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This Time

Page 5

by Ingrid Monique

  Kelee went into Lori’s walk-in closet and pulled out a floral print A-line dress. She laid it out on the bed, then pulled out underwear and a pair of flat mules.

  Allan entered the room as she was about to leave. “I didn’t mean to scare yu’ earlier,” he started to apologize.

  “It’s OK. I just need to be more careful next time.”

  He looked at her as if he wanted to tell her something, but he simply smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

  “Are yu’ guys in any danger or anything I should be aware of?” Kelee asked. Being politically linked brought some danger. But Allan was the minister of tourism. That job wasn’t as dangerous as Sean’s. However, if there was someone out there she should be concerned with she wanted to know.

  “No, no,” Allan told her reassuringly.

  She was relieved to hear that. “Good. Well, let me go get ready.”

  “Sean is downstairs.”

  “He is?” She couldn’t help the excitement in her voice. Allan grinned.

  “Yeah, he’s havin’ a drink on the veranda,” Allan told her.

  Kelee rushed to her room down the hall to get ready. After lightly moisturizing her body she pulled on a cap-sleeve, snap-front, denim mid-calf dress. She applied light makeup and pulled her hair back into a simple ponytail. Half an hour later she ventured downstairs in search of Sean. When she didn’t find him on the veranda, she went back into the house. She found him in the kitchen with Nadine. He was plating the fish they were having for dinner. Nadine was pulling the salad from the refrigerator. She paused in the doorway, taking in the vision of him. He was dressed in a chartreuse shirt, his sleeves rolled up. He wore dark blue slacks. He hadn’t shaved, she noted from the five o’clock shadow. Somehow it made him even sexier. Even in the kitchen he looked good. He looked at her, then and a warm smile touched his lips. She blushed under his gaze.

  “Need any help?” she asked, moving into the room.

  “Thanks.” Sean handed her the platter with the delicious-smelling slices of swordfish covered in sautéed onions, scallions, and hot pepper. Kelee took the platter into the dining room, which was just off the kitchen. Lori and Allan entered the room as she placed the platter beside the bowls of fresh vegetables and rice.

  “I’ll get the punch.” Allan went into the kitchen. Kelee helped Lori into her chair, before sitting beside her.

  “I see yu’ glad he’s here,” Lori whispered. Kelee shushed her just as Sean and Allan walked into the dining room. Allan sat at the head of the table. Sean sat to Allan’s left, across from Lori and Kelee. Their eyes met and held and he smiled at her. Kelee suddenly felt flushed.

  The conversation around the dinner table was light and entertaining until Allan mentioned Kelee getting robbed earlier. A look of dread came over Sean’s face as he focused on her. She was struck by the intense concern on his face.

  “Yu’ sure yu’ OK?” Sean’s eyes searched hers. She couldn’t help being curious by his concern. He really didn’t know her enough to be this intensely concerned.

  “Yes, I’m fine. All he did was grab my purse, which unfortunately had Lori’s car keys in it.”

  “Would yu’ be able to recognize him, if yu’ saw him again?”

  “No, all I saw was his back,” Kelee told him.

  “Are yu’ sure?” Sean pressed. Kelee suddenly felt uneasy with his questioning. She’d forgotten he was a cop.

  “Sean!” Lori warned. Sean looked at Lori and his intense expression disappeared.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to alarm yu’.”

  Kelee looked from Sean to Lori to Allan. Was she missing something here? “What’s going on?”

  “No’ting,” Lori started. “These two love to exaggerate ’tings too much. I was robbed once. Yu’ jus’ have to be very aware when yu’ go downtown, that’s all,” Lori said sternly.

  Kelee looked at her sister, alarmed. She had never told her that. “Yu’ were robbed?” Kelee asked.

  “My purse was snatched; luckily a cop saw it all and caught the guy. Now can we change the subject?” Lori was getting upset and no one wanted that. They went back to enjoying the dinner.

  “Keep next weekend free,” Allan told Sean.

