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Bad Boy Brother

Page 29

by Chance Carter

  He had been so worked up, and denied his pleasure for so long, that he came harder than he could ever remember and when he was done, he had to lay still for several minutes to recover.

  Alice was getting to him and he wanted her in the worst way. This was clear to him. He was certain they would be lovers and she would give him autonomy with her money to build the Equine Center. She wouldn’t see the betrayal coming because he would keep her wet, hot, and distracted. He could see it unfolding in front of him, and so it would be.

  Chapter 9


  Alice was pleased with the progress on the Equine Arena. They were deep into the third week of construction and it was starting to look like an actual building. Billy had promised her it would be completed by the end of the summer, and as far as she knew he had everything right on schedule and on budget.

  Having the arena up and running before winter would allow them to rent it out over the cooler, wet months so people could train their horses in a climate controlled environment. Already people in the county were buzzing about the changes and inquiries were coming in. Everyone was excited.

  Except Joe.

  He was struggling with the changes around the ranch. He liked things the way they were and for years he was happy with the status quo. It was her ranch, but Alice knew that Joe took just as much pride in it as she did. He treated it as if it were his own and had since the day he arrived as a fresh-faced teenager all those years back.

  After her parents died, Joe told her he would always be there for her and she knew he meant it. He wasn’t a sociable man and didn’t have much of an interest in anything but ranching, in spite of Alice’s encouragement to go out and meet someone. He would always just shake his head and brush her off. He was married to the ranch, as far as Alice could tell.

  The morning after she and Billy had first been intimate, she approached Joe in the equipment shed and asked him to have chat with her. She wanted to let him know of her plans for the ranch and give him a chance to share his input. She respected him too much to move forward without giving him the heads up.

  She reminded him of the work she and her dad had done years ago, drawing up blueprints and putting a plan together. She said she thought it was time to go forward with it.

  Joe wasn’t happy. She had known him a long time, and although he wasn’t one to show a great deal of emotion either way, she could tell that he was opposed to the idea. He asked her what was wrong with the way things were. Between the two of them they were running things just fine. Alice explained that she was tired of things being just fine and that just fine was quickly turning into a struggle. The ranch was no longer turning a profit and it was starting to eat away at her savings. She felt that within five years there wouldn’t be much left and she wanted to invest in a business model that would generate increased profits year after year and keep them all working and happy.

  Joe still wasn’t convinced, and at first Alice had mixed feelings. She wanted him to be on board and embrace the idea. She wanted his blessing. She explained to him that Billy had experience in construction and had been a General Contractor on several projects in the past. He thought the idea was solid. They already had the plan in place, all they had to do was start building.

  At the mention of Billy’s name, Joe became quite agitated. He didn’t trust him, he said. It seemed so suspicious that a man who knew nothing about horses or ranching ended up on their land, and now all of a sudden he was in construction? If he was a General Contractor, what the hell was he doing working as a temp, hoofing it on farms and ranches? Didn’t Alice find that at all strange?

  In fact, it had crossed her mind, she told him. The truth was, she was starting to wonder if Billy had been sent to her by her parents and if all this was unfolding as some sort of Divine or universal plan.

  In all the time that he had known her, she asked him, when had she ever been impulsive or reckless? He agreed that she was a logical woman, which was why he was concerned that maybe she was being persuaded by Billy.

  At first Alice was offended by Joe’s opinion, but then she wondered if he felt threatened by Billy. He had been acting a lot more territorial since Billy arrived. His attitude was subtle of course, but Alice knew Joe well enough to sense the shift in him.

  She didn’t tell him that of course. She was far too diplomatic to do that. Instead she assured him that everything would be fine and that he needed to trust her. She would make sure that they would all be ok.

  He just grumbled something unintelligible under his breath and nodded his assent. She knew change was difficult for Joe, but she also knew that he would eventually adjust. At least she hoped he would.

  She connected with Billy later that same day. He came bounding into her office with a huge grin on his face. He had just been inside the paddock and Misty had actually come over to him with her young colt Solomon towing behind her. For the last few weeks, Misty had kept her distance from Billy and if he did have to approach, she would always stand between him and her baby. This time, he told her, she didn’t guard Sol. She let him approach and pet the youngster. He couldn’t explain why, but he felt honored.

  Billy’s enthusiasm was so genuine that Alice couldn’t help but be even more drawn to him, especially when he leaned in over her desk and planted a delicious, spontaneous kiss on her lips. It felt so natural and comfortable and for a moment Alice could see a lifetime of kisses ahead of them, but she also knew that he was leaving in a few months and she needed to enjoy him in the moment and not get lost in unrealistic fantasies.

  She asked him to pull up a chair and sit down. Her conversation with Joe earlier that day had her thinking more about Billy. While she was grateful for his encouragement and his offer to help, was he qualified? And why wasn’t he using his skills instead of working on her ranch? She was starting to realize that while he knew a whole lot about her, she really knew very little about him.

