Book Read Free

Bad Boy Brother

Page 76

by Chance Carter

  Paul handed Meadow his phone for her to put in her info. I looked at Kane and rolled my eyes.

  Kane didn’t look back at me. He got up from the table a little hurriedly and went to the bar.

  I watched as Meadow gave her contact info to Paul. I knew the moment I saw her that Paul would be all over her.



  I pretended I didn’t notice Kane leaving the table as I finished typing my number into Paul’s phone. I hit save and handed it back to him.

  “That’s really nice of you, Paul,” I said with a smile and a gentle hand on his arm.

  “No problem. This town is so small that places don’t even get advertised. Usually people just find them through word of mouth, so it’s good to have an in.”

  I casually looked over my shoulder as Sandra and Paul got to talking about the guy who owned the apartment. I scanned the bar, trying to find Kane. I couldn’t be obvious. The last thing I wanted was for Paul and Sandra to pick up on anything.

  I spotted him leaning against the bar, talking to the hot female waitress. A flash of jealousy flowed through me. I quickly turned back to the table, took the last sip from my wine, and put the empty glass down.

  “I don’t know about you two, but I’m about ready for another round,” I said with a forced smile.

  “Great idea,” Sandra said.

  “Yeah, I’m ready too. I don’t mean to judge, but I can’t believe you two are in the best local brewery in California, and you’re drinking wine,” Paul said.

  “I know, I know,” Sandra started. “I love beer too. But today’s a breakthrough day for Meadow and wine, so I had to join her in celebrating.”

  Paul turned to me curiously.

  “A breakthrough day with wine? What does that mean?”

  I felt embarrassed that Sandra had brought up that information. She hadn’t meant to overshare, but the whole thing was pretty personal and I wasn’t about to get into my husband’s affair with Paul. I acted fast to come up with another story.

  “Oh, you know how it goes. One night of overdoing it and it’s hard to even look at the stuff again,” I said, laughing like I was embarrassed about it.

  “Oh, don’t I know it. I still have to pass when the guys have whisky on poker night,” Paul said.

  Sandra and I made eye contact and she gave me a friendly wink. I could tell my secret was safe with her.

  I really felt lucky I’d run into her so quickly after arriving in town. Since the moment I met her, she’d been friendly and welcoming. She was doing an amazing job at making me feel included. If it wasn’t for her, I might not even be staying.

  “All that being said, you do have a point,” Sandra said to Paul. “Did I hear there are some new beers on tap? Maybe I’ll do a flight.”

  Paul jumped on the opportunity. He started listing off the options to Sandra. I was going to stick with wine, so I casually tuned them out. I started to wonder why Kane wasn’t back with us yet. I tried hard to keep myself from looking back at the bar to see if he was still standing there with the sexy waitress.

  Why had he just gotten up and left the table like that?

  Was it because I said I was staying in Pismo Beach?

  Did my staying really make him that upset?

  I started to suspect his type really was out of town women. He was probably mad to find out I wasn’t leaving. I guessed he really meant what he said that morning when he told me I should just go back to where I came from. I was mortified that I just let him fuck me in the bathroom like that.

  Had I just become another notch on the back of the bathroom door for him?

  As my mind raced, I watched Sandra and Paul talking and laughing with each other. It reminded me that there was so much more to Pismo Beach than Kane. In that moment, I decided not to let Kane bully me out of town.

  I was going to focus on the positives.

  I’d made new friends, gotten a new job, and already had a potential apartment lined up. I wasn’t going to fight with Kane anymore. Surely the town was big enough for the both of us.

  Suddenly, I was snapped out of my thoughts by Sandra roaring with laughter.

  “Wait, what are you guys talking about? What did I just miss?”

  “You didn’t hear the joke? Tell it again, Paul,” Sandra said, wiping tears from her eyes.

  “A bear walks into a bar.”

  “Oh no,” I said.

  “Wait, it’s funny,” Sandra assured me.

