The Fixer
Page 28
Huge thanks to the writer friends who gave me pep talks, commiseration, and occasionally food and drink in their attempt to get me through the submission, drafting, and revision of this book! Thank you to BOB for company, day in and day out, Carrie Ryan and Rachel Hawkins for Arizona adventures, and Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Cassandra Clare, Josh Lewis, and Kelly Link for Cornwall! Lastly, I cannot begin to describe how grateful I am to my Oklahoma girls, Ally Carter and Rachel Vincent, for deadline closets, Panera Thursdays, brainstorming, commiseration, and moral support. I love you guys dearly!
Finally, I am grateful for the support of my family and friends. Special thanks go to Ti30, Mom, Dad, Justin, Allison, and Anthony. And to Connor, for helping to drag Aunt Jen away from the book long enough to go to the zoo.
Copyright © 2015 by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
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First published in the United States of America in July 2015 by Bloomsbury Children’s Books
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Barnes, Jennifer (Jennifer Lynn)
The fixer / by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.
pages cm
Summary: When her grandfather develops dementia, sixteen-year-old Tess, who has been keeping his Montana ranch going, is whisked away to Washington, DC, by a sister she barely knows and thrown into a world of politics, power, wealth, love triangles, and family secrets.
ISBN 978-1-61963-594-4 (hardcover) • ISBN 978-1-61963-595-1 (e-book)
[1. Sisters—Fiction. 2. Interpersonal relations—Fiction. 3. Moving, Household—Fiction. 4. High schools—Fiction. 5. Schools—Fiction. 6. Wealth—Fiction. 7. Washington (D.C.)—Fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.B26225Fix 2015 [Fic]—dc23 2014023018
Book design by Amanda Bartlett
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