Dark Euphoria

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Dark Euphoria Page 20

by Ronica Black

  “It’s the truth. I’ve stayed on because I love you like you were my own, and I want what’s best for you. But you don’t make it easy.”

  Avery wrapped an arm around her and held her close. “Oh, Nadine. All those years of nonsense and playing around. I should’ve listened to you. I should’ve listened.”

  “It’s never too late to change, Avery.”

  “No, I guess it isn’t. But I feel like it’s too little too late. I can’t have the woman I want, I can’t see the girls, and I’m probably going to jail.” She threw up her hands. “What else do I have to lose?” She rose and crossed to the bar where she downed a shot of whiskey.

  Nadine turned. “You’ve already made plans for a party, haven’t you?”

  “I called a few friends.”

  “I don’t think it’s wise, Avery. You should lay low, behave.”

  “Someone is playing with me, Nadine. They want me to go down. This may be the only way for me to find out who it is. And if not, at least I have one last hoorah before it all comes tumbling down.”

  Nadine stood and crossed to her. She took her hand. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “I will.”

  Nadine kissed her hand. “I wish I could believe you.”

  “I do too.”

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Maria checked her phone and tried calling again, but Samantha didn’t answer. Frustrated, she tossed the phone next to her and rubbed her face. It was nearing ten and she was tired and looking forward to some serious rest. Even though she’d been on desk duty, she’d been super busy with evidence and with organizing direction on two new cases.

  Even so, her mind always went back to Avery Ashland and the unanswered questions. She’d hoped Samantha could answer some. But she hadn’t been able to reach her. Was she avoiding her? Had she moved on already? Her brother had said she was known to be a player. But Maria hadn’t sensed a fuck and run vibe from her. And why had she been at Avery’s? Could it really be mere coincidence that they’d met?

  She didn’t buy it.

  Avery had seduced her purposely.

  To get to her. She was sure of it. What it did though, was anger her and cause resentment. Is that what Avery wanted? To play games?

  Wasn’t she tired of those games?

  Maria shook her head and rubbed Horace who purred like the old man he was. She stroked his long curly mustache and snuggled down with him. Maybe she’d give in and crash on the couch for a while. Maybe she wouldn’t even bother with the bed.

  But her phone rang and she jerked back to attention. The number was new yet familiar. She answered.

  “Detective Diaz.”

  “Detective?” The caller was female, and she sounded fragile yet determined.


  “You must come to Euphoria tonight. Your presence is needed.”

  Maria stood. “My presence is needed? Why? Who is this?”


  “Please. You must come. You’re the only one who can keep her safe.”

  “Who is this?” She searched her mind frantically.

  “If you don’t come, I’m afraid something bad will happen to her.”

  And suddenly she knew. Her heart dropped. “Nadine?”

  The phone went dead.

  Chills spread out across Maria’s body, and she felt the hair prickle on the back of her neck. What was going on at Euphoria? She dialed Finley and left him a voice mail. She told him about the call and said she was going to check it out. She was off the case, yes. Technically, they all were. It was in the D.A.’s hands now. But Nadine sounded frightened and like she had nowhere else to turn. She looked to Horace who stood very still watching her.

  “I’ve got to go,” she said more to herself than to him. “I have to see what’s going on.” She grabbed her keys and left him and his big yellow-eyed stare.

  And the whole way to the resort, she tried to convince herself she was doing the right thing.

  * * *

  “Oh, my God. She isn’t. Please tell me she isn’t.” Maria pulled up to the valet and handed her keys off to a young gentleman. Around her, guests hurried inside, dressed to the nines. And all wore masks, setting off her already amplified anxiety. “What’s going on tonight?” she asked another attendant.

  “Ms. Ashland’s private farewell party.”

  “Farewell party?”

  He eyed her as she walked up the stairs. “Yes, do you have an invitation?”

  “I have a feeling I’m wanted here.”


  She waved him off. “Nothing. She knows me.” She pointed inside at the desk clerk she and Finley had become all too familiar with. Kelly waved her inside but held her up.