  “The bartender asks what he wants?” Paul continued. “The bear says, I’ll have a gin … and tonic.”

  I looked at Sandra as I listened.

  “The bartender says, sure, but I have to ask, what’s with the large pause?”

  Paul started laughing as he got ready for the punchline.

  “The bear holds up his paws and says, Oh, I was born with these.”

  I burst out laughing. It was so stupid, but it was cute. Just my type of joke. The voice Paul made and the way he waved his hands around made it even funnier.

  Paul wasn’t just funny, he was adorable too.

  “Oh, Paul, you’re too much,” I said, laughing and grabbing his hands to pull them back down.



  The waitress, Lianna, put our conversation on hold so she could take someone’s order. I turned around just in time to catch Meadow reaching for Paul’s hands. I watched as they laughed and she tried to pull his hands down. He struggled to get away and put them back in the air. They were having a lot of fun without me.

  I wondered why he was flailing his hands like an idiot, then Meadow’s eyes caught mine. I quickly turned back around. I’d seen enough.

  They seemed to be hitting it off, which was fine by me. It was probably for the best. Paul could have her. Actually, I hoped he’d take her. He was charming and she looked like she was into it.

  If they kept getting along, it would take her attention off me.

  I was still coming to terms with the fact she was moving to town permanently. The last thing I needed was a clingy girl hanging around my neck. I was frustrated with myself. On the same day I finally freed myself of female drama, I just had to go and fuck the first piece of ass that caught my eye.

  I didn’t know what I was thinking, taking her in the bathroom like that. It was like my most primal instincts took over. There was a chemical reaction the moment she ran into me. I needed to have her right there and then. There was no stopping myself.

  As much as I regretted getting messed up with another woman, I couldn’t ignore that the sex was amazing. It was like my body knew it before my mind did. It had been years since I felt that sort of sexual chemistry. The pleasure of Meadow’s body was intoxicating.

  She and I struggled to get along, sparks flew every time we were within striking distance of each other, but there was no denying the physical attraction.

  I made a promise to myself not to let it happen again. It was a one time thing, nothing more.

  Taking her in the bathroom, devouring her, cumming inside her, it was something I couldn’t resist. I needed to get it out of my system. But now I could move on.

  I wondered if I was worried about nothing. Maybe she wasn’t the regular clingy type of girl. She hardly said a word to me, let alone even looked at me, during dinner. Paul was getting way more attention from her. I could still hear her and Paul laughing behind me. Maybe when we both told Sandra that we’d forget about the last twenty-four hours, we both really meant it.

  Could it really be so simple?

  Could I really get off so easily?

  Get off so easily!

  I really did get off easily with Meadow. I had to fight like hell not to cum too soon. The moment I slid my dick into her soaking wet pussy, I could feel the sensation throughout my entire body. I never wanted to stop fucking her.

  Forgetting it and moving on was going to be harder for me than I anticipated.

  Plus, I was frustrated that someone tried to get into
the bathroom before we were finished. I hadn’t wanted to rush. If I could have made that little rendezvous last forever, I would have. What frustrated me most was that I didn’t get the chance to make sure Meadow got off too.

  That thought haunted me. How could I let things stand like that?

  The laughter from the table grew louder. I looked over my shoulder to see what was going on. All three of them were laughing hysterically, and this time it was Meadow’s smile that caught my eye. It was bright and beautiful. So bright and beautiful it was becoming contagious.

  I felt a half smile creep onto the left side of my face as I watched her play with her hair. I wanted my hands on her hair again. Then I watched as Paul casually reached up and moved her hair off her shoulder.

  And that’s when a sharp anger flowed through me. I was jealous.

  Me? Jealous? I thought I’d never feel that emotion again.

  Fuck no.

  He couldn’t have her.

  I wasn’t done with her yet.

  Hell, I was just getting warmed up.

  “Hey Lianna, could I get four shots of Tequila?”



  “Oh man, here we go,” Sandra said as Kane approached with four shots of tequila.

