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Frost (Queens of Hell Book 1)

Page 16

by Liza James

  Full send. I’m gone. Present for this moment and whatever this is. She isn’t giving me answers, but I’m not surprised. I’ll lose myself to the cresting orgasm inside of me instead.

  “Yes, Alca. Please,” I beg her, running my fingers over the side of her shaved head as she looks up at me.

  “Please what,” she urges, moving her powerful arm back down between my thighs as she teases my core. “Tell me exactly what you’d like me to do to you.”

  I breathe in deeply, suddenly nervous to speak such filthy words to her. But her fingers play with my pussy, my wetness sounding with her touch in erotic and encouraging ways. “I want you to touch me,” I caution, and she continues doing exactly that but no further. God, she wants me to be detailed, do exactly as she says. “Shit.”

  She shifts my thigh even wider apart and presses her lips to the soft inner skin there. I mistakenly assume she’s being sweet for a moment, but cry out in pain as her teeth bite down hard before releasing. “Don’t make me go elsewhere for what I want.” Her heated eyes meet mine directly, authority and dominance thundering through them in ways that practically touch my fucking soul.

  Both jealousy and arousal strike me at her words. The immediate hatred at the idea of that even happening, and still pulling at small, secret parts of me that like it.

  “I want you to fuck me,” I finally admit. “Slide inside of me like you were, deep and slow.” My voice pitches high in embarrassment as I speak. Nerves wracking through my body as she watches me.

  Immediately though, she does exactly that. She pushes two fingers inside of me at once and my legs fall open even wider. She goes deep, so much so that it feels euphoric and my entire being succumbs to the touch of her. It’s addicting, this feeling. The way I so easily melt and fall apart at the seams while she fucks me.

  I’ve never experienced anything like this. And I’m so ready to come for her, I feel tears prick the backs of my eyes while she pulls and pushes in slowly. Stars practically dance behind my eyelids, hints of my charged orgasm finally coming into view.

  I’m tempted to keep going, see how much she’ll give me while we’re like this. “I want you taste me,” I start, shifting my hand and bringing it in-between my own thighs now. Her eyes fall to the action as she listens to me, and I visibly see her shoulders moving up and down with each heavy breath. I slide my finger over my clit, slipping through myself until my touch meets hers.

  A connection. A momentary brush of fingertips and knuckles while I’m writhing beneath her.

  I swear, a new power and confidence rushes through my every action while I do this. It’s incredible, how I can see her being just as worked up as I am. I wish I could touch her, slip these fingers inside of her and make her come for me in this way. But I know that isn’t possible yet, and I not sure when or if that will change between us.

  My orgasm is building rapidly, twisting and coiling in my lower belly as we both work in unison to drag me closer. She doesn’t stop fucking me, and I glide back up to my clit and play with myself while I quickly lose control. “In every sense of the word. My blood. My skin. My lips. I want you to lick me, eat me while I come undone for you, Alca.”

  She snaps her attention to me, her eyes darkening completely into a navy blue that nearly frightens me. It’s a shade full of power and strength, a reminder that she is in total control over what I can and can’t experience.

  “I will not Bite you. Ever.” Her words are sharp and final, leaving a sting that sinks my heart completely. I’m confused as to why this is suddenly forever off the table and an array of disheartening thoughts flash in my mind. Her tone softens incrementally as she continues, “I won’t risk that. Not with you. I know you don’t understand and I don’t know when I’ll be able to explain. But this is what we will forever be. It won’t go farther than this.”

  I want to respond, to push back at the new verbiage she’s demanding but she doesn’t even give me the chance to process it. Instead, she leans forward, ripping my hand away from my own clit and replacing the touch with her lips. I inhale a desperate breath, my hand flying to the back of her head as my hips roll up to chase her fingers and her mouth now.

  Her tongue slides out and through my pussy fully, moving over my clit before she sucks it into her mouth and grazes her teeth along my sweet, sensitive skin. “Come for me, Kitten.” She pulls back and commands me as she somehow manages to fuck me even deeper and at a quicker pace. Her lips work over me again, slick and cold like ice frosting over my skin. It’s practically immediate, and I’m crying out on loud, incredible moans while I speak her name and frantically pull her tightly against me.

