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Page 13

by Marian Tee

  When I came out of my last class, Kellion was there, as promised. He had even sent me several texts, warning me about trying to escape him. He knew me very well, that biker.

  He was leaning against his bike, which surprised me. He normally didn’t bring it with him at times like this. As usual, he was surrounded by girls, a sight I was doing my best not to get used to. It wasn’t like Kellion was flirting with any one of them. It wasn’t his fault he was just too gorgeous for his own good or that he was known to be one of the richest and hottest bikers in town.

  However, did that mean I should stay here and wait until he noticed me? Should I call out to him? Should I just leave and tell him to meet me somewhere?

  I saw Kellion straighten at that moment, and because he easily towered over his circle of fans, he caught sight of me, his eyes narrowing.

  I immediately stopped frowning, but it was too late.

  A beep on my phone.


  He really knew me well, that biker. He had totally guessed that I was leaning towards leaving him with his adoring fans.

  Only a few seconds had passed before he was standing in front of me. “Don’t even think about leaving me,” Kellion said right away.

  I gestured towards his girls and fluttered my lashes at him. Does it matter when you have so many fans?

  He tweaked my nose, hard enough to make me grimace. “I’m here for you, not them.” He took my hand then, leading us to his bike. He didn’t even give any of the other girls a second glance, which made me feel awkward and thrilled at the same time.

  I should have been one of them, but I was…not.


  I twisted around to face him, aware all the while at how girls were practically gnashing their teeth audibly at the way Kellion Argyros seemed to only see me. My heart felt close to bursting at how perfect he was, and it was…yucky.

  Without thinking, I pinched the flesh on his arm.

  “Oww, dammit.”

  Ah, music to my ears. It felt very good, knowing he wasn’t really that perfect.

  “What was that for?” He turned to me with a scowl and I quickly got rid of my smirk, but it was too late.

  “Oh, so that’s how it is. Still a little monster, huh? Even when you’re already my girlfriend?”

  Uh-oh. I didn’t like the look in his eyes—


  He suddenly carried me over his shoulder, and the next thing I knew he had dumped me on his bike and he was revving his beast into life.


  In a blink of an eye, his beast was racing down the road, so fast I clutched him in a death grip, my arms tightening around his waist even as I cursed Kellion in my mind.

  God. This. Biker.

  We zoomed out of the campus, his beast faster than most cars it drove past. His speed had me breathless, nervous, and excited, but not terrified. There was something about the way he gripped the handlebars, the way he moved with his beast like they were one, that inspired confidence. He was a fast rider, but he was a damn good one, too.

  Throughout the ride, Kellion didn’t speak, and I remained silent, too. Leaning my head against his back, I found myself closing my eyes and simply enjoying the wind against my face, my hair flying behind me. With just the feel of Kellion’s hot, hard body pressed against mine and my eyes shut, it was easy to pretend it was just the two of us.

  Only when Kellion had slowed down did I slowly open my eyes and I realized he had brought us to Emerald Peak. It boasted of gorgeous views of downtown Miami, but what it was truly famous for was as a free dating spot for couples who liked making out inside their cars.

  It was a beautiful place, really. I just never thought I’d have a reason to be here.

  Kellion got off his bike, and when he faced me, I was startled to see the grim look on his face. I touched his arm. What’s wrong?

  His lips curved, and I was even more certain something was troubling him when his smile didn’t reach his eyes. “Sorry.”

  I shook his arm, forcing Kellion to look at me. What’s wrong, really?

  He didn’t say a thing. He simply looked at me.

  After hesitating for a second, I leaned forward impulsively, taking the initiative to kiss him for the first time. But Kellion turned his face to the side at the last moment and my lips brushed his cheek instead.

  I froze.

  His jaw clenched.

  Did I just get…rejected?

  “What’s…wrong?” This time, I asked it out loud, just so he knew how much this mattered to me. When he still didn’t answer, I knew he wouldn’t do so unless I did something drastic.

  So I took hold of his hand, and when his startled gaze met mine, I placed it on my breast.

  Kellion’s nostrils flared, desire flashing in his eyes, and I could have collapsed in relief.

  Thank God he still wanted me. Thank God I could still love him. So whatever it was, it could be solved.

  But right now—

  He was still holding my breast, which only occurred to me when I realized that all the tingling sensations running over my body came from just one place—

  I slapped his hand away when his fingers tightened around my flesh.

  Kellion laughed. “Weren’t you the one who made me touch you?”

  I threw my hands up then pointed at him. Because you were acting WEIRD.

  He sighed. “Sorry.” He leaned forward, brushing his nose against mine. “I guess Bobby’s words got to me, after all.”


  Seeing my bemused look, he shook his head. “It’s nothing. She just gave me a few truths that made me feel undeserving of you.”

  I pointed at him. You? Undeserving of me? I rolled my eyes. You have got to be kidding.

  His lips twitched. “I’m not kidding. I seriously contemplated taking a fucking chastity vow just to prove that I don’t mean to hurt you.” Kellion’s face became grim. “Because that’s what would kill me, terataki. The thought that—”

  I placed a finger over his lips. Looking straight into his eyes, I slowly shook my head. “You…will…not…hurt…me.” I took his hand again, but this time I placed it over my heart. “I…trust…you.” I closed my hand over his. “Tonight…if…you…want…to…”

  His eyes widened.

