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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

Page 24

by Ryanne Anthony

Why should he be? He decided not to let us think and gave up on us.

  “My friend in Peds says his girlfriend broke up with him over the weekend at some party or something like that. Apparently, he was really into her. You know, his birthday was like a week or so ago, and she sent him some balloons and stuff, and I hear he blushed something fierce when they arrived. I bet he's dynamite in the sack with his easy, casual stride; like he'd be in no rush to finish. You know what I mean, Mariah?”

  “No, not really,” I lied. I sure as hell did know, having experienced it for myself. She was right... he is dynamite in the sack... and out of it, as well.

  “He’s such a handsome guy and Dr. Cannon's son to boot?” She looked at me, frowning. “How did you know that?”

  I shrugged. “Dr. Harvey is my stepfather.”

  “Oh, right. I remember that now. Anyway, Dr. Alexander won't be single for long, as handsome as he is. Rich and eligible is very wanting in a partner,” Regina stated, matter-of-factly. “If I didn’t have this ring on my left hand and wasn’t afraid of going straight to hell, I’d give him a mending that’d make him scream, ‘what girl?’”

  My heart panged. Jesus! She's right... but no, he won't date anyone, we promised each other. Was that still on? Fear gripped my heart. Someone may snatch him up and I could lose him forever, if I hadn’t already.

  Marcus and Dr. Cannon appeared then. Dr. Cannon had his hand on Marcus' shoulder while they quietly talked. He patted it twice then removed it when they reached the side of the desk.

  “Excellent notion. I think your course is the right one, son; you didn't need my opinion. I'll get it to you straightaway.”

  “Are you sure,” Marcus asked, shaking his hand. He walked to the stairwell door. “It's not too soon?”

  Dr. Cannon smiled at his son. “No, son, I think it's brilliant. Remember, four days for the previous, uh... recipient. Let me know your plans and if there is anything I can do to help. I'd like to be there, if possible.”

  “Of course, Dad. I'll see you later.” Marcus looked our way. “Good afternoon, ladies.”

  “Goodbye, Dr. Alexander,” Regina cooed.

  I didn't say a word, just watch the door until it closes after him.

  * * *

  Thursday, I was in Plastics, which was odd because it was a surgery day so I basically spent the day on my ass answering the phone.

  Dr. Bradley Higgins, a doctor from OB, came by before lunch, looking for Dr. Weiss and asked me for a date on Friday night. I turned him down, of course, but he left his card and asked that I call him if I changed my mind. Charming guy, but it was too soon.

  At three-thirty, Lisa called and said Pops wouldn’t be returning to the clinic, so there was no need for me to stay. I called down to Evelyn and she dismissed me.

  Since it was too early to run into Marcus, I decided to use the elevator and it stopped on six, OB. The doors opened and Dr. Adina Elliott stepped in, dressed in jeans, a baby-blue blouse and black heels. She glanced my way and nodded, then recognition set in and her hazel-green eyes gave me a long, questioning look.

  “You have to be the stupidest woman on the planet.”

  I dropped my jaw. “Excuse me,” I muttered, thunderstruck.

  “Are you seriously going to allow Marcus to get away?”

  Damn, did everyone know?

  “I don't see how it's your business. As far as I'm concerned, you were only bed mates with him and that ended long before he and I even met. What gives you the right to ask any questions regarding him and me?”

  Adina glared at me and then looked up at the floor number. We were on three already, so there wasn’t another request to stop. She pulled the emergency button, making the car’s alarm ring. She looked at me with ill-controlled anger.

  “You have a man crumbling, aching right in front of you and you're treating it like it's a normal occurrence. Seriously, Mariah, you love him, so why not take him back? I don't know what caused the fallout with you two, but whatever it was, it should not have you both in all this... disorder. You're going to let a good man get away and you truly will know heartache then. Can you really let another woman come along and catch him at his most vulnerable, steal him away and nurse his wounds? Wake up, girl. Don't be stupid. Grab Marcus back and hold on to him before you wind up pregnant by another guy and have to move across the country to be near him with his child, not knowing if you really love him or if he gives a shit about you.”