  Her one hand continues fucking me, rolling me directly into a second orgasm that rips through my body in earth shattering waves. Her other hand quickly holds my hip against the bed, forcing me still while she devours my clit with her hot mouth and slick tongue.

  “I can’t,” I breathe out, fully surrendering to the strongest orgasm I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. “I can’t.” I need her to stop, absolutely positive I’ll die at the explosion wracking my body.

  She slows her movements, allowing the release to quiet and roll through me in deep, sensual waves. I’m catching my breath, my arm slung over my eyes when I finally lift my head and look for her.

  She’s still licking me, her touch turning slow and sweet while my thighs press tightly to the sides of her face. Her hands roam my body, sweeping over my stomach and chest before she finally pulls back and reaches for my face.

  I’m shocked, for a moment, still coming down from my orgasms when her lips suddenly crash into mine. Her tongue instantly pushes into my mouth and I can taste every bit of my own cum on her flesh as she does it. “You are mine.” She growls out as she kisses me with an intensity I wasn’t expecting. It’s as though she’s starving for so much more than simply my blood, her entire soul, her essence is craving whatever it is I have to offer her.

  I can feel it, this this energy and ambiance snaking around us and coming together in clashes of passion and thirst.

  “All of you. You belong to me, do you understand?”

  It’s overwhelming. I’m obsessed with the ways she reveals her dominance. Knowing this is me on her flesh, my orgasms staining her skin, making her like this just as she’s marked me in other ways. “Yes, Alca. Only yours.”

  I’m attached.

  Quickly. Completely. Before I could even stop it from happening. Before I could logically remind myself the dangers of this place, of this… Vampire.

  Fucking Hell. I’ve made a very grave mistake at the hands of Na’amah.

  I’m pacing. My feet moving me back and forth across the stone floor of Lilith’s chambers as I listen to her quietly pour herself a glass of wine and then stride back over to her lounge chair sitting in front of her fire.

  “Breathe, Naamie.” She speaks so arrogantly and it grinds against my nerves. As if all of this is perfectly fine—but it isn’t.

  If I can’t share Na’amah with her, then we’re down one available body for her sustenance. And I don’t think I can fucking share her…not now that I’ve spoken out loud what this is between us.

  “I didn’t want her to begin with.” Her words are casual, but callous and I find my head snapping her direction with a fiery hiss escaping my lips.

  She lifts her deep red wine to her lips without breaking eye contact with me, and the color stains her skin in what looks to be blood as well.

  My heart jumps. My skin pulls tight.

  That’s the other fucking thing. I’m starving. Hungrier than I’ve ever been and hardly satiated after feeding from the other girls. Sometimes I’m able to keep it down, sometimes I’m not.

  Things are spiraling out of control quickly and it’s been a little over a week now.

  Skilla is confused though, I can feel it from her. The way my body is in tune to hers is unlike any of the other girls I’ve ever broken. My blood seeks hers in the kingdom, my soul constantly scanning every room, e
very hallway for the scent of her flesh.

  It’s a fucking sword, skinning the flesh from my bones when I’m away from her, and then dangling my preferred drug in front of my addictive nature when I’m finally in her presence.

  She doesn’t fucking understand though. She has no language to describe what we are, and in her mind, I’m far different than what is actually warring inside of me.

  I’m angry and irritable. Distanced from her energy, yet demanding and authoritative when I’m forcing her to submit. I intentionally try not to touch her, so I haven’t been in her room since the last time we were together. I’ve never been so close to coming myself, without even being touched. And I’d be lying if there wasn’t a part of me whispering to allow her that luxury of fucking me herself.

  I knew she wanted to. It was in the sweet sweat beading over her hot flesh and her honeyed cum slicking my tongue.

