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This Time

Page 1

by Ingrid Monique

  He smiled and obliged. They moved out onto the dance floor, where Sean pulled her close into an intimate embrace. The heat and the smooth musk scent of his cologne filled her senses as she pressed her body into his muscular frame. She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. His arms circled her waist, one resting just above her rear as he held her close. They moved to the music, allowing the smooth rhythm to flow over them. A sense of belonging washed over her. He felt right, too right. He was starting to evoke feelings within her that scared her. His hand caressed her back, molding her into him. She closed her eyes, giving in to the safe, soothing feel of him. His hand moved up to caress the back of her neck. He gently pulled her head off his shoulders. She gazed at him, opening her eyes. The look in his eyes took her breath away. He wanted her and it was all there in his eyes. The blatant knowledge of it sent shivers down her spine. Kelee couldn’t deny the fact that she wanted him, too. Her heart raced at the thought, the possibility of being with him in the most intimate way. He lowered his head to hers and Kelee closed her eyes as his lips covered hers in a slow heated kiss.

  This Time


  Kensington Publishing Corp.

  All copyrighted material within is Attributor Protected.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Kelee Kingsly stepped from the plane and was greeted by the brilliant St. Pala sun, which instantly warmed her body. She slipped on her shades as she descended the stairs of the plane. The heat was welcoming compared to the thirty-degree chilly weather she left in Manhattan, New York, three hours ago. She stepped down onto the hot black tarmac. The intense heat made her skin tingle, causing beads of sweat to form on her upper lip. It was a little after one P.M., the hottest time of day. A cool breeze coming off the ocean whipped at her shirt, making the heat bearable. The scent of raw sea breeze mixed with jet fuel invaded her nostrils, bringing back memories of her native Jamaica. St. Pala wasn’t much different from Jamaica; they both had great people, food and weather. No matter which Caribbean island Kelee visited, she always felt like she was coming home once she stepped foot on the hot tarmac.

  Kelee made her way towards the entrance of the arrival building along with her fellow passengers, who consisted of natives and tourists. Inside the cool terminal Kelee made her way through a sea of natives and tourists to baggage claim. Fifteen minutes later she saw her four large suitcases coming around on the conveyor belt. Kelee always overpacked, it was just her style. She tended to change clothes a lot depending on her mood. She was only going to be in St. Pala for a few months, or until her niece was born.

  Kelee was struggling to get her first bag off the belt when a young man was kind enough to help her unload her cases onto a cart. She thanked him, and made her way towards customs. She frowned at the sight of the long lines. She hated the wait that came with exiting customs, and from the look of the lines she knew it would be another thirty minutes before she could exit the barely cool airport.

  “Kelee.” She heard her sister’s voice. Kelee scanned the mixture of multicultural faces for her sister’s. She heard her name again and followed the voice. She spotted Lori waving her over to the far end of the customs desks. She smiled and waved back, excited. Kelee hadn’t seen her sister in three years. She maneuvered her cart through the crowd, focused on her sister.

  Lori was the taller of the two at five ten. Kelee was a mere five three and had always envied her sister’s height. They both had their father’s cool bronze coloring, but had inherited their mother’s long thick hair. They also had their mother’s light brown eyes, accentuated by high cheekbones, small round noses, and full lips. The resemblance between them was uncanny. Unlike her sister, who wore her hair in natural twists, Kelee wore hers bone straight, falling down the middle of her back.

  Kelee’s eyes fell to Lori’s protruding belly and she squealed in joy. She hugged and kissed Lori. It was so good to see her big sister; she had missed her so much. The sisters held on to each other for what seem like a lifetime. Kelee rubbed Lori’s belly, smiling. She couldn’t wait to be an aunt.

  “I can’t believe yu’ here,” Lori exclaimed, tearing up. Kelee hugged Lori again, taking in her fresh floral scent. It felt good to be close to her.

  “I’m glad to be here,” Kelee responded.

  “Yu’ are stayin’ until the baby’s born?” Lori asked with a stern look.

  “Yu’ know I will.” Kelee smiled and kissed her cheek.

  A huge smiled consumed Lori’s face. “Good, because I need yu’.”

  “Yu’ got me.”

  “Ladies.” A customs officer walked over to them. He was tall and thin with a ready smile.

  “She’s with me,” Lori told the officer and he nodded, offering his assistance by pushing Kelee’s cart towards the exit. Kelee was thankful she wouldn’t be searched. Getting through customs without the hassle of being searched was one of the perks that came with being married to the minister of tourism of St. Pala, which Lori’s husband was. Lori was well known on the island, for her high-profile community activities.

  The receiving area outside was filled with people awaiting visitors and family. Lori’s driver waited for them by a large SUV jeep. Kelee helped her sister into the middle seat, joining her as the driver collapsed the backseat and loaded up her cases. The sisters held hands, catching up as they made their way to Lori’s home on Rose Hill. Rose Hill was one of St. Pala’s upscale neighborhoods, overlooking the splendor of the city of St. Pala below. Kelee had always loved the view of rolling hills and city nested in the valley. The last time she was in St. Pala was four years ago, for Lori’s twenty-fifth birthday party. This time she was here for the birth of her niece.

