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Jackson’s Jewel ad-5

Page 6

by N. J. Walters

  Jackson found himself drowning in her liquid brown eyes. He cleared his throat. “I don’t blame him for that.”

  She laughed. “Thankfully, Momma is there to keep a tight rein on him. Otherwise we might all still be living at home.”

  He could tell she was trying to work up to the issue at hand. “Tell me what happened.”

  She sighed. “It started out innocently enough.” As she sat there on his lap, the entire story spilled out of her. The flood of presents that gradually escalated from the harmless to the perverse. The tampering with her e-mail account and the problems it caused for Sisters’ Jewels. And finally, the wedding dress and black cuffs that had been delivered to her apartment and the note that had been tucked in with it.

  She shivered and he wrapped his arm tighter around her. “What do the police say?”

  Emerald shrugged. “They’re looking into it and checking leads, but there really isn’t much to investigate. This guy hasn’t given them much to go on. They’re leaning toward the theory that it’s a crazed fan of my parents.”

  “What do you think?” He rubbed his hand over her back, doing his best to comfort and soothe her.

  She scrubbed her hand over her forehead. “I honestly don’t know. I guess it’s easier to believe that it’s some crazy stranger rather than someone I actually know. But…” She bit her lip and turned her head away.

  He captured her jaw in his hand and gently turned her face back toward him. “But?”

  “But it seems more personal than that.” She peered out over the yard. “It’s so quiet here.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  “I like it. You can really see the moon coming up in the sky. The air is fresh and clean and you can hear yourself think.”

  They sat in silence for a few minutes. Jackson’s mind was mulling over what she’d told him and what she hadn’t.

  “He called me.”

  Jackson took a deep breath, biting back the surge of anger that shot through him. “Since you got here?”

  She shook her head. “No. When I was on the road. He called me on my cell phone. It was a new phone I’d just gotten before I left the city. Only Topaz and Sapphire were supposed to have the number.”

  It was a battle, but Jackson forced his body to stay relaxed when he felt anything but. The urge to find this guy and beat him to a pulp was almost more than he could stand. But right now, Emerald needed him to be calm. “So this guy knows his way around computers and electronic equipment.”

  “Yeah. He also knew where I’d stayed the night before. I knew then that he was tracking my credit cards.”

  Knowledge flooded through Jackson. “That’s why you took this job.”

  Emerald glanced up at him and nodded. “I needed a safe place to stay, where no one could find me while the investigator I hired looks into things.”

  “This investigator any good?” Jackson was filled with the unreasonable urge to go to New York and check things out for himself. Which was totally crazy. He wasn’t an investigator. He was a farmer. But he did know several people who might be able to help him.

  Emerald nibbled on her bottom lip. Jackson realized that it was a nervous habit. He smoothed his thumb over her lip, soothing the abused bottom lip. She jerked but didn’t pull away from the small caress. “He’s very good. My father has used him in the past for other things. I figured my sisters would be safer if I left town. I mean, this person seems to be fixated on me, not them.”

  He realized that she was looking for some kind of reassurance that she’d done the right thing. “You said that they have a bodyguard?”

  “Yes, one each. And they’re keeping their activities to a minimum.”

  “Then they should be fine.”

  Emerald sighed, her warm breath brushing across his face. “That’s what I thought too.”

  Jackson shifted, trying to get more comfortable. Having Emerald in his lap was having a predictable effect on his body. He did his best to ignore the erection pressing against the zipper of his jeans. “Have you made a list of men you know for the police to check out?”

  She stiffened in his arms, but he continued to rub her back and arms and she gradually settled back. “Yeah. It was hard though. I mean, I know these people. Or at least, I think I do.” She buried her face in her hands and took a deep breath. “I don’t know anymore.”

  “What about that Derek guy you mentioned on the phone?”

