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Our Hearts Entwined

Page 13

by Lilliana Anderson

  “You’re working?” Josh asked surprised when Eric emerged in his uniform.

  “Of course. What the hell else am I going to do?” he asked, pocketing his wallet and phone.

  “I don’t know, go and talk to Natalie maybe? Don’t you want to know why she did it?” Josh asked.

  “There’s nothing to talk about. I know why she did it and she can go fuck herself, alright?” he said tonelessly, lifting his head as a car horn beeped outside. “Baz is here. I’ll see you both later,” he mumbled as he exited the townhouse.

  Louise and Josh looked at each other, both raising their shoulders to their ears at the same time. “Maybe we should start staying at your house?” Josh suggested.

  “I still live with my parents Josh. That could be awkward.”

  “As awkward as being around the fall out of all this? I don’t think so.”

  Ignoring him by rising from her stool, Louise carried her plate and mug to the sink, giving them a quick wash before setting them in the strainer to dry.

  “I have to go to work,” she told Josh, kissing him goodbye and collecting her bag.

  “Can we at least go to a movie or something tonight - escape the tension around here a bit? It can be a foreign one! That way we both have to read the subtitles,” he pleaded. Josh didn’t do well with confrontation and the last couple of day’s events were weighing down on him.

  “I want to go and see Mia after work to see how she’s doing. Then I’ll text you ok?”

  “Fine,” he grumbled. “I’ll just ply him with alcohol, that’ll mellow him out.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Sitting in the ute while waiting on Baz to finish talking to the home owner, Eric was playing a strategy game on his phone to pass the time and distract his mind from thinking about the events of the weekend.

  He jumped a little when his phone beeped in his hand, signalling that he had a text message. Dragging his finger down the screen, he opened his notifications bar, noting that the message was from Mia. Sighing, he selected it, knowing now that is wasn’t Mia at all. Natalie had obviously switched the numbers out and being your regular technology lover, Eric only memorised his own number, always relying upon having his phone with him to remember the other peoples – so he didn’t notice it had changed, it wasn’t something he would check on that often.

  Can we please talk? Natalie

  Visions of their time together and his strong emotional reaction to her danced through his mind causing his stomach to swirl uneasily as his thumbs hovered over the screen, debating on what his reply would be.

  What for? he settled on in response.

  Please. Meet me after work, if you don’t want to see me again after we talk, I’ll never contact you again, she sent back after a few seconds.

  Chewing his lip Eric looked out the window as Baz made his way toward the ute. He tapped out a quick message before clicking his phone to silent and slipping it into his back pocket.

  “Ready?” Baz said as he got into the car.

  “Mate, I’m sitting here waiting for you!” he replied laughing.

  “Where to next?” Baz asked, starting up the car and reversing out of the driveway. Eric checked their schedule and rattled off the address for their next job. Ignoring the faint buzz from his phone as it signalled another incoming message.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Impatiently, Natalie paced the length of her lounge area as she waited, trying her hardest to keep herself calm. She had sent a text to Eric containing the address of the serviced apartment she had been staying at, hoping that they could talk better in private instead of at a restaurant or his townhouse.

  She had expected him to arrive over an hour ago, and now she was beginning to lose hope that he was going to show up at all.

  Pacing seemed to be the only way she could manage the jittery feeling that overcame her body whenever she would sit still.

  When a gentle rapping sound emanated from her door she froze, spinning to face it and rushing to open it before he had the chance to walk away. Grabbing at the handle, she threw the door open, her heart skipping through her chest as she saw him standing there as beautiful as always in his navy work polo and cotton drill pants.

  “Come in,” she said, in a voice much smaller than she intended, standing aside as he removed his work boots and left them in the doorway before stepping inside.

  Closing the door, she turned and found herself face to face with his chest. Her breath sucked in, becoming lodged in her throat as his scent filtered through her nostrils and swirled around inside her head, intoxicating her by his closeness.

  “Talk,” he instructed, looking down at her, his eyes pools of blue that she wished she could swim in.

  Her mouth opened, but her mind lacked the ability to form any words in that moment.

  “You’re not talking? What the hell am I doing here then? … Fine, I’ll talk instead. Were you ever planning on telling me who you really were?”

  “I…” she started, unable to complete her sentence.

  Eric continued on regardless. “I can’t believe you were willing to let me give up everything I have here to go up to Queensland with you so you could continue to be Mia! This is ludicrous – do you know how stupid I feel?”

  Natalie’s eyes stung as her brows furrowed, her chest burned from the lack of air but still she just looked at him, biting on her bottom lip as she listened.

  He stepped away from her and took a brief look around the apartment before returning his gaze to hers.

  “And do you know what Natalie? I knew, I fucking knew something was up but I chose to ignore it because this feeling I get when I’m around you – it’s something I have never felt before. I didn’t want to believe that the woman who yelled at me for my phone being off was the real Mia and that you were…well, you. God Natalie, why couldn’t you have been honest? Why did you have to drug her? You have turned this entire situation into absolute bullshit.

