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Strategic Vulnerability

Page 5

by Mandy M. Roth

  Don’t make me move away from you, please. I’m terrified and you make me forget everything but you.

  Her thoughts rushed over him. Watching her closely, he noted her mouth hadn’t moved; yet he was positive he’d heard her voice in his head. He wasn’t sure what that meant, or why she could read him as well, but he didn’t care. He was just happy she was close. He didn’t want the moment to end. “Mmm, how about I rinse and return the favor?”

  He turned their bodies, planting Kim under the stream of water and then adjusting the temperature so it was warmer for her. She drew in a deep breath, laughing as she clung to him. Bubbles ran off his shoulders and down her body. He wanted to lick every single one of them from her body. She wrinkled her nose as he shook his head, sending water everywhere. Unable to help himself, Wilson walked their bodies back, pressing her against the wall and planting his hands firmly on each side of her head. He bent his head and kissed the tip of her nose. It was quick but enough to let him know he wanted so much more than a peck.

  Something pinched the back of his shoulder and he hissed, turning slightly to find a dart protruding from his skin. He kept his body planted in front of Kim’s, even though she was still wearing the gown, because he couldn’t bear the idea of Krauss’s men seeing her wet and in a gown one could see through. He growled as he looked toward the cell bars to see Mendel grinning from ear to ear.

  “I told the doc it looks like you’re about to fuck her anyways, not to bother with the drugs, but he insisted.” Mendel waggled his brows. “Have fun, you two.”

  “Wil?” Kim leaned around Wilson and spotted the dart. She gasped and pulled the dart free of him. “Ohmygod, what did they—”

  Straightaway, it felt as though his skin was burning everywhere at once. The heat moved quickly to his groin. His cock throbbed. The need to plunge it deep in Kim was so great that Wilson had to force himself to step back. “Chain me again.”

  Her eyes widened. “What? No.”

  “K-Kim. Chain. Me.”

  She shook her head and grabbed the sides of his face. Wilson couldn’t have fought back even if he’d wanted to. Whatever they’d given him was too powerful. Every fiber of his being wanted to be buried to the hilt in her.

  She splayed her hands on his cheeks as her bottom lip trembled. “Why are they doing this to us?”

  Because they can, honey.

  He couldn’t get the words out but knew she heard his thoughts.

  Chain me.

  She did the furthest thing from chaining him. She kissed him. Slow at first, pressing her full lips to his and then taking it to another level—sliding her tongue out and over his lower lip. Wilson growled, his cock hard enough to hammer nails. As she touched her tongue to his, he lost control, crowding her to the point she had no choice but be pressed to the wall.

  The alpha in him demanded he lead the kiss so he did. It was drugging and powerful. He ate at her mouth, and Kim met him every step of the way. He pulled a hand down the length of her body, stopping briefly under the swell of a breast but compelled to move downward more. The thin, soaked gown clung to her, molding perfectly to every curve.

  He pushed his thigh between her legs, spreading them. Kim drew in a sharp breath and his mind screamed at him to stop, that she was scared, but his body refused to obey his commands. Wilson slid his hand lower, going for her sex but stopping as he touched her lower abdomen.

  A fierce growl tore free of him, and the overwhelming need to protect Kim struck him full force. He caressed her lower stomach, kissing her passionately, and the innate knowledge that she possessed something of his came over him. What it was she had, he wasn’t sure. The feeling made no sense. Whatever Krauss’s men had injected him with was powerful, but the keen awareness Wilson felt as he touched Kim’s stomach was even more powerful. He quelled the desire to slam Kim against the wall and fuck her until he could move no more and went with kissing her gently instead.

  Wilson composed himself and pressed his lips to her forehead. “Let’s get you cleaned and fed.”

  She stared up at him through hooded lashes. “Hmm?”

  The fact Kim had gotten lost in their kiss meant more to Wilson than he cared to admit. He smiled and cut it short the moment he felt someone watching them. He kept her shielded from view and glanced over his shoulder to find Krauss standing there, observing their every move.

  Fucking pervert.

  Krauss looked downright gleeful. “Interesting.”

  “So you’ve said,” Wilson bit out.

  Mendel rushed down the hall and shook his head. “I swear I gave him the dosage you told me to.” He put his hands up. “Four times what we gave the other two put together. He should have ripped her apart by now. He should have—”

  Krauss lifted a hand, silencing Mendel instantly. He directed his gaze to Wilson. “I didn’t think you’d be able to sense it in her this early.”


  Wilson ran the last two weeks through his mind and realized he was still caressing Kim’s abdomen. A sick feeling came over him, and he knew better than to think too hard upon it. Kim would read his thoughts, and if what he suspected were true, she wouldn’t be happy with the news.

  “Have you nothing witty to offer, rat?” Krauss questioned.

  Wilson wanted to charge the cell bars in hopes of getting even close to being able to kill Krauss. Kim picked then to place her hand over his as he continued to caress her lower stomach lightly.

  Krauss chuckled. “Always so full of smart remarks. Where are they now, Mr. Rousseau? Hmm? Or have we finally found something to silence you with?”

  A low grumble began in the back of his throat. He knew he’d growl and attack soon. Kim apparently knew it too because she brought her free hand to his cheek and slid her fingers through his beard.

  “Don’t, Wil,” she whispered.

  Krauss snickered. “Listen to the little missus, Mr. Rousseau. She speaks for two now.” He paused dramatically. “You and she.”

  Kim tensed and her fear moved over him, taking precedence over the urge to kill Krauss. Wilson directed his gaze back onto her. “I’ve got you, hon.”