  Emerald shook her head. “He’s a friend—the son of my parents’ former manager. No, that’s not quite true. He’s more like an overbearing older brother. I’ve known Derek since we were both kids. He’s a successful promoter for big-time musicians and movie stars. Appearance and success mean a lot to him. He’d never do anything to jeopardize what he has.”

  “What about the rest of them?”

  His anger built slowly as she told him about her ex-boyfriend, Beau Vater, who just happened to run his own computer software company. Then there was Fred Kirby, who was a delivery guy by day and computer geek by night. Finally, there was the odd assortment of acquaintances, people she came in contact with through work and friends of her sisters.

  “What about the investigator?”

  “Dane Hatcher? What about him?” Her brows were drawn together as she frowned. “He’s not very happy that I disappeared without telling him. Apparently he raked both Sapphire and Topaz over the coals for not contacting him immediately.”

  Jackson’s hackles rose immediately. “He knows your father, your family. It would be easy for someone like that to trace phone records and credit cards, maybe hack into your e-mail account.” He shrugged when she continued to frown, his mind working furiously. “Makes sense that if you were having trouble you’d turn to an investigator you knew and trusted.”

  “I never thought of that.” She chewed on her bottom lip and Jackson barely swallowed back a groan. The urge to sooth the small hurt with his tongue was almost overwhelming. “He’s probably just worried about me.”

  “How old is this guy?”

  “Mid to late thirties, I think. Maybe a bit older.” Her eyes widened and she sucked in a breath.

  “What?” He continued to smooth his palm up and down her spine, as much to relax himself as to soothe her.

  “I just thought of something.” She rubbed her hands against her jean-clad thighs. “He asked me out about a year ago, more than once. I turned him down.”

  Jackson swore under his breath. “Tomorrow, I want you to sit down and write out all you know about these guys, including Hatcher, and if you can think of any reason why any, or all, of them would be angry with you or possibly hold a grudge of some kind.”

  “I already did that for the police.” She stared at him, slightly bewildered by his request. “Well, I included everyone except Dane.”

  “Yes, but I know some people who can do a bit of poking around as well. Very discreetly.” Jackson was already planning to call Nathan and Abel tomorrow morning as soon as Emerald left to go shopping with Erin.

  “Who? And why would you bother?” Her innocent question stopped him cold.

  He cupped her face in his hands and gently skimmed his thumbs over her cheeks. He’d known her less than twenty-four hours, but already it was as if she were a part of him, a part of his existence.

  One section of his mind was yelling at him to walk away, to protect himself from the hurt that was bound to come by getting involved with her. Emerald would be going back to her life as soon as the stalker was caught. New York, her sisters and their company were her life.

  Another part of him already knew it was too late. He was already involved. Emerald was special and he knew that if he walked away from what might happen between them, he would always regret it.

  And yet another piece of him knew that he could never walk away from her, knowing that she was in danger. His overriding instinct was to protect her at all cost.

  She was shifting restlessly in his arms and he knew he’d been silent for way too long. “Who? My brot
her and brother-in-law. Nathan is in law enforcement and Abel has contacts everywhere from his years as a crime writer.” He paused, trying to find the words to make her understand. “Why? There is something between us, Emerald. Something I can’t explain, but I can’t deny it either. Whether it goes anywhere or not, it’s there. I could no more walk away from you now than I could walk away from Erin.”

  “But I’m not your sister. I’m not related to you at all.”

  Jackson barely swallowed a groan as her hip pressed against his throbbing erection. “Believe me,” he gritted out between his clenched teeth. “I know.”

  Chapter Six

  Emerald was still trying to digest the fact that this virtual stranger not only was willing, but seemed adamantly determined to help her when he bent his head and brushed his lips across hers. Soft yet firm, they skimmed her bottom and then her top lip. Her mouth parted on a moan and his tongue slipped inside. He tasted of coffee and some hot, male essence that enticed her to give more.

  Her fingers crept up the front of his shirt, digging into his wide shoulders for support. She felt lightheaded, as if she were floating on air as she returned his kiss.

