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Alien Warrior's Baby (Scifi Alien Romance) (Zoran Warriors Book 2)

Page 4

by Luna Hunter

  I stretch out, throwing the covers to the side, my muscles a bit sore from the cramped bed – not that I mind. I rest my hands under my head, exposing my naked frame to Kaitlyn.

  “Come on, you,” she says, slapping me with a towel. “Put that thing away.”

  Her eyes are glued to my naked cock. It’s fully hard and brimming with energy.

  “This?” I ask, flexing my muscles. “You’ll have to help me with that.”

  She smiles playfully at me. “Don’t tempt me.” Even her ears are now burning bright red as she tries to look away. Unsuccessfully. “I’ll open the door, you know,” she says.

  “Do it.”

  “You’ll have to walk to the bathroom like this then.”

  “I will.”

  “You won’t.”

  “Try me.”

  “What if Emma or Karen sees you?”

  I shrug. “They’ll see what perfection looks like.”

  Kaitlyn rolls her eyes, but her smile doesn’t leave her lips. “When did you become this cocky?”

  “I see what you did there,” I smirk. “You don’t become a general without being confident in your abilities.” I hop off out of bed and within a few steps, I’m face to face with Kaitlyn. I press my hands against the walls behind her, towering over her, my cock only a fraction of an inch away from her.

  “And I’m very confident in my abilities,” I growl.

  She places her hand on the back of my neck, and involuntarily I wince when her fingers brush against the bullet-wound that’s still there.

  “Oh my god, I forgot all about that,” she says. “I’m so sorry!”

  “It’s not a problem.”

  “Of course it’s a problem, you have a bullet lodged in your shoulder,” she says, hitting my chest with her open palm. “Why didn’t you remind me? We’ll remove it right now. We have no idea if it’s poisoned or not.”

  “I’m telling you, it’s not a problem. It’s not the first time—”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” she says, shushing me.

  When she’s set her mind on something, she can be as headstrong as a true Zoran General.

  I wrap a towel around my waist, giving in to her persistent demands, and she guides me to the bathroom, still wearing nothing but her underwear. She sits me down on the edge of the tub while she searches for medical supplies.

  “Really, it’s not an issue—”

  She raises her hand to shush me as she starts her work.

  “I’m not a certified medic,” she says, “but I have some experience operating in the field.”

  “Really?” I ask. “I had no idea.”

  “You don’t know everything about me,” she says. “Now sit still, or this’ll hurt.”

  I can’t help but laugh. She has no idea the kind of pain I’ve been subject to over the years. “I think I can take a little—ow.” I wince.

  “See? Sit still, you bull-headed alien.”

  Arguing with her is useless. I let her do her work, and I’m a surprised to find her medical skills are more than adequate. When she’s removed the bullet she sprays my wound with medi-gel, and it heals instantly.

  “There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  I run my hand over my skin. I have to admit, it feels a lot better than before. The incessant, painful throbbing sensation that plagued me is now gone.

  “Thank you.”

  Kaitlyn shrugs her shoulders. She turns on the shower and runs her hands under the streaming water, washing my blood off. “We’re far from even, but consider this a first step.”

  “You don’t have to repay me,” I say as I stand up.

  I let the towel around my waist drop. Kaitlyn’s eyes follow the action, seeking out my member once more. I step under the hot stream, though I’m taller than the showerhead. I let the water rain down on my muscled chest, the droplets clinging to my form.

  “Join me.”

  Kaitlyn raises her eyebrows at me, but she doesn’t move away. Instead, she slides the straps of her bra down her shoulders, baring her large breasts to me. A second later she steps out of her panties, and for the first time I drink in the sight of her naked form.

  And I thought I was pretty close to perfection…

  She’s got her arms crossed over her chest, a hot red blush on her cheeks as she avoids my inquisitive gaze.

  I reach out and grab her hand, pulling her body close to mine, under the pounding water. My cock brushes against her stomach, and my hands travel to her large breasts.

  They are warm and soft, and I love the way they feel in my palms.

