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The Barque of Heaven

Page 34

by Stargate

  "You're probably right, Major." O'Neill sighed. "Let's try and get some sense out of this munchkin.... Where the hell is he?"

  They looked around, surprised to find Bes suddenly some distance away in the grass, standing among tables laden with food of all descriptions. Tempting scents drifted toward them.

  "Is that food?" Daniel Jackson started for the tables, drawn like a marionette on a string. Teal'c was one pace behind him, floral adornments nodding in the breeze, stomach loudly proclaiming its readiness to be filled. Even his symbiote was flipping excitedly at the prospect of a meal by proxy.

  Daniel paused, indecision swamping him as he gazed at the enormous selection of food on the tables.

  "Do you think it's safe?" Sam asked, somehow having arrived first.

  Jack flung his hands out. "Don't ask me, Carter. I stopped understanding anything about this place when we turned into walking flower arrangements."

  Teal'c scooped up a large pastry. "This is quite similar to those Drey'auc cooked for me when I returned home from battle." He took a huge bite, savoring the flavors flooding his mouth.

  The others were likewise enchanted with their food. It was some time before they slowed and looked up from their banquet. Bes was standing close by, a sad look now crinkling his features.

  Picking up a pot of fragrant curry, Daniel moved over to him and knelt in front of the little man. "Bes, who are you? Why are you here?"

  "I am Keeper of the Barque. I am the Welcomer. I am the Bearer of the Lord Ra's Burdens."

  "Right. Well, obviously you don't know, but Ra is dead. It happened three and a half years ago, which probably doesn't mean anything to you, but it's been a while now. If Ra was keeping you here against your will, you're free now. You can leave."

  Bes stared at him, head cocked. "Is the food to your liking?"

  "Uh, yes, of course, it's fantastic. Did you understand me? Ra is dead."

  "I provide the reward to the successful supplicants. So many fail. I sometimes watch them. It is nice to speak to people." He blinked sadly at Daniel for a moment, then his expression changed, slowly morphing into thoughtfulness. "Ra is more powerful than you imagine, dear ones. Death is beyond him."

  Sam crouched next to Daniel and patted Bes's gnarled arm. "How long have you been here, Bes?"

  "Our rebellion failed," he replied.

  Sam and Daniel traded puzzles glances at the non sequitur. "What rebellion?"

  "The First World was such a beautiful place. The people were very loving. But they were beaten down by Ra's rule. I could not bear to see them suffer." Large tears formed in those huge eyes and rolled down his cheeks. "I tried to help them to fight the injustice. I could not. Ra punished me and then he punished the people." Bes reached out and brushed Daniel's cheek as he had earlier. "Your people."

  "Our people? You mean, you were on Earth?" Daniel asked quickly. "Uh, Midgard? Here?" He scratched the Stargate glyph of Earth's point of origin in the dirt.

  "Yes. The place of my disgrace. Ten thousand of your world's years I have accepted Ra's punishment for my failure to your people."

  "Oh, no." Daniel and Sam both uttered the words in shock. A low whistle from Jack echoed their feelings.

  "You have been imprisoned here, for all that time?" Teal'c asked gently.

  "It is my penance and my vengeance that condemned me here." Bes straightened a little, a defiant gleam in his eyes. "I was beautiful, treasured by my kind. But I moved amongst your people in my mortal form, and Ra caught me and bound me, forever denying me contact with my kindred. He collects those of beauty, surrounds himself with that which is pleasing to the eye, to hide from the ugliness within his soul. In the instant of my bondage, I used the power of his own devices to take this ugly form. I denied him the pleasure of looking upon me, so he confined me to this place, hidden from the searching gaze of my people. I am allowed to travel within the Trial planets, but no farther. Even that, I have not done for many years-until you came." He smiled up at them. "You were very entertaining."

  Daniel settled himself carefully on the grass and searched for the right words.

  "Firstly-you didn't fail, Bes. We know there was a rebellion on Earth ten thousand years ago, and during it, Ra was deposed and he fled. He never returned. The people of Egypt have been free of Goa'uld domination for all that time. You succeeded, and we thank you for what you did." He gazed intently at Bes, watching as his words sank in.