  “I’m sorry, Detective, but you aren’t on the list this evening.” She sounded apologetic and looked a little nervous herself.

  “Really?” Maria glanced around at the women in ball gowns and men in tuxedos. “You guys going to be able to run a tight ship with all these disguises?”

  The young woman’s face fell, but she said nothing.

  “Listen, Nadine called me. Asked me to come. She’s concerned.”

  The young woman hesitated and then blew out a long breath. She stamped Maria’s hand and handed over a mask. “You need this.”

  Maria took it and covered her face. “Thanks.”

  The young woman nodded and Maria touched her hand. “Please. Don’t tell Ms. Ashland I’m here.”


  “Where is she? I’ll find her and tell her myself.”

  “Fourth floor. But it’s strictly off limits to most guests. She’ll know it’s you the second you step off the elevator.”

  Maria stiffened at the memory of her last visit to that floor. “That’s okay.” She thanked her and walked on. She wove between dancing guests and kept her mask up to her face. She heard people make comments about her attire and many believed her to be staff. One woman asked her for more champagne. It was just as well though; she didn’t want them aware of her presence. And if she could help it, she’d hide herself from Avery for as long as she could until she knew exactly what it was that was going on. A farewell party sounded dubious and suspicious, as if Avery was going to run away or something worse. She was determined to get to the bottom of it.

  She stepped into the elevator and pressed four. She rode up alone. Her phone rang from her hip, but she silenced it. If it was Finley he’d have to wait. She couldn’t afford to be talking to him while staking out the goings-on on the fourth floor. She texted him, confirmed her location, and said she’d call soon. The elevator stopped as she slipped the phone into her pocket.

  She moved slowly, surprised at the absence of security. She cocked her head as she heard laughter. Then, as she continued to move, she heard the moans of pleasure. She moved slowly down the blue lit hall and came to a stop at the first room. She checked the door and found it locked. She moved on, and the moans were growing closer. But door after door was closed and locked.

  She came to the landing and edged the corner. When she snuck a look, her breath shook by the sight of Avery, who was tied to a thick cushioned chair with two women covered head to toe in leather and face masks, devouring her between her parted legs. Avery was moaning softly and Maria pulled back, tried to make sense of the scene, and then looked again. Avery was nude and sweat coated with her arms thrown to her side and her legs splayed over the armrests. Rope was wrapped around her chest, and torso, and though she was moaning as if she were enjoying the pleasure, her eyes were heavy and unfocused.

  Maria had an urge to interrupt to make sure Avery was okay, but Avery caught sight of her first and shook her head. The women didn’t see and continued. The short one laughed and moved to stand by Avery’s head. She stroked her face and her hair.

  “There, there, darling. Just relax and let go. Feel the pleasure. I know you love it. Always have.” She knelt and kissed her.

  The other woman stopped and pushed away. She remai
ned on her knees. “Quit, babying her, for God’s sake.”

  Avery moaned and tried to move.

  “I can’t help it. She’s still so divine, even after all these years.”

  “Well, I’ve had enough. I think she’s drugged enough now. She can’t fight back.” She stood and approached the shorter woman. She tugged her in for a firm embrace. “Besides, I’m getting jealous.”

  The shorter woman laughed playfully. “No need, my princess. I’m all yours.” They kissed long and deep. And when they pulled away, the shorter woman spoke again. “I’m afraid I can’t stay for much longer. You know I can’t stand to watch the rough stuff.”

  “Yes, I know. But this one’s not going to be rough. She’s simply going to fall asleep with a sweet little suicide note on her lap, claiming responsibility for both Lana and Hale.”

  “Oh, it’s all too perfect isn’t it? We get rid of Hale and that little whore Lana, all while blaming Avery. It’s like we won the lottery three times.”

  The tall woman laughed and reached out to pinch and twist Avery’s nipple. Avery moved slightly but only made a small noise.

