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John Quincy Adams

Page 36

by Harlow Unger

  and wife and family, separation from

  and wife’s family, bankruptcy in

  and wife’s presidential campaign work

  and XYZ dispatches

  and Yale College

  Adams, John Quincy(grandson of John Quincy Adams)

  birth of

  Adams, Joseph(son of Joseph Adams Jr.)

  Adams, Joseph, Jr. (great-grandfather of John Quincy Adams)

  Adams, Louisa Catherine (daughter of John Quincy Adams)

  birth of

  death of

  Adams, Louisa Catherine (granddaughter of John Quincy Adams)

  Adams, Louisa Catherine (née Johnson; wife of John Quincy Adams) (photo)

  and Adams, Abigail, relationship between

  in Berlin

  as cabinet wife

  as cabinet wife, and Tuesday evening receptions

  children of (see Adams, Charles Francis; Adams, George Washington; Adams, John; Adams, Louisa Catherine)

  as congressional wife

  and cosmetics, husband’s disapproval of

  death of

  and death of husband

  and death of son

  and death threats against husband

  and depression of husband

  and family bankruptcy

  and family reunion after six years abroad

  as first lady(photo)

  as grandparent

  and housing, in Washington

  and husband, and disapproval of cosmetics

  and husband, and presidential campaign

  and husband, and presidential defeat

  and husband, and return to politics, dismay regarding

  and husband, death of

  and husband, death threats against

  and husband, depression of

  and husband, private secretary to

  and husband, separation from

  illness of

  and Johnson, Thomas

  marital estrangement of

  and marriage, fiftieth anniversary of

  marriage of

  miscarriages of

  and presidential campaign work

  and silk worms, breeding, as first lady

  and social life, in London

  and social life, in St. Petersburg

  and social life, in Washington

  and son, death of

  and sons, separation from

  in St. Petersburg

  and support for sister’s orphaned children

  and trip from St. Petersburg to France

  and trip home from St. Petersburg

  and trip to Russia

  and trip to Silesia

  and Tuesday evening receptions, as cabinet wife

  and weekly receptions, as first lady (photo)

  Adams, Mary Louisa (granddaughter of John Quincy Adams)

  Adams, Thomas Boylston (son of John Adams)

  and alcoholism

  birth of

  death of

  and French Revolution

  in The Hague, as aid to brother

  at Harvard College

  Adams farm(photo)

  Adams Strip(map). See also Boundaries

  Adams-Onis Treaty (aka Transcontinental Treaty)

  Adet, Pierre August

  Alden, John

  Alexander I,

  and Johnson, Catherine “Kitty,”

  as mediator in War of 1812

  and Oregon coast

  Alien and Sedition Acts

  American Revolution

  beginnings of

  and peace treaty (1783)

  See also Breed’s Hill, battle at; Bunker’s Hill, Battle of

  Amistad case(photo)

  justices of

  Anglo-American conflict

  and reconciliation

  Anglo-American treaty of commerce and maritime law

  Anglo-French War

  and Russia

  See also France; Napoleonic Wars

  Antoinette, Marie

  Articles of Confederation

  Astronomical observatories

  Babeuf, François Noël

  Bache, Benjamin Franklin

  Baldwin, Roger Sherman

  Barbé Marbois, Marquis François de

  Bayard, James

  Bellamy, Monsieur

  Bentham, Jeremy

  Benton, Thomas Hart

  Blanchard, Jean-Pierre

  Bonhomme Richard

  Boston Harbor(map)

  Boston Massacre

  Boston Tea Party


  extension of western, to Pacific Ocean

  fixing northern, with Canada

  See also Adams Strip

  Bourne, Sylvanus

  Boylston, Nicholas

  Boylston, Thomas

  Boylston, Zabdiel

  Breed’s Hill, battle at. See also American Revolution

  Brooks, Abigail. See Adams, Abigail “Abby”

  Bunker’s Hill, Battle of (photo). See also American Revolution

  Bunker’s Hill Monument (photo)

  Burr, Aaron, Jr.

  and Chase, Samuel, impeachment of

  and Hamilton, Alexander, duel with, and murder indictment

  as U.S. senator, resignation of

  Calhoun, John C.(photo)

  and Floridas, acquisition of

  and Great Britain, military alliance with

  and national scientific institution

  and nullification

  and presidential election (1824)

  as secretary of war

  as U.S. senator

  as vice president

  Canning, Stratford

  Castlereagh, Lord

  and Anglo-American reconciliation

  Catherine II

  Chase, Samuel, impeachment of

  Cinque (Congolese chief) (photo)