  “You need to tell her, Naamie. Explain to her what this means.” Lilith winces in discomfort just slightly as she adjusts herself on her lounge. Her skin is paper thin and nearing an iridescent white. She’s getting worse, and I know I should offer Skilla as a small portion of her nourishment.

  I should. I fucking need to.

  “Telling her does nothing. Telling her changes nothing,” I mutter, lifting my fingertips to my mouth and quickly chewing along my nail beds. I tuck my other hand tightly across my chest and rest my other elbow on my forearm. “If she knows, that actually puts her a far greater risk for Lucifer.”

  Lilith visibly rolls her eyes and then drops her head back to rest against the ebony velvet. Her entire room is draped in that fabric—her bed, her chairs, the walls. Her wardrobe is largely made up of everything black as well and we’ve become accustomed to the way each of us tends to live according to those fucking colors.

  Assigned to each of us when we cursed and became Fallen, another box to constrain our identities when we thought we had lost everything.

  “Telling her changes everything. If you don’t, you’ll keep her prisoner here with no reasoning. Her blood won’t be used as the other girls will, you’ll continue keeping your distance from her, denying touching her, no communication.” She struggles to lift her head momentarily, but her stark, dark gaze meets mine head on. “And she’ll never know why, she’ll never understand why she isn’t being chosen. Or worse even, she’ll never know why you are choosing everyone else over her.”

  A disappointed and anticipatory shiver races down my spine as I drop my hands and slide them into the pockets of my black denim jeans. They have diagonal ridges running along the thighs, tight over my muscular frame all the way down to my ankles and tucked into a pair of black cargo books.

  “Fuck.” I finally release as acceptance burrows in my head and heart. I have to fucking tell her.

  “Fuck is right." Lilith lifts her wine glass and chugs the rest in only a few swallows. “You’ll have to tell her, and then no one else can know. I’ll talk to my girls, explain what’s happening. But Lucifer cannot discover what this is until we understand it fully.”

  “He’ll exploit this,” I agree, turning on my heels and making my way toward the door of her room. “And that witch of his won’t be safe.”

  “She was never safe.”

  I scoff, “Not true. Despite the past you two have, he has his claws sunk so deeply inside of Esme, he doesn’t even realize how far he’s willing to go for her.” Pulling open her door, I step out, ready to find Skilla and get on with the day. “I have to take Skilla back to the house she was residing in today, gather her things. I’ll tell her then, prepare her for the dinner party tomorrow and what will need to take place.”

  “He’ll be watching,” Lilith’s voice pitches in a tone filled with warning and alarm. “You’ll have to prove she means nothing.”

  An uncontrolled growl scrapes up my throat and spill free of my possessive lips. “You aren’t biting her.” God, the thought of someone else tasting her like that, when her blood calls to me so fiercely is nauseating.

  But Lilith laughs as leans back and crosses one leg over the other. I ignore her, and just as I step out of her door, Brielle storms up to me with wide, sad eyes. She’s been crying, I can feel it from her and absently lift my thumb to slip across her tears and pull them into my mouth.

  Ahh. Grief. Rejection. Anger. Heartbreak.

  “Brielle,” I say quietly, wishing she could have attached to Lilith as easily as the others. “I’m sor—”

  “Where have you been this week?” She asks, her voice cold as she clearly attempts holding back further tears. I glance back into Lilith’s room and find her watching us intently.

  “I’ve been busy,” I respond, realizing I’ll need to keep my voice firm as I step back into my usual role with the girls. Closing up any signs of vulnerability and emotion. “Have you been meeting with Lilith?”

  “What is so fucking different about her?” She demands, and I subtly glance down to find her fists clenching at her sides. I know she isn’t talking about my sister. Her reference is full of too much resentment to mean Lilith.

  My gaze hardens against hers and I square my shoulders, lifting a hand to rest on the nape of her neck. I can smell her blood, and I’d love to take a sweet bite in that thick, pulsing vein my eyes so easily fall to. But I can’t. I’ve been feeding far too often as it is now, and Brielle is the last person on my roster for this very reason.