  Bes stared back at him. "You are speaking the truth," he finally said.

  "Yes, I am. Secondly-Ra is dead. We rediscovered the Stargate on Earth and journeyed to Abydos. The people there also rose up against Ra and we," he reached up and caught Jack's arm where he stood behind him, "destroyed Ra's ship with him in it. He has no hold over you, or anyone else, anymore."

  Bes slowly shook his head. "Ra is... unlike others of the Goa'uld race. His power transcends death."

  Daniel nodded and shifted a little to ease the bruise that remained on his side. "What do you mean, Bes?"

  Bes blinked solemnly at him, the sad vagueness of his voice suddenly gone. "For ten millennia, Ra remained in the same host. Such a close bond for so long a time can change the very nature of a being. Ra is unlike any other."

  "Well, powerful or not, he is dead."

  Bes was silent for a moment, then he sagged down next to Daniel. "Such was the power of Ra, he lives on after the death of the body. His soul, his essence of life is so strong, he was able to sacrifice a portion of it to entrap me and keep me bound to these planets of the Trial of Moons."

  "Sacrifice..." Daniel trailed off, trying to imagine how someone could slice and dice their own soul. It would seem the Ka really was a living soul, separate-or able to be separated- from the mortal body.

  "Ra sealed part of his essence on the last planet of the Trial and it is this that will forever be my jailer." Bes looked at the four people around him. "You may have seen it, on your travels. It likes to bother the supplicants, but I keep it from causing real harm. It is a little game we play." A little twinkle sparked the big brown eyes. "I have the freedom of the other twelve planets, and of course this garden we sit in. It is freedom enough."

  "Yes, we did see the spirit, several times. In fact, it came after us on the thirteenth planet," Daniel said carefully, noting the flash of alarm on Bes's face. "I think it recognized Jack and me as the ones who destroyed its physical body."

  "I regret I was unable to assist you."

  "That's alright, Bes. In fact, Teal'c managed to trap the Ka in a statue of Ra." He broke off as Bes jumped to his feet, bringing his wide, shocked eyes level with Daniel's.

  "How could you achieve such a thing?"

  "Uh, well, in Ancient Egyptian times oil and water were used as offerings to the Ka of the gods. I hoped that the practice was another that had its roots in Goa'uld interference with human mythology."

  "As indeed it did," Teal'c rumbled gently. "The offerings bound the Ka into the statue-which I then burned to ash. It, and the spirit of Ra, is no more, my friend. You are free."

  Daniel watched the emotions play across Bes's face as their words sank in; first disbelief, followed by hope, quickly replaced by anger which was chased away by delight. Bes straightened to his full, tiny, height and looked each of them intently in the eye.

  Then he simply vanished into thin air.

  "Hey! Come back here, you little...." Jack twisted around, vainly searching for him.

  "Great, now what?" Sam flopped onto the grass and gazed at the sky.

  "I believe I may partake in another meal," announced Teal'c, making a beeline for the desserts.

  Daniel shrugged and followed him.

  "You're all taking this very calmly," Jack groused, selecting a huge slice of pie.

  "Bes will come back, Jack. He's probably just gone to check things out for himself."

  "Meanwhile, we're still stuck here, looking like the Flower Pot People." He plucked the annoying flower out of his ear again.

  "Oh, it's not s
o bad, sir," Sam said, biting into an enormous fruit. "Besides, I think it's growing on us." She grinned innocently at him.

  "Very funny, Carter." Teal'c hid his own smirk as Jack snorted a laugh.

  Daniel settled back on the lush grass, sated and at ease. They might be no closer to getting home, but the absence of danger was a significant improvement to their lot.

  They stuffed themselves as much as was decent, and then some. Afterwards, they lay in the grass drowsing, minds adjusting to their new circumstances while their bodies caught up with the healing process. With no kind of threat here, they relaxed in the company of dozens of different birds and animals that went on about their business around them.

  Jack sighed, rolled over and stared at Daniel. "How are you feeling, Daniel? Really?"

  "I'm feeling good, Jack. Really." Daniel tilted his head to look at Jack, not bothering to move from his prone position in the grass. "My side is fine, shoulder doesn't hurt, back and legs are okay. Although, I think I might have eaten too much."