  I swallowed. “I…trust…you…that…much.”

  A second later and he was kissing me, my hands falling down to my sides, my fingers gripping the seat of his bike as he leaned closer towards me to deepen his kiss.

  “I don’t deserve you.” A harsh whisper against my lips.

  I bit his lip. “Don’t…think...such…a…thing.” And just so he knew how mad I was, I bit his lip again.

  This time, it made him laugh, and in retaliation, he sucked on my lower lip hard. “Little monster.” His tone was amused, but when our gazes met, his eyes were serious. “One month.”

  I blinked. One month?

  “I’ll give you one month to decide if you’ll give yourself to me. And when you do…” He kissed me hard. “I’ll never let you go after that.”


  Dear Ashton,

  I think there’s something lacking in me as a girlfriend.

  I can’t explain. And yeah, I know, I’m the prettiest sister in the world.

  But that’s a different thing from being the preeeettiest girlfriend in the world.

  Love, Your Big Sis

  No, no, NO. I shook my head vehemently to emphasize the point. Ten days had passed since Kellion came back from Greece, and we were having our 1,999th argument. Or maybe it was the 2000th already. It was hard to keep track, considering how we were fighting practically every minute.

  Kellion whispered in my ear, “If you don’t say the words, I’ll kiss you senseless. It’s your choice. Either way is fine with me, I just want to see you blush.”

  I turned to him incredulously. Are you serious?

  He only smirked. Yes. So what’s it going to be?r />
  Kill him. That was my choice. I’d kill him, dump his body somewhere out of sight, and go my merry way.

  But unfortunately, before I could do any of those, the event’s host was already calling my name, the curtains were parting in front of us, and a second later, we were facing a huge crowd of students. Yesterday’s issue of the New York Times included a glowing review of our exhibit, and the school had wanted to officially award us with plaques of appreciation for a job well done. Every exhibitor was to come up on stage one by one, accompanied by their chosen partner.

  Mine was Kellion. He hadn’t really given me a chance to choose anyone else.

  As the dean waved for us to come forward, I felt Kellion taking my hand and drawing me close. The crowd was clapping and screaming wildly, the sound of their cheers becoming louder as we walked to the center of the stage. The bright lights prevented me from seeing them clearly, making it feel like the audience was nothing but a mass of energy focused on us.

  “Congratulations, Ms. Redfield,” the dean said warmly as he handed me my plaque.

  I bowed in thanks and tried to pull Kellion with me towards the side of the stage. A quick exit was all I needed, but no, before I could completely turn away, the dean protested, “Not so fast.”

  The crowd laughed. Kellion smirked. I…just wanted to kill the guy next to me.

  “You haven’t told us who you chose to bring with you up here.” He had asked every awardee that question, and it was exactly what I had been hoping to avoid.

  I glanced at Kellion.

  His face was perfectly expressionless, but amused challenge shone in his gaze. It’s up to you.

  God, this biker.

  Already cringing, I focused on some random point on the floor as I mumbled to the microphone extended towards me, “My…boyfriend.”

  Everyone in the crowd shrieked. From excitement or despair, I wasn’t really sure. But what I was sure of was that Kellion Argyros was a cheat. Because the next thing I knew, he was pulling me into his arms.

  “Sorry, terataki, I lied.” And then his lips covered mine, tongue actually slipping inside of my mouth in front of the entire school.

  Ten minutes later, and we were again at the backstage area while the dean called up the next awardee. Kellion was laughing while I did my best to beat his chest. Hate you, hate you, hate you.

  He brought my fists to his lips and kissed them one by one. When my eyes met his, he whispered, “I’m so proud of you, baby. Congratulations again.”

  God, this biker.

  I couldn’t help throwing my arms around him. Couldn’t help kissing him, my toes curling at the sound of his groan as my lips covered his. Couldn’t help straining towards him – but the moment our bodies touched, Kellion immediately pulled away, putting distance between us.

  “You always make it hard for me,” he growled down at me.

  I didn’t pretend to misunderstand, and I could only look at him with mute desire.

  He suddenly groaned, and then he was kissing me again, his hands rushing down my body. I kissed him back with equal fervor. It felt like every day, I wanted him more and more, and there were more minutes in a day that I spent thinking of him.

  I held my breath when Kellion’s lips started to move down, arching my neck to give him access. My fingernails drove deep into his shoulders as his lips moved further down. I bit back a moan as his hands made short work of the buttons of my blouse, his mouth tasting every inch of skin that was exposed. Not making a sound became more difficult when his hands covered my breasts. When he pushed away my bra. When he bent his head down and tasted my nipples. One at a time, licking them over and over before suckling on them like a babe.

  Dimly, I heard the door start to creak open.

  A second later, the door swung fully open, but by then Kellion had managed to hide us behind the tall dressing table, his hand over my mouth while his mouth remained on my breast.