  A second later I crush her lips with mine. I can’t get enough of the feeling of her skin on mine, of her scent all over me, of the way she moans softly into my mouth as my hands explore her body. Her hands circle my member, her fingers barely wrapping around my girth.

  I’m not letting anything stop me from taking what is mine.

  I lift her right off her feet, my hands cupping her curvy ass, my fingers digging into her soft skin. I lift her all the way up, so that my mouth is level with her wonderful, intoxicating pussy.

  “What are you doing?” Kaitlyn cries out, holding onto the showerhead with her hands as I run my tongue straight over her seam.

  I love her taste.

  Her cries are replaced by moans as I tongue her, exploring every last bit of her with my mouth. I can’t get enough of her. I find her swollen clit, and I brush my tongue against it.

  Every time I do so, she sucks in a sharp breath. I pick up speed, flicking the tip of my tongue against the pulsing nub, and in less than a minute I have her entire body trembling with pleasure.

  I lower her down and she wraps her arms around my broad neck, our tongues intertwining. I press her back against the wall, and she guides me into her.

  One thrust later and I’m inside her.

  “Careful,” she gasps, resting the palm of her hand on the plane of my chest. “You’re big.”

  I go slow, adjusting to the wonderful feeling of being one with her.

  Her fingers trace the back of my neck, our eyes locked. I see the lust burning inside her chestnut colored eyes, and I know exactly what she wants. What we both want.

  I fuck her.


  With her back pressed firmly against the wall I hammer into her, picking up speed with every thrust. She bites down on her bottom lip to stop herself from screaming, but she can’t stop herself.

  The sounds of our lovemaking bounces off the tiled walls, and I crush her mouth with mine to silence her lustful cries. Every moan, every sigh, every sound that leaves her lips turns me on more, and I feel my cock swell as my orgasm approaches.

  I forget everything. All our problems, our struggles, our fight for survival. For a second, there’s nothing else in this universe except for her and me.

  I never want this moment to end.

  With a thunderous roar I explode inside of her, the feeling overloading all of my senses as I fill her with my hot load. I feel her contract and come on my cock, our tongues intertwining, as she moans into my mouth.

  “Holy sh—” she says, gasping for air. “You weren’t kidding, were you?”

  I can’t help but smirk. My chest rises with every breath, and I rest my forehead against hers. She rubs her nose against mine. I want this moment to last forever, but I know it can’t.

  I kiss her hard. I want to enjoy one more moment together with her before we have to face the reality that we’re being chased. I feel my heart pulse with energy as I kiss her. For the first time in my life, I feel a twinge of fear grip my insides. I no longer just want to save Kaitlyn because it’s the right thing to do.

  I want to save her because I need her.



  “Pass me the tomatoes, dear.”

  With my cheeks burning as bright as one of them, I hand my aunt Karen the bowl of tomatoes. She has prepared a delicious breakfast for us. The table is filled with freshly grown vegetables, and they’re j
uicier than anything I’ve eaten in the last year.

  Repli-food is easy and cheap, but nothing beats a home-grown meal. Tending your own garden has become somewhat of a lost art, and I’ll be the first to admit I don’t have any green fingers. Karen, however, has some kind of secret power, for her crops never seem to fail.

  Karen and Emma were patiently waiting for us, having prepared this lavish meal, while Tyr and I were… engaged in extracurricular activities, so to speak. I didn’t dare to look either of them in the eye when we joined them at the table.

  If they heard my screams I’ll die of embarrassment.

  I’m an adult. I have my place, my own job. (Well, I had one, before this whole mess.) Who I sleep with is my own business. Even if it is with a tall, broad-shouldered, bronzed-skin Zoran with fiery eyes that seem to burn for me alone. I shouldn’t be feeling like some love-struck teenager, with my stomach fluttering and my nerves jangling, but for some reason I do.

  Maybe it’s because aunt Karen is like a second mother to me, and no one can embarrass you like family. Or maybe it’s because I’m catching feelings for Tyr, and that scares the bejeezus out of me.

