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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

Page 27

by Ryanne Anthony

  Maybe we're going to dance.

  There's no music. I noticed then the bar is very quiet. I stared into Marcus' eyes, confusion all over my face. What was happening here?

  Marcus held my hands and whispered, “I was thinking of doing this last week, but... Now that I have you back, I don’t want to wait.” He pulled a small box out of his pocket. “This holds my father's mother's ring, and when she and my grandfather became engaged, they had only met four days before and their marriage lasted forty-seven years.” He took the ring out and tossed the box behind me, and I turned to see Matthew catch it.

  Marcus takes a long, deep breath, holding my left hand. He gently stroked the back of it with his thumb as he looked in my eyes.

  “I want to give this ring to you, Mariah,” he whispered then bent to one knee.

  I gasped, long and loud. Tears falling, my hand covered my mouth and I took a step back. Marcus cleared his throat and spoke in a clear, elevated voice.

  “Mariah Nicole Hollander... will you be my wife?”

  Oh. My. God.

  Wait, what’s happening?

  Tsch! Go back to sleep, you!

  Chapter Twenty


  Was this is really happening?! I was so elated... too elated and felt I needed to be pinched again. I'm engaged to Marcus? This was a fucking dream! It had to be!

  Why is he still on his knee?

  Worry crept up on Marcus’ face. “Mariah? You're killing me here,” he whispered.

  “What,” I asked, breathlessly. “What’s wrong?”

  “Are you going answer?”

  “Oh!” I shook my head rapidly. “I'm sorry, I thought I did,” I answered, giggling.

  A few people laughed as Marcus smiled his relief.

  “No, you didn't, baby; let's try it again. Will you marry me, Mariah?”

  “YES,” I screamed.

  I bet he heard that!

  Sighs of relief then thunderous applause broke out around us as Marcus slid the ring on my finger. He stood, held my face and gave me a long, sweet kiss.

  “I look forward to doing that every day for the rest of my life,” he whispered.

  “So do I. I love you Marcus, so much.”

  “I love you too, Mariah. More than you'll ever know.”

  Marcus buried his face in my neck and kissed it deeply, sending chills all over me.

  He kissed me again, so soft and slow. We pulled apart as our families gathered around us but Marcus held tight to my left hand.

  “Congratulations, honey! I can't wait to start planning,” Mom squealed.

  “Let us set a date first, Mom! Then you can go crazy!”

  “Welcome, welcome, darling girl. I'm going to enjoy having you as a daughter-in-law,” Katherine also squealed, then kissed my cheek.

  “Thank you, Katherine,” I grabbed her hand. “Thank you.”

  She gently touched my cheek. “I did the right thing, darling. Tonight proved it.”

  “I just got you and you're leaving already, Cookie,” Pops said, softly.

  “Pops, don’t…” I blushed then hug him.

  His arms tightened around me. “Congratulations. Marcus asked for your hand, you know. I was surprised but I grudgingly gave consent. I'm just not ready to let you go.”

  “Oh, Pops... I'll always be near. I promise,” I said softly.

  Holding my arms, he kissed my head then abruptly turned and walked toward the table.

  “Give him a minute. He was this emotional when I got engaged, too,” T informed, hugging me. “Glad you gave the right answer, Cookie... I thought poor Marcus was going to pass out for a minute.”

  “Congratulations, Mariah. You are going to be a beautiful bride,” Monica declared.

  Nathan grinned and hugged me. “Nice going, Bug! Finally, I can get rid you!”

  I grinned back. “You couldn't if you tried! Besides, you'd miss me if you did!”

  He studied me a second. Then lovingly kissed my cheek. “You're right; I absolutely would,” he said, seriously. “Congratulations.”

  I kissed him and nodded. “Thank you for being you… Deet.”

  He laughed then my boisterous, ecstatic sister nudged him until he moved to the side. Once she was in front of me, Lisa and I screamed at each other.

  “Oh, Cookie! I'm so, so happy for you! You had no idea, did you,” Lisa breathed.

  “None. It still feels surreal...” I whispered.

  “Let's see the ring,” Monica gasped. Mom joined us.

  I giggled. “Oh, I didn't even look at it!”

