Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

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Crowning Glory [The Royal Wolves 3] (Siren Publishing Allure) Page 14

by Honor James

  Growling at her, he did as her body was demanding him, his cock slamming into her pussy over and over. Biting her lip gently, he pulled off with a light scraping. Tipping his head, she felt as he nibbled down her neck to her mark and he bit it again, his teeth settling over he wound tightly but not hard enough to break through the skin again.

  She leaned her head back and sobbed out a strangled cry of pure possession and pleasure. She held him so tightly with her legs she was sure that he was soon a part of her very body. “Laszlo.” His name was a reverent prayer to the gods, a thanksgiving of sorts for giving him to her, sending him to save her from herself.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispered as he came, thrusting into her body to ensure she felt everything he poured into her. Growling softly he closed his eyes and breathed in her scent, their combined scents, the clean air and the smell of nature around them.

  She was gasping for air, under him as she was, and simply breathing to try to force air into her lungs. Heaven couldn’t be anything better than what he had with him, what they had then and there. “Amazing,” she whimpered and held him close, tight.

  Smiling slowly as he felt the rumble of her words against his lips he guessed at what she had said to him. “Not bad,” he murmured softly against her cheek. Shifting slightly he stroked a hand up her side to gently cup her breast. Rubbing his thumb over her nipple gently, he lifted his head. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked softly.

  “No, you didn’t hurt me,” she said and shook her head. She was smiling as she whispered her truth to him. Opening her eyes and looking up at him she smiled. “How are you? I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  Frowning he shook his head. “Sorry, love, I got the first part because of the head shake, but the rest of it,” he sighed. Leaning his forehead to hers he growled slightly, an unhappy sound. “I hate that I can’t hear your beautiful voice,” he whispered softly.

  “I hate that you can’t hear me, too,” she said and hugged him again. “I love you.” He might not be able to hear her, but she could hear herself and she could feel the way he felt for her as well. Her fingers moved to cup his cheeks and smiled as she stroked her thumbs over his cheeks. “Love you.”

  Lowering his chin he kissed her softly. “Love you, too,” he murmured. He’d figured that out at least he thought with a sigh. “We should probably head inside because, I don’t know about you, but I feel a wolf eyeing my rear end like a side of beef and it’s a little nerve-racking.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Well we can’t move while you are locked inside of me, Laz.” Not that she was complaining. Her body was perfectly hidden with his so she didn’t mind the wolf watching them, in the least.

  Looking at her he frowned. “You know, if you’re mocking me in some way I will find out eventually and make you pay for it, woman.” He gave her a dirty look that split into a grin. “Although, you’re probably calling me all sorts of names while you have the chance aren’t you?” he asked. “Just admit it, give me a nod,” he teased.

  Her eyes danced and even though she wasn’t calling him names she nodded and grinned unrepentantly. Her hand reached up and cupped his cheek, leaning up she breathed him in before allowing her lips to gently press against his. He wanted to get up and go inside, and she wanted to enjoy these last moments of feeling him locked so deeply inside of her.

  “Wench,” he breathed against her mouth even as he kissed her and seemed to fall into just feeling once more. It seemed like any reason to touch her and he was golden. To taste her must have been pure ecstasy, and his groans indicated there was no other way to truly express his joy except with such a wholly inadequate word.

  Her toes curled as she tugged him deeper into her body with her feet. The kiss was incredible but she could still feel him deflating inside of her and when she finally let him go she licked her lips as she looked at him. “All right, time to get up.” She didn’t want to move, didn’t want to ever move, but it was getting colder as they lay there.

  Staring down at her, he kissed her once more, gently before getting up off of her. Scooping her up into his arms, he carried her into the house. He nodded that he’d come back after he had her in the tub to grab their clothing, but she was shivering and needed to get warm, now.

  She tried to curl as close to him as she could. “I hate being cold.” She grumbled against his neck. He couldn’t hear her, but she could hear herself and it felt good to grumble at least a little as he moved them from the lawn to the house. She had to admit though, it was so good to get that cold as they had and she would do it again and again, if he gave her the chance.

