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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

Page 32

by Ryanne Anthony

  Marcus froze then whirled around to look at his sister. “Wait! Are you saying…” he mumbled, swaying. I thought he was going to pass out.

  “Yes,” Evelyn confirmed.

  “Shit,” Marcus exclaimed, falling to the couch. He puts his head between his knees as Nathan, Thomas, Tom and Stephen laughed and patted him on the back.

  “What does an elevated htc mean,” Monica asked.

  “An elevated h-C-G, babe,” Tom answered. “It means there’s more than one baby.”

  “What,” Rachel gasped.

  “Twins, Rachel,” Evelyn confirmed again.

  “Oh, I need to sit down,” Rachel murmured, plopping on a couch.

  Katherine moved to sit next her. “I think we all need a stiff drink, Grandma,” she gleefully snickered.

  “I agree, Gram!” Rachel smiled then they both giggled like teenagers.

  “Harriet? Scotch and vodka. Bring the bottles and lots of glasses,” Thomas shouts.

  “Marcus,” Evelyn called quietly.

  “What,” he answered wearily.

  “Um... I have a disc, from around six weeks ago. 3D video. Mariah sent it to me, in my email. Nothing about where she was and no number, just the image to download, with 'Please keep your word' in the subject line, from a generic account. I think she sent it to let me know she was all right.”

  “Where is it, dear,” Katherine whispered.

  “My car. Russ, please? In a white envelope in the dash.”

  “Of course. Be right back,” Russell replied then jogged out.

  “I was trying to figure out the right time to show it, if there ever was one. Marcus, I'm so sorry, but I did promise her. I knew she would eventually come to you, otherwise I never would have agreed.”

  Marcus waved her off. “It's fine, Evelyn. It's my own stupidity to blame here.”

  “Here it is,” Russell said as he rushed in. Marcus took the disc and stared at it.

  “Do you want to see it, son,” Stephen asked.

  “I don't know if... I deserve to,” he quietly answered.

  Stephen placed his hand on Marcus’ shoulder. “These are your children, son. No matter what else, that fact will not change.”

  “I want to see it,” Rachel said, reaching over and snatching the disc from Marcus. She walked over to the large cabinet on the west wall. After placing the disc in a machine, she steps back with the remote in her hand.

  “Rachel,” Matthew called after a moment.

  Rachel stood frozen. “I can't. I'm so... nervous!”

  “I'll do it,” Matthew muttered. He took the remote and pointed it at the cabinet. A moment later, the screen flashed words that read:


  Hollander, M. N. 07/15/1985

  EDD 10-MAY-2012

  “May tenth...” Marcus whispered, moving closer to the screen.

  Everyone else followed, transfixed to the screen. Suddenly there was a little face, upside down, on the screen. It's clearly a boy. Everyone gasped. The moms cried.

  “A son...” Marcus murmured. “I have... a son.”

  “No, you have two, Marcus,” Mandy wept. “Look on the left.”

  There was another little face with his thumb in his mouth.

  “Yes, that is definitely two boys. Cannon men,” Matthew said, laughing. “Let's hope they look like Mariah and I and not any of you ugly people.”

  “Take another look in a mirror, Toad,” Joshua murmured.

  Marcus looked to his father with tears in his eyes. “Dad?”

  “I'm on it, son.”

  “She won't be able to fly, if you can convince her to come back, Marcus.”

  “I'll rent a fucking bus, Tom. Or I'll move there. Anything,” Marcus declared, moving closer to the screen.

  My phone vibrated. “Richards.”

  “Parker, sir. I’m within range, target present. Yay or Nay?”

  “Hang on. Marcus?”

  Marcus wiped his face then looked at me. “Yes?”

  “My detective is at the coffee shop. Mariah's shift is ending; it's almost ten there. Would you like to hear her voice?”

  “Yes,” Marcus shouted.

  “Parker, I'm going to put you on speaker. Engage, do not reveal. You're still UC.”

  “Got it. Approaching.”

  I put the phone on speaker and muted it. I could make out Parker walking then a woman was singing in the background. Everyone gasped again.