  Civil war, prediction of

  Clay, Henry(photo)

  and Adams, John Quincy, death of

  and Adams-Onis treaty

  and Anglo-American treaty of commerce and maritime law, negotiations for

  and Floridas, and Jackson, Andrew

  and Great Britain, military alliance with

  and nullification

  and presidential election (1824)

  and presidential election (1824), and “corrupt bargain” charges

  and presidential election (1824), and shift of votes to Adams, John Quincy

  and presidential election (1828)

  and presidential election (1832)

  as secretary of state

  as secretary of state, and leave of absence

  as Speaker of the House

  and War of 1812, commission to negotiate end to

  Clayton, Augustus Smith

  Clinton, George

  as vice president

  Colonization in Americas

  Committee of Friends of the Right to Petition

  Common Sense (Paine)

  Congressional obstructionism

  Continental Army

  Continental Congress

  Crawford, Susanna

  Crawford, William H.(photo)

  and Monroe, James, rage against

  and presidential election (1824)

  as secretary of the Treasury

  The Crisis (Paine)

  Crowninshield, Benjamin, as secretary of the navy

  Cushing, William

  Daguerre, Louis-Jacques-Mandé

  Dana, Francis (photo)

  Deane, Barnabas

  Deane, Jesse

  Deane, Silas

  Dearborn, Henry

  Decatur, Stephen

  Declaration of Independence

  Democrats as new party

  Dermot MacMorrogh (John Quincy Adams)

  Dickens, Charles

  Drayton, William

  Dueling, ban on

  The Education of Henry Adams (Henry Adams)

  Emancipation Proclamation

  Embargo Act

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  Everett, Alexander

  Everett, Edward

  Fauchet, Jean-Antoine-Joseph

  Federal capital (New York)

  Federal capital (Philadelphia)

  Federal capital (Washington). See Washington (capital city)

  Ferdinand VII

  First Continental Congress. See Continental Congress

  Fletcher, Robert

  Floridas, U.S. acquisition of

  Force Bill

  Forsyth, John


  and Great Britain, war with

  and United States, and threat of war with

  See also Anglo-French War; French Revolution; Napoléon I; Napoleonic Wars

  Franco-American alliance

  Franco-American treaty of 1778

  Franklin, Benjamin(photo)

  and Declaration of Independence

  as emissary to France

  and Great Britain, peace treaty (1783) with

  guardianship responsibilities of

  in Paris

  personal/social life of

  Frederick William II

  Frederick William III

  Free speech

  French Revolution

  and American support, erosion of

  and Napoléon I

  and Robespierre, Maximilian

  See also France

  Fulton, Robert

  Gag Rule

  Gaines, Edmund

  Gales, Joseph

  Gallatin, Albert

  and Anglo-American treaty of commerce and maritime law, negotiations for

  and War of 1812, commission to negotiate end to

  Gardoqui, Joseph

  Genet, Edmond(photo)

  George II, and Jay Treaty

  George Washington University

  Gerry, Elbridge

  Ghent, Treaty of. See Treaty of Ghent

  Great Britain

  and colonization in Americas

  and France, war with

  and French Revolution

  and United States, military alliance with

  and United States, peace treaty (1783) with(see also Jay Treaty; Treaty of Ghent)

  and United States, unsettled issues between

  See also American Revolution; Anglo-American conflict; Anglo-French War; War of 1812

  Haas, Philip

  Hamilton, Alexander

  and Burr, Aaron, Jr., duel with

  and French Revolution

  as inspector general and second in command

  and presidential election (1800)

  and whiskey rebellion

  Hammond, George

  Hancock, John

  Harrison, William Henry

  death of

  Hartley, David

  Harvard College(photo)

  Hauteval, Lucien

  Haverhill petition. See also Petition, right of

  Hayne, Robert

  Hellen, Nancy

  Hellen, Walter


  Hopkinson, Joseph

  Hottinger, Jean Conrad

  Howard, Benjamin Chew

  Jackson, Andrew(photo)

  and Adams, John Quincy, as president, ridicule of

  and congressional obstructionism

  and Floridas, acquisition of

  as governor of Florida, resignation of

  and Harvard University, honorary degree from

  and national scientific institution

  and New Orleans, Battle of

  and nullification

  as president

  and presidential election (1824)

  and presidential election (1824), and “corrupt bargain” charges

  and presidential election (1828)

  and presidential election (1828), victory in

  and presidential election (1832)

  and Texas, independence of

  Jackson, Rachel

  Jarvis, Russell

  Jay, John

  and Great Britain, peace treaty (1783) with(see also Jay Treaty)

  in Paris

  Jay Treaty

  Jefferson, Thomas (photo)

  and Adams, John, death of

  and Adams, John Quincy

  and Adams, John Quincy, dinners with

  and Anglo-French War

  and Chase, Samuel, impeachment of

  death of

  and Declaration of Independence

  and French Revolution

  and Great Britain, military alliance with

  and Louisiana Purchase

  and Monroe, James

  and nullification

  in Paris

  as president

  and presidential election (1800), victory in

  resignation of

  and Supreme Court, attempt to alter Federalist bias on

  Jenkinson, Charles (earl of Liverpool)

  Johnson, Catherine “Kitty,”

  and Alexander I

  marriage of

  Johnson, Catherine “Kitty” (sister of Louisa Catherine Adams [née Johnson])

  Johnson, George

  Johnson, Joshua

  Johnson, Louisa Catherine. See Adams, Louisa Catherine

  Johnson, Thomas

  in Berlin

  Jones, John Paul

  Jones, William

  Kennedy, John F.