  “She’s almost gone,” the taller one said. “You’d better go and change and rejoin the party.”

  The shorter one nodded, and Avery surprised them by making a loud noise as she looked toward Maria.

  The masked women turned and saw her.

  “Shit, what’s she doing here?”

  Avery groaned as if it was hard to speak. “Run, Maria.”

  The taller woman rushed her, and Maria turned. She ran down the hall, but her legs felt like they were filled with cement. She grunted and ran harder, but she could feel the woman gaining on her. It was just like in her nightmare. She couldn’t get away. And when she felt the woman grab her ponytail, she cried out. But she was yanked backward and then something jabbed her side causing immediate shock and pain. She felt it again and again, and then…darkness.

  * * *

  Maria opened her eyes and blinked against the black. Her lashes felt crushed, and she knew she was blindfolded. She tried to speak but choked against what felt like a ball gag. Panicked, she inhaled quickly, desperate for what little breath she could get through her nose. She moved her hands and found her wrists and ankles bound. She cried out as best she could and shook her whole body.

  “Cop bitch is freaking out,” a voice said. She recognized it as the taller masked woman who had chased her.

  “Some tough one she is,” another voice, the one she assumed was the shorter woman, said.

  Maria pulled harder against her restraints and groaned.

  “She’s going to choke on her own saliva.”

  “Let her.”

  “No, we need her. This is perfect.”

  Suddenly, Maria was freed from her blindfold. She blinked and focused, but the women were still disguised.

  The taller one approached. “I’m taking out your gag, but if you scream…” A large serrated blade was held to her throat. The woman loosened the gag, and it fell to the ground. Maria could feel her own saliva sliming her chin. She swallowed a few times to gain control and then searched the room. Avery was still in the chair, but she wasn’t bound. She appeared to be unconscious.

  “What did you do to her?” Maria asked, voice raspy.

  “Who, Avery?” The shorter woman laughed. “She’s just taking a little nap thanks to those handy little muscle relaxers we used on Hale and Lana.”

  “You’re killing her?” Maria struggled, desperate to break free. She had to get out, get Avery, call for help. Then she remembered Finley. Oh God, would he come? Surely, he would. If she could just hang on. But Avery didn’t appear to have much time. “Do you really think killing Avery will solve all your little problems?”

  The women laughed.

  The one with the knife drew closer. “We’re not only going to kill Avery; we’re going to kill you, too.”

  She stepped up and touched her neck with the blade. “We’re just going to make it look like Avery killed you.”

  Maria glared at her, tried to place the voice. She saw the green eyes, the black slicked back hair.

  “Melanie Prague.”

  Melanie removed the mask and smiled. “Well, what do you know, the cop’s not so dumb after all.” She wiped the sweat from her brow. “Sorry, Detective, I know you’re sick and all, and you deserve an honorable death…but I’m afraid it’s going to be messy, just like Hale.”

  Maria struggled and laughed. “It’s too late, Melanie. We know Avery was set up. I just came here to tell her. And my partner, he’s downstairs. He’ll be up any minute.”

  “She’s bluffing,” the shorter one said.

  But Melanie seemed anxious. Maria continued to struggle, and she was about to call out when she saw Avery move. On wobbly looking legs, Avery stood from the chair and tackled the shorter woman to the floor. Melanie whipped around and rushed them, but Avery wrapped an arm around the shorter woman’s throat and pulled her into a stand. Avery backed away toward Maria, holding the shorter woman as hostage.

  “Don’t do it, Melanie, or I’ll snap her neck.”

  Melanie laughed. “You think I care? Do it. It’s just another death to blame on you.”

  “Bullshit, I know you care. You’re in love with her just as I once was. And I know when you’re in love, you take it very seriously.”

  “You don’t know shit, Avery.”

  Avery fought to remain standing. Her eyes appeared like they were struggling to stay open. She turned slightly and reached up with one hand, but she couldn’t undo Maria’s bind. She refocused on the woman in her arms.

  “You here that, Bryce? She doesn’t care if I kill you.”