  The singing stopped abruptly. “Oh! Hi. Sorry, I hope I wasn't loud,” a woman's smooth voice breathlessly asked.

  “How can I help you?”

  Parker answered, “Hello, um, Mariah, is it? No problem, I was enjoying the mini-concert. You sounded great. Are you a professional?”

  She laughs. “No, not at all. Mostly for my own entertainment.”

  “Don’t forget about us,” an old man laughed. “Lately, it’s more than the coffee and donuts that gets us in here. It sure isn’t the only thing that keeps us in here.”

  “Agreed,” a few people shouted with a laugh.

  “Pretty and entertaining to boot. I’m in love with you, Mariah!”

  “When are you going to put old Gary out of his misery and marry him, Mariah?”

  “Now, Fred, come on. Gary hasn’t even asked me on a date yet and you’ve got us married,” Mariah said with a giggle. “But if he asks, I may-”

  “Will you marry me, Mariah?”

  “Sure, Gary. As soon as you let me see your divorce papers.”

  Everyone broke out into a laugh in that coffee shop, and a few chuckled here.

  Parker asked, “What was that you were singing? Was that Spanish?”

  “It was. No Me Ames by Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony.”

  “I thought so. Doesn't that translate to 'Don't love me'?”

  “Yes, it does. You speak Spanish?”

  Parker chuckled. “The basics, mostly. Nowhere near conversational. You?”

  An incoming call interrupted her answer. I rejected it and the conversation picked right back up.

  “Well, you sounded great. Anything fresh still? A croissant or a muffin perhaps?”

  “The danishes are good. The raspberry-filled ones are about an hour old.”

  “I'll take one and a large coffee. Black.”

  “All right.”

  “Parker is still good, Richards. That is definitely Mariah,” Matthew murmured.

  I nodded in agreement.

  “Ah!” a woman yelled in discomfort. “Jesus!”

  Parker: “Whoa! Are you okay?”

  “I'm fine, thanks. I just got kicked very hard.”

  Parker: “Oh, wow... look at you. How much longer?”

  “About five weeks.”

  Parker: “Really? Best of luck to you and your... husband?”

  “Um, thanks. Four-fifty, please,” she muttered, her voice iced over.

  Parker: “Thanks. Keep the change.”

  “Mariah? Are you ready, sweetheart,” another male voice asked.

  “Yes, Dave, just let me get my jacket. I'm leaving, Sarah. I'm falling asleep on my feet. I had to put the iPod in my ears to keep me awake. Good night, everyone.”

  “That's fine. You sounded better than the radio,” another woman chuckled, along with others. “Good night, Mariah. See you tomorrow.”

  A pause. Parker: “The therapist's husband. Target gone. Approach?”

  “Negative. Keep in sight until further notice.”


  Marcus shouted, “Dad! How's that plane coming?”

  “Still getting clearance, son,” Stephen said, a cell on his ear.

  “I gotta go pack a few things,” Marcus muttered, going toward the door. Suddenly he stopped and turned. “Rachel... do you want to go with me?”

  She studied him a moment, as Thomas gripped her shoulders.

  “Go, honey. I know how much you’ve missed Cookie and need to see her.”

  “No, he’d better go on his own and work this out with her,�
�� Rachel murmured. “Just bring my baby back here and don't fuck this up, Marcus!”

  A chuckle flowed around the room as my phone went off. It's Parker again.

  “Parker, what's happened?”

  “Subject collapsed outside the coffee shop. They've called an ambulance. She's lost consciousness and is very pale. The therapist's husband says he thinks there's moisture, sir. I need to get closer, there’s a crowd forming and I can’t see much.”

  “SHIT! Catch Marcus,” I shouted.

  Joshua ran to the room’s entry and yelled, “Marcus! Come back!”

  “Was it clean, Parker?”

  “It was,” he assured. “The husband caught her and eased her to the dry ground.”

  The room has gone silent. Marcus ran back in and I beckoned to him. He walked over to me as I spoke into the phone again.

  “How long has she been down, Parker?”

  “Down,” Marcus murmured.

  “As soon as she got outside, maybe three minutes.”