  "Resurrection Boy rides again." Jack shook his head in wonder.

  "Daniel?" Carter flopped onto her stomach and regarded him sleepily. "What did you see, back in the reeds when Bes started to heal you? You said something like, `so beautiful'."

  Daniel frowned. "I did? I don't remember, Sam. I just had an impression of bright light and a sense of great possibilities. And flowers. Lots of flowers-that don't make me sneeze." He brushed back his floral bangs and let his eyelids slide shut, dozing until a sweet voice intruded.


  Jolted awake, they dragged themselves into varying stages of alertness.

  "Helloooo," Jack drawled. He rose to his feet, taking in the young man who had appeared in front of them.

  "Oh." Carter's soft exclamation summed up his own thoughts. The man was exceptionally beautiful. Gleaming black hair fell over bare shoulders in gentle waves. The muscles of his torso, arms and legs were lightly defined and his skin gleamed golden and vibrant. A white kilt was his only clothing. His face was straight out of a Pre-Raphaelite painting.

  "Bes?" Daniel got slowly to his feet.

  "Hello, Daniel."

  "It is you? Bes?"

  "This is your true form," Teal'c stated softly.

  "It is my mortal form, yes."

  "Where did you go?" Carter pushed herself to her feet, unable to take her eyes off the man.

  "I traveled to the place where the supplicants are sent to give their service to Ra, Samantha. No one was there. Everywhere-it was deserted." He looked like he was having a little trouble believing. "Ra truly is gone."

  "Well, that's a good thing." Jack shoved his hands into flower-decked pockets. "Is there someplace you can send us? Nice as this is, we'd really like to go home."

  "Home," Bes echoed. His gaze drifted away from them to the river. For long minutes, he silently regarded the water, its wildlife, reeds and floating rafts of papyrus plants.

  "Bes, where is your home?" Daniel asked softly. "Do you know where your people are?" Ten thousand years was a long time to be away from home.

  "My people are where they have always been," came the uninformative reply.

  "Are you of the Nox?" Teal'c asked suddenly.

  "The Nox...." Bes turned back to them. "The Nox are our friends."

  "Well, maybe they can help you," Carter said. "We met the Nox on one of our missions. We could try to contact them again for you."

  "Or the Asgard," Jack added. "Thor seems like a nice fella, I'm sure he'd be able to help you get home."

  Suddenly, Bes smiled at them. "You are most generous and compassionate. Have you enjoyed your participation in the Trial?"

  "Enjoyed?" Jack's eyebrows rose. "That's not the first word I'd use."

  "It has been a most challenging and illuminating experience," Teal'c said.

  Bes nodded and gazed at the river again. Flocks of birds circled and swooped over the water as the day began to fade. The few white clouds in the sky were tinged pink from the sinking sun's rays, the sky itself turning a distinctive emerald hue.

  "You have the courage to face what the demon has left inside you?"

  The question hung in the air, not directed at any of them. After a beat of silence, Carter looked up from her flower-covered boots.

  "Yes," she said quietly, avoiding the questioning looks from the men.

  "You must know that even should those you love fall, your protection of them will never waiver."

  At the undirected comment from Bes, Jack jerked slightly. "Okay," he said cautiously, accepting the statement was for his benefit.

  Bes was silent again for a while, his back to the four, face turned to the sunset.

  "Keep your heart open to those around you, and you shall prevail in your endeavor."

  This little pronouncement seemed, like the others, without direction, until Teal'c straightened and inclined his head in Bes's direction.

  "I shall."

  Daniel shuffled his feet, obviously wondering-dreading-what would come his way. He caught Jack's eye, then looked quickly away.

  "Alone, you will fail."

  The soft words made Daniel flinch. He ignored Jack's quick glance and continued to stare at Bes.

  "Remain with those who care for you, their strength shall be yours."

  Jack knew exactly what Bes was talking about. He stared at Daniel, watching that stubbornness swiftly rise on his face. He felt certain Daniel was formulating some half-assed plan to leave them and head off on his own to search for his family. Jack couldn't blame him for building some hope to cling to during the lonely nights, but he wondered if Daniel truly realized there was no way Jack would ever let him go off alone.

