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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

Page 17

by Ryanne Anthony

  “Mariah? Baby, what's wrong, why the tears?”

  “You scare me, Marcus,” I whispered.

  His hands froze on my back.

  “No, not like that,” I quickly assured. “It's just...” I paused to find the words.

  “What, baby? What is it? Tell me,” he urged.

  I sat back on his lap, wiped my tears and put my hands in front of me and stared at them.

  “You have to know that... okay... I have had four relationships and they all ended badly, to say the least. It was always one thing that appealed immensely to me and they basically sucked in everything else.”

  I looked up at him.

  “Now here you are, all handsome and sweet and smart and funny and charming and generous; like the one good thing from all of them and more, wrapped up in one beautiful package. Why would you want to be with me? Why the hell aren't you running for the hills?”

  Marcus attempted to speak but I put my thumb on his lips and ran it across after he kissed it. My hand rejoined the other on my lap as I continued.

  “It's only been a few days and I feel your love. I've never felt that before. The fact that you would think to call my best friend and ask him for gift advice for me, and on your birthday, is just... it's overwhelming.”

  My tears fell again. “And that scares me because a part of me believes you're going to wake up one morning and realize you can do better. I don't feel worthy of such love because none of the others deigned to give that to me. I dread it. It feels like a burden because I'm afraid I won't be able to live up to your expectations.”

  Sighing, I continued. “You have such potential to break my heart, Marcus, because I love you, too. Probably more. I never wanted so much with them as I do with you. I can almost easily see a life with you, but you have this one and only thing I see as a flaw, but I'm willing to brush that aside for now because I’m not ready for that, yet. I will be in the future. What’ll we do then? If we are together then, I don't know that I can choose you over that dream. I also don't know if I could choose my dream over you and that, too, is scary. It would be so much easier for you to let me go than for me to walk away from you. But for now, I want to be with you more anything and it hurts me to even think about losing you, regardless of when it happens or the reason.”

  Marcus stared at me a moment and I could tell he's pondering my words. Finally, he took a deep breath and spoke.

  “When do you think you would want that dream to be a reality,” he softly asked.

  “I don't know,” I whispered. “When I'm thirty, maybe.”

  Again, he stared into my eyes for a long time. He puts a hand to my cheek and I leaned my head into his touch while his thumb caressed my wet cheek. Suddenly, he moved me to my back and laid on me. He continued to look me in my eyes as he talked.

  “Mariah, a lot can happen in four years. Until I met you, I couldn't and wouldn't even consider children. Now, especially in this moment, I think I could give it some serious thought again. We have four years to get to know each other better; let's revisit this when you're ready because I know we will be together when that happens. So let's just drop that for now, okay?”

  I sniffed. “Okay.”

  He thumbed away another tear and gently kissed me.

  “Baby, those others were idiots and too stupid to see the rare treasure they had. I see it and I cherish it. I look at you and see everything you see in me. You are beautiful and sweet and smart and funny and charming and generous, only you’re wrapped up in an exquisite package. Due in part of that asshole Vince, you don't know your own beauty, charm and appeal. I'm going to show you all of that until you accept you are all those things and more, and will continue showing you well after you accept you.”

  “But you could have any woman--”

  His eyes sharpened as he glared. “I only want you and you are everything.”

  I tearfully nodded. “It’s still makes me afraid, Marcus.”

  “Don't ever be scared of me, baby; not in any way. The way I see it, you have the potential to break me. I want to be with you, all damn day. I never let anything come between me and my work and all I could do today was think of you and the sweet way you call me 'Boo'. I love that so much. When Greg and Ira walked off to their wing and Rob and I continued to ours, he apologized again for his comment. He knew you were serious about me when he heard that nickname from you.”

  I smiled and reddened.

  “I was on cloud nine the rest of the day. When I told you what I wanted to do to you on the phone... Baby, I had to sit at my desk for another thirty minutes to calm down,” he laughed, making me giggle. He grabbed tissue and gently wiped my face.