  I looked at Adina, stunned. Then my mind connected the dots. William Wexler was the baby's father?

  Where the hell was that honesty last Friday?

  “Yes, Will is the father. I had a moment of frustration and we... well, never mind that. I have to let him and his child know each other and since Will’s been blackballed here, I have to follow him to New York. But, if given the chance, I would do whatever to erase you from Marcus' heart. That's not going to happen because he only wants you in there. No one's ever been in there before and I doubt anyone ever will be again. However, that does not mean he won't take up with some other woman eventually. He is a man, after all. An extremely virile man with needs you aren't fulfilling at the moment and if you don't take him back, some other willing body will and then you'll be screwed in the wrong way because Marcus does not play the field. Fix him fast. Heartbroken is not a good look on him, no matter how fucking handsome he is.”

  Adina pushed in the emergency button. Immediately, the bell stopped ringing and the elevator moved again. She stared at the numbers as they decreased then looked at me and shook her head. When we finally made it to the ground floor, she walked out without a backwards glance.

  I stood in the elevator stunned silent as the door closed on me again. This is the second time in as many days someone has warned me that Marcus could move on. I looked at the panel and as I was about to push the open button, I notice 2 was lit up. That’s the Peds floor. Adina must have pushed it when she shook her head at me.

  The doors opened on two and I slowly walked out. I was so thankful the nurses from Friday weren’t at the desk. Instead, there was a blonde woman, her hair pulled into a severe bun at the back of her head. She looked no-nonsense as I approached the desk.

  “Hello. Is Dr. Alexander available,” I asked, my heart beating a mile a minute.

  “No, he took off at three today. He's on call though. Should I page him?”


  “No, my errand can wait. Thank you.”

  I turned and walked quickly to the stairwell, down the stairs and out to my car. What the hell do I do now? I couldn't go to his place; I'd only end up screwing him and not resolving anything. Maybe that was reason enough to go, I missed his hands and mouth all over my body... as well as him inside me.

  Maybe I shouldn’t see him. There’s the thing with Will, after all.

  Oh, fuck Will. That guy’s having a kid and moving across the country. Forget his honest-about-things-when-it’s-convenient-for-him ass! Go get our man back! Now, Hollander!

  I jumped out of my thoughts when my cell rang. It was Ethan. I tapped the answer prompt.

  “Hi, Ethan. What's up?”

  “Hi, Cookie... um, I... um... I was wondering if you would like to join is at the karaoke bar tomorrow, you know... another competition. Dinner before. Those guys owe you, you know. Besides, it'll be your birthday. You don't want to stay in do you? Twinkie says you haven't made any plans.”

  “Someone asked me for a date tomorrow, but no, I haven't made any plans yet.”

  Ethan inhaled sharply. “What? Who asked you out? Never mind, fuck him. Come out with us again. I know you had fun despite – Ow!”

  I frowned into the phone. “What's wrong, Ethan?”

  “Um, nothing... I hit my toe on the refrigerator,” he muttered.

  Refrigerator? He sounded like he was outside. He must’ve been near an open window.

  “Look, Cookie, we would all like to see you again and I hoped you could get us another win. Please.”

  “I don't kno
w, Ethan... I made such an ass of myself there, last week.”

  “No one cares about what happened last week, Cookie, I promise. Except how your voice blew them out of the water. Just come out and have a good time with us for your birthday.”

  I sat a moment and thought. I really didn't have plans and it would be better to be out than to be stuck in the house twiddling my thumbs. My family will not let me crack and will make sure I enjoyed myself on my birthday.

  “All right, Ethan. I'll go,” I agreed. “But no gifts, all right?”

  I heard what sounded like a hand slap.

  “Okay, Cookie. You won't regret it! Huh? Oh, yeah... And Cookie? Don't worry about driving, I'm gonna ask Twinkie and Nathan to come out too, you know for support. Ow! I meant for singing! Geez.”

  “You need to have your ears checked if you're gonna keep bumping into things, Ethan.”