  Moving through the house easily, he reached the bathroom and sat her on the edge of the tub. “Start a bath, I’m going to go get our clothing or we may never see them again. I’ll be right back,” he said with a smile. “Get warm, love, your lips are turning blue.”

  She laughed and started the bath. Sliding into the hot water with a sigh she leaned back and just smiled. When she heard him muttering and cursing, she cracked open her eyes, about twenty had passed if the clock on the vanity wasn’t lying. “Let me guess, our clothes now line some female wolves den?”

  “I’m going to skin them all alive until I find that jacket,” he grumbled as he walked into the bathroom. “They left everything but my damned leather jacket. If I find the filcher I’m going to have to seriously beat the snot out of them,” he muttered before he stepped into the bath with her and yelped. “Holy crap! Do you think this is warm enough?” he asked as he eased down with a wince.

  She shrugged and grinned. “I was cold, Laszlo, something about the ground in the middle of winter seriously makes one all chilly and cold.” She moved so that her legs were on each side of his thigh and faced him. “But I wouldn’t have traded it for the world, Laszlo.”

  “You’re giving some womanly excuse,” he said eyeing her. “I know it, even though I can’t get all the words, I’m getting the gist of this topic. And”—he narrowed his eyes on her—“I’m thinking there might have been some sucking up, too.” Shaking his head he slouched down into the water until it touched his chin. “I really need to learn to read lips,” he muttered.

  She simply grinned and nodded, he either needed to learn to read lips, she needed to carry pen and paper always, or she would need to be muzzled when they made love from now on, it would need to be one of those three though and she knew it.

  Watching her, he seemed to know that as soon as she started to think on the how and why that he couldn’t hear her. Reaching out, he lifted her foot to his lap and gently massaged her arch as he stared her way. “You know,” he murmured thoughtfully, “I’ve been thinking. The next time we make love in the shower we’ll have to leave the glass door open, if it had been open the sound would have mostly escaped instead of bouncing around and well”—he quirked a grin her way—“you know.”

  She nodded and said, “That or we will have it redesigned to be one of those completely open showers with the rainfall heads and water falling over the edge of a top shelf that makes you feel like you are in a waterfall.” That idea appealed to her in the basest of levels.

  Frowning slightly, Laszlo tipped his head. “I got ‘open shower,’ ‘water falling,’ and ‘waterfall,’” he said as his mind clearly still tried to decipher more. “If you’re thinking of redesigning the bathroom for a new shower go for it,” he told her with some hesitancy in his voice until she smiled at him and he seemed to know that he’d obviously guessed right. Thank god, he seemed to breathe internally.

  She patted his knee that was above the waterline and grinned. “Thank you.” She would have to get out there and find contractors who were not only the best, but ones that would pass any security test she gave to them, she wasn’t about to have her home invaded with someone she couldn’t trust, ever, especially not since she had Laszlo to protect now, too.

  Smiling at her he chuckled. “You’re welcome, love,” he said, having understood her thank-you easily. Picking her hand up from
his knee as he sat up he toyed with her fingers. “Do whatever feels right for you, darling, I’m open to anything at all you want to do to the place. It’s your home, too, darling, and you should make it feel comfortable for yourself as well.”

  She nodded and smiled, then a full-on bathroom remodel it was. She loved the house and didn’t want to change anything at all about it. She knew the house was everything that she had ever dreamed of having as a child in her home. “That feels good,” she murmured as she leaned back against the tub once more with a grin on her face.

  Smiling at her he began to rub his thumbs in a massage over her palm, as if knowing the pressure points in the body, both human and Wolf, that would help relax her. His grip seemed to indicate he also knew which ones could incapacitate, harm and even kill as well as embarrass someone royally. He smiled, as if to say he’d never use those against her, except maybe the one that would give her a mind blowing orgasm.