  “Then at the clinic, I get a page to come to the front desk and this lanky kid is standing there with a camera in my face... I didn't know what to think. But then he said 'a beautiful young lady' and I knew you did something sweet for me. My heart started pounding and I thought it was going to fly out of my chest. A woman like that, you hold on to; cherish. You make her yours and you treat her like the gift she is, always. That’s what I’m going to do. There is no one 'better' for me, baby, and there never will be. I’m yours, forever, so please trust my words and don't ever doubt me or us again. I'm not going anywhere and I don't want you going anywhere either. In fact...”

  He looked around then moved off me. He walked across the room and out the door. I sat on the bed, dumbfounded. What was he doing? A few minutes later, he came back and after he puts shorts on, I heard a doorbell.


  He pulled on a t-shirt then leaned over and kisses my head. “It's okay, baby, stay there. Don't get dressed, I'll only be a moment.”

  He walked out the room again. I heard voices and got under the sheet and sat back on the headboard, with a pillow at my back. I pulled my knees up and wrapped my arms around them as I waited.

  Marcus came back in the room, took off his clothes and got in bed beside me. He took my hand and turned it palm up.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I do, immediately, intrigued by how much I trusted him.

  “This is a third gift that I didn't think to give you before. It just popped in my head a few minutes ago. Please, accept it as much as the anklet,” he said, quietly.

  I frowned. “Okay.”

  Marcus took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He placed something cool in my palm and took his hands away.

  “Okay, open,” he breathed.

  I looked in my hand and there were three keys on a ring. A car key, a door key and a small wide head key. I had no idea what it would fit.

  Confused, I looked up at him. “What’s this about, Marcus? What are these for?”

  “My car, this apartment and my office at the clinic.”

  I was beyond stunned. “Marcus!”

  “I want to share everything with you, baby. I want you to feel free to come and go as you please here. If you're at work and need my car, take it. You don't have to ask me. Soon, we’ll go and get you one of your own and, no argument, I’m paying for it. If you want to go lie down somewhere at work, you can go to my office on the eighth floor and when you're ready to move in with me, you'll already have a key.”

  I stared silently at the keys in my hand. What do I say to this? He is asking me to move in with him, to share his life and possessions with me. My heart raced. Wasn't it too early for that? I'd only known him twelve days. How could he be so sure already? I didn't want to jeopardize this relationship in any way but he didn't seem to think that was at all possible.


  I lifted my eyes to his and he looked at me with silent pleading.

  Damn it, girl! What are you waiting for? Please, accept it as much as the anklet!

  He really loved me and wanted me near, all the time. My face broke into a slow smile, then I grinned at him. I fisted the keys in my hand and held them against my heart. Immediately the tension left his face and he looked absolutely relieved.

  He grabbed me then pulled me
down to the bed, taking my mouth in another one of his lethal kisses, which I was returning with as much fervor as him.

  I wrenched my mouth from his, moved to the other side of the bed and sat up.

  “Baby? Come back here,” he groaned as he reached for my ankle.

  I snatched it back. “Wait a minute, Sailor.” I set the keys on the table and grabbed my phone.

  “Mariah, I've got something else I wanna give you over here.”

  I looked at him. He was on his knees on the bed and his cock was standing at full attention, his hand was slowly stroking it up and down. I looked at it longingly and licked my lips. Marcus groaned.

  “Wait,” I said sternly and laughed when he dropped face first on the bed.

  He needed to wait because I needed to send a text to Lisa. I typed fast.

  Wud u mnd if I gave M a key?

  I crossed my legs again and waited. Marcus lifted his head, dropped his elbow on the bed then his chin in his fist while the fingers on his other hand drummed a rhythm on the bed as he stared at me. His eyes moved down my body and stopped at the center and he licked his lips greedily. I looked down and see he had a superb view to my sex.

  I put my hands in front of it and said firmly, “Wait!”