  “Marcus, Mariah collapsed outside the coffee shop, an ambulance is on the way. My detective is saying she's pale and may have discharge.”

  “Fuck! Dad! I need that plane, now,” Marcus screamed.

  “Ambulance is here now, sir. I'll pursue and call with the name of the hospital and her condition.”

  “Dr. Cannon is flying out, Parker. He'll be there sometime during the night. You'll need that information when you meet his plane. I’ll text his landing time when I get it.”

  “Sir. R.O.”

  “I'm going straight to the airport. They better be ready when I get there or they are all fucking fired,” Marcus shouted, quickly leaving the room again.

  Tom turned and scanned the room. “You all know he’s going to fuck this up, yes?”

  Rachel nodded. “She's going to do her fair share, too.”

  Matthew glared at me. “That's why Richards here is going to give us her information. If he wants to get paid, that is. Right, Prick?”

  “Excuse me, ladies. Fuck you, Pansy. Don't threaten me. I was giving it to you anyway,” I said then grinned as the room erupted in laughter.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I missed him…

  “Hello, Miss Hollander. I'm Lainie, I'll be your nurse through the morning. Welcome back. How are you feeling?”

  “Hi... um, fine. Thirsty. Where am I?” I muttered as I sat up. Lainie raised the head of the bed.

  “Northwestern Memorial Hospital. You collapsed last night. I'm going to get your doctor after I record your vitals.”

  “Collapsed,” I murmured, gripping my head.

  She handed me a cup of water. I drank it down greedily as she answered.

  “Yes, Miss Hollander. I'll get the doctor. I believe he's talking to your husband.”

  “No, I don't have a husband.”

  “Oh, that ring must mean an engagement then.”

  “What ring?”

  She frowned. “On your left hand, Miss Hollander. Are you sure you're okay? You seem a little out of it,” she stated then left the room.

  I lifted my hand and see my old engagement ring sitting on my finger again. I stared at it as I absently put the cup on the table. My heart raced. Marcus was here? How the hell did he find me?

  My room door opened and panic swept over me. I immediately relaxed when a tall, handsome man I'd never met wearing a doctor's coat and dress clothes, walked in.

  “Good morning, Miss Hollander. I'm Dr. Pedro Garza. I've been attending to you since last night. Miss Mills says you're a little out of it,” he said with an accent, holding out his hand. I shook it.

  “Hi, Doctor. No, I was mistaken about some things. How are we doing?”

  Dr. Garza pulled up a stool and sat next to me. “All your tests are clear and the babies are fine. You’re anemic, not severely, but I am increasing your daily iron intake. As far as we can tell, you fainted due to exhaustion and dehydration. I'm afraid you'll have to stop working for the duration of your pregnancy.”

  “I can't. I need to keep working to the very end.”

  “I'm afraid this is the very end, Miss Hollander, even if you have only five weeks to go. Your babies need to be inside you as long as possible, and if you don't slow down and rest, they'll be delivered too early. So, doctor's orders, no more working. Bed rest and relaxation. Understand?”

  My door opened again. Marcus entered and walked to the bed. I gasped as I inhaled his scent. It was still wonderful. He looked thinner, haggard... the jeans and t-shirt he's wearing looks too loose, but he's still as handsome as ever, even with the hairy beast thing he had going on his face. It looked like it'd been recently trimmed, but not enough. I did not like it.

  I stared at the ring on my finger. I slid it off and held it over to Marcus then looked at Dr. Garza, praying he’d follow my lead.

  “Si, entiendo. No más trabaja.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “¿Habla usted español?”

  “Si, desde la escuela secundaria.”

  “Since when do you speak Spanish, Mariah?”

  I glared at Marcus. “¿Cómo cree usted que su ama de llaves fue finalmente entendiendo sus pedidos?”

  Marcus frowned and looked at Dr. Garza.

  Dr. Garza chuckled. “How did you think your housekeeper was finally understanding your orders?”

  “No me gusta la barba. Él necesita para afeitarse,” I mumbled.

  Marcus sighs exasperatedly and looked at Dr. Garza again.

  “She hates the beard; wants you to shave it off,” Dr. Garza murmured.

