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Dark Euphoria

Page 5

by Ronica Black

  She’d eat the detective alive. And then some.

  The determined detective was so ripe and full of harbored desire she’d surely pop at the slightest touch.

  The realization caused a grin, and she thought how very much she’d like to tease that pop out of her. Make her beg for it. Plead. Pant. Go fucking mad. She knew she could do it. It was her specialty and it was what drew married woman after married woman to her, night after night, on the arms of their wealthy husbands who were up for a little fun of their own. Of course, the fun ended up being all hers, but she couldn’t let on just how much fun she was having in taking their wives to the very edge of desire.

  She returned to her lounge chair on the now sunny patio and settled in, already a little turned on again. The breeze had kicked up, as had the smell of dirt and rain, promising another monsoon. Usually, she dreaded the monsoon season because it wreaked havoc on her evening events. But lately, she’d embraced the storms, even standing outdoors to smile up into the lightning as it lit up the sky. Her mood was new, but she knew exactly the cause. And it wasn’t just the introduction to the beautiful detective. It was the death of Hale Medley.

  She grinned as she rested her hands behind her head and crossed her ankles to stare into the sky.

  He wouldn’t be causing her any more trouble.

  Ever again.

  Chapter Six

  “I feel like I’m trapped in a thick leather mosquito net,” Maria said as she lost her balance stepping into the impossibly high heels.

  “Well, you look hot and that’s all that matters.” Finley straightened his bow tie and grabbed her arm to steady her.

  She looked at herself in the mirror and grimaced. She tugged at the thick black straps of her dress which were squeezing her and barely covering her most private of parts. “I hate it. I’m changing.”

  But Finley held firm. “Ah-ah-ah. No, you aren’t.”

  “I look…I look…”


  She scoffed. “This is not me, Fins. I feel like a mummy.”

  He leaned forward and examined his close shave. “Precisely. We don’t want you anywhere in the picture tonight. Not the real you, that is.”

  “I’m not playing some little sex kitten. You can forget it.”

  He laughed. “Can’t you at least try?”

  She glared at him as he slicked back his hair.


  “Just flirt a little.”

  “She won’t buy it. She already saw the real me. And I wasn’t happy.”

  He rested his hands on her shoulders. “Perfect.” He turned and left her in the restroom.

  “Wait, what?” She followed him, stumbling a little. “I’m so confused. Can’t I just go in as myself?”

  He sat on his bed and a baby toy squeaked. He pulled it from beneath his bottom and tossed it across the room. “No, we’ll stick out like a sore thumb. We need to blend.”

  She rolled her eyes and Paige entered with a six-month-old Silas Junior on her hip. She whistled and Finley rose to kiss her.

  “Don’t you look dapper?” She smiled and the baby shoved a teething toy in his mouth. His eyes were bright like Finley’s and his cheeks were red like a cherub. Maria’s heart surged, and she promised herself again not to ever let anything happen to Finley.

  “I feel like a freak,” Maria said.

  Paige laughed. “Hardly. You’ll knock ’em dead, girl.”

  Still not even close to being comforted, Maria pawed at her hair which was up and teased. “What about my hair? My makeup?”

  Paige touched her arm. “Maria, you look good. Really good. Honest.”

  Maria closed her eyes and breathed deeply. “Okay.”

  Finley clapped his hands. “Good. We’d better head out if we want to beat that storm.” He again kissed Paige, this time on the cheek, and he did the same with baby Silas. He blew a kiss as they walked out the door and down the hallway to the garage.

  “You’re lucky, you know,” Maria said.

  “Yep.” They entered the garage and climbed into the black Lincoln SUV Finley had rented for this evening’s event. Maria inhaled the new car smell and fought running her hands over the leather seats. She had very little experience with luxuries, and it was difficult to hide her admiration. Growing up, they’d had one vehicle for a family of six. It was an old panel-sided station wagon and she’d hated it. Now, though, she wished her parents had kept it. It had brought them through many good times. And if she closed her eyes real tight and remembered, she could almost smell the cracking vinyl seats and worn carpet.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever had a new car,” she said as Finley backed out of the driveway and drove into a wall of deep blue sky. A vein of lightning shot through, letting them know they didn’t have much time before blowing dust and rainfall.



  Finley tapped his thumb on the steering wheel. “Well, embrace it. We’ll be pretending to live the high life while we investigate Ashland.”

  “I’m not okay with this approach.”

  “So you’ve said.”

  “And I resent being the one dangling in front of her.”

  Finley laughed. “We didn’t do that. She made up her own mind the second she saw you.”

  “Which you knew would happen.”

  “Well, I confess, I had hoped. Makes this a whole lot easier.”

  “Maybe for you.”

  “You’ll be fine. Just let her wine and dine you. Let her talk. See where it leads.”

  “I plan on asking her point-blank questions.”

  Finley sighed. “Diaz, come on. Play the game a little.”

  Maria stared into the storm. Wind battled the car, and the trees bent to face off with them as well. They were headed for one hell of a storm. And it had nothing to do with the impending monsoon.

