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Keeping the Wolf

Page 14

by E A Price

  “Think about it.” Harold Sr. gave her a lengthy, leery wink that made her want to take a month-long shower.

  “Yeah, right,” she muttered as he got out the elevator and sauntered away like he didn’t have a freaking care in the world.



  Christine looked up expectantly as she scented Harold. The mixture of his divine gingery, spicy scent coupled with his aftershave was very pleasing to both her and her wolf. Mmmm, he reminded her of gingersnaps – possibly the most delicious cookie in existence. It reminded her of holidays and Christmas and lots of other marvelous things. Now, of course, it reminded her of her husband too, and she was starting to think he was pretty marvelous as well.

  He wandered into her closet, obviously looking for her. He was a lot earlier than expected and it was a welcome surprise.

  She beamed at him. “Good timing. Which skirt do you prefer? The red or the black?”

  She held up each waiting for his response. Harold gave her an impassive look, before saying slowly, “They are both very… nice.”

  Christine shook her head. He was perhaps the wrong person to ask for advice on fashion. She was planning on having lunch with Jennifer the following day – she would undoubtedly be a lot more helpful.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  She leafed through her shirts. “Picking out an outfit for my first interview – it’s on Thursday. I need the perfect ensemble that says ‘hire me.’”

  Harold crossed his arms and gave her a long, appraising look. “The outfit you currently have on sends an interesting message.”

  Christine flicked a look down. At that moment, she was wearing the bra, panties, holdups and heels she had decided on, and nothing else.

  “You have to imagine the shirt and skirt.”

  “I rather prefer it without,” he rumbled, his eyes blazing with amber.

  “Really?” she cooed, wiggling her rear. “You think I should wear this to my interview?”

  A growl escaped his lips. “I think I’d want to kill any male who saw you like that.”

  She blushed, strangely pleased by that.

  With less interest, she peered at her various shirts. It only took a couple of seconds before her husband’s arms circled her. He rested his hands on her stomach, and his lips moved over her shoulder.

  “You’re home early,” she murmured, sighing as his fangs scraped her skin, tickling and delighting her.

  “I wanted to see you,” he muttered.


  Harold’s chest vibrated against her, and she rubbed her ass against his growing hardness. His hand delved into her panties, parting her folds and finding her already wet. He growled his satisfaction and pressed two fingers inside her.

  “Harold,” she moaned.

  “Christine,” he breathed in reply.

  She wasn’t sure what had made her so desperate, so turned on. Perhaps it was that she was feeling so genuinely happy. Their marriage had felt a little rocky, but now they were really getting along, and she was pleased about her potential job opportunities, and she wanted to be with her husband so badly she thought she might explode.

  Her trembling hands pushed at her panties, but not fast enough for Harold. His withdrew his fingers from her needy channel, and using his claws, he ripped them off. She let out a squeak of surprise – looks like she would have to find some new panties for her interview she thought idly. But as she felt her husband, hot and hard pressing against her bare skin, she could care less whether he destroyed every single pair she owned.

  Christine arched her back, pushing herself onto her tiptoes and leaning against the edge of the wardrobe, as his steely length pushed into her sex. He growled as he came to rest inside her, fully impaling in her the most delicious way. He wrapped an arm around her chest and placed his other hand on her hip, keeping her in place.

  Christine giggled as her back rubbed against his tie and shirt. “You’re still dressed,” she murmured.

  In his haste, he had done little more than free himself. The softness of his silk tie tickled her back.

  “Couldn’t wait,” he rumbled, rolling his hips against her.

  “Reminds me of our first time,” she gasped, and that was indeed a happy memory.

  Whatever problems, whatever insecurities they had, their first time together had been wonderful. Christine leaned back against him and twisted to kiss him. It was always wonderful with him. Her husband. Her mate. Mine.

  With a soft snarl, he drove himself inside her, burying himself inside her again and again. She moaned and whimpered in relief every time he filled her, every time he pulled out to the tip and stroked back in again.

  His mouth found her shoulder, suckling at her skin and scraping his fangs over her. She bucked her hips back against him, meeting every stroke, taking him even deeper. His hand slid over her stomach, seeking her clit, teasing it and pushing her to release.

  As he hammered inside her, her senses went into overdrive – his mouth, his fingers, his sex, they were all too much, and she screamed his name as she came apart around him. Harold growled as his own climax quickly followed hers.

  Her legs gave out, and she collapsed against him. Gently, he lowered them both to the floor. He fluttered kisses over her while she panted in dazed pleasure.

  “You should come home early more often,” she murmured, stroking his hair.

  Harold chuckled and kissed her.

  Chapter Twenty

  Harold stared at the clock, impatiently waiting for Christine to call. She had her interview earlier that morning, and he told her he specifically wanted to know how it went.

  Every time his phone rang he snatched it up, every time Linda came in, he snapped at her, hoping it was to tell him Christine was there or at least on the phone.

  Eventually, after Linda told him to snap out of his funk for the third time, he gave up and called Christine, only slightly miffed she had not called him yet.

  He managed to get her on the phone after yelling at Esther to fetch his wife immediately.