  “I heard her.” Bryce tore off her mask. “But I don’t believe her. I know she loves me.”

  Melanie shook her head. “I don’t love anyone. Not anymore. You, like the others, just helped me to rid my life of Hale and ultimately, Avery. She’s played her last game.”

  “No way.” Bryce shook her head. “We did this together. We’re in love. Darling, please. Come back to your senses.”

  “Together? I had to do all the dirty work.”

  Bryce began to panic. “Melanie, please. Don’t do this.”

  But Melanie charged them and Bryce tore away from Avery to meet her head-on. They fell to the floor and rolled. Avery turned and unfastened Maria’s binds, managing to free her hands. She went to unfasten her ankles, but Melanie, who had stabbed Bryce, stood with knife in hand. She rushed Avery.

  “Avery, look out!” Maria shouted.

  Avery stood and turned just as Melanie stuck out her knife.

  “No!” Maria screamed and reached out to tear Avery away. Avery fell to the floor with her, and Maria saw the blood on her torso and tugged her farther away from Melanie. But Melanie grinned and stalked toward them.

  “Time to say good-bye to Avery, Detective. We’ve all had to at one point or another. Because Avery will have no one. Right, Avery?”

  Avery slumped against Maria as the blood poured from her wound. Maria covered it as best she could. Avery looked up at her.

  “I’m sorry, Maria. I’m—I only wanted to be with you.”

  Maria squeezed her tight, and Melanie’s face contorted with evil and she held up her knife with both hands.

  “Fucking bitch.” She took a step toward them, and a shot rang out. She jolted. Another shot and she jolted again, this time collapsing. She fell crookedly with the knife in her hand and blood oozing from her mouth.

  Finley hurried to her and kicked the knife away. He looked to Maria who was still holding tight to Avery.

  “When this shit is over,” he said, breathless, “remind me to kick your ass.”

  Maria nodded and looked down at Avery. “She’s hurt badly,” she said.

  Finley rested his hands on his knees as more cops rushed the room.

  Avery looked up at her with tears in her eyes. “Tell me, Maria. Tell me, what’s wrong with you?”

Maria fought back against the tightness in her throat and the pain in her side. She cradled Avery’s head in one hand and pressed on her wound with the other.

  “Please, trust me enough to tell me. I—I won’t hurt you. Could never. Hurt you.”

  Maria knelt closer. “I have MS, Avery. Multiple Sclerosis.”

  Avery closed her eyes. “I’m so sorry. Sorry for—everything.” She opened her eyes and touched Maria’s face. “I just want to love you. But I understand why—you won’t let me.” She drifted away and Maria held her tighter, panicked. She looked to Finley.

  “Fins, she’s innocent. She really is.”

  He stared at them for a long moment as if letting it sink in and then shook his head and knelt down next to them to help put pressure on the wound.

  “Ain’t that a bitch,” he whispered, waving the emergency services over to them. “Ain’t that a bitch.”

  Chapter Thirty

  “Auntie Avery!” her nieces shouted as they ran into the penthouse and into her open arms.

  “Hey!” She embraced them tightly and winced slightly from the pain. “Oh, be careful, I’m still a little sore from where I got hurt.”

  The girls looked up at her. “You’re okay thought, right?”

  “Yes, I’m just fine.” She tousled the Rory’s hair. “Nothing to worry about.”

  “You won’t have to go away again? Even to the hospital?” Kylie asked.

  “No, baby. I’m home for good.”

  They squeezed her again, and she wiped a stray tear from her eye. It was funny how much she’d cried the last couple of weeks. Tears seemed to come easier now, and while she knew it was good for her, according to Nadine and a therapist, she still had a hard time accepting them. She inhaled sharply and straightened.

  “Why don’t you go check out your room? There’s a surprise.”

  “Really?” They bounced up and down and then took off across the living room to the hallway. She heard them shriek with excitement when they reached their shared bedroom.

  “Think they like it?” she asked Nadine.


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