  * * *

  Maria squinted through the rain- and dust-splattered windshield, trying to get a better view of Euphoria and the people arriving for the private party. But the wipers were only smearing things, and she sat back and groaned with impatience.

  “Easy, there, partner. We’ll get in soon enough.” Finley adjusted the AC and sat back in his seat.

  “I just want to see what kind of people are ahead of us.”

  “Rich people. Very rich people. And they’ve come to play.”

  Finley had done his best to bring her up to speed on Ashland’s private parties, and what she’d heard had her nerves working overtime. She tried to wipe her moist palms on her leather skirt but to no avail.

  “So this is going to be like a swingers’ type thing?” She prayed she’d heard wrong. That Finley had been mistaken. While she’d learned Avery Ashland was into this sort of thing, she’d hoped that by some miracle she wouldn’t have to confront it. If she did, she’d hoped she’d at least have more time to get a better handle on her suspect. But here she was, being thrown to the lions one day after meeting her and nearly coming in her pants over her.

  She palmed her forehead, nerves firing off worse than they had with the worst of offenders.

  “Something along those lines. No one inside the department really knows for sure. We’ve only heard the rumors.”

  “Great. We could be walking into an orgy.”

  “Only if we find the right room.” He looked over at her and grinned.

  She smacked his arm. They eased forward in line and were finally under the awning at the entrance. Valets hurried about in their white outfits, soaked through to the skin. Her door was opened quickly, and she startled.

  “Madam?” A valet held out his hand for her.

  She took a deep breath and climbed from the car with his assistance. He helped to balance her on her heels. She looked around quickly for Finley who sauntered up to her side.


  “I’m trying.”

  “Try harder. You look fantastic, now act like you know it.”

  “I’m not used to looking fantastic.”
  “Ha ha. Nice try. You know you always do. Have some confidence for Christ’s sake.”

  “Okay, fine.” She straightened her back and held her head high.

  “Good, now smile.”

  She forced a smile.

  “Not like that. You look crazy.”

  She relaxed her face and Finley nodded and led her inside. They moved slowly behind others and were waved right through the entrance, which surprised them both. The lobby was lit with low golden light, and soft music played. Voices rose as someone behind them was denied entrance. Finley had to pull her onward as she tried to take in the commotion.

  “I wonder who that was,” she said.

  “Probably some perv trying to get in to get his rocks off.”

  Maria saw a man in a suit and tie being led back out by two men in white. He was yelling, but she couldn’t understand him and most of the other guests seemed to ignore him.

  “Come on.” Finley followed the crowd to the long counter of the front desk. Employees handed out envelopes to the guests, and she was surprised when one was handed to her.

  “What is this?” She fumbled with it.

  “Open it.”

  Finley was bouncing on his tiptoes, one of his more annoying nervous habits. Her hands trembled and she handed the envelope over to him. He slid his thumb into the corner and tore it open. It contained an elaborate invitation to the evening’s ball and a room key was also provided.

  “A little presumptuous, isn’t she?” Maria asked. “She knows we aren’t together.”

  “Maybe it’s for you alone.”

  Maria took a deep breath, and they entered the elevator to go to the fifth floor. The other guests standing next to them looked similar in tuxes and designer dresses. They all offered soft smiles, and a few held hands. One couple kissed. They looked like any other people you would pass on the street. She’d never peg them to attend something like this. Whatever this was. Finley squeezed her hand in reassurance and she tried to relax. But when the doors opened, they faced off with more security. And this time they were stopped.

  “Ms. Diaz.” The man, who was large and muscled, gave her another envelope. He waved Finley through. She tried to follow, but the man stopped her and nodded at the envelope. She clawed it open and found the elevator key to the penthouse.

  “Your presence is requested,” he said with a bow.

  She tried to call to Finley, but he had already disappeared into the darkened hallway. Blue lights accented forms and figures, but she couldn’t make him out.

  “Damn it.” They’d been there five minutes and they were already separated. She slammed the envelope against her thigh and then turned back to the elevator. She texted Finley on the ride up.

  I’ve been sent back to the penthouse. Help!

  She rode in silence as guest after guest exited well before the penthouse. The doors opened as she tucked her phone into her clasp, and she took an awkward step out.


  The doors closed behind her. Her eyes adjusted, and she saw a single candle lit near the large double doors of the penthouse. She picked it up and walked inside as the doors clicked open. She came to another candle in front of the vast doorway to the living room. She walked inside and saw a tiny glow of orange coming from the sofa.

  “You made it.”

  Maria sucked in a quick breath as she recognized Avery Ashton’s voice.

  “Please, sit.”

  Maria rounded the facing couch and sat, placing the candle amongst two others on the coffee table. Avery leaned forward and was lit up in all angles and shadows. The sight took Maria’s breath away, and she had to battle to get it back. She might have gained control of her breathing but she couldn’t control her staring. Avery was just too striking.

  A coy smile came across Avery’s face as she watched her in return. She seemed to be enjoying herself, and she sat back, crossed her legs, and sucked on her cigarette.

