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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

Page 9

by Ryanne Anthony

  * * *

  Lisa and Nathan found me there when they came home. Luckily, my mom trusted them to see after me and did not return to the condo. She did call several times to check on me and let us know how the preparations for Monday's party was going. Tired of their incessant questions, mainly on why Marcus was gone, I poured my heart out to them and told them all about what happened in their absence. I smirked and fought reacting when Nathan cringed as I told them about Marcus and me in my tub.

  “But why would you ask him to leave after that hot sex, Cookie,” Lisa whined. “True, he should not have said it after sex, but he says he loves you and you throw him out? I just... I don't get that!”

  I stayed quiet and after a moment, Nathan spoke up for me.

  “Maybe she doesn't want to be loved.”

  “That's crazy talk,” she screeched, wrinkling her nose. “Everyone wants to be loved!”

  Neither Nathan nor I had a comment and thankfully, the subject dropped and we all went to bed.

  * * *

  I'd been in turmoil since I begged him to leave Saturday... barely eating, not sleeping, not talking. Marcus was gone and all I had left of him was a very sore sex. Even that would be gone in a couple of days.

  Nathan and Lisa stayed by my side but by mid-Sunday, they were getting on my nerves with the hovering and nagging. I had to force them to go out and leave me alone.

  When they returned later that evening, there was a package waiting for me on the steps. They found me curled up in the den, still in my pajamas, pretending to watch TV. Used tissues were surrounding me everywhere and I had my hand in a big bag of some cheesy, salty, bad-for-me snack.

  Lisa sat on the couch, Nathan cross-legged on the floor, beneath her.

  “Delivery on a Sunday,” I asked when Lisa handed me the package. “I haven’t even ordered anything.”

  I shook the package. Nothing. Damn. And no return address. Just a handwritten ‘Mariah Hollander’ on a card hanging from the neck. What the hell was in there?

  “Open it,” Nathan urged.

  “You think?” I looked at them, sniffling. They both nodded as Lisa handed me a wet wipe.

  “Okay,” I said as I finished cleaning my cheesy hands. “Here goes.”

  I pulled the pretty purple ribbon then loosened the lavender bag at the neck. Reaching in, I pulled out a rectangular black box. I took a deep breath and opened it.

  Inside the box was a small card and an onyx stethoscope, resting on a tan, suede cloth.

  It was beautiful.

  I picked it up and noted it was heavier than normal. I examined it and gasped. The chestpiece and binaurals were solid gold and there was an engraving on them.

  “It's inscribed,” I murmured.

  “Really? What's it say, Bug?”

  “'Listen to my heart and you'll hear,' on one side, 'it beats a rhythm just for you.' on the other.”

  Nathan whistled. “That is deep. Who's it from?”

  I picked up the card and read it. “'Until next time, Miss Hollander. X' ”

  “X? What does that mean? Is it a kiss or a signature,” Lisa asked.

  “I don't know, Twink. No idea.”

  She nudged me. “I think you have a secret admirer!”

  Nathan took it and examined it. “Your initials are on the diaphragm. Bug, this has to be an eight hundred dollar piece of equipment, at least.”

  I looked at him in horror. Who the hell would anonymously send me an eight hundred-dollar gift?

  “What? Are you kidding? I can't keep this!”

  Lisa giggled. “Who are you gonna send it back to, Cookie?”

  I frowned. She was right. Shit!

  “Fine.” I put it back in the box, stuff the box back in the lavender bag and stomped to the entry table, silently wincing at every step, and slammed it on the table. I stomped back to the den, still wincing.

  “If he or she ever reveals themselves, there it is,” I shouted and dropped painfully down on the couch. They laughed at me, hard.

  “Shut up,” I muttered and crossed my arms over my breasts.

  Of course these idiots laughed harder.

  I glared at Nathan. “Don't make me start singing it, Deet.”

  “You wouldn't,” he gasped as he laughed harder.

  I loudly sang a song Nathan hated. It was one that a fellow student at UIC sang to him as she repeatedly tried showing Nathan how much she wanted him.