  “Funny, Cookie. I gotta run. See you Friday night. I better not find out who asked you out.”

  “Whatever, Ethan. Bye.”

  “Bye, Cookie.”

  Okay that was kinda weird. I started the car, thinking I needed a date, and not Dr. Higgins.

  My conscience was right. Fuck Will. I'm going to Marcus'. Right now.

  * * *

  I'd been sitting in that car for over an hour. Marcus still wasn't home. I hope he's not with another woman.


  He had to be. I should have known.


  I feel so stupid.

  I started the car and slowly drove home. Where else could he have been?

  With another woman, dumbass. You've lost him.

  Now it’s ‘you’ and not ‘we’? Again! Look how you flip.

  Pfffttt! I said go get our man back long ago and now look! He’s with another probably blowing on her and making her scream like he did us.

  My conscience better be wrong. I was totally screwed if she wasn’t. And I’m answering her, again… geez, I needed to make an appointment with Lil, pronto.

  * * *

  When I made it home, Lisa and Nathan were on the couch in the den.

  “What are you guys up to,” I asked as I sat in a chair across from them.

  “We're going out to dinner, still discussing where. Wanna join,” Nathan asked.

  “No, thanks. I don't feel like eating. I'm going to have a bath and go to bed.”

  Lisa grinned. “I hear we're going to karaoke for your birthday. Can't wait!”

  I shrugged and put my head on the back of my chair.

  “What's wrong?”

  I looked at Lisa. “I went to Marcus' after work. He never came home.”

  “What are you worried about,” Lisa asked, nervously. “You don't think he's with someone, do you?”

  “I don't know what to think. I've been such an ass. So stupid.”

  “You want him back.”

  “I just wanted to talk to him.”

  “About fucking time. Call him,” Nathan insisted.

  “No, I wanted to see him. I guess it's not meant to be.”

  “Look, Cookie –” Lisa started.

  “It's all right... I'll just put him in the lost column and move on. Have a good dinner, guys.”

  I left the room and went to mine.

  But I said—

  Please, shut up. Let it go; I have.

  Damn it all! Where the hell is Lil’s number??

  * * *

  After a long, hot bubble bath, I thought about Marcus. Should I call him? I reached for my cell and stopped. No, I really didn't want to do this over the phone.

  I had my birthday off; company perk. I decided to go see him at the clinic. After lunch, maybe. Or the hospital before. I pinched my nose. Damn it, I forgot my pill this morning. I reached for my purse.

  Calm down, Hollander. Don't get sick before our birthday and we talk to Marcus!

  I took the pill and laid down. Suddenly, I couldn’t wait for tomorrow to get here and not because it's my birthday.

  * * *

  I told no one of my plan to see him. I wanted the element of surprise while praying it wouldn’t backfire on me.

  Anxious to get to Marcus, lunch with my mother felt long, even though it was only an hour. After Mom complimented my soft pink dress, she gave me a beautiful pair of gold hoops with diamonds spaced around the circumference. I loved them and immediately put them in my ears.

  When we parted, I got in my car and sped to the clinic. As soon as I parked, my heart did a somersault; Marcus' car was in lot, in its usual spot. He was in the building. I checked my watch. It was just after three.

  I walked in the building and went straight to the elevators. Waiting, I turned and saw Evelyn in her office talking to her secretary. She smiled and mouthed ‘happy birthday’. I smiled back and waved my thank you.

  I stepped in the elevator and pressed two. I gripped my purse handle, praying. Please let him take us back.

  The doors opened and my heels clacked loudly on the floor. The nurses from Friday’s breakup and the blonde were there. Again, no patients were in the waiting area and I thanked God. I looked toward the desk again, and continued to walk over.

  At the desk, I was about to ask for Marcus, when they looked at each other, nodding and smirking. I tried again and one of them held up her hand, effectively stopping me.

  “Did you do this,” she asked, pointing to the deflating balloons.

  I blushed. “Yes, I did.”