  I tried to pull my hand from Marcus' grip, but he was holding firm. I looked at up him and smiled. He smiled back, squeezed my hand then released it. I put my hand in the middle of us. Grandpa had excellent taste. The ring was white gold, with a huge oval shaped diamond, and tiny diamonds on either side of it.

  “It's stunning,” I gasped.

  “Absolutely breathtaking,” Monica professed.

  “Congratulations, Mariah! Welcome to the family,” Evelyn smiled at me.

  “Thank you, Evelyn.”

  “May I kiss my oldest son's fiancée,” Dr. Cannon asked.

  “Of course, Dr. Cannon,” I gushed.

  “Tut-tut, Mariah. It's still Stephen, please.” He kissed my cheek then gave me a warm smile. “Welcome, love.”

  Joshua and Mandy approached next.

  “Shouldn't you two be resting,” I asked. “You have a very big day tomorrow!”

  “We’re leaving in a few minutes, Mariah, but I had to see your and Marcus' big night. Best wishes,” Joshua said, then hugged me.

  “Yes, best wishes,” Mandy beamed. “Don't be late tomorrow, or too exhausted from 'celebrating!'”

  “Absolutely not!” I blushed again. We kissed each other’s cheek.

  Matthew sighed in feigned distress. “Mariah, my heart is breaking!”

  “Why, Matthew,” I asked, giving him a grin.

  “You said yes to that cramp and I've missed my shot.”

  “Oh, Matthew!” I giggled. “What am I going to do with you?”

  He grabbed my hands. “Change your mind and run off with me. Right now.”

  Marcus walked up behind Matthew. “Cool it, Toad. Get out of here,” Marcus laughed at him.

  “’Fraid she’ll accept my offer, Cramp,” Matthew laughed at him. He kissed my cheek then whispered at my ear, “Best wishes, Mariah. He'll make you happy or I’ll kick his ass. I promise on both.” He raised his voice and said indignantly, “And when you come to your senses, Mariah, I'll be waiting!”

  Katherine frowned at Matthew and the smile fell off his face instantly.

  “Hi, Mommy. Love you,” he sang.

  “Matthew...” she warned.

  “What,” Matthew asked wide-eyed, in mock confusion. She smacked the back of the head, smiled and slid her arm through his.

  “What am I going to do with you, honey?” Katherine sighed as they walked away.

  Marcus smiled at me. “That happens a lot.”

  “What does, boo?”

  “Mother smacking Matthew. He's the family joker, and most of his humor is lost on my mother.” He grinned. “But he's completely harmless.”

  “I figured. He just needs humoring and a firm hand,” I said as I put my arms around my fiancé’s waist. “I feel like celebrating, Marcus.”

  “Would you like some Champagne?”


  “Something harder?”

  My eyes twinkled at him. “Absolutely.”

  He got it immediately and grinned ear to ear. “Definitely but...” He looked around, and his eyes finally settled in a corner. “Okay, don't freak out,” he urged as he turned me to where he was looking. He wrapped his arms around me then gave me such a sweet kiss on my neck that I closed my eyes and blocked everything around me. Too soon he released me and told me to look in the corner.

  “Why,” I frowned, looking around. I was really enjoying that kiss.

�� Lisa screamed suddenly. Everyone turned toward her.

  Nathan was with her near the corner of the room on his knee, holding a ring.

  “YES! YES! YES,” Lisa screamed, jumping up and down. We all applauded thunderously. I loved my birthday that year!

  I ran to them. Lisa and I embraced tightly, sobbing in each other's arms. I pulled Nathan over and the three of us happily held each other.

  “Wow... I don't suppose anyone else wants to get engaged on my birthday, do they,” I jokingly ask as I wiped my face.

  “Actually,” said a handsome, tall man in cream dress slacks and an open-neck black button down shirt, holding a single white lily.

  “Russell? What are you doing here,” Evelyn asked in shock.

  He gave Evelyn the flower and she took it.

  “I came to ask you something,” he murmured as he bent to his knee, holding a ring.

  “Oh,” she gasped and cried.

  “Will you marry me, Evie,” Russell murmured.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, I will!”

  More thunderous applause. I couldn't believe what happened tonight.

  “Did you know about all this,” I cried to Marcus as I held him.