  Key, Francis Scott

  King, Rufus

  Kirkland, John

  Knox, Henry

  Lafayette, Adrienne

  Lafayette, George Washington

  Lafayette, Marquis de (photo)

  as guest at White House

  Latin America, and independence from Spain

  Lavasseur, Auguste

  Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory (John Quincy Adams)

  Lee, Arthur

  Lee, Richard Henry

  Letters from Silesia (John Quincy Adams)

  Letters of Publicola (John Quincy Adams)

  Lincoln, Abraham (photo)

  Livingston, Robert

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth

  Loring, Ellis Gray

  Louis XVI

  Louis XVIII

  Louisiana Purchase(map)

  Lovell, James

  Luzac, Jean

  Luzerne, Chevalier de la

  Macon, Nathaniel

  Madison, Dolley

  Madison, James

  and Adams, John Quincy, chess games with

  and Anglo-American conflict

  and Anglo-French War

  and Great Britain, military alliance with

  and Louisiana Purchase

  and nomination for presidency

  and nullification

  as president

  as secretary of state

  and Treaty of Ghent

  and War of

  and War of 1812, commission to negotiate end to

  Marshall, John

  as chief justice of Supreme Court

  as secretary of state

  Marshall, Thomas

  Maurepas, Comte de

  Merry, Anthony

  Mesmer, Franz

  Mexico, war with

  Missouri Compromise(map)

  Monroe, Elizabeth

  Monroe, James and abolition/slavery and Anglo-American conflict and cabinet members as presidential aspirants

  cabinet of

  death of

  eulogy for

  and Floridas, acquisition of

  and New Orleans, Battle of

  as president

  reelection of

  as secretary of state

  as secretary of war and state

  and War of 1812

  Monroe Doctrine

  Montgolfier, Étienne

  Montgolfier, Joseph de

  Morison, Samuel Eliot

  Morris, Gouverneur

  Mullins, Priscilla

  Murray, William Vans

  Napoléon I (photo)

  defeat of

  as emperor

  and escape from Elbe

  and exile t
o Elbe

  and Louisiana Purchase

  and Quasi-War

  and Russia

  and Russia, invasion of

  surrender of

  and Waterloo

  See also Napoleonic Wars

  Napoleonic Wars. See also French Revolution; Napoléon I

  National scientific institution

  Nelson, Horatio

  Neutrality Proclamation

  New Orleans, Battle of

  New York (federal capital)

  Ney, Marshal Michel

  Noailles, Duc de

  Noël, Nicholas

  Non-Importation Act


  Onis y Gonzales, Luis de

  Oregon coast, Russian claim to

  Paine, Thomas

  Common Sense

  The Crisis

  The Rights of Man

  Palais de Versailles(photo)

  Parsons, Theophilus

  Paul I

  Peck, John

  Pennsylvania Quakers, petitions from

  Percy, Hugh Lord

  Perry, Oliver Hazard

  Petition, right of

  and abolition/slavery

  and Pennsylvania Quakers

  and women

  Philadelphia (federal capital)

  Pichegru, Charles

  Pickering, Timothy

  and Louisiana Purchase

  and presidential election (1800)

  and Quasi-War

  as secretary of state

  as secretary of state, dismissal of

  Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth

  and France, threat of war with

  and presidential election (1800), defeat in

  Pinckney, Thomas

  and Jay Treaty

  and petition, right of

  Pius VII

  Plumbe, John, Jr.

  Political dissent, right to

  Polk, James K.

  and Adams, John Quincy, death of

  Prentiss-Adams Law

  Presidential election (1800)

  Presidential election (1824)

  and Clay, Henry, and shift of votes to Adams, John Quincy

  and “corrupt bargain” charges

  and inconclusive electoral votes

  Presidential election (1828)

  Presidential election (1832)

  Presidential election (1836)


  end of

  Quincy, John

  Quincy, Josiah

  Quincy, Massachusetts(photo)

  Quincy, Saer de (earl of Winchester)

  Quincy Bay(map)

  Quincy family


  origins of

  Randolph, Edmund

  Randolph, John

  Report on Weights and Measures (John Quincy Adams)

  Richardson, Rev. Joseph

  The Rights of Man (Paine)

  Robespierre, Maximilian

  Rush, Richard

  Russell, Jonathan


  and Anglo-French War

  and Napoléon I, invasion of

  and Oregon coast

  Scott, Winfield

  Seaton, Sarah

  Second Continental Congress. See Continental Congress

  Seminole War

  Shaw, Rev. John

  Shays, Daniel

  Shays’s Rebellion


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