  “Sorry,” murmured Christine when she finally came on the line, “I know I was supposed to call, but I decided to take a bath and time just got away from me.”

  He took a moment to imagine Christine wet and soapy from her bath and then he got down to business.

  “How did your interview go?”

  Christine huffed out a laugh. “Not great. I turned up, and they said the position had already been filled. I mean, it’s no big deal, but when I got home, the other company called to say they had changed their mind about the internship, too.”

  “I am sorry,” he said, hating the disappointment in her voice. Hating he couldn’t do anything more than merely telling her he was sorry.

  “It’s okay; I was just kind of excited. I feel a little foolish about getting my hopes up. Would you mind if I call my mom now? You’ve kind of reminded me that she wanted me to call her too, and I haven’t done that yet either.”

  “Of course not.”

  “I’ll see you later.”


  Damnit, she sounded so miserable. He wanted to say something to make her feel better, but he was useless as always when it came to soothing her. He would find a way to make this better for her – one way or another, he would find a way to make her happy.


  Harold walked into the bedroom to find Christine packing a suitcase. A roar of angry fear roiled through him. She was trying to leave him. Was she really that upset about losing out on those jobs? Didn’t matter - she wasn’t allowed to go. He would never allow it!

  He dropped his briefcase, and Christine looked up, but rather than anything he expected, all he saw was relief in her expression.

  “There you are! I’ve been calling and calling!”

  “What is happening?” he asked as Christine dropped her hairdryer into her suitcase.

  “My sister went into labor; there have been complications… We need to go there to be wi
th her.” Christine’s bottom lip wobbled dangerously. “My little sister, Harold.”

  “Your sister,” he repeated dumbly, letting it sink in that Christine wasn’t leaving him. She wasn’t running.

  Christine stopped her frantic packing, and with one hand on her suitcase, she gave him a forlorn look. “You will… You will come with me, right?”

  “Of course. Yes, yes, of course, I will.”

  He rushed to her and wrapped her in his arms. Anything, he’d do anything for her.


  By the time they made it to Texas, Cissy had already given birth, and everyone was ready to celebrate.

  Christine hugged and kissed her pack mates as if she hadn’t seen them in months. Lord, it was nice to see them again. It was nice to visit.

  Cissy was exhausted, and Christine only managed a quick kiss before she had to leave her, but she managed a peek at the pink bundle, and it was enough to spark something inside her. She took a look at the wrinkled cutie, and a thought hit her. I want one of those.

  She’d always wanted children one day, and frankly, she was obligated to have them thanks to the mating agreement. But she’d never felt this before – this longing, this need to have one. She’d never looked at Roark and thought, there’s the future father of my pups. He hardly seemed the type. He wasn’t really interested in taking care of anyone else. Sure, he would do something if Christine asked him to, but he wouldn’t want to take care of her.

  Christine made her way through a gauntlet of jubilant family members and spotted Harold talking into his cell phone. It was probably a wrench for him to leave work – they probably wouldn’t be able to cope without him. But he hadn’t argued, hadn’t tried to delay. He’d booked the first seats available, and they were on their way. He only made two calls to his assistants to say he needed to leave town. After that, he was by her side. Not saying much – likely, he didn’t know what to say – but he was there, and he held her hand throughout the plane ride, which was a little bumpy for her liking.

  There’s the future father of my pups she thought. Warmth pooled in her stomach at that thought, which was a nice change as just over a week ago it had been dread.

  Harold hung up and noticed her. Christine hurried over to him.

  “How are they?” he asked.

  “Perfect, tired, but perfect,” she gushed. “I’m sorry, I guess we really didn’t have to rush to get here.”

  “You wanted to be with your family. I understand.”

  Though she doubted he knew the feeling – given what his family was like.

  “Thank you for coming,” she said and hugged him, rubbing her cheek against his chest.

  “It’s my pleasure,” he murmured into her hair.

  “There’s my girl,” growled a booming voice.

  Large hands tried to pull her away from Harold, though Harold didn’t seem thrilled to let her go. She caught a flash of fury on Harold’s face before he quickly masked it, and allowed her father to pull her into a hug. As much as she loved her dad, and was sure he loved her, she got the feeling the hug was more for Harold’s benefit.

  “Congratulations on your first grandchild,” said Harold politely.

  Her dad gave him a stiff nod.

  “It’s a good day to have all my children here.”

  Christine patted her dad’s chest. “We’re happy to be here.”

  Though not so happy at the accusing tone he was throwing her husband’s way.

  “Assumed you’d be too busy to make it,” said her dad to Harold.

  “Business is important,” he conceded, “but so is this.”

  “We came as quickly as we could,” piped up Christine, disliking the uneasy tension between the two males.

  They were both alphas – Harold in deed rather than name yet. Her dad was bigger and burlier, but Harold… she wouldn’t underestimate Harold about anything.

  “Should we take our cases to the house?”

  Her dad’s face darkened. “Button nose, we’ve got relatives staying - we barely have any room.”