  “I did. I thought I would just listen to you sing in a corner tonight, with you not knowing I was even here until you finished, then maybe talk. This was supposed to happen tomorrow after Joshua and Mandy cut the cake but when you showed up at the office... I'm so glad you came to me this afternoon. Best surprise ever. I called Nathan and Russell while you were changing and we agreed to do it here.”

  I smiled at him. Yes, best surprise ever, I thought as Rudy brought out champagne. Pops held up his glass, as Marcus took two from the tray and gave me one.

  “A toast... Lisa and Nathan, Mariah and Marcus, Evelyn and Russell, Tom and Monica and Joshua and Mandy, may you all love each forever as much you do at this moment. And, may Stephen and I still have fifty cents in the bank after all these weddings! Cheers!”

  We all laughed and yelled 'cheers'!

  “Just think, Stephen, we both have one to go,” Pops said, clamping down on Ethan's shoulder. Ethan cringed.

  “I'm done, Thomas,” Stephen shouted then pointed at Matthew. “Only time this one's going to be at the front of a church is when he's dead!”

  We looked at Matthew and laughed.

  “Not even then, Dad,” Matthew shouted out. “Hey, Ethan! Call me next week to set up real bachelor parties. We need to show these losers what they'll be missing out on when they 'I do' their lives away!”

  “I was just about to find an old friend for you, Matthew. Mom, remember Madison?”

  Mom snickered. “Yes, she would’ve been perfect for him!”

  “Too bad for him. She's the marrying type... and she used to be a gymnast,” I informed then laughed at the lamenting look on Matthew's face.

  I kissed Marcus deeply. “Let's give our congratulations and get out of here.”

  “Whatever you want, baby,” he murmured. “And thank you for shutting that up,” he laughed.

  * * *

  Marcus was driving my car, taking us back to his place. My head was on his shoulder and he was holding my hand. Suddenly, I thought of something. I raised my head and looked at him.


  “What, baby?”

  “Cramp, Toad and Twerp?”

  Marcus shrugged. “We're boys.”

  “But why those names, specifically?

  He smirked. “They say I throw a wrench in their plans; 'cramp their style' is the term they used. Matthew is such a jokester, sometimes cruelly so, and Joshua was the baby who got away with any and everything he did, big and small.”

  “Yeah, that's a boy thing. Definitely.”

  Marcus kissed my hand. “I like boo so much better.”

  “Me too,” I whispered. “Does Evelyn have a nickname?”

  “She did, but... Mother made us stop calling her that after we embarrassed her in front of a boy she liked but we didn't.”

  “Oh, no... what was it?”

  “Don't repeat this, especially in front of Mother. Blossom.”

  “Blossom? Why?”

  He looked at my chest and smirked.

  “You didn't! Oh, that's so cruel.”

  “She hit thirteen and had a sudden growth spurt. Can you imagine a thirteen-year-old with those that size? We teased her relentlessly and beat half the boys at school for glaring.”

  I shook my head and smacked his arm. “Shame on you, Marcus.”

  “Matthew started it,” he pouted.

  My eyes rolled. “Why am I not surprised?”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Needed distractions…

  Singing at Mandy and Joshua's wedding the day after our engagement was a thrill I'll never forget. Mandy later told me she was glad the band's singer got sick; she didn't sound half as good as I did. I was beyond flattered.

  I knew exactly what I’ll be doing on my birthday next year. Lisa and Nathan had chosen to marry on that date, much to my delight. Marcus and I set a date for the first weekend in June. As soon as dates were announced, Katherine, Mom and Lil had been practically glued together, planning the weddings and driving us all crazy. About a week into it, I threw my hands in the air and said as long as I'm Marcus' wife when it’s all said and done, you can have whatever you want. I gave my color choices and left them to it.

  “Cookie, I want to show you a gown I like. Are you still coming to the apartment tonight,” Lisa asked about a month after my birthday. I was in my car, on my way home from work.

  “Yes, but I have to stop by Marcus' first. I want to return your dress. I had it cleaned and Marcus or Rosa picked it up, already. I should be there shortly; I just drove in the –” I stopped abruptly and frowned.

  “What's wrong, Cookie?”