  His hand stroked over her hip and belly, coming to rest on her torso just beneath her breast. She sucked in a breath, willing his hand to move higher, but he just rested it there as he continued to plunder her mouth. It got harder to breathe, so she tore her lips from his, gasping for air.

  Jackson nibbled a path down the line of her jaw and neck. She groaned when he nipped the sensitive skin at the base of her neck where it met her shoulder. The edge of his hand barely grazed the bottom of her breast, but her nipple puckered tight in anticipation. She shifted restlessly, her fingers opening and closing over the firm muscles of his shoulders. She wanted more. Much more. But it was way too soon for that. Wasn’t it?

  As if he could read her thoughts, Jackson raised his head, his blue eyes smoldering with desire. “If you don’t want this, then now is the time to go inside.” She could feel the pulse of his erection beating against her hip. “We can forget that this ever happened.”

  She bit her lip and swallowed hard. That would be the smart thing to do. The safe thing to do. The sensible thing to do.

  Emerald couldn’t wrench her gaze away from his face and she felt herself falling deeper into his amazing eyes. A lock of his reddish-brown hair tumbled down across his forehead and she tenderly brushed it back. He closed his eyes as if he were savoring her touch. His skin was much darker than hers, tanned from years of working under the sun and in the wind. Taken individually, his blunt features weren’t overly handsome, yet they suited his face perfectly, a reflection of the inner man.

  It might not be smart or safe to give in to the physical attraction blooming between them, but deep in her heart she knew she would always regret it if she walked away without sampling it.

  Her mind made up, she pushed away from him. His hands tightened around her for the briefest of moments before falling back down to his sides. He said nothing as she rose gracefully to her feet and shifted to stand in front of him. His eyes widened and his nostrils flared as she placed first one knee and then the other on the seat cushion, straddling his lap. She lowered herself so that she was sitting on his thighs facing him.

  “You’re sure?” His voice was rough and it made her stomach clench. She nodded, unable to verbally answer him. “Good.” Satisfaction tinged his reply as his large hands cupped her ass and tugged her closer.

  The movement caused her jean-clad mound to press against his erection. Even though they were both fully clothed, Emerald could feel the heat of him against her. Her panties were already damp and getting wetter every second. She rose up on her knees, rubbing her sex against his shaft. They both groaned.

  Jackson tugged at the bottom of her tank top, pulling it from the band of her jeans. His hands slipped under the material to rest against her stomach. She sucked in a breath as he continued upward. This time he didn’t stop until his hands were wrapped around her breasts. Her nipples stabbed at his palms through the thin satin of her bra. It felt good, but it wasn’t enough to have him touching her—she wanted to feel him beneath her hands.

  Grabbing a handful of his shirt, she tugged it upward. Jackson released his hold on her long enough to take over the job, practically ripping the shirt from his body and tossing it aside. “Your turn, sweetheart.” Although a sense of urgency surrounded them, he took his time, inching up the fabric of her shirt to reveal a strip of bare skin. Her breasts rose and fell with each deep breath she took as he slowly exposed her pale blue satin bra.

  By the time he got her top over her head, they were both panting heavily. His fingers skimmed the satin straps, moving downward and over the lace edging of the cups. “You are so damn beautiful.” Her nipples puckered under his lustful gaze. His thumb just barely grazed the hard nub and she whimpered as her sex clenched painfully.

  Reaching out, she ran her hands over the large expanse of his chest. The muscles rippled beneath her fingers as she explored him. A neat thatch of hair covered the center of his chest between two flat brown nipples. Leaning forward, she flicked at one with her tongue. His hands tightened over her breasts as he gave a guttural groan. His cock flexed against her mound and she gave in to the need to press herself more fully against him. She wanted to be totally naked, to feel every hard plane of his body against her softer curves. There was something about this man that brought out the elemental female within her. She wanted to claim him as hers and have him claim her in return.