  Granted, there were still important things she had yet to share with him, but still. Alice wasn’t much for sugar coating anything, especially when it came to business. She asked him directly why he wasn’t in construction anymore when that seemed to be the thing that lit him up. Why was he moving around from one place to the next? Billy didn’t seem surprised at all by her questions and in fact seemed quite comfortable responding to her.

  He told her that he had spent many years working in construction, and was skilled in most of the trades, but he felt restless. He ended up doing a large job in a new winery in Napa, building it essentially from the ground up. During that time, he grew close with the owners, a husband and wife team, and built a tight friendship. They spent many hours chatting over long dinners and many bottles of wine, about the winery and the business.

  After his job was done, Billy decided to stay on and work for them in the winery. He did everything, from picking the grapes, to managing the fermentation tanks, right on up to the bottling. He loved it. Unfortunately, he had a falling out with his friends.

  After Alice gently pressed him to explain, Billy went on to tell her that over the course of a few years he had developed a very close bond with them, but the wife misread his friendly affection for more. She confessed that she was in love with him and even tried to seduce him.

  Billy admitted that he was attracted to her, but he wasn’t in love and the truth was, he would never come between a man and his wife. He needed to move on.

  Rather than go back into construction, he stayed in Napa County and used his new skills to work at the different wineries, eventually making his way north. He confessed that he enjoyed moving around and meeting new people, and since he didn’t have a family or any ties, it just worked for him.

  Alice was grateful to learn more about Billy, but she was also curious about his family. She asked him about his parents or if he had any siblings. He got quiet, and said that he didn’t want to talk about them. As curious as Alice was, she also respected his boundaries and didn’t push. He would talk to her about that when he was
ready, she thought. He seemed relieved when she dropped the subject.

  Alice asked him if he was sure he wanted to take on the job and he assured her that nothing would make him happier than helping her, that she could count on him.

  She believed him and asked him what he needed. He told her to give him a few days to look over the plans and put together a budget and then they could talk about the next steps. Then he kissed her again, taking his damn sweet time about it. She loved every minute of it and would have let him take her right there on her dusty old desk had he not pried himself away, reminding her that they still had work to do.

  She also recognized that it would be best if they were discreet, especially since Joe seemed so skittish. She wanted to give him time to get used to the changes. He didn’t need to witness public displays of affection. No one did. She asked Billy if he would respect that and he wholeheartedly agreed. And then he kissed her again.

  True to his word Billy brought her the budget a few days later. It looked thorough to her. He took his time explaining each penny, from materials and tool rentals, right down to the labor and cushion for incidentals. He said he called some guys he trusted to see who was available and was confident that he could pull a team together by the end of the week. The crew would stay in the lodge, he explained, which would work out well for everyone.

  Less travel time meant more work time, and she could factor their accommodations into their earnings. Alice was impressed with how quickly Billy was able to pull it all together. She loved his work ethic.

  They decided it would be easier for them both if Alice didn’t have to write individual checks for every payment or invoice, and just allowing Billy to handle the budget. He offered her his bank account information and she electronically transferred him the first installment. It was a lot of money, but she was excited that her vision was coming to life. She hoped her dad would be proud of her.

  For weeks, Billy had been busy pulling the project together and supervising his team. Although Alice knew Billy was a hardworking man, she was seeing a whole new side of him. He was proving himself a natural leader and seemed to command a lot of respect from the crew. Alice found herself more attracted to him. The problem was, she didn’t get to spend much time with him because he was so focused, and aside from a few hot, stolen kisses, they hadn’t been together since that first time almost a month earlier.

  Alice finished the last of her chores in the barn and slipped into her office to do a bit of paperwork. Despite all the construction activity, business had to go on. She was leaning over her desk looking over some invoices when she felt a warm body behind her, pressing up against her, and then masculine arms wrapping around her. She let out a little moan, enjoying the quick volt of electricity to her groin. Billy kissed her neck softly.

  “You look good bent over that desk, woman,” he teased, whispering in her ear.

  Alice smiled softly to herself, enjoying the moment of affection. She could feel Billy’s thighs pressing against her, his erection swelling against her ass.

  “You like that do you?” she asked, laying herself flatter against her desk, her curvy ass displayed prominently for him.

  Billy let out a desperate groan, deep from his throat.

  “My gawd, don’t tease me like that,” he growled as he lay his body over hers.

  Alice giggled.

  ‘Who is teasing?” she flirted, then added, “Is that a hammer in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?”

  Billy laughed and kissed her exposed neck, then gently sunk his teeth into her flesh, sending a shiver down her spine. He pressed closer to her, grinding himself into her.

  “Not a hammer. Do you have time for a short break?” he whispered seductively in her ear.

  Alice nodded her assent.

  “Go lock the door,” she urged, her voice cracking with pleasure.

  Billy eased himself away from Alice and did as she asked, returning quickly to find she had turned herself around to face him. He wrapped his hands behind her head and pulled her into a desperate kiss, as though he couldn’t wait even one more second to devour her. Alice melted into him, her body responding quickly to his passion. She ran her hands down his back to his ass and pulled him in closer to her, his hardness a rigid contrast to her softness.