  “You could have come here, you could have met your twin, you could have met me, and things would have turned out entirely different. This thing between us could have happened anyway, but now…” he shook his head, his face folded with both confusion and frustration.

  She stepped closer to him, closing the distance between their bodies so that they were mere centimetres apart. “Do you hurt Eric?” she breathed. “Do you hurt right here?” she repeated, placing her hand in the centre of his chest, in the exact place her chest was hurting.

  Eric brow knitted closely together as his heart leapt in his chest to meet up with her hand, like she somehow owned it and it was desperately trying to get back to her.

  “Fuck,” he murmured, grabbing her by the face and crashing his lips against hers, their tongues sliding desperately against each other’s as their teeth clashed and their bodies ached, a need inside them swirling and building as they pulled at each other’s clothes in desperation.

  “Argh, stop!” Eric growled, pushing her away from him and holding her at arm’s length. “What the hell are we doing?”

  “That’s why Eric. That’s why I didn’t tell you. Can you feel that? Like your body is humming so loudly that you can’t hear anymore? I ache to be with you Eric – I ache!”

  Eric couldn’t seem to stop his reaction. Swiftly, he pulled her back against his body. His mouth met hers once more, exploring her, devouring her. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck as she pressed herself against him, his arms wrapping firmly around her waist.

  It was as if his body was on fire as he held her to him, lowering her onto the floor where they stood. Between heavy breaths and desperate kisses, he removed his shirt, dropping it on the floor next to him as he shucked his pants and socks.

  He watched as Natalie sat up just enough to pull her sundress over her head, revealing her bare chest and a pair of pink lace panties. She was a vision with her long golden blonde hair cascading down over her shoulders, brushing like soft feathers over her breasts.

  Suddenly, Eric f
roze, a heaviness settling in his gut as he looked her over. “I fucking knew,” he admitted. “I didn’t just suspect it. Deep down, I knew you weren’t her. All along, I knew.”

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” she whispered unmoving, not sure what to do next.

  “Because I’m in love with you, I didn’t care who you were. I didn’t want to risk ruining what we had.”

  “I’m in love with you too,” she whispered back, moving toward him until she was sitting in front of him looking up at him longingly.

  Dipping his head, he took her mouth in his, breathing her in, drinking in her moans as she melted into him.

  Placing his hands on her hips, he pushed himself back from her, breathing heavily as he attempted to restrain himself.

  “I need to leave,” he stated, rocking back on to his knees and picking up his discarded clothing.

  “Wait! What are you doing? Don’t go,” she pleaded.

  “I need some time Natalie, I can’t do this right now. Not after everything you’ve done,” he said, standing and backing out of the room as he hopped into his pants, heading for the front door, his shirt and shoes in hand as he opened the door.

  “But you said you knew!” she argued.

  “Deep down I knew Natalie. A niggling feeling is very different to the reality of you drugging Mia. I can’t Natalie. I’m sorry,” he told her as he exited her apartment.

  Natalie lay dumbfounded for a moment, not quite comprehending what just went on. Grabbing for her dress, she scrambled to her feet and tossed it over her head before collecting her keys so she wouldn’t be locked out when she chased after him.

  “Eric, wait!” she called as she burst through the front door out onto the landing. She raced barefoot down the stairs, rushing after him, only to reach him as he pulled away from the curb. Leaving her behind.

  “What just happened?” she asked herself, breathing heavily as her chest tightened yet again and that pain she felt without him filled her body, pushing tears from her eyes as she hung her head and returned to her apartment.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “How are you today?” Cayd asked when he called Mia later that evening. They had both tried to lead very normal days, going to work and interacting with the usual people but it had been hard to ignore the events of the weekend - especially that moment when Mia had walked out of the bathroom after dying her hair and they had collided. It was a mess of hormones and lust that kept lingering in both of their minds, forcing its way forward no matter how hard they tried to occupy themselves.

  “I’m fine, I guess… well considering – it’s all a bit to take in.”

  “Understandably so. Did the locksmith come?”

  “He did, thank you. I’ll have to pay you back for that, and of course for the PI – we never did discuss that…” she said quietly, closing her eyes as the memory of his aftershave flitted through her mind, causing her to feel as though she could actually smell him.

  “It’s not necessary, Mia. I don’t want your money.”

  “I can’t let you pay for me Cayd. It’s not right.”

  “Let’s not talk about that now. I’m more worried about you at the moment,” he said softly, his voice caressing her ears as it made its way down the line.

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  “About what?”

  “About everything. I thought I had my life mapped out and now I have a sister, my boyfriend is now my ex-boyfriend and well, there’s you…”

  Cayd couldn’t help but mentally cheer when she mentioned that Eric was her ex-boyfriend. He was grateful that they were speaking over the phone so she couldn’t see his reaction.

  “Would you like me to come and see you?” he offered, hoping she’d say yes.

  “I…” she started, her answer interrupted by a knocking on her door. “Can I call you back?” she asked as she checked the peep hole. “Louise is at my door.”