  Giving his nipple one final lick, she sat back up and allowed her fingers to trail down the silky line of hair that bisected his torso before disappearing into the waistband of his jeans.

  Jackson gave a low growl as he buried his face in her cleavage. Finding the front closure, his fingers gave a quick flick and the satin cups fell away, exposing her. Plumping the full mounds in his hands, he held them as his lips moved closer to one taut nipple.

  Emerald practically held her breath as he got close enough for her to feel the heat of his mouth against her skin. He carefully traced the outline of her areola with his tongue. Then he did the same with the other one.

  “Jackson,” she gasped as she tangled her fingers in his hair, trying to tug him closer.

  “Mmm,” he responded, flicking his tongue out to taunt the tight peak.

  Her thigh muscles tightened as she rubbed her mound against his rock-hard erection. “More,” she demanded.

  She cried out as he opened his mouth over her breast and took her nipple inside. His tongue stroked over it, softly at first and then with increasing firmness. “Yes,” she groaned as she pushed her breast more firmly against him.

  He captured the tip with his teeth and carefully tugged. Emerald shook with desire. She was on fire for him. Her fingers flew to the opening of his jeans, pulling at the button and zipper. It was his turn to groan when she freed his erection from the confinement of his jeans. She shoved aside his underwear and then he was in her hand. Hot. Hard. And hers.

  Her palm slid over his length before she closed her hand around him. His skin was warm and soft, but what was beneath it was pure steel. The plum-shaped head was wet, and as she watched a pearly bead of liquid seeped from the slit. She used her thumb to spread it over the top and Jackson groaned again, his hips jerking upward. He was thick and long and she could only imagine how good he’d feel buried deep inside her. Her pussy wept with need for him. She was wetter than she’d ever been in her life.

  Jackson gave one last gentle tug on her nipple before releasing it. Tilting his head back, he took a deep breath. The thick column of his neck was exposed and she couldn’t resist leaning forward to lick it. He tasted salty and hot. She imagined his cock would taste the same. “You taste so good.” His shaft jumped in her hand in response and she laughed.

  He swore as his hands made quick work of the fastenings of her jeans. He had the zipper down before she knew it and slid his hand inside. His fingers slipped ben
eath the satin of her bikini underwear, brushing the curls of her mound. But he didn’t stop there. He kept going until he was touching the slick folds of her labia. “You’re so wet.” There was wonder and pleasure in his voice. “I’ve got to see you.” He removed his hand and shoved at her jeans and underwear.

  Emerald wanted to feel his naked flesh against hers. Squirming backward, she managed to get one foot on the porch floor and then another. Wobbling slightly, she stood, her bra tangled around her arms and her jeans and panties down around her hips. She reached for her bra.

  Jackson could barely breathe as Emerald reached for the strap of her bra. He wasn’t sure if she was going to get dressed or get naked. His breath came out in a whoosh as she slid the thin straps over her shoulders and then the scrap of pale blue satin fell onto the deck.

  Damn, she was gorgeous. Her breasts were large and full, perfect pale mounds tipped with rosy nipples. Her waist dipped inward, but her hips curved out generously. She was all woman and, for the moment, she was his. He couldn’t look away as she reached behind her head and pulled the clip away. Some of her hair had already slipped away from the holder, but now the rest of it tumbled down around her back, so dark against her creamy skin.

  Her hands gripped the waistband of her jeans and she shoved them down her hips and thighs. Quickly, she toed off her sandals and pushed the jeans over her calves and feet, kicking them away. She stood in front of him clad only in a tiny piece of blue fabric masquerading as underwear.

  Every muscle in his body was tight. His cock throbbed insistently, begging to be inside her delectable body. Jackson swallowed hard. As much as he wanted her, he wasn’t sure now was the right time. She was feeling vulnerable and emotional and he was the only one here to reach out to. He’d hate to make love to her tonight only to have her regret it in the morning. That didn’t mean that he couldn’t make her feel good though.


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