  “Mom called this mornin’; she wants yu’ to call her,” Lori told her. “She said she hasn’t heard from yu’ in months.” They were on the back veranda overlooking the pool, sipping iced teas.

  “I know. I hope she’s not too mad at me.” Kelee wrinkled her nose.

  “No, she just needs to know yu’ OK,” Lori said, rubbing her belly.

  They were very close as a family, even with their mother living in London, England, for the past ten years. She had relocated to London after their father’s death of a massive heart attack to live with their aunt Kay, who was also a widow. While they were in three different places, they made it a priority to visit each other, and if that wasn’t possible they kept in touch by phone. She had the phone bills to prove it.

  Kelee hadn’t talked to her mother in two months. A sense of guilt filled her. She had always made it a priority to speak with her mother every two weeks. Two weeks turned into months; she owed her mother a call with a big apology.

  As an interior decorator and stylist Kelee was well known in New York for her impeccable sense of style. Her flair for mixing modern with a touch of the classic had sealed her reputation and placed her in high demand. Her present clientele consisted of celebrities and some of New York City’s elite. She had a lucrative growing business that was starting to demand that she hire permanent help. She had a guy named Ian who worked with her part-time. Ian had a remarkable eye and
they worked well together. It was time she made him full-time. It would allow her to take on more clients and get some much-needed time for herself. Kelee had been working nonstop for the past two years and hadn’t had time for a vacation or family. She didn’t want to miss the birth of her niece and had decided to take the time off.

  Taking a break from unpacking, Kelee called her mother. She answered on the second ring.

  “Mama.” Kelee smiled into the phone, loving the sound of her mother’s voice.

  “Kelee,” her mother said, excited.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t call, I was so busy getting ready to come here,” Kelee told her mother, as she clutched the phone to her ear. She moved to the window and opened it. The cool evening breeze fluttered through the curtains bringing in the scent of the hibiscus flowers beneath her windows. Kelee took a deep breath, appreciating the fresh, fragrant scent.

  “So, how long yu’ stayin’ in St. Pala?” her mother asked.

  “Until yu’ grandchild is born.”

  “I wish I could be there.” She could hear the regret in her mother’s tone. Kelee knew how excited her mother was about being a grandmother and not being here was hard for her. Her mother’s doctor had warned her about traveling for a while after she had broken her hip a few months ago.

  “So yu’ spendin’ Christmas in New York, alone, again?” her mother asked. Kelee had spent last Christmas working. She had made plans to go to England but had to scrap them. Her client at the time needed his apartment redone for his annual New Year’s Eve party. Kelee had completed the job on time, but was unable to join her mother in England for the holidays.

  “I haven’t made any plans for the holidays yet,” Kelee told her.

  “I’m comin’ to St. Pala for Christmas; come see me?” She could hear the plea in her mother’s voice. Once again guilt consumed her.

  “I’ll try.” Kelee collapsed into the armchair by her bed.

  “I want to see yu’,” her mother demanded.

  “I want to see yu’, too. I’ll try my best to come back,” Kelee promised.

  “OK.” Her mother sounded pleased. “So how yu’ boyfriend doin’? What’s his name again?”

  “We broke up.” Kelee frowned. She had put so much faith into her last relationship and it had ended badly.

  “Why? He was so nice.”

  “He was too nice, to other women.”

  “Dog!” her mother came out with, which made Kelee grin.

  “Yu’ got that right.”

  Her ex, Jon, was African/Italian American, and very handsome. He was an investment banker on Wall Street and a woman’s dream. Kelee had walked in on him spreading his charm to his next-door neighbor. She had calmly taken whatever things she had at his place and walked out. When he had called apologizing, she told him never to call her again.

  “Don’t yu’ worry. Yu’ll find a nice man one day,” her mother comforted her.

  “I’m not looking. I’ve decided to give men a break for a while.”

  “Good for yu’,” her mother said.

  Kelee was grateful for her mother’s support, which was the one thing she knew she could always rely on no matter what the situation. They spent the next half hour catching up.

  Chapter 2

  “Wha’ yu’ think?” Lori asked as she stepped from the dressing room, modeling an elegant maternity evening dress in peach chiffon. They were in a boutique on Main Street uptown, St. Pala. Kelee looked at her sister and nodded with approval; it was the perfect dress for her. They had been shopping for a dress for the past three days and Kelee was getting tired. They had an important political fund-raiser to go to tomorrow night, and they had to find something for Lori today. Unfortunately, there wasn’t much to choose from on the island where high fashion was concerned. The dress her sister had on was overpriced, but that was the way it was in the Caribbean. Anything designer and imported was overpriced. Now if they were in New York, Kelee knew they would have gotten the same dress for half the price and it wouldn’t have taken them this long to find one.

  She did like the dress Lori had on. It accentuated her belly, yet still managed to flatter her figure. This was definitely the one. They would look no more.

  “This is definitely the one,” Kelee said, as she inspected the dress closer. The dress was off the shoulders and fell in layers to floor. It was absolutely perfect. They were not leaving the store without it.

  “It’s so hard to shop for events when yu’ pregnant,” Lori commented, checking her figure in the mirror with a frown.