  “Alright,” he said, hanging up his phone, disappointed that their conversation was cut short. “Geez Cayd, what the hell are you doing?” he said to himself, he was going crazy over a girl he hardly knew but he couldn’t deny the way his body reacted around her, he was inexplicably drawn to her, despite the mess her life was in at that point.


  How was your first day as a free woman? Louise asked in sign, the moment she walked through the door.

  Eric told you? Mia replied before heading over to the kitchen and pulling a bottle of wine from the fridge.

  Louise’s eyebrows shot up her forehead. They didn’t usually drink on a weeknight, Mia was normally so sensible, but considering the recent events, Louise could do with a drink too.

  They both settled themselves across from each other at the table and Louise looked at Mia with raised eyebrows, still waiting for Mia to tell her how she was feeling now after she’d confronted Natalie.

  Well? she gestured, urging Mia to start.

  Mia sipped at the light coloured liquid. I feel really strange, everything’s a mess, she told her, sighing loudly. I miss my life before, I miss my mum, I miss not knowing.

  Ignorance is bliss. Louise commented.

  It is, it really is.

  Are you and Eric going to continue to be friends?

  I don’t know.

  Seems a shame to waste all those years together.

  Seems a shame that he couldn’t tell the difference between my pussy and my sister’s – we can’t be that identical.

  Laughing, Louise took a sip of her wine. What about Natalie? What do you want to do about her?

  Mia’s shoulders bounced as she shook her head. I have no idea. Could I ever really have a relationship with her after what she did?

  You could, maybe Cayd could help you out?

  As a patient? He’s a psychiatrist, I think reuniting family members isn’t something he’d deal with.

  Sure it is, he’s still a therapist. He just gets to prescribe medicine if you need it.

  I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. Besides, I’m not asking him to.

  Why not?

  Because I can’t, Mia looked away as she took a long drink of her wine, surprising herself when she realised she had drained the glass. Sheepishly, she placed the glass back on the table, spinning it slowly by the base with her fingertips.

  Oh wow, you kissed him, didn’t you?

  No, Mia protested.

  Yes you did! It’s written all over your face. Wow, I could tell you were into him but Mia! Kissing him - were you even broken up with Eric yet?

  It just kind of happened. Don’t go judging me!

  Louise held her hands up, and shook her head to indicate that she wasn’t judging at all. What are you going to do about it?

  Nothing right now, I hardly know him.

  Yes, but he’s been by your side since you found out. That kind of experience makes people close faster than normal.

  Helping someone confront their evil twin is a known way of bringing people close is it? Mia asked, a sarcastic look on her face to go with her hand movements.

  You know what I mean, and she’s not evil – just misguided, Louise said with an eye roll.

  Are you defending her? Mia asked, slapping her hands flat on the table when she finished, her eyes wide with surprise.

  With a pleading look on her face, Louise signed, No, I’m not defending her, but I did see her and Eric together.

  Mia closed her eyes firmly against the images that threatened to flit across her mind. What was it like? she asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

  Different, there was something special in the air between them. It’s hard to explain.

  Mia’s eyes fell as a flash of disappointment and loss burst behind her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Louise said out loud to regain her attention, before returning to signing. I’m not trying to hurt you, but you have to look at this whole situation from where I’m standing. I saw Eric and Natalie together and I saw you and Cayd together. As shitty as it is, m
aybe this whole thing happened to push you both toward your soul mates – stranger things have happened you know.

  Rolling her eyes, Mia stood up and went back to the fridge, refusing to look at Louise as she tried to keep her emotions at bay. She kept her eyes downcast as she poured herself another wine.

  “Mia, I’m just trying to say that maybe things are better this way. You and Eric weren’t meant to be – you have to admit that. You’d be engaged or at least living together by now if you were. You wouldn’t be in separate houses, living separate lives all week and only hanging out on the weekends. It wasn’t right, you deserve more than that.”

  Reaching up, Mia tapped her head. I know, it doesn’t mean that I don’t miss my old life though, however lacking it may have been.

  Louise walked over to her friend and wrapped her arms around her in comfort, stroking her hand down Mia’s long soft hair. “So you stole my hair dye huh?” she said over Mia’s shoulder, causing her friend’s shoulder’s to start bouncing with a chuckle. “It’s ok, you look good as a redhead. We can tell everyone that we’re the twins,” she joked. “Is it too soon to joke about it,” she asked as Mia let out a sob.

  Mia squeezed her friend tightly in response before pulling away and wiping at her eyes, drying them with the backs of her hands.

  Look at you. You’re a mess, Louise signed. We’ll be laughing about this in a few months – you just wait and see.

  Mia simply nodded, still trying to stem the flow from her eyes but hoping her friend was right.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Everything’s out in the open now, so I think I’ll have to head back home and face the music there too,” Natalie sighed, sitting on the couch in Evelyn’s consultation room. She had called and made an appointment that morning after the way things ended with Eric the night before. She needed to talk and didn’t have anyone she was close enough with to speak to, so she paid dearly for the privilege instead.


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