  She grinned and then without even thinking about it she said, “Don’t even think it, Laszlo, when I come I want it to be with your body about to slide deep into mine.” Cracking her eyes open she watched him, carefully.

  Looking to her, he lifted a brow even as he slightly frowned he shook his head. “That one you will need to write down, darling. Except for my name it was just…” He demonstrated by moving his lips with no sound and his representation of her expression.

  She grinned and shook her head, she wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction so she tugged her hand from his hold and handed him the soap. “Wash my legs?” And if she was lucky their bath would be really, really nice and hot.

  Taking the soap, he frowned at her until she lifted her leg and waved it at him. Rolling his eyes he soaped up his hands and, setting the bar aside, took her leg to wash, his fingers moving over her leg in a massage as he did so. Sliding his hands up and down her muscles, he watched her face and grinned as she relaxed further down into the water a soft sigh appearing on her lips.

  Their bath seemed to slide on and on but finally she stood and stepped out, wrapping a towel around her body and then around her hair. “Come on.” She turned to him and waited.

  Getting up he followed her from the bath, hitting the drain as he did before scooping her up in his arms and kissing her silly.

  Chapter 7

  “Can you hear me now?” she asked with a very low whisper of sound. It had been a bitch of the last couple of days but this morning she had asked Laszlo something and he had heard her, thankfully.

  “Yes I can hear you,” he chuckled. “If you keep doing the Verizon commercial I may gag you though,” he teased with a grin. “I’m fine, baby,” he told her as he turned to look at her across the room. “Now, come here and tell me everything you said to me for the last couple of days so I’m in the loop.”

  “Well I am going to redo our bathroom, have it be one of those really large and open concept things, especially the shower.” She waggled her brows. “I am taking a leave of absence from work because I want you to change me and I have cleared your work schedule so that you can as well.”

  “Well that’s all fine and good,” he told her as he watched her. “But I’m pretty sure I asked you to come over here,” he said with a grin that built. “You wouldn’t be avoiding me now that I can hear your every word again would you, my love?”

  “Yes, I do believe that I am trying,” she said as she put the furniture between them. “I think more because I want you to come for me, Laszlo, I want to play with you but you don’t seem to be taking the bait, my love.”

  Lifting a brow, he slowly began to stalk her across the room. Going up and over the couch instead of around, he grinned when she picked up speed. “Are you now going to run from me, my sweet mate?” he asked with a hint of a growl in his tone, as if picking up on her need for play.

  “Yes,” she called back over her shoulder and grinned, zigging and zagging as she did so. “Catch me and I’m yours.” She growled over her shoulder to him and jumped over the bean bag chair in the living room that was left over from Katherine’s last visit.

  Growling in return, Laszlo took off after her, careful to let her keep some distance, wanting to play with her. “You know,” he commented as he chased her. “You should be more concerned about what I intend to do to you once I catch you, my love,” he said in a suggestive tone.

  “Oh believe me, concern is not what I’m feeling.” She shot over her shoulder at him. “You should be concerned with what I am going to do to you.” She laughed and then realized she was cornered. Putting her back to the wall, she was grinning as she watched him stalking her. “Bring it on, big boy.”

  Stopping, Laszlo crouched and smiled slowly. “Oh, darling, I think you really should run some more,” he said pulling his shirt off and, pushing his jeans down changed. Shaking he snapped his teeth together as she squealed and took off running.

  She was giggling so hard that when she made it to the living room, she fell face-first onto the couch and then rolled off onto the floor, laughing so hard that she had to wrap her arms around her middle to stop from hurting as she did so.

  Padding over to her he stared down at her and shook his head, as if to say, silly woman. Nosing her arm he licked her fingers gently as he sat down. His face indicated that he believed sometimes women really were very odd and, perhaps, as it had been inferred, they really did come from a different planet.