  “No more looking; this is the one,” Kelee told her. This was the sixth dress Lori had tried on since they had been in the store. They had been to three other shops since morning and found nothing, until now. This dress would definitely do.

  “I like it,” Lori agreed.

  “Good. Let’s pay for this and get some lunch; I’m hungry,” Kelee said. Lori headed back into the dressing room to remove the dress. It was almost two P.M., way past lunchtime, and her stomach had been protesting for the last hour.

  Kelee took the dress and went to pay for it while Lori got back into her own clothes. Minutes later they left the shop in search of food. They were uptown so there was an array of exotic trendy and local restaurants to choose from.

  “What’s good and close by?” Kelee asked. They were standing on a busy sidewalk just outside the store. The hot afternoon sun beat down on them. Kelee wiped away the sweat forming on her upper lip as she slipped on her shades.

  “Tali’s. It’s just down the next street.” Lori led the way.

  “This is good,” Kelee said as she enjoyed her fresh lobster pasta salad. Kelee paused and smiled at Lori, who was busy with her curry-coconut shrimp and rice. They were seated in the patio area of the restaurant. It was bustling with a late afternoon crowd of regulars and tourists. St. Pala, like most islands in the Caribbean, had an eclectic mix of cultures. It was an island rich in minerals, sugar, and coffee. The economy was growing steadily with new businesses. Most of the east and west ends of St. Pala catered towards tourists offering some of the most exquisite resorts in the Caribbean. Downtown St. Pala City was the financial center of the island, with its bustling businesses. Downtown was the heart of St. Pala. It offered the best of everything. Kelee loved to shop here because it offered the best bargains on the island.

  As Kelee watched her sister eat, she smiled, knowing she was eating for two. Lori gazed up at her and smiled, sipping her fruit punch. While they waited for dessert, Kelee went to the bathroom. When she made her way back to the table, she saw him. From his profile, she could tell he was fine. He kissed Lori’s cheek, smiling down at her. The first thing Kelee noticed about him was his muscular physique; he wasn’t big or bulky, he was just right. His polo shirt clung to his incredible biceps. Nice, very nice. She smiled.

  “How yu’ doin’?” the man asked, touching Lori’s belly. Kelee noted his deep, rich Caribbean accent, definitely a native. He definitely worked out, she could tell by his muscle tone. She wondered what he looked like naked. She paused in her steps. She didn’t even know the man and here she was lusting after him. For all she knew he was probably married with kids. She looked at his hand; no wedding band. That still didn’t mean anything. A lot of married men didn’t wear their wedding rings.

  “Good. Good to have yu’ back.” Lori smiled up at the man. Kelee’s eyes traveled down the rest of his body: nice ass and nice thighs. Damn, he was fine. As if sensing her, the man looked up and paused. His face was borderline perfect with a square jaw and a slightly straight nose. He had smooth caramel-colored skin, his hair black and wavy. His lush lips were inviting. Kelee reached the table; she kept her gaze locked on him. The man continued to stare at her from behind his shades. Kelee wished she could see his eyes.

  He straightened up to his full height. He was almost six feet and he smelled good. He continued to stare at her. She wondered if he was as intrigued as she was. After all, he was staring, which was a good thing.

  “Sean, this is my sister Kelee. Kelee, Sean St. John,” Lori introduced them with a wide grin on her face.

  “Nice to meet yu’, Sean.” Kelee smiled and extended her hand to him.

  Sean took her hand as he took off his shades. Slanted hazel eyes met hers. Suddenly Kelee had a feeling that she knew him, but from where? She had seen those eyes before, but where? She couldn’t place them.

  “Kelee.” The way he said her name with such familiarity sent thrills down her spine. Kelee searched her brain trying to figure out where she knew him from, but nothing clicked. Why was he so familiar?

  “Sean, join us?” Lori suggested.

  “Can’t, I have a meetin’.” He glanced at Lori.

  “Yu’ must come by for dinner so we can catch up,” Lori insisted.

  “I’d like that,” he said and looked at Kelee with such knowing intensity that it made her even more curious. If he didn’t know her, then he obviously knew of her. “Kelee.” He nodded to her, then hurried off. Kelee watched him disappear into the restaurant.

  “So who is he?” she asked casually as she sat down. Lori smiled, digging into her pineapple upside-down cake.

  “Fine, isn’t he?”

  “Excuse me, married lady.” Kelee glared at her, amused.

  “I’m married, not blind; plus, I was referrin’ to yu’.”

  “Who said I was interested?” Kelee responded.

  “Yu’ eyes did.”

  Kelee was a bit embarrassed. Had she really stared at him that badly? “Leave my eyes out of this.”

  “Don’t worry, yu’ll see him again at the party tomorrow night.” Lori grinned.

  Kelee had to admit that the idea of seeing Sean St. John again excited her. There was something about him.

  “Yu’ still haven’t told me who he is.”

  “He’s our minister of security.”

  “He’s a cop?” Kelee couldn’t help but be disappointed on hearing he was a cop. She frowned and shrugged.

  “He’s more than a cop, he protects the entire island,” Lori added.


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