  “I'm Millie Jones, this is Val Thompson and the blonde is Sherrie Egan. Patch this up and do this more. It was nice to see the doctor happy. Go on back, he's done for the day. I think he's still in five.”

  “Thank you,” I breathed and blushed again.

  I went through the double doors and walked down the hall to room five. After a deep breath, I knocked lightly. I heard Marcus' voice growl out, “Come in.”

  Tentatively, I opened door... his back was to it since he was washing his hands.

  I walked in and closed the door behind me. I put my purse on a little yellow chair, leaned back on the door and crossed my ankles. The anklet was still there, where it was going to stay. Forever.

  Marcus took his foot off the water pedals. “Yes, what is it,” he snapped then grabbed a paper towel and turned around.

  He froze when he saw me, disbelief briefly crossed his face.

  “Hello, Marcus,” I said softly.

  He looked in my eyes, deeply and searchingly then tossed the paper towel into the trash and placed his hands on his hips.

  He nodded. “Hello.”

  I couldn't think of what to say next; I was just glad to be in the same room with him.

  His eyes finally left mine and swept me up and down, stopping at my ankle, then his gaze slowly came back to my face and connected to my eyes again.

  “Happy birthday,” he said, tightly.

  He didn't forget! I smiled and softly said, “Thank you.”

  He walked to the exam table and sat on the edge, not breaking our gaze. His arms crossed against his chest.

  “What brings you here, Mariah? I don't need another nurse today, especially not one dressed like that.”

  I took a deep breath then answered. “That 'no seeing anyone else' thing we agreed to... is that still active?”

  His eyebrows rose then his jaw clenched. “No comment.”

  Shit, that stung! I had no clue what to say to that.

  Marcus gave me an inpatient look. “Is that all?”

  “I don't know... you tell me.”

  He stayed silent. I was going to have to work for it. I took another deep breath.

  “I'm a stubborn fool,” I whispered.

  He uncrossed his arms and put his hands on the edge of the table. I stood up straight then walked over to stand in front of him. His breathing deepened. Good; I still affected him. I used my foot to move his feet apart then stood between his ankles.

  It wasn’t close enough.

  Marcus didn't think so either. He slid back further on the tab
le and widened his legs. I moved in and was now between his knees. I leaned my forehead on his but he still wouldn't touch me. I put my hands around his waist and kissed the corner of his mouth. He inhaled sharply. I kissed the other corner; now, a very low moan.

  “Am I too late,” I asked softly, kissing his jaw.

  Another moan. “Too late for what,” he asked quietly.

  “You,” I groaned, burying my face in his neck.

  Marcus stayed quiet a moment then released a long sigh.

  “Mariah, what exactly do you want from me? A drink or two? Dinner and a movie? Or do you want a fuck for your birthday?”

  I gasped, pulled back, looked in his face and frowned. I was shocked and surprised at his question. I couldn't read his face; he was keeping it wooden. And I couldn’t believe he’d asked me that. I stepped back, wanting to cry.

  Okay, just breathe...

  “No, I... I'm sorry I bothered you.” I walked away and reached for my purse on the little chair.

  “Mariah, wait,” he commanded behind me as I grabbed the door handle. “Shit!''

  I stopped and turned halfway, desperate to get out of there.

  “For what? If it's done, then it's done; you have every right in the world to move on. Let's not prolong my pain, however much I deserve it,” I said, looking at the floor.

  Please, let’s get out of here before the waterworks turn on!

  “Your pain? What about my pain,” Marcus shouted. “You think this week has been easy for me? I've been aching every-fucking-day and not one word from you! And now you're standing here asking me for... what? What exactly do you want from me, Mariah?”

  I took a deep, cleansing breath and turned all the way to him.

  “I just want you, Marcus. You. I've missed you so much and I can't do another day. I wanted to see you yesterday, but... woo...” I fanned my eyes. I don't want to cry anymore but this… us getting back together… it didn't look good. I crossed my arms and stared at the floor again, willing myself to gain control.

  Fight it... no more tears.

  “I thought our dance was it for you,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “It wasn't but I thought it was for you. After yesterday, I was positive you were done.”


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