  “Why?” Sean asked.

  “The Appleton Rum party in View Coast,” Allan told Sean. “Yu’ are comin’, right?”

  “I could use some R&R,” Sean admitted, looking at Kelee. She pressed her lips together, preventing the smile that threatened to show.

  View Coast was a resort area where tourists flocked. It was also the playground for St. Pala’s elite. Kelee had to admit that it was exciting to know that Sean was going to be in View Coast for that weekend. Lori had told her about the weekend excursion, which she had been looking forward to. Having Sean there would make it a lot more enjoyable. She recalled the last time she was in View Coast and her memorable affair with a young dreadlock name Mike. But that was ten years ago; she was young and desperate to get rid of her virginity at the time. Which was kind of stupid, she had to admit. But she was young and immature in those days. Plus, her wild days were long over, or were they? she wondered as she looked at Sean St. John. The man was sexy and fine as hell and all she could think of was how he’d be in bed. As if sensing her thoughts he turned and his eyes met and held hers, promising her satisfaction to her thoughts. Kelee looked away, embarrassed by her thoughts and Sean seeming to know what she was thinking.

  Just before dessert, Lori complained about feeling a bit tired, so Allan took her upstairs.

  “Nadine made cake for dessert,” Kelee told Sean.

  “Let me take yu’ out for dessert?” Sean suggested. The way he said dessert told her that he had more than food on his mind. She concealed a smile that threatened to surface.

  “That sounds good,” she responded cooly.

  Moments later they were in his jeep and heading down the hill. He maneuvered his jeep around a bend. The other side of the road offered a beautiful view of homes cascading down the hillside and the lights of downtown in the distance.

  “Are yu’ sure yu’ not married with kids somewhere?”

  He laughed before responding. “Yes.”

  “Yu’ sure? I wouldn’t want some crazed baby mother coming after me.”

  “Yu’ don’t have any’ting to worry ’bout,” he reassured her with a smile.

  “So tell me why yu’ don’t have a woman, again?”

  “Again?” He gazed briefly at her, hiding a smile.


  “Because I don’t like to get involved with a woman—not unless I really like her or want to be with her. I don’t like to waste my time, do yu’?”

  His answer wasn’t exactly what she expected to hear. She didn’t know how to respond.

  “Do yu’?” he asked again.

  “No, no,” Kelee responded, gazing at him. She was really starting to like him. He was straightforward and she liked that in a man. She had been lied to enough by the men in her past. An honest man was welcome.

  “But yu’ do know that I’m here for a short time?”

  “I know. An’ I intend to make the best of it.” He gave her an infectious smile.

  Sean took her to a restaurant/bar called Haven. Haven was a house in a valley surrounded by a thriving garden. It was one of the exclusive hot spots that couples frequented.

  The hostess, a pretty white woman, greeted them. Sean told her he wanted a deck table and she led them around a path illuminated by tea-tree lights at the back of the house. A large deck extended from the back of the house. Small intimate candlelit tables created a romantic setting. Couples were scattered about the deck. A part of the deck served as a dance floor where three couples were locked in an intimate embrace. The night air was cool with the fresh scent of flowers from the gardens.

  They were seated at a small table where they could see into the dining area. It was just as intimate with candlelit tables.

  “This place is great,” she said, taking in the intricate det
ails of the glass candle on their table.

  “Thank yu’.” He smiled at her and she paused, looking at him.

  “Yu’ own it?” She was surprised.

  “Yes, but I keep it a secret.” He grinned.

  “Why?” she asked, curious.

  “In my line of work, the less people know about me the better.”

  The waitress came over to take their order.

  “What do yu’ suggest?” she asked him. His hazel eyes smiled at her.

  He ordered the mama’s cake for both of them. She ordered a white wine and he ordered a Heineken.

  “Mama’s cake?” she asked, curious.

  “My mother perfected the recipe. It was passed down from her great-great grandmother. Haven is well known for her cake.”

  “Where is yu’ mother?”