  Singing louder, I grinned big as Nathan pleaded with Lisa to stop laughing.

  Chapter Eight

  Things you learn on the Fourth of July…

  On the afternoon of Fourth of July at Mom and Pop's, Monica, Lisa and I were sitting on the side of the pool while T and Ethan waded in the water. The girls were listening to the guys’ debate over who had the better body. Again.

  “I vote for Tommy,” Monica sang.

  “Of course she would. Totally biased,” Ethan exclaimed.

  “Thanks, babe,” T smiled and winked at Monica then looked to me for help as he splashed Ethan. “Come on, Cookie, tell this fool I'm way better built than he ever will be no matter how hard he tries!”

  Ethan piped up, splashing back, “You know Cookie is not a liar!”

  Loving the distraction, I laughed loudly. This happens every time they are around each other and it's immensely fun!

  “Boys, please,” I giggled. “You're both... decent.”

  They both raised their arms and yelled, “Aw, come on!”

  I'm dragged into the pool screeching. Monica and Lisa jumped in to help me, but to no avail.

  “Who wants to race? I feel victorious!” Ethan said, after I cried out for mercy.

  “I will,” I agreed. “Dive in or push?”

  “Dive! Out and back, and I'll go easy on you, Cookie.”

  I smirked as I got out of the pool. “No, bring it. Don't do me any favors.”

  “Count us off, T,” Ethan yelled. “You're toast, Cookie!”

  I grinned.

  “Mark! Get set! GO,” T ordered.

  I heard Monica and Lisa cheer me on as I dived in. I got a good jump in and almost immediately, I took the lead. I reached the other end and flipped around, and surged forward, my arms doing perfect circles. I made it back to the starting point and jumped out. Sitting on the edge of the pool, panting, I crossed my legs, waiting for Ethan to return, grinning as everyone cheered my victory.

  Ethan finally finished and looked around the pool but didn't see me. It didn’t occur to him that I could have possibly won.

  “Yoo-hoo,” I called. He looked at me in disbelief as I smiled and waved my fingers.

  “What the hell? How did you do that?”

  I smiled, overly sweet. “Did I forget to mention that aside from ballroom dancing, I was on a swim team?”

  “No fair,” Ethan yelled.

  “You got beat by a girl,” T teased at Ethan.

  “Hey,” Monica shrieked at T, frowning.

  “That's okay; she's my sister so it doesn't count,” Ethan proclaimed, jumping out of the pool.

  “The hell it doesn't,” Lisa retorted. “She beat you fair and square!”

  I laughed and jumped back in and they all followed. A beach ball was produced and we tossed it around.

  I was having so much fun with my siblings. I finally felt relaxed and Saturday was becoming a distant memory, despite still having the pain of letting Marcus go.

  You’re full of it, Hollander. You were masking and you know it.

  I saw Nathan coming back with a bucket of drinks. He gestured to me. I jumped out and walked over toward him, grabbing a towel and wrapped it across my breasts on my way, and stood in front of him.

  “What's up, Deet?”

  Nathan looked at me for a moment then looked over my shoulder and yelled, “Lisa, guys! Can you come out a second?”

  I frowned. “What’s going on?”

  Nathan grabbed my arm and took me over to where the others were wrapping towels around themselves. He was ma
king me nervous.

  I looked up at him. “Nathan, just spit it out.”

  “All right. Bug, Marcus is here with what looks like... a date.”

  Everything spun. It's like he told me the ground was about to swallow me whole. How the hell can he bring a date to my parents’ home? Damn! It was a relaxing day.

  I blinked at him. “A date?”

  Nathan was blocking my view. I wanted to cry again but I didn't believe I had anything left. This must be what numb felt like.

  Did I want to confront him? Wasn't it enough that I relived our sex every time I entered my bathroom? It's not his fault, I asked him to leave and he gave me every opportunity to change my mind. Still...

  Lisa walked up and hugged me sideways. I gripped her forearm.

  The pain of losing him nearly destroyed me. I've had to put on a show for everybody today, making them believe I was okay and was fine without him then he showed here with a fucking date.