  “We need salt,” Paul said, reaching over to the table next to us.

  “And limes,” Sandra said, getting up to run over to the bar.

  Kane made his way around the table, setting the shots down for each of us. He saved mine for last. He stood behind me and I watched from the corner of my eye as his hand reached out and set the tequila in front of me. Suddenly I felt his breath very close to the side of my face.

  “We’re getting out of here,” he whispered in my ear.

  He had my attention.

  “I’m going to leave and five minutes later, you’re leaving too. We’re going to finish what we started.”

  His words caused goosebumps to form all over my body.

  He moved away just as Sandra came barreling back with the limes. I looked at him as he took his seat. He gave me a subtle nod. I nodded back. I knew at that moment I was about to experience the longest five minutes of my life.

  “Great idea with the shots,” Paul said.

  Kane said nothing back.

  I looked at the shot in front of me. Truth be told, I’d never done a shot of Tequila in my life. Shots of any type of alcohol weren’t a thing that the women in my world did. I couldn’t let them find out though. I was sure if I did, they’d have me trying every shot in the bar. I did not want to be the center of attention.

  I watched as Sandra and Paul licked their hands and salted them. I wondered why Kane wasn’t doing the same.

  It seemed odd, but I followed their lead. As I licked my hand, I glanced up and caught Kane watching me. I liked that he was watching. I slowed my licking, giving him a subtle smirk as my tongue slid across the length of my hand.

  “What should we toast to?” Sandra said.

  “Yeah, what’s the occasion?” Paul said.

  “No occasion,” Kane answered.

  “How about we toast Meadow? Officially welcome her to our little town,” Sandra said, holding her shot in the air.

  “Great idea,” Paul said, holding up his shot too.

  I looked at Kane.

  “Sure,” he said, giving me a private wink.

  I couldn’t help letting a grin cross my face.

  “You guys have been so wonderful to me. You’re making me blush,” I said, raising my glass.

  We clinked glasses and before Paul and Sandra had finished licking the salt on their hands, Kane slammed his empty shot glass on the table. A little behind everyone else, I licked my salt and drank the shot.

  “Ugh, what the fuck? That’s awful,” I blurted.

  Sandra and Paul burst out laughing, and while not as obvious, even Kane couldn’t keep a smile off his face.

  I cringed as the Tequila burned its way down my throat. I started to cough and gag as my eyes filled with tears. They all laughed even harder, but Sandra tried to get her laughter under control.

  “Here, here. Suck on this,” she said, handing me a lime.

  I put it in my mouth and felt some relief.

  Kane stood up. I got nervous that my display of amateur tequila drinking might have turned him off me. I looked up at him and he was still smiling. He looked so sexy, with his muscles stretching the cotton of his shirt. From the sly look he gave me, I knew our plan was still on.

  “I hate to do shots and run,” Kane said, “but if we’re doing this trip to Big Sur tomorrow, I really need to get into the shop first thing.”

  He tossed down money for his share of the bill.

  “You guys are going to Big Sur?” Sandra said, but they didn’t answer.

  “Need me to come in to help with anything in the morning?” Paul said.

  “Nah. Should be fine. I’ll meet you guys up there in the afternoon.”

  Sandra stood and gave Kane a hug. I sat there awkwardly, not knowing how to acknowledge his departure.

  Should I hug him too?

  Or pretend I didn’t notice?

  Or perhaps a firm handshake?

  Why did I have to be so awkward? I overthought every detail.

  “Welcome to Pismo Beach, Meadow,” Kane said, as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

  His hand felt large, strong and manly on my shoulder. I smiled and thanked him, trying my best to act normal.

  “Did you see that?” Sandra said.

  “See what?” I asked immediately.

  “I knew you and Kane would get along. See what I told you? He’s a good guy,” she said, as the waitress brought new drinks for the three of us.

  “I’d say. There certainly was some heat between you two,” Paul added.

  “What heat? When? There’s no heat between us,” I said, too eagerly.