  The drumming hand reached over and he attempted to grab my ankle again. I smack his hand away as I laughed.


  Once again his head hit the bed face down. I laughed louder. He put his chin in his fist again, drummed the bed and stared at me. I stared back, smirking. My fingers tapped on the back of my cell in my waiting hands.

  Finally, the damn thing vibrated and I pulled it up to my chest. It was Lisa's reply.

  Of course not. :)

  I smiled and texted back:


  I tossed my phone on the table and stared at my man. “Give me my gift,” I demanded.

  Marcus grinned as he grabbed my ankle and slid me to him as I laughed loudly, again.

  * * *

  Later, I watch Marcus fix us dinner after another eventful shower. He was making turkey burgers, sweet potato fries, and a side salad. Again, I was in awe.

  “Someday, you are gonna have to teach me how to cook. I’m insanely jealous.”

  He smiled and nodded my way. “Sure. It's not hard. Just takes patience and no distractions. Please cover you breasts; they're distracting me.”

  I looked down. My cleavage was popping out of my gown since I was leaning on the counter and my arms were crossed underneath them.

  “Maybe I want to distract you.”

  He sighed. “Don't you want to eat, Mariah?”

  “I want you to,” I said, straight faced then arched my eyebrow.

  He looked at me for a moment then put down the knife he was using to cut up a sweet potato. He walked around the counter to me, wiping his hands on a towel.

  He leaned into me and said, “Whatever you want,” as he hiked up my gown.

  It was almost midnight when we finally had our dinner.

  * * *

  Marcus went into his office after I insisted I would clean the kitchen. It was the least I could do, after the meal he made us. I popped my head in there when I finished.

  “Okay, all done,” I announced. “Where's my last gift,” I asked after he looked up from his desk.

  He smiled and immediately went into the kitchen. He walked around the counter to the microwave and pulled out a cupcake, one of the ones I sent to his office.

  I smiled. “You saved one?”

  “I did,” he grinned. “I thought we could do some interesting things with the icing...”

  Oh, God, did we ever!

  Chapter Fourteen

  Saying goodbye. Maybe…

  Wednesday and Thursday passed by pretty much the same, with me dropping Marcus at the hospital, then spending the mornings keeping Nathan company while Lisa worked. Nathan and I went to Mom's in the afternoons for lunch, then the clinic to wait for Marcus, and Lisa so he could jump in the car with her.

  Thursday after lunch, I dragged Nathan with Mom and I while we searched for gifts for Mandy and Joshua. He whined the whole time we were in a lingerie store until he spotted a mannequin dressed in a navy blue see-through bra, panties and garters.

  “Do you think that comes in red,” he whispered at me.

  “I don't know, probably. Ask a salesperson.”

  He looked horrified. “I can't do that. Your mom is with us!”

  “Are you sure you're a doctor?” I laughed and turned to a clerk. “Miss? Does this come in red? 34B, small?”

  She looked at my chest and raised an eyebrow.

  I smiled. “It's not for me.”

  She smiled back. “I'll go in the back and check.”

  Mom joined us and Nathan went silent.

  “Mariah, are you getting this in red? No, honey, get the blue. It'll go better with your skin than this shade of red.” She gave the mannequin a long look. “Nathan, you should get it in red for Lisa. I'm going to look at crotchless panties over there, honey. What's Marcus' favorite color?”

  “Hunter green,” I replied.

  “Okay,” Mom said and walked off.

  I looked at Nathan. He was as red as a fire truck.

  “Breathe, Nathan,” I urged as I patted his back.

  “She is so uninhibited,” he whispered. “And if I get this, she’s going to know that Lisa and I… you know!”

  “Um, Nathan, I think she’s already figured out that you and my sister… you know!”

  “I’m so embarrassed!”

  “Why? It's sex with someone you love. Why is that embarrassing?”

  “It just is,” he muttered. “You think I want my mother to know I’m active?”