  I looked at Nathan with tears in my eyes and whimpered, “Let me see, Deet.”

  He gripped my upper arms. “Stay calm, Bug. You just had a migraine three days ago. Relax and breathe.”

  “Okay,” I croaked in a whisper. “I’m fine.”

  Nathan gave me another long look then moved. We all walked from the bushes and saw them a few steps away. Marcus was standing with my folks, wearing blue shorts and a white Polo shirt and blue boat shoes, with his hand on small of a woman's back. The woman turned to him and laughed into his face, touching his chest lightly. It was an intimate gesture.

  I put my hand to my chest, trying to breathe normally even though my heart was breaking all over again. The woman turned her head our way and I immediately recognized her. Jeanelle Roberts, in a tiny red tank dress and sky-high red heels.

  Lisa: “What-the-hell?”

  T3: “You gotta be kidding me!”

  Monica: “Is this shit for real?”

  Ethan: “Damn! She is still hot!”

  We all turned and glared at him.

  Ethan looked confused. “What?”

  Lisa scowled, smacked his wet chest with the back of her hand and shook her head.

  He rubbed his chest. “Ow! What? What am I missing?”

  Monica yanked him to her by the neck and whispered in his ear.

  “Really? Oh shit,” Ethan whispered. He looked at my face. “Huh. Well, let's do something about this.”

  Before anyone can fully register what he said, Ethan stalked off. He threw his towel and it landed on a lawn chair. You could see the lawyer in him take over as he approached, despite being barefoot and in swim trunks.

  He walked straight to Marcus and extended his hand. “Excuse me Pops, Mom. Alexander? Ethan Harvey. I'd like a word; do you mind?”

  Marcus shook Ethan’s hand then turned to Jeanelle and whispered something in her ear. She giggled, then sat at a table with my parents and struck up a conversation with Mom. Ethan walked off with Marcus.

  I couldn’t believe he brought this shit here. I gripped the bridge of my nose, glad I remembered to take a pill that morning.


  I held my hand up. “I'm fine,” I said quickly. I turned, took off my towel and jumped back into the pool and couldn’t hear anything going on.

  My plan was to swim until I couldn't swim anymore.

  Fuck him. Marcus got a good lay and now I could see his true self. It stung, more than I thought, but it was good that I'd figured it out sooner than later. Shame I didn’t before letting another one of them between my legs. He probably felt a need for wheat before returning to white, just like my first in high school.

  You still want Marcus. You love him.

  I couldn't argue with that; she's absolutely right. I want him, but I couldn’t do the love thing again, could I? I didn't even know if he meant it. It really was a weird time to say that.

  Wait... love? Where did that come from? I love him? Right. Stupid conscience. She doesn't know shit. Never has. And she didn’t say we. Proof she was effing wrong.

  I felt fatigue in my arms. I'd had enough swimming, but I couldn't get out of the pool and watch Marcus openly flirt with that woman. I decided my new plan was to get dressed and go home. Mom was just gonna have to be pissed.

  It took a little more effort, but finally, my mind went blank.

  I swam to the side of the pool and climb the ladder. I pinched my nose then squeezed the water from my hair. Someone wrapped a towel around me from behind.

  “Thanks,” I murmured as I took the corner and wiped my eyes, then secured it over my breasts. I was given another towel and put that one on top my head and rubbed from the scalp out. I twisted it into a knot at my nape, not caring to scare anyone with the frazzled mess before I was able to control it.

  It had gotten quiet. I looked over to the chairs and everyone was gone. Must be grub time. I decided to skip lunch and go shower before I left, or my hair will be scary from the chlorine by the time I made it home.

  I turned around to see who gave me the towel and I gasped in surprise when I saw Marcus standing cross-armed behind me. I took a step back. He was still so very close.

  Shit! Whose idea was this? All our siblings are traitors!

  “Hello, Mariah,” he bit out. My sex tightened immediately. Even my own damn body betrayed me.

  My nose chose then to start working again. I smelled his scent and it tickled my senses. I looked away and licked my suddenly dry lips. I tightened the towel around me, suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable in my modest one-piece suit.