  A smidge of hurt pierced her heart. No room for her anymore. “Oh, I just thought we could stay in my old room…”

  “Of course we expected you – we thought you could bunk in with Hannah.” Her youngest sister. “We just didn’t expect you to bring a guest…”

  “You mean my husband?” she asked in disbelief.

  “Yes,” sneered her dad.

  If Harold minded he didn’t show it, he remained stoically calm and unmoved. Christine less so.

  “We’re married!” she said in a loud whisper. Other pack members were starting to get interested.

  “In name only. Let’s face it, you don’t have a real marriage.”

  Christine’s jaw nearly hit the floor. “Dad!”

  “You’re nothing more than an acquisition to him. He’s probably out every night with women of his pack while you… umph!”

  Christine blinked for a few seconds as her father dropped to the floor. Harold hit him. Harold actually socked him in the face. Her pack members all roared and surged forwards.

  “You should go,” she snapped urgently at Harold.

  His cool façade returned, and he nodded, walking away as calmly as he ever did – not as if about twenty wolves wanted to destroy him.

  As her father grumbled on the floor and her former pack mates growled, Christine watched him go wondering if she shouldn’t follow him. Considering the way her dad was behaving, and his, Harold seemed like the only person who was making sense anymore – and the only person she really wanted to be with.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Christine pressed an ice pack against her dad’s nose perhaps a little too forcefully. He yelped.

  “You’ll get no sympathy from me. I hope you’re happy. Harold’s checked in to the Regency hotel.”

  “That guy would pick the most expensive place in town,” complained her dad.

  “It’s also the best in town!”

  Ugh! Christine collapsed on the couch. She wanted to scream.

  Even being back in her family home wasn’t helping. She’d thought it would be just that – like coming home. But it wasn’t the same anymore. Now, she felt more like a guest. She felt like she had to use coasters and ask permission if she could get some food. It wasn’t a feeling she liked but ultimately, this wasn’t her home anymore. Though maybe she’d finally be allowed to use the guest towels – the fluffiest towels known to man and ones her mom seemed to think should be reserved for royalty.

  “I’m really not sure why you brought him,” said her mother primly.

  “Of course I brought him – he’s my husband! He was coming here to meet his new niece as much as I was.”

  “Did he not allow you to come on your own?” demanded her dad. “Does he not allow you to leave the house without him?”

  “Of course he does. He even bought me a car so that I could go anywhere I wanted.”

  That seemed to stump her dad. Hah! Criticize that! Wait, oh yes, he was going to.

  “Flashy bastard. He’s trying to buy your love.”

  “Not possible.” If it were, she would have fallen hook line and sinker for Derrick Meyers when she was thirteen – he offered her his horse.

  Christine looked at her phone again. He had texted when he checked into the hotel to tell her where he was. She replied asking if he was okay. He replied with the word – yes. She was kind of hoping he would reach out to her, but really, why would he?

  “I really don’t know why you’re being so difficult. You wanted me to marry him.”

  “We didn’t have a choice.”

  “No, there was a choice – a crappy choice but still a choice. You chose the mating just like I did. But the thing is, Harold and I are the only ones who seem to be trying to make the best out of the situation. Is it always easy? Heck no! But he’s a good guy, and we’re finding our way through it.”

  “Well you don’t have to worry much longer,” said her dad in his most patronizi
ng voice. “We’re going to find you a way out of it.”

  “I’m not worried,” she mumbled, her words completely falling on deaf ears.

  “Now that we can afford it, we have a lawyer looking through the agreement.”

  Christine narrowed her eyes. “You can only afford it because of the money Harold’s pack gave you. So, you’re using their money to break up their agreement? Real classy.”

  “Christy,” admonished her mom. “You should be grateful to your father.”

  “Fine, whatever – do what you like. I don’t think you will find some kind of loophole, but if it makes you feel any better, you can try.”

  “We may have grounds if Harold causes you mental anguish. Does he do anything that might constitute that?”

  “He doesn’t even leave the toilet seat up.”

  Okay, she could admit to a little loneliness over the past week and a half, but no anguish. Really, any anguish she had was caused by the sudden arranged mating – the one her parents begged her to go through with – rather than Harold himself. But, she did wish he was around more. Being alone made her sad. She wasn’t about to admit this to her dad. His behavior at the hospital was bad enough.

  Christine checked her phone again. She tapped out a text, asking if he was okay again. Can’t accuse her of being original.


  Harold threw back another whiskey. His inner wolf stirred restlessly. He should have hit the bastard harder. How dare he say that - in front of Christine, too? Did she believe that? Did she honestly think that he was cheating on her? True, she did not know him very well yet, but he thought she trusted him at least.

  He closed his eyes as he remembered her snapping at him to leave. Perhaps whatever progress they had made in the past week and a half had been obliterated with one punch.

  Rightly or wrongly, he had wanted his wife - his mate – to be on his side. True Christine was in a difficult position, but he had hoped she would feel loyalty to him.

  His phone chirruped, and he groaned at the caller ID – his own father.

  He answered with a gruff, “Yes?”

  “Where on earth are you?” exploded Harold Sr.


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