  “You look exquisite,” she finally said.

  Maria looked down nervously and smoothed down her leather dress. She felt like she was going to pop out of it in several areas.

  “Don’t worry,” Avery said. “I don’t think you’re in any danger of exposing yourself. It seems to be a…perfect fit.” She grinned again, and Maria’s heart pounded.

  “You look nice as well,” Maria said, trying to sound calm and polite. Avery glanced down at her white sleeveless body suit, cut deep at her cleavage. A gold chain hung there with a locket shimmering in the candlelight.

  “Mm, a compliment. Thank you.” She leaned forward and tapped the ash off her cigarette. “I thought for sure after our last visit, I wouldn’t hear such kind words.”

  Maria fought squirming. “I can be nice.”

  “Can you?” She laughed. She again took another drag. “Why are you here, Detective? I mean, why tonight of all nights? Surely you didn’t come to play. Or did you?”

  Maria searched for an answer. The large room was quiet and dancing in candlelight. Beyond the open curtains, she could see Las Brisas lit up in all its glory. The diamond in the desert.

  “You know why I’m here.”

  “To talk about Hale?”


  “But you thought, what? You’d come dressed ready to swing just in case?”

  “I simply wanted to fit in.”

  Avery belted out in deep laughter, and it stroked Maria’s spine like the touch of a light feather. “My dear, try as you might, you will never be able to fit in.”

  “Why is that?”

  “One, because you’re gorgeous, and two, because you have absolutely no clue that you are.”

  This time Maria did squirm.

  “I’ve embarrassed you.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Would you like me to escort you to the party? After all, I’m sure you want to see what exactly goes on here don’t you?”

  “I’d rather talk about Hale.”

  “Hale attended the parties. Aren’t you curious as to what he experienced?”

  “My partner’s downstairs. I’m sure he’s taking enough notes for the both of us.”

  Avery stood as if dissatisfied with the answer. She held out her hand. “Please, allow me to show you around.”

  Maria hesitated but then stood alongside her. She kept her hand to herself. Avery chuckled at that, but then placed her hand at the small of her back to escort her back to the elevator. They rode in silence to the sixth floor, and Maria squeezed her clutch for dear life. She knew she was about to walk into a sex party, but she honestly had no idea what to expect.

  “Please,” Avery said, offering her to exit the elevator first. Maria did so and Avery was right back by her side, leading her past the obedient security guards to the blue lit hallway where every room door was open allowing noises of pleasure to escape.

  “Don’t you want to look inside?” Avery asked in a whisper.

  Maria clenched her jaw and stood firm. “No, thanks.”

  But Avery gently cupped her elbow and turned her to look inside an open doorway. She stood a little behind her and spoke in her ear. “It’s okay to be curious, Detective. After all, it’s your job to be curious.”

  Maria shivered at the feel of her hot breath. She let out a small noise of helplessness that caused Avery to press into her.

  “Tell me. What do you see?”

  The room was lit in the back, near the patio door. She could see shadows of people on the bed. A woman whose perky breasts were in profile, writhed on the mattress while another figure was between her legs, on their knees, bobbing up and down, driving the woman crazy. Another woman was near her head, holding her arms back.

  Maria swallowed the rising lump in her throat. She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. The figure between the woman’s legs stopped and stood. She was tall and built, and she climbed on the bed to straddle the prone woman’s face. She laughed and began to gyrate against her mouth while she made out with the woman at the head of the bed. Maria
wanted to turn away, the image too much. She leaned back into Avery and warmed at the firm feel of her body, of her breath. Maria hadn’t had sex in a long, long time, and at that moment, the lack of human contact made itself known.

  “It’s something else, isn’t it? Watching like that?”

  Maria cleared her throat and turned. When she tried to walk, she stumbled in her heels. She cursed in pain as her ankle turned and Avery caught her.

  “I’ve got you,” she said. Maria straightened as her skin heated against the strength in Avery’s arms. “Can you walk with me? Let’s sit you down.”

  Maria tried to shove her away. “My leg’s just numb is all. I must’ve pinched a nerve.” But Avery held firm, and Maria reluctantly allowed Avery to help her back to the elevator and back into the penthouse. When they arrived, Maria looked longingly toward the couch but instead was brought into the master bedroom. The table lights automatically came on as Avery sat her carefully on the king-sized four-poster bed. Maria leaned back and felt the ultimate softness of the gray crushed velvet duvet. But she hissed in pain when Avery knelt at her feet and removed her shoe.

  “I’m fine, really. I should go.” The pain was scaring her a little, leaving her wounded with possible deadly prey at her feet.

  Avery seemed to ignore her. “This looks bad.” Her long, nimble fingers carefully moved around her painful ankle. Maria jerked a few times, and her skin broke out in gooseflesh. She cursed herself for reacting so easily but blamed it on not being touched with such delicateness in ages.

  Avery looked up at her, seeming to sense her thoughts. Her eyes sparkled in the lamplight, and Maria saw something she’d never expected to see. Empathy.


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