  “Miami. She and my father moved there to be with my sisters and their grandchildren,” he responded gently.

  “Sounds like yu’ miss them.” She noted his solemn expression.

  “I jus’ came back from Miami a few weeks ago.”

  “So all yu’ immediate family is in Miami?”


  “Ever think of relocating?”

  “No, I love St. Pala too much.” He smiled. She could see he did. He was devoted to his island and his people to the point that he had chosen to protect them. She couldn’t help but admire him.

  The waitress arrived with their dessert and drinks. Mama’s cake was absolutely delicious, it was a layered cake filled with mixed fruit accented by a hint of liquor.

  “This is really good,” she said between bites.

  “I knew yu’d like it.” Sean nodded as he ate his cake.

  “My compliments to yu’ mother.”

  “I’ll pass on the compliment,” he said, pushing his empty plate aside and reaching for his beer.

  A slow reggae tune came on and she started to rock to the tune. “Dance with me?” she asked.

  He smiled and obliged. They moved out onto the dance floor, where Sean pulled her close into an intimate embrace. The heat and the smooth musk scent of his cologne filled her senses as she pressed her body into his muscular frame. She wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder. His arms circled her waist, one resting just above her rear as he held her close. They moved to the music, allowing the smooth rhythm to flow over them. A sense of belonging washed over her. He felt right, too right. He was starting to evoke feelings within her that scared her. His hand caressed her back, molding her into him. She closed her eyes, giving in to the safe, soothing feel of him. His hand moved up to caress the back of her neck. He gently pulled her head off his shoulders. She gazed at him, opening her eyes. The look in his eyes took her breath away. He wanted her and it was all there in his eyes. The blatant knowledge of it sent shivers down her spine. Kelee couldn’t deny the fact that she wanted him, too. Her heart raced at the thought, the possibility of being with him in the most intimate way. He lowered his head to hers and Kelee closed her eyes as his lips covered hers in a slow heated kiss. Her senses went wild with the feel, the taste of him. Gently Sean’s lips and tongue caressed her lips until they parted. She welcomed the smooth invasion of his tongue. She moaned softly, tightening her arms about his neck. Kelee caressed his tongue with her own, loving the taste of him. For how long they danced and kissed, she didn’t know. The song changed, and they pulled back, gazing into each other’s eyes. There was an undeniable connection between them. Kelee’s heart raced with excitement. Sean St. John was a man she couldn’t deny. What she was feeling was far too intense. He pulled her back into his arm and they resumed their dance. Kelee laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.

  They went back to their table at the end of the song to finish their drinks. Sean pulled his chair close to her, cuddling her in his arms as she sipped the last of her wine. Their conversation turned to their likes and dislikes. Kelee found out that they loved swimming, movies, and sightseeing. They talked about their families and being apart from them and the strain it caused at times.

  “Wha’ do yu’ like?” Sean asked, caressing the back of her neck.

  “In general or in a man?” She gazed at him.

  “A man,” he said.

  “Honesty and respect is key.”

  He looked at her deeply, as if mesmerized by her words.

  “An’ if a man can’t be honest right away, for some unknown reason?”

  “As long as he comes clean at some point, it’s good.” She smiled.

  “I’m gonna hold yu’ to yu’ word.”

  “Yu’ got something to tell me?” she asked cautiously.

  “Not yet,” he teased, kissing her lightly.

  “As long as it’s not bad,” she whispered against his lips.

  “Trust me, it’s not.” He caressed her ear, sending shivers down her spine. “Come; let’s go,” he whispered. Kelee simply followed him.

  Tyce watched Sean and Kelee drive away from the Haven. He was seated in his car at the far end of the parking lot, hidden from sight. He had been following Sean all day unnoticed. Tyce prided himself on his surveillance technique. He pulled out his cell phone and hit speed dial. His boss answered the phone on the second ring.

  “She’s good,” he told the boss.

  “Good; yu’ know what to do.”

  Tyce ended the call. He started his car and pulled out of the parking lot, heading home for some much needed sleep.