  I looked at him. No, I'm glaring again... and my arm was still stretched out to him, holding the ring.

  “Take the ring, Dr. Cannon,” I murmured.


  “¿Quieres Marcus a dejar?” Dr. Garza asked.

  I frowned. “¿Usted conocido Marcus antes de hoy?”

  “Sí. Desde Stanford,” he nodded.

  I looked at Marcus and smirked. Of course they went to school together.

  I stared at my belly. “Marcus el padre de los bebés.”

  “Lo sé. Él me dijo.” He looked at me pensively and held my hand. “Yo he sido darle informes sobre tu condición. ¿Debo parada de hacerlo?

  I looked at Marcus then put my head down. “Si, por favor,” I whispered.

  “Marcus, I’m no longer permitted to share information on Miss Hollander's condition with you.”

  “Mariah! Don't do this,” Marcus pleaded.

  “Por favor informar a Marcus yo aprendí a español en la escuela secundaria y de repente he olvidado mi inglés y necesita tomar este anillo y deja ahora.”

  “She wants you to know she's spoken Spanish since high school and suddenly forgets her English. She wants you to take the ring and go, Marcus.”



  I could feel his glare on me. He wanted to say something; I could feel that, too. One of the twins chose that moment to kick and move and it showed through the sheet covering me.

  Marcus inhaled and placed his hand on my belly and the baby kicked again. Hard. Marcus and I gasped together and looked at each other. I quickly turned away.

  “Por favor, tome tu mano de encima,” I whispered as a tear fell.

  “She wants you to move your hand, Marcus,” Dr. Garza quietly translated.

  I moved my own hand toward him, willing him to take the ring from me. Marcus moved his hand off my large belly and snatched the ring from my fingers.

  “You promised,” he rasped.

  I looked at up him, frowning.

  “You said you wouldn't run again, that you would come to me if you had a problem. Only I don't see this as a problem. What I do see as a problem is this: we made these babies together but you didn't say anything about them and walked out on me. I lost fifteen days of my life because you left, without any reason or explanation; just that bullshit note. You destroyed me. Twice. When you left and when I finally found out why. You will not get a third chance.”
  Marcus puts his fists on the bed and leaned while looking right into my eyes.

  “You don't want me? Fine, but I want my sons and nothing you do or say in any language is going to keep me from them. Disappear again, I will find you. Save yourself the time and energy and go back to California. My lawyers can hash out this fucking mess!”

  Marcus stormed out of the room and Dr. Garza and I were left stunned at his anger. Tears streamed down my cheeks and I covered my eyes, sobbing.

  “Are you all right,” Dr. Garza asked as he handed me tissues when I calmed.

  “Yes, Dr. Garza. I'm sorry.”

  “I'm Pete. I don't know what's going on with the two of you but I need you to try and be calm. I meant what I said about relaxing. I'm going to keep you under observation, maybe up to forty-eight hours. I want to monitor your babies around the clock. I've already told Marcus that you can't fly but I will consent to road travel, on the condition you will be able to move. That means frequent stops and stretching. He says your sister and her fiancé are coming to ride back with you.”

  Surprised, I frowned at him and asked, “They are?”

  “Yes. They'll be here tomorrow, I think. For now, get some sleep. I'll check on you later. And try to eat something, Miss Hollander.”

  “Mariah. Thank you, Pete. I will.”

  He smiled and walked out of the room. I couldn't believe this was happening. Marcus was here and he wanted my babies! And he put that ring back on my finger. Shit. How long had he been here? I thought I covered my tracks... how did he find me? Mom had to be going crazy. Shit. I had to call her and get it over with. No sense in me staying away now. I couldn't wait to hear her voice.

  I grabbed the hospital phone and dialed Mom's number then took a deep breath as I waited for her to answer.

  “Hello,” Mom murmured when she answered, sounding sleepy. I looked at my room's clock. It was only five a.m. there.

  “Mom? I'm sorry I woke you,” I whispered.

  “Mariah,” she screamed, instantly fully awake. “Mariah honey, don't you ever, ever do that to me again! Oh, I could take you across my knee again!”

  “I'm sorry, Mom... I just...”


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