  Daniel coughed, and sighed in defeat. He watched a cluster of ibis roosting in a leafy tree on the riverbank.

  "I will."

  His words carried gently to his relieved friends. Jack felt like planting a big kiss on Bes.

  Far off in the distance, a low rumble of thunder underscored the dying light of the day.

  "There will be no moon tonight," Bes announced, apropos of nothing. "My kindred come for me."

  "They do? How do you know?" Carter stared around, not seeing anything different.

  "More importantly, can they help us get home?" Jack said impatiently.

  "It would delight me to return you to your home," a melodic voice spoke behind them.

  They spun around to find a woman standing in the grass, as if she had been there all afternoon. Her auburn hair gleamed in the dusk light. An elegant white gown flowed around her body.

  "You know, announcing yourselves would really be nice." Jack patted his flowered chest and looked suspiciously at the new arrival. "And you are...?"

  "I am come for Bes. Long have we searched for our brother. The false one's concealment prevented him from calling to us. We are indebted to you all for freeing him." She glided over the grass to Bes and took his hand. "It is time to depart, brother."

  "Wait, wait, wait." Daniel leaped forward. "We don't want to sound selfish, but can you help us get home? We can't stay here."

  "Your path home is already set, dear one. We thank you, again." She gave them all a dazzling smile and gathered Bes close to her.

  "But-can you at least tell us who you are, how we can contact you? We could have a lot to learn from each other."

  Bes reached out and brushed his hand across Daniel's chest. "Thank you, my precious friends."

  With that, the two simply faded from view. SG-1 turned to stare at each other, perplexed and frustrated.

  Jack glared up into the darkening sky. "So, what? That's it? What do we do now? Click our heels together and say-"


  "There's no place like home"

  oh." Jack squinted as the bright light that had enveloped them faded away. A quick check for his team-Daniel stood next to him, Carter on his left, Teal'c closed up their standard formation on the far side. All of them were staring open-mouthed.

  Seem to be doing
a lot of that, these days.

  They were still on the planet, but now some distance away from the buffet tables. The river flowed peacefully nearby, and in front of them rose a Stargate, shrouded in an aura of almost benevolent welcome. To one side a DHD squatted, its red crystal gleaming in the sunset. Beside it, sat four SGCissue metal boxes; their gear, purloined by Bes many planets ago. Amazed, they wandered up to the Stargate, touching its warm, solid surface to confirm it was real.

  "O'Neill." Teal'c indicated a cluster of severed black filaments protruding from the base of the Stargate.

  "Huh. Carter," he began, but she was already heading to the DHD.

  With practiced ease she popped the cover on the access panel and peered inside. Almost immediately she straightened up, a huge grin on her face. "They've been disconnected, sir. We should be able to dial out."

  "We can go home," Daniel murmured in disbelief.

  "Oh, you betcha." Jack was at the boxes in two bounds. Popping one open he ferreted inside, then sat back brandishing a backup GDO. "We may be covered in flowers but we're going home. Dial us up, Carter."

  Carter had the first six chevrons punched in before they realized they had not yet identified the point-of-ori gin for the Barque of Heaven. She paused, and a seventh glyph-bearing the design of a simple circle, or perhaps a sun-depressed all by itself. The Stargate churned to life and as the vortex billowed backwards and then forwards, she smiled up into the sky and quietly called out her thanks.

  Jack sent SG-l's ID code, then bent and helped Teal'c and Daniel pitch the four boxes through the wormhole. He straightened, for a moment drinking in the glorious sunset. Rays of deep golden light stretched up across an emerald sky, a fitting end to what had turned out to be not a bad day at all. He looked at his team: tired, healthy, covered in flowers but happy, and most importantly, alive. He gave them his cheekiest grin.

  "Well, kids. It's been quite a ride. What do you say we go home?"

  Teal'c inclined his head in silent respect and walked forward into the Stargate. Carter snapped off a parade-ground salute and followed Teal'c toward home. Daniel cast one look behind him, then turned and smiled gently at Jack. Jack waggled his eyebrows in response and ushered Daniel on. The Stargate wrapped Daniel in its light and swept him away. Jack also took a moment to look back and sent a jaunty salute of thanks before he too stepped into the Stargate and was gone.


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