  Paul looked at Sandra like I was crazy. “Umm. Last night there definitely was, and apparently there was another blowout this morning.”

  “Oh, right. That. Well, don’t you remember? We told Sandra we’d forget everything and start fresh,” I said, feeling very grateful Sandra had made that suggestion.

  They both laughed and Sandra changed the subject. I was relieved. I reached into my purse to check the time on my phone. I figured it had already been a minute since Kane left, which left me with four more minutes of acting like nothing was going on. I put my phone away and tried to join the conversation.

  I was looking at them, following their facial cues, but I had no idea what they were talking about. They started laughing and looked to me, so I laughed too and took a sip of my wine. They carried on talking and I reached for my phone again.

  Three more minutes.

  I squirmed in my seat. My pussy was already getting wet, just from the anticipation of getting the Kane treatment again.

  I debated just leaving. The waiting was killing me. I worried if I left too soon after Kane, they might catch on to us. Plus, Kane would probably think I was desperate.

  I wasn’t desperate. This was his idea. Maybe I’d make him wait. I’d just gotten the new glass of wine. I should at least stay long enough to finish it.

  But what if he didn’t think I was coming and left without me. I checked my phone again.

  Screw it.

  “I should really call it a night,” I said.

  “But you’ve still got a whole glass of wine,” Paul said.

  “I know, but I’m still recovering from that tequila,” I said.

  They both laughed.

  “Plus, I’m pretty exhausted after my first day of working, ever. I want to make sure I’m well rested for tomorrow.”

  “Fair enough,” Sandra said. “I’m excited to work with you again. Don’t worry about your drinks. I’ve got this.”

  We hugged and I opened my purse to leave money, even though she’d told me not to. Paul put his hand on mine to stop me.

  “You’re not paying tonight, Meadow. Let me treat y
ou, as a welcome to Pismo Beach and a congratulations on your new job,” he said, still holding my hand.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I insist. You get out of here and go rest,” he said, letting go of my hand so he could give me a hug.

  I thanked them both, then hurried toward the exit, practically tripping myself up in my haste. I checked the time one last time, and with a minute to spare, popped into the ladies room. The ladies room where Kane and I started what we were about to finish!

  I did another hair flip, touched up my eyeliner and added fresh coats of lipstick and gloss. I glanced down and my cheeks went bright red again when I noticed a perfect and quite obvious print of my ass cheeks on the bathroom counter. I smirked as my mind flashed back to Kane putting me up there and fucking me like a stallion.

  If I kept him around, I might never have to wear blush again!



  I walked out the door of the brewery and before I could look around to find Kane, I was yanked by the hand and pulled into a narrow alley. I had no time to react. Before I knew what was happening, I was up against the brick wall, kissing him passionately.

  It felt like I was being rewarded for successfully waiting those five agonizing minutes.

  Kane placed his left hand on the back of my head, tilting my face toward his and at the same time lifting me to my toes. Our kiss was intense and I steadied myself by holding on to the waist of his firm surfer body. He wrapped his other hand behind me and held me close by the small of my back. His hands on me felt amazing as we continued to kiss in the darkness.

  A rowdy group came out of the brewery but we ignored them, continuing our kiss secretly in the shadows.

  My pussy was wet with desire and anticipation. It had been so long since I’d simply made out with someone, especially in an alley. I felt like I could kiss him there for hours and be happy. As he continued to kiss me, he reached with both hands and firmly squeezed my breasts. I could tell he had more in mind than just making out.

  The crowd of people were still by the brewery door and I broke our kiss to see if we’d been spotted.

  “Relax, they can’t see us here.”

  He gently moved my face back to meet his and pressed his lips against mine again. I melted into him and the rest of the world disappeared. His kisses began to slowly inch away from my mouth. He kissed me on the cheek as his hand pulled the neck of my shirt down just slightly. Then he began to slowly kiss along my collar bone. His lips were soft and his kisses were passionate and frenzied.


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