  He squeezes my knee under the table, and the touch sends another jolt straight through my every nerve.

  Get it together, Kate. Yes, that was the best lay of your life. Yes, he has the body of a god, and he knows exactly how to use it. Yes, when he touches you, time seems to stand still. But remember – he’s a warrior at heart, and soon, he’ll be back on his ship heading to other side of the galaxy, and you’ll just be one of his conquests.

  That is, if both of you even make it out of this alive.

  “Did you sleep well?” Emma asks.

  I look up to find her grinning at me, as if to say, you go girl.

  “Fine,” I answer. “Could you… turn on the news?”

  My aunt Karen wrinkles her nose at me. “I’d rather not ruin the mood. Let’s talk about something else. Tyr, tell us a bit about yourself, dear.”

  Tyr looks at me for help, and I just shrug. Yes, you big bronzed alien, part of your time on Earth will be spent having awkward dinner conversation with the relatives of the girl you just made scream her lungs out.

  “My name is Tyr,” he says.

  “We know,” Emma says with a teasing grin.

  Sure, make fun of my alien boyfriend, why don’t you, I thought.

  Wait. Did I just call him my boyfriend?

  “I’m from Exon Prime, over a million clicks away. I’ve spent all my life in the Zoran military, fighting for the empire. I’ve lead troops into battle on Corsei VI, on Minkel V, on the moons of Syntar. Now, my travels have brought me here.”

  He stops to think for a second, holding a tomato in the palm of his hand, as he gazes at it.

  “And this toh-mah-toe is one of the most wonderful things I’ve tasted.”

  Us three woman burst out laughing, surprised that this galaxy-trotting warlord could be awed by a simple tomato. He raises his eyebrows at me, asking me if he said something wrong, and I smile reassuringly at him.

  “What brought you to Earth in the first place?” Emma asks, resting her chin on the palm of her hand. “Before, you know, all of this happened.”

  Tyr pushes his shoulders back, his fiery eyes staring off into the distance.

  “Our empire was built on lies,” he says after a moment of silence. “Our Emperor, our High Command, they were poisoning us. They stopped caring for the people, they were only interested in their own gain. I rose up, along with General Vinz, whom I think you know of.”

  Emma and Karen nodded.

  “Some Senators escaped judgement, and I tracked one to Earth. That’s what brought me here.”

  Emma shivers. “That’s a scary thought,” she says. “One of those guys could be hiding right here on Earth?”

  Tyr nodded, his face as unmoving as granite.

  “I’m certain of it, in fact. The shipments, the explosion, the soldiers. It all has to be connected to Gorgi.”

  “Do you want to stay here, perhaps?” Karen tries. “I could use an extra hand, and we’ve got plenty of room. We’ll wait for this to blow over.” She puts on a cheerful smile, but I know there’s no walking away from this.

  “Thanks, auntie, but we can’t. I appreciate all you’ve done for us, but we’ve got to keep moving. If we stay here, we’ll only endanger you.”

  “Nonsense,” Karen fusses. “No one will be taking anything from my property, dear.”

  While the idea of my aunt fighting off a squadron of heavily-armed soldiers with her handbag amuses me, it’s not something I hope to see.

  “Kaitlyn’s right,” Tyr says. “It’s time we take the fight to them. No more running.”

  “How are you going to do that?” Emma asks.

  “First we have to know what our enemy knows,” Tyr says. “So turn on the news.”

  I take a deep breath. Watching all my former colleagues badmouth me is not something I’m looking forward to, but Tyr’s right. We have to know what’s happening, so that we can act.

  Emma turns on the holo-feed, and Central News’s familiar intro tune plays.

  That sound used to mean something to me, but not anymore.

  The image of Megan Martingale appears, looking as crisp and businesslike as ever, and she’s joined in her New Atlanta studio by the holographic image of Philip Jenkins, the editor-in-chief of Central News.

  And also my direct boss.

  His long face is even thinner than usual, as if he’d barely slept or eaten. He scowls as he spouts lie after lie, all of them concerning me.