  “Pretty sure Mrs. James is well-aware, too, Nathan,” I said as I laughed. “And you've known Mom for years and know this about her. It's okay. She can be so much fun with these things. Relax.”

  The salesperson came back and handed me a box. “Miss, 34B bra, panties and garter in small with red thigh-high nylons. Do you want the shoes, too?”


  He nodded his head faintly and actually reddened more.

  “Yes, please. Size eight,” I confirmed.

  I turned to Nathan and gave him the box.

  “Here you go, Doctor James,” I said. I laughed as I walked away. This guy, I swear.

  * * *

  Later, as I waited for Marcus, I suggested to Lisa that I work in her place with Pops, so she could spend all of Friday uninterrupted with Nathan. Since Saturday was Mandy's bridal shower and the party for the bride and groom at his parents’ place, that would cut into their short time together. Accepting, she hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.

  She turned to Nathan. “You hear that, Puppy? I don't have to get up first thing in the morning!”

  “Puppy,” I asked.

  “She says I'm as cute as a poodle,” Nathan murmured, shyly.

  I teased and hugged him. “Oh, I do too, Puppy!”

  “Oh, come on,” he reddened and hurried into Lisa's car and raised the window. Lisa and I burst out laughing.

  “What's so funny, ladies?”

  We turned. Marcus was behind us, smiling. He bent and kissed my throat. I smiled at him.

  “Hi, baby.”

  “Hi, boo,” I giggled.

  He turned to Lisa. “Hello, Lisa.”

  Lisa smiled and offered her cheek. He smiled and obliged.

  “Hi, Marcus. We're teasing Nathan over there. I'm afraid we've embarrassed him.”

  Marcus chuckled. “Nathan, everything okay?”

  The window lowered, then Nathan scoffed. “No, it's not, Marcus. Don't ever leave me alone with these two, again!”

  Lisa and I looked at each other. “Oh, Puppy,” we sang at him.

  He turned crimson and put up the window again, which only made us laugh harder and longer.

  Lisa sobered first. “Okay, that's enough, Cookie. Stop teasing my boyfriend.” She knoc
ked on her car’s window. “I'm sorry, Puppy.”

  “Puppy,” Marcus whispered in my ear.

  “I'll tell you later,” I whispered back, watching them.

  “Okay,” he murmured and moved to put his things in the car.

  “We only have nine days left, Nathan. Don't be upset,” Lisa begged.

  Nathan shook his head as he got out of the car. “I'm not upset, honey, just embarrassed.” He put an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple.

  She relaxed and put her arms around his waist. “Good.”

  “Nine days,” Marcus asked, standing behind me.

  I sadly sighed. “He's going home on the seventeenth.”

  Marcus puts an arm across my chest, pulled me back to him and kissed my hair.

  “I'm going to miss him,” Lisa pouted. “So much.”

  “Since you wrote Mariah's script, Nathan, I assume you're fully licensed in this state,” Marcus asked in a business-like tone I’d never heard before.

  “I got my license here in May. I always knew I would return to California. I thought I had a position in Crestwood but…” Nathan answered.

  Frowning, I asked Nathan, “What happened?”

  Nathan shrugged. “The doctor I was replacing withdrew his resignation. I got the call last night.”

  “How did your mom take that news?” I asked, wrinkling my nose. Nathan's mother was a firecracker about her children.

  “She was actually fine about it. She doesn't think I want to be in Crestwood anyway,” he said, smiling at Lisa.

  “Do you still need to leave on the seventeenth then,” I asked, hopefully.

  “Yeah, I do. I need to gather all my info for a job hunt. Somewhere close, I’m hoping.” He squeezed Lisa and she blushed fire.

  “I have a suggestion, if you'd like one,” Marcus murmured.

  “I'd love one... or fifty,” Nathan said, nodding.

  “The hospital is looking for an attending ER/trauma physician. Thomas heads the board and I can get you in to interview, if you'd even need one,” Marcus stated.

  Lisa looked at Nathan anxiously. He raised his eyebrows at her and she nodded.


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