  My eyes widened as I heard a gaggle of voices, the last batch of artists to be awarded. They were laughing and talking, taking photos and oohing and aahing over their plaques. All the while, Kellion and I remained in the same room with them, Kellion biting down on my nipple, and oh God, it took everything – everything – not to scream.

  I gripped his hair, trying to pull him off, but I could feel Kellion’s hard body rocking with laughter as he was amused by my panic. When I tightened my grip on his hair, he retaliated, his fingers moving down until they brushed against the juncture between my thighs.

  I released his hair immediately at his touch.

  He won. I lost.

  But it didn’t seem to be enough, not when Kellion started moving his fingers up, making me think he was done – until he dipped his hand inside my jeans.

  God, this biker.

  I hastily covered my mouth with both hands as he started moving his fingers up and down my folds, making them slicker and more sensitive.

  On the other side of the room, the other artists were still taking photos and giggling, sharing their captions with each other. The fact that they could discover us any moment, the fact that while they were just a few inches away while Kellion was sucking on my nipple while playing with my pussy—

  It made me so shamefully horny.

  My hips began to move on their own accord, wanting more of his fingers. Kellion was quick to oblige, moving up to rub harder on my clitoris. It was the most amazing feeling, bringing such acute pleasure that I knew any moment now…God, any moment now—

  The girls’ voices were fading as they walked away, towards the other door leading to the stage’s back exit.

  My hips began to jerk, and I wanted so badly to trap his fingers between my thighs.

  The door slammed shut, and we were all alone.

  Kellion bit on my nipple while pinching my clitoris.

  My lips parted in a silent scream as I came.

  Oh God, how I came, my body shaking and jerking against his fingers, my breasts swollen and throbbing as Kellion sucked on them hard while my panties became soaking wet with my come.

  When he lifted his head from my breast, the look on his face was grim, and there was no doubt about the effort it took to keep his restraint.

  “Twenty days,” he rasped, his eyes glittering with unquenched desire.

  I was still shivering in the aftermath of the pleasure he gave me, and I felt so weak I didn’t even have the energy to pull out my board and write to him. So I spoke instead, my voice breathless and halting. “I’m…not…the…one…who…wants…to…wait.”

  He shook his head. “It won’t be fair.” His jaw took on a resolute line. “So twenty days. And if you still want me then—”

  I swallowed. “Then…what?”

  “I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll have a hard time walking the next day.”


  His whispered words had my knees buckling. I’ll fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk right the next day.

  God, this biker. Even though days had already passed, his words still lingered in my mind, and most times, it was all I could think about.

  Like now.


  Bobby’s voice made me start, and I realized I had zonked out again. Drat Kellion for making me think today was number 8. Eight days until my biker boyfriend was due to take my virginity.


  “Are you free then?”

  This time, Bobby’s voice was tinged with curiosity. I couldn’t blame her. I had been the one to come to her office asking if she had any part-time jobs available, and here I was, acting like a zombie.

  I flashed her a peace sign. Sorry. Mentally cursing Kellion in my mind, I took out my planner and flipped it to this month’s page. Mm…no tests for tomorrow and tonight, Kellion was busy with VP duties for the Afxisi.

  I gave Bobby a thumbs-up sign. I’m good to go.

  “You’re sure? Tonight won’t be the usual party.”

  I scribbled on my board, IT’S OKAY.

  “And Kel
lion? Will he be okay with this?”

  I scowled. What did he have to do with this?

  “He is your boyfriend, you know.”

  I rolled my eyes and pointed at her. Look who’s talking.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Bobby said huffily. “I’m the ideal fiancée.”

  Behind me, Leandro Christopoulos, who was seated at one of the lounge sofas, coughed.

  I smirked. See?

  “Shut up,” Bobby grumbled. “I’m the perfect fiancée and that’s that.” Her voice turned brisk. “Anyway, tonight you have to wear your uniform again. The one without pockets.”

  I nodded, grimacing. Understood.

  “Well, on your head be it.”

  Exactly two hours later, I was dressed in my usual frilly uniform, balancing a tray of drinks with one hand. Bobby’s charity gala had a gangster chic theme, with the venue decorated in hues of black and gold. Everyone looked like they were having fun, and they all made a spectacular sight, with the women dressed in glittering flapper dresses while the men looked like they had just stepped out of a GQ shoot, the Mafia edition.

  The only thing that made this occasion different from Bobby’s other events was how rowdy and young this crowd was compared to her usual bunch of sponsors. I had lost count of the number of times I had to dodge drunken passes—

  And here comes another one, I thought resignedly as a hand grazed the small of my back…and stayed there.

  An excuse ready on my lips, I turned around—

  And froze.


  A stunningly handsome Kellion, with slicked back hair, suspenders, and slim, tight-fitting pants.

  My heart soared and crashed before swaying unevenly in my chest, intoxicated by the sheer beauty of the man in front of me. Did he know he made the world’s sexiest gangster on the planet? Every girl in the room thought the same thing, with the way they ogled him so blatantly.

  I was about to sign ‘hi’ to him when I noticed the furious-as-hell scowl on his face. That was the moment I remembered an essential fact: I hadn’t told him about me working tonight.

  Crap. I whirled around, hoping to escape, but it was too late.


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