conditioning.

  "If I plopped a sleeping bag down right here, it’d be a hundred times more comfortable than where I’ve been living."

  Understanding spreads across her face. “I forgot that you just got out of the military. Do you need to go furniture shopping?” I smile and nod. Her heels click across the wood floor to the kitchen bar where her purse is. She digs in her bottomless bag and pulls out a p

  "Need help shopping?" she asks, glancing up from her phone. "I've found a couple of furniture stores not too far from here."

  “That'd be great.”

  Her eyes light up like I offered her chocolate. Shit, I'd offer her all the chocolate she wanted if she'd go for me.

  What feels like days later, we emerge from the furniture store. Throw me in the middle of hungry sharks and I'd enjoy it more than what we just went through.

  Pepper is bouncing on her toes with a beaming smile. “I can’t believe the great deals you got. Oh my gosh, I’ve always wanted to do that. Go on a shopping spree and buy everything new.” She wraps her arm through mine and I smile at her over-enthusiastic excitement from furniture shopping.

  “If only I was your type.”

  “Ha! If I knew you'd be my sugar daddy I might change my mind.” She bats her eyes at me a couple of times and then burst out laughing. “Totally kidding. I’m not that superficial.” It never crossed my mind she was.

  “Let’s get something to eat. I’m starving.” I glance at my watch. Damn, we were in that store for three hours. Three hours I’ll never get back.

  “There’s a burger place around the corner,” she says, pointing ahead.

  The suspicion of someone watching me tugs at my senses. I survey the area. There are a few people on the sidewalks but nothing alarming. When I turn to look behind me, my body freezes. Pepper jerks to a stop from holding my arm. Her words barely register, I'm paralyzed as I zone in on one person.


  Her smile breaks my trance. She’s at least fifty yards away. I take a step toward the woman I’m almost positive is Everly, but Pepper stops me. “Are you okay?” she asks at my side. I glance over at her, not sure what to say. The only girl I ever loved, who forgot about me, is standing right there. I think. Turning my attention back, I groan out of frustration. She's walking away, winding around a corner.


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