  “There’d always been something off about Kaitlyn,” he says. “I always got this strange sense, like she couldn’t be trusted.”

  My aunt Karen can’t bear to hear another word. She gets up to clean the table, muttering under her breath about what a bad man my boss is. Bless her heart.

  “What do you think drove her to this act?” Martingale asks him, her face betraying no hint of emotion.

  Jenkins frowns. “I have no idea. Can we ever truly understand such dangerous fanatics? Somehow, the Zorans must have gotten a hold on her, and—”

  Tyr shuts the news-feed off.

  “I think we have our lead,” he says. “Someone’s definitely under a Zoran hold, but it’s not you.”

  “What, Jenkins?” I say. “You think he’s involved?”

  Tyr nods decisively. “I saw it in the way he shifted his eyes. He’s hiding something.”

  “He did look rather awful,” Emma says.

  “If he’s behind the failed attempts on our lives, then I’m sure he’s got some explaining to do to his superiors. That would explain his stress, his malnourishment, his lack of sleep. Every moment we walk free is another failure on his part.”

  I could barely wrap my head around it. I’d never been fond of Mr. Jenkins, but I never thought him capable of such heinous crimes either. Tyr, however, seemed certain in his judgement.

  I realize it was Mr. Jenkins who sent me up to the Vonnegut in the first place…

  “We can also assume those soldiers tracked us due to your Central News-badge, so that proves they are, in the very least, complicit. Their reporting, well, it speaks for itself.”

  “My badge…” I say. Suddenly, things are clicking.

  All eyes turn to me. “Yes?”

  “It’s also a camera,” I say. “I used it to record my talk with Tobias, and I forgot to shut it off. It could have recorded something in the cargo bay, something that they don’t want to get out!”

  Emma claps in her hands from excitement, a wide grin on her face.

  Tyr raises his eyebrows. “That’s very good,” he says. “Do you have the recording on you?”

  “Unfortunately not,” I say. “It streams directly to a cloud server, operated by Central News. Safety precaution, incase anything happens to the reporter. You can only access it from inside their building.” I run my hand through my hair, racking my brain for a way out of this mess. “P
lus, I doubt my log-in credentials still work.”

  “You don’t think they would have simply deleted the footage?” Tyr asks.

  “I’m sure they tried,” I answer, “but the whole system is designed to prevent that very thing from happening. It’s built from the ground-up to make sure that no footage ever gets lost. This means it may be hard to find… but I’m positive it’s still out there.”

  “So let’s go get it,” Tyr says.

  I laugh. “Just march into Central News and demand they hand it over? I don’t think that’ll go over well.”

  “There’s a way in,” Tyr says. “One way or another, we’re getting into that building and we’re accessing those files.”

  I love his determination and conviction. It’s infectious, and I’m starting to believe him. The stars will have to align for us to pull it all off, though.

  “How do we even get to New Atlanta?”

  “You’re a reporter, you must have some contacts,” Tyr says. “Use them.”

  He’s right. There’s one person I could call on.

  Mark’s not going to be happy about this.

  “Well, I’ll be darned. It really is you.”

  Mark squints at me, shielding the sun from his eyes.

  “Who’d you think?” I say. “Thanks for coming.”

  “I don’t make a habit out of aiding the most wanted people on the damn planet, but… I had to make an exception for you,” he says with a wink.

  I sent an encrypted message to Mark using Emma’s com, asking for his help, and I thank the stars he managed to decipher my code and show up here, several states away, with his own ship not long after. I hug him tightly. He’s putting everything on the line for me, all because he trusts me, and I can’t thank him enough.

  “Ah, that must be the General.”

  Tyr walks up to Mark, his shoulders squared, his jaw clenched. He had the same look when he saw Commander Tobias – he’s sizing Mark up. The bronzed alien relaxes and shakes Mark’s hand, and I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

  “This is your ship?” Tyr asks, pointing at the scrappy looking vehicle that is parked in front of the farm.


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