  “I don't know. Marcus' car is here. It shouldn't be; he's supposed to be attending tonight,” I replied as I parked my truck.

  “Maybe he forgot something.”

  “Maybe, Twink, I don't know. Um, I'll call you back. I need to check this out, okay?”

  “Sure. I'll see you later or whenever. I hope everything is all right.”

  “Me too. Bye.”

  “Bye, Cookie.”

  I hit end and slowly got out of the car. I felt uneasy about his car being there when it shouldn’t be and my mind immediately went to him fucking someone else in the apartment we’re supposed to be sharing.... then I cursed at myself for even thinking it.

  So why was he home? Something had to be wrong.

  I entered the elevator. When I got out on five and approached his door, I smelled something that made my stomach angry for skipping lunch. The aroma was intoxicating. Marcus was cooking and it smelled like he'd been at it awhile, which meant something big was on his mind. I unlocked and opened the door, thinking.

  I dropped my purse on a chair in the bedroom. I pulled the pin from my hair and tossed it in the purse along with my keys and phone then slowly walked down the long hall to the kitchen, where Marcus was pacing the floor, muttering, his right hand in his hair and his left hand on his hip. He was still in the charcoal suit pants and black shirt he was wearing when he left this morning, which was odd because he usually wore his scrubs home.

  Marcus grunted and tapped his forehead with his palm. “Maybe I shouldn't have done that...”

  What? What shouldn't he have done? Propose?

  No, that’s not it. It can’t be… can it?

  What else has he done lately he could be regretting?

  I gasped, raised my left hand and frowned at my ring. Shit... he's changed his mind about marrying me. Did he want it back? That argument we had a couple weeks ago over him not taking money from me was a big one, but I thought we were past it.

  I started to panic then realized Marcus had stopped pacing. I looked up and he was staring at me. I dropped my hand and stared back. I frowned when I noticed his eyes were red and swollen, like he'd been crying.

sp; “What's wrong with your ring,” he asked. “Why were you frowning at it like that?”

  “Nothing. I was just wondering if you were regretting giving it to me.”

  “What?” He scowled. “Why would you think that?”

  “You said 'maybe I shouldn't have done that' and I don't know of anything else you've done lately. Do…” I looked at the wall as I painfully asked, “Do you want it back?”

  Marcus inhaled and walked over to me. “Never,” he murmured.

  He grabbed either side of my scrub top under my arms, and nervously kissed my lips. He pulled back, took another deep breath, exhaled and kissed me again, shaking. I felt fresh tears from him on my face and I panicked.

  I pulled back. “Marcus, what –”

  “No. Please, no talking; not yet. Make me forget, even if it's only for a moment. Just... distract me, baby. Please,” he begged.

  My heart ached. He was in so much pain and I didn't know why. My heart raced as I wiped his face. Whatever this was, it wasn’t about me.

  Nodding, I whispered, “Okay, boo. Okay. What do you need?”

  He put his hand at the back of my neck and pulled me in for another kiss. I kissed him back, with apprehension at first, but then he kissed me with urgency and I responded, licking the inside of his mouth, caressing his tongue with mine.

  Marcus pushed me to the wall, bent his knees and leaned his pelvis into mine, grinding into me. I moaned and reached to unbutton his shirt, while he went under my top and caressed my breasts with a fever that matched his kisses.

  I got his shirt off and he broke our kiss to yank my top over my head and throw it to the floor. He dragged the bra straps down and I pulled my arms out of it. He wrenched the bra down, ripped the back apart, then threw the now useless bra to the floor. He captured my nipple with his mouth, biting and sucking it like his life depended on it while still grinding against me.

  I kicked off my shoes, thanking God I wore my Crocs today, while undoing Marcus' belt and pants. I reached in and stroked him, listening to him moan as he bit and kissed my throat while kneading my breasts.

  I moaned and put my hands on his hips and pushed him to the opposite wall. I dropped to my knees, pulling his pants and boxers down. He inhaled sharply as I slowly took him in and out of my mouth, circling his tip with my tongue. I held him with my left hand and while my right hand grips his thigh. I moaned when I tasted the saltiness of his small release. I slowly sheath him with my mouth again, baring my teeth as I took him out again.


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