  “Marcus. How are you?”

  “Just great,” he sarcastically muttered.

  Yeah, we bet you are.

  I wanted to snort. Instead, I said, “Good. Having fun with your date?”

  He didn't answer. I looked at him and his gaze held mine. My breathing increased and my sex throbbed. My body had really missed him. He looked indifferent but I knew he could tell what was going on inside of me. His beautiful blue eyes gave his thoughts away. I had to get away from him. I started to walk away.

  “Well, if that's all, Marcus... ”



  “Talk to him!”

  “Don't go!”

  Marcus and I looked in the direction from where the voices sounded. My family and their friends were staring at us, standing together like a bunch of grapes. I panned over their faces and noticed Jeanelle wasn’t with them. Mom was going to have to disinfect the toilet nineteen times when that girl got through with it.

  Monica reddened and turned to my mom. “Um, Rachel, didn't you say you wanted us to taste something in the kitchen?”

  My mom looked at her and deadpanned. “No,” she murmured, then gave her attention back to Marcus and me with a huge grin.

  Pops cleared his throat. “Uh, yes, yes! Rachel, I believe it was a salad or some pickles or lemons...”

  “Fine,” Mom groaned. “Whatever, just as long as I don't have to talk to that vapid girl again!”

  Everyone laughed, chattering on about what it might have been in the kitchen while they walked back toward the house.

  “I'm coming, too,” I shouted to them.

  Before I could take one step, Marcus grabbed my upper arm and led me toward the pool house. I attempted to resist and snatch away but he only tightened his grip.

  “Marcus! What are you doing?”

  “We have to talk.”

  I went rigid. “I don't want to talk to you!”

  “Then, damn it, you're going to listen!” He bent and lifted me effortlessly over his shoulder.

  And we didn’t feel frightened. Go figure.

  “What the hell are you doing?! Put me down,” I screamed.

  “In a minute.”

  Marcus took the last steps to the pool house, pushed open one of the double doors, and kicked it closed after he walked us through. He dropped me on the couch, then sat next to me. I crossed my legs and pumped the top one as I crossed my arms under my breasts.

��I cannot believe you manhandled me like that! Of all the chauvinistic, arrogant–”

  “Shut up, Mariah.”

  I immediately stood and glared down at him. “What?”

  He stood in front of me, so close I let out a silent gasp.

  “Shut. Up,” he repeated, in a measured tone. We stared at each other for a moment.

  And still we weren’t alarmed.

  My sex tightened again, then throbbed. Just from that look. He's so fucking sexy.

  “What do you want, Marcus?”

  Please say it and go before we throw you on this couch and fuck you senseless.

  Scratch that... till both of us are senseless. God, I needed to leave.

  He continued to glare at me. I glared back, still so aware of my betraying body.


  “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “Tell you what,” I snapped.

  “February,” he yelled as his eyes frosted over.

  A hard shudder escaped me. I vowed to kill Nathan.

  He ran a hand through his hair. “Baby, look--”

  “No, Marcus. Do not call me that! And I don't want to discuss that with you.”

  He held my angry gaze, then gave me a look of resignation.

  “Fine, we'll get to that later. Let's discuss Jeanelle.”

  I snorted. “I don't want to discuss your mistress with you, either,” I said in my most high-pitched voice.

  “Mariah, she's not--”

  “No,” I yelled and pointed at him. “Your sex life is not my business!”

  “Everything about me is your business,” Marcus yelled back.

  “No, it's not,” I yelled back and dropped to the couch. I had no strength left. “Why won't you just leave me alone? You've had your curiosity waned about sex with a black girl, and now, there isn't shit left to say to each other. Just go away.”

  “Don't you dare make this... us... about color,” he roared, pointing at me, the other hand was on his hip, and his blue eyes flashed wildly. “Especially not in that fucking way, Hollander!”

  I hated that look. I turned my head and stared at the floor, willing him to leave.

  Marcus plopped down hard on the other end of the couch. “I’m not… I don't... you cannot believe,” he stammered. “Christ.”


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