  She buried her fingers into his fur and smiled. “I love you so much, Laszlo.” She moved from the couch and onto the floor. “Love you even in this form, my handsome wolf.” Her nails raked through his fur as she asked, “Change back and be with me, Laszlo?”

  Snapping his teeth together lightly, he changed back and stretched out next to her. “I’m glad you love me in either form.” He grinned, nipping at her chin lightly. Pulling her against him, he rolled to his back with her draped over him. “Because I love you just as you are, my perfect mate. But I have to say, I’m more than a little curious to see you as a Wolf. See if you’re cross eyed or if you uncontrollably run in circles for no good reason.” He grinned, teasing her.

  “Only as I chase my tail,” she said with a laugh before sobering. “I can’t wait to become a wolf and be like you, Laszlo, I want the change, I want the change soon, but are you ready to do that to me, my love? Are you ready to put me through that change?” She knew how painful it was from Harker’s experience, but couldn’t help but wonder if it would have been better for her had Miklos been there to hold her and keep her from fighting the change.

  “I think the better question is are you ready for the change?” he asked softly stroking back her hair. “I’m willing to change you, love, and I’ll be there the whole time. I won’t leave you to go through it alone but you have to be prepared both mentally and physically. You’re physically fit for the change, but are you there mentally? Harker had a hard time because she was still trying to heal from her injury and she was changed by someone not her mate, both bad points.”

  She nodded. “I’m ready, Laszlo, I’ve been ready since I met you.” She had gotten herself prepared for him, she had learned all she could from Harker, Janos, and Miklos, and now she simply had to have her mate change her. “You will be with me, Laszlo, that’s more than Harker had, yes, she had Janos help her, however she hadn’t had her mate and that had her fighting it the whole way.”

  Nodding he watched her eyes and seemed to see her resolve there solid even with the hint of fear that she evidently couldn’t quite hide from his eyes or his nose. “Then, when you’re ready, we’ll do this,” he told her gently. Sliding his fingers into her hair he pulled her close and kissed her gently. “We can do this now, later, tomorrow, the day after.” He smiled. “Whenever you wish, my love. You should also decide where you want me to bite you,” he said with some seriousness returning to his voice.

  She frowned and nodded. “I want your bite wherever you want to place it.” She moved closer, her hands moving more demandingly. “I want the change now, Laszlo, I wan
t to get it out of the way so that we can have the rest of our lives together, I need you,” she finished honestly.

  Smiling slowly he trailed his hands up her ribs and, moving one, cupped her breast. “Well, I’m a little partial to your breasts but that’s awfully sensitive skin, might hurt too much,” he commented scraping his nail down her shirt and the tight bud of her nipple. “I could just bite you on the mating mark again, it’ll heal over during the change and you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”

  She frowned. “I don’t want to lose our mating mark, Laszlo.” She chewed her lip and nodded. “But you could bite me there again.” She grinned as she added, “Especially if we are making love at the time, darling. To feel you inside of me and your teeth again sinking deep into my skin.” It sounded so good to her.

  Shaking his head, he sighed. “Sorry, love, but unfortunately not. When I bite you the organism that makes me a Wolf will start working on your body pretty fast. It’s why I was so careful when I gave you the mating mark,” he told her softly. “But, if you want it back, I can bite you later, there is a medication that can be used to keep the mark for all time, hell, you can even give me one, too, if you’d like,” he offered.

  “Really?” she asked and grinned. “I would like that, Laszlo, to not only keep the one you give me but to give you one, too.” She nodded. “Oh yeah, I love that thought, Laszlo, I want to do that, give you a mating mark, too.” Her fingers moved over his skin. “Where should I mark you?” She was disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to bite and create her while they made love, but it made sense why he couldn’t.

  “Anywhere you want, darling, the choice is yours,” he said and then grinned. “Just be kind in your choice, having to explain why I can’t sit for a week would be more then embarrassing,” he teased. Stroking her cheek gently he watched her eyes. “We can make love before I change you, honey, but I can’t do it during or I won’t have time to get ready for what’s to come.”


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