  He pressed her into the desk urging her to sit down and encouraging her legs open with his thighs. She opened herself to him, enjoying the sensation of his swollen cock against her clothed clit. He placed his hands under her thighs, lifting her bottom up so that he could easily rub himself against her. Alice moaned her approval. Billy pulled back from his kiss and he looked into her eyes.

  “I want you, Alice,” he confessed, his words deep with need. “I need to be inside of you. Now.”

  Alice met his gaze, her breath quickening. She nodded and lifted her chin for him to kiss her again. She wanted him too and she didn’t want to let this moment pass.

  Billy laid her back on the desk and opened her shirt with one swift motion, sending the buttons flying. Alice giggled and helped him with the button of her jeans, just as anxious as he was. He

  buried his face against her chest, kissing the curves of her breasts that were expertly plumped up by her lacy bra. He pulled the material down on each side, exposing her nipples for his hungry mouth.

  The sensation of his warm tongue sent a quiver down her spine to her juicy, eager center. She was soaking wet and ready for him.

  “Billy, I can’t wait another second. Please, just fuck me,” she urged.

  He lifted his head and looked at her, a devilish smile forming on his lips.

  “Ask me again,” he teased, playfully sadistic.

  Alice squirmed underneath him, her body aching to be filled.

  “Fuck me,” she said again, her hands squeezing his ass.

  Billy chuckled and rubbed his hard cock against her, the seam of her jeans offering irresistible pressure against her swollen clit. Her pleasure surged in her gut and she could feel herself close to cumming.

  “Say it again,” he growled, rubbing, rubbing, rubbing her mound.

  Alice gasped, his voice, his words, his intention fueling her desire. She held his ass tightly against her, urging him not to stop, as her orgasm surged only seconds away.

  “Beg me, Alice,” he whispered into her ear, hot and dirty.

  She needed no more encouragement as she finally released, the spasms exploding from deep in her core, soaking her panties right through to her jeans. She bucked and moaned underneath him, raw and uninhibited, her orgasm deeper and more intense than she had ever experienced before. Billy brought his mouth down on hers hard, and she kissed him through gasping breaths. Seconds later he yanked her boots off and slipped her jeans and wet panties down over her thighs, exposing her swollen pussy.

  The cool air was a sharp contrast against her hot pussy, and she could feel her wetness all the way down her thighs. Billy reached into his pocket and pulled out a condom, then hastily pulled his jeans down over his ass, too anxious to remove them completely. He rolled the condom on, his shaking fingers exposing the intensity of his need.

  He teased her with his cock, pressing it against the lips of her pussy.

  “Enter me,” she whispered.

  He pressed it against her swollen lips and let his head slip inside her.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  He planned on teasing her some more but she reached around and grabbed his buttocks in her hands and pulled him up against her.

  His cock pushed inside her, filling her to the hilt.

  Instantly, he began thrusting in and out of her, his rhythm like that of a slowly accelerating locomotive. Her pussy quivered with every stroke he offered, his eyes never leaving hers as he fucked her, controlled and deliberate. She met his motions in perfect synchronicity, like a sexy, dirty tango.

  “Fuck me hard,” she moaned.

  Looking deep into her eyes, he thrust into her again and again, getting harder and faster with each thrust. He was sl
iding so deep into her that it was as if he were trying to reach for the very core of her body, her very soul.

  She longed to feel the surge of his orgasm as his cock reached deep inside her. She squeezed his butt tighter in her fingers, certain she was leaving marks on his flesh.

  He growled and kissed her passionately, biting her lower lip.

  In response, she squeezed his butt even tighter, digging her nails into the muscular flesh.

  Her passion seemed to inspire a new, deeper, more animalistic fury in him. He lifted her off her feet in his powerful arms and pulled her onto his shaft. She was like a doll in his arms.

  He pulled her forcefully down on his rigid, massive shaft, over and over, and with each thrust, she could feel his cock getting a little bigger, a little thicker, a little more ready to explode inside her.

  She longed for that explosion, for that moment of release, when his ecstasy would pour into her and bring her over the edge. When it finally arrived, it shocked her. She’d never known a man could orgasm so forcefully. His cock poured cum into her pussy so powerfully she could feel the condom stretch and grow inside her. It tickled her, driving her insane with pleasure.

  “Fuck me,” she screamed.

  And he obeyed, cumming inside her over and over, bringing her into a bliss that almost made her faint.

  Chapter 10


  Billy rested his spent body on top of her, his elbows on either side of her. Alice shifted under him and he gently lifted himself up and stood between her legs. He peeled away the condom and tossed it into the trash can under the desk then pulled his jeans back up. Alice lay on the desk, her eyes glowing, a satisfied smile on her face. Billy smiled back and offered her his hand, helping her to sit up. He tried to bend down to pick up her jeans but she reached out and pulled him into an embrace. He held her for a moment, breathing in her scent, a pleasant combination of shampoo, dust and sex.


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