  Sean drove Kelee back to Lori’s house. They didn’t say much, as they simply enjoyed each other’s company. At the house, Sean walked her into the dark living room, a sure sign that Allan and Lori had retired for the night.

  “When can I see yu’ again?” Kelee asked, turning to face Sean. Sean immediately pulled her into his arms, kissing her until her senses were spinning out of control and she was breathless. She clung to him, wanting more than his kisses. She wanted him to make love to her. She needed to feel him inside her. The severity of her thoughts shocked and excited her.

  “Is the guest room empty?” he asked, referring to the room just off the washroom to the back of the house.

  “Yes,” she whispered and felt her entire body tremble with excitement. In one swoop he lifted her and took her down the hall to the guest room. Inside the small room with only a twin bed and a dresser, he placed her in the middle of the bed, coming down on her. She moaned, wrapping her arms about his neck. His mouth covered hers in a scorching kiss. He unsnapped the top of her dress, exposing her pink bra. He pushed her bra off her shoulder, exposing her left breast, which he covered with his hot mouth. She moaned, crying out his name as he suckled her hungrily. He pulled back briefly and with one quick move he unsnapped her entire dress, exposing her hot flesh. His eyes devoured her body and a pleasant smile curled his lips. She loved the way his eyes made love to her body. He reached down and cupped her through her panties and she moaned loudly. He applied pressure, caressing her through the thin lace. He covered her breast, suckling her. She gripped his head, arching her back, opening her legs more. She felt his harden sex rise up against her thigh. His fingers found their way under her pink panties and into her wet folds. She pulled his head up to her, kissing him hungrily. His fingers sank farther between her folds and inside. The sweet invasion took her breath away. She couldn’t think straight or even hear what he had said to her. He stopped his sensuous assault on her. She opened her eyes, looking at him.

  “Do yu’ have protection?” he asked.

  “No,” she whispered, catching her breath.

  “No’ting upstairs?” he asked, his hand working in small circles against her. She moaned, closing her eyes. She didn’t want him to stop.

  “No,” she told him, breathless as his fingers moved in and out of her with delicious slowness. She felt the tightness start in her toes and work its way up to her breasts.

  “Too bad,” he continued and lowered his head back to her breast, gently biting at her nipples as his fingers quickened their pace. Kelee
thrust her hips into his hands, praying he wouldn’t stop.

  “Don’t stop,” she cried.

  “I don’t intend to—at least not this.” He covered her mouth with his tongue, mimicking the movement of his fingers. He was driving her crazy. She felt her body peak and her senses exploded into a million stars.

  “Yu’ wicked.” She smiled, opening her eyes.

  “At least yu’ know wha’ to expect when we do this the right way,” he told her, caressing her breasts. She caressed his face, looking deeply into his eyes, wondering why he felt so right to her. He kissed her lightly as he sat up, pulling her up with him.

  “I can’t wait,” she moaned.

  “Neither can I.” He kissed her long and hard before saying good night.

  Chapter 6

  Kelee’s dreams were filled of Sean that night. In her dreams they had made endless love. She woke with a huge smile on her face, recalling how Sean had her, literally, melting in his hands last night. She couldn’t wait to be with him, but the first thing she needed to do was buy some damn condoms. She was impressed with him respecting her by not going any farther other than pleasing her with those magic fingers of his. It showed a sense of responsibility, which she respected him for.

  After lingering in bed with thoughts of Sean, Kelee finally ventured downstairs for breakfast. She found Lori on the back veranda, sipping tea. She poured herself a cup of coffee and joined her.

  “Allan’s off already?” Kelee asked, pulling up a chair. The late morning air was cool with a light breeze. The skies were a bit overcast with the promise of rain.

  “Yeah; so how was dessert?” Lori asked with a wicked grin.

  “Enjoyable.” Kelee couldn’t help but smile.

  “Yu’ give him some?” Lori asked, excited.

  “Almost did,” she admitted.


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