  I step around her, conveniently turning so that she’s closes to the open door of Lilith’s room. “Do not step out of place, Brielle.” I whisper, leaning in close to her ear before pulling back and watching her face twist in anger.

  But she doesn’t speak, her respond muted in her mouth on unsaid words and irritations I can feel emanating from her.

  I nod my head, closing the conversation between us and then pointing to Lilith. “She wants to spend time with you, Brielle. Open up to her in the ways you have with me.” Offering a small smile, I watch as she reluctantly steps into my sister’s room. The lingering scent of betrayal resides on her skin, but it’s no longer my problem. And I have far more complex issues to focus on at the moment.

  Turning around, I finally stride through the halls of the castle as I move toward the throne room. Skilla knows to be waiting for me, but she hasn’t been briefed on what we are doing today.

  Before I step inside the expansive area, I pause. Closing my eyes, I focus my energy and intent on what we are accomplishing today. I focus my hunger, the thirst grating along the insides of my organs, my fucking flesh. The darkness seeping through my mind and poisoning every move I make with the desire to feed.

  In the next instant, I scent her. That familiar calling, the thick, honeyed draw of her crimson essence begging for my taste. My fangs descend, immediately, painfully. Piercing through my gums and leaving me with a sense of fucking fragility, starvation, unquenchable thirst.

  I groan out, feeling that agonizing hunger coil in my gut and spread through all of my limbs.

  She’s just through that doorway, and I can hear the subtle flutter of her heart as she anticipates my approach. She can feel me too, maybe not in ways she fully understands or can label.

  But she knows I’m close.

  I shake my head, attempting to physically evade the way she so intrinsically affects me. God, even now, images of her coming on my tongue, the sounds she desperately made when I touched her, flood my mind in reminders of how badly I wanted to bite her then. Sink my fangs into the luscious flesh of her inner thighs and drink.

  Her pulse quickens.

  My inner thighs absently shift together, my own arousal wetting my skin and slicking my core.

  How the fuck am I going to remain close to her all day, without touching her? Without tasting her?

  I shrug it off, braving the first step as I straighten my shoulders and my spine. I move into the space and my eyes fall to the swell of Skilla’s ass in a pair of black, distressed denim skinny jeans. A light, ice blue crop top pairs perfectly, cinching tight aro
und her small waist and widening into long sleeves down to her wrists.

  As soon as I’m only a few steps into the room, she turns around and faces me. My gaze drops momentarily, catching the way her top dips low in a square neckline, exposing her perfect tits, that creamy skin glowing against the pale blue of her shirt.

  Fuck. Fuck.

  The swell of her chest is just as tempting as the vein pulsing at the side of her throat. So many places I’d love to take sweet sips from.

  My stomach growls, loudly, and her eyes drop at the clearly audible fucking sound. I clear my throat instead to mask it, and in that moment realize how Skilla and I are both matching in color today. My own top a tight, light blue T-shirt that clings to my chest and waist tightly.

  “Hi,” she speaks. The single, simple word working over me headier than any touch I’ve ever experienced.

  She’s nervous, and fuck I love that.

  Goddamn, stay focused.

  “We’re going back to your house today.” I ignore her greeting, shifting my gaze and looking past her as I stride easily to the other side of the room. She follows my lead, knowing exactly what to do now that she’s adjusted to this place a bit more. “We need to gather the rest of your necessities. Anything you want to keep, more clothes, important objects. I’m not aware of your step-brother’s schedule. But we’ll confront him when we arrive if he’s there.”

  “Wait, what?” Her voice is clipped, already irritated at I’m assuming my lack of connection and greeting when I entered the room. I have to remain distant from her, for reasons she won’t understand. But it’s only for her safety that I treat her this way. “I don’t want to see Rowan.”

  “Don’t worry about him, he means nothing,” I reply easily, keeping my tone casual even while my mind replays all the many ways I’d love to skin him alive and watch him die for the ways he’s touched her. “We have…many things to discuss today.” My words hesitate for a moment, knowing we’re coming close to a conversation I don’t even fully understand yet.


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