  “Hon? Interesting.”

  The sound of Krauss’s voice set Wilson’s jaw on edge. He arched a brow as he smiled at Kim. “If he says ‘interesting’ one more time, can I kill him?”

  She returned his smile and nodded. “But could you hurry? It’s getting really cold in here.”

  Wilson realized the water had turned icy and couldn’t help but laugh. Even with cold water rushing over him, he was still horny and still wanted the woman before him. “Honey, I might need to stand under this a while longer. Let’s get your hair washed before I realize I’m not a decent guy under all this,” he scratched at his beard, “hair.”

  He sensed Krauss walking away but didn’t bother to turn and watch him leave. The news he’d left Wilson with was more than enough to worry about. Having studied and hunted the man with the Immortal Ops, Wilson knew exactly how sick the bastard was, and he knew how desperately Krauss wanted to replicate the I-Ops. Touching Kim’s abdomen, Wilson realized Krauss had done the next closest thing to cloning an Op that he could. Wilson also knew he’d die before he’d let Krauss or his men harm Kim or what she carried—a baby.

  Chapter Eight

  After their shower, food had arrived with a fresh change of clothes for Wilson. Kim had held true and insisted on tasting the food before he had any. She didn’t tell him that she drew upon her natural-born gifts to assure it was free from toxins while supposedly tasting it. Kim had watched him eat, at first like he hadn’t eaten in months and then slower as he realized she was looking at him. Wilson had then gone out of his way to eat in a civilized fashion, and it broke Kim’s heart knowing he’d been through hell, yet was worried about how she perceived him. She’d dropped her plastic fork on the floor, on purpose, and then used her fingers to eat—winking at him as she did.

  Her stomach had been touchy and she’d only been able to get a little b
it of food in before the threat of it returning on her hit. Wilson had finished the rest of hers as well. He’d practically held her down, assuring she ate at least one more piece of the fruit that had been provided, insisting she needed the vitamins.

  When they were finished eating, Kim used her discarded gown and some soap to scrub the area Wilson had been chained to. She hated looking at it and knowing he’d suffered there. It wasn’t until he bear-hugged her, pulling her to her feet and into his arms, that she realized she’d been sobbing while she cleaned.

  Now that they were ready to turn in for the rest of the night, they were having a standoff over the sleeping arrangements. He seemed to think he belonged on the floor, and she thought otherwise. Though he looked like he might break.

  “You sure you don’t mind?” asked Wilson.

  Kim smiled and shook her head as she put her hand out to Wilson. She’d been trying to convince him to share the gurney, which was doubling as a bed, with her for the greater part of fifteen minutes. The man was so worried about her comfort level that he didn’t seem to give any mind to his own. “I’m sure.”

  “Scoot over and I’ll sleep facing the cell door,” he said, his voice low.

  Staring into his chocolate-brown eyes, Kim did her best to remember to breathe. She’d thought he was good-looking when he’d been covered in dirt and grime. Seeing him clean stole her breath. He was hot. Very hot. “No. I get this side of the bed. They’ll think twice about shooting at you with me in the way.”

  A low growl sounded from him. “You’re very stubborn, aren’t you?”

  “Only when I’m right.” She laced her fingers through his and tugged gently. She knew he wasn’t like her—he wasn’t a full-blooded Fae, but he was something more than human. “Please, Wil. I won’t sleep if I’m worried about one of those idiots deciding to use you for target practice again. I’m not asking you to explain how you healed the last shot so fast. I’m just asking that you cut their access to you down a bit.”

  Something she couldn’t read passed over his handsome face before he gave in and climbed onto the gurney. It was cramped and Wilson’s muscular body pressed against her. The very hard and very large battering ram he nestled against her lower back made her breathing quicken. She knew all too well just how large he was because of their shower time earlier. Her pulse raced and Wilson purred softly in her ear, nearly pushing Kim over the edge of her self-control.

  “I can move to the floor if you’re uncomfortable with me being here,” he said, draping a large arm over her protectively.

  It felt good to be held. Too good to pass up. “No. You’re not sleeping on the floor. You’ve spent the majority of your time here on it. I’ll be damned if you spend another second there.”

  He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”

  Exhaustion began to take its toll on Kim, demanding she relax and sink into the comfort of Wilson’s arms. The tension in Wilson’s body started to fade away, and for one brief moment she almost forgot about what had been done to her, and that her gut told her Krauss would kill Wilson soon if given the chance. If they didn’t get away soon, Wilson would be no more. While she’d only just met him and barely knew him, she cared far more than she should about him. In fact, she cared more about him than any man she’d been with to date. If the sick bastard Krauss got his way, she’d never get to know Wilson more. She’d never know if whatever was budding between them could turn into something more—something real and for good.

  Wilson kissed the top of her head and gave her a light squeeze. “Don’t cry, hon.”

  Hon? Cry?

  Reaching up, she felt the moisture on her cheeks and realized that she was indeed crying. Did she dare confess what her gut was telling her? That Krauss’s use for Wilson was fast running out? “Wil, I’m scared.”

  “I know. I’ve got you now. It’ll be okay. I won’t let them hurt you two, erm, I mean you.”

  She shook her head, giving in to the urge to confess what was troubling her. “I’m not scared for me, Wil. I’m scared for you. He’ll kill you soon. I know it deep inside. Please don’t ask me to tell you how or why. Just trust me when I say his use for you is drawing to a fast end.”

  “I know,” he said.

  She tensed. He knew? “Wil?”

  “Shh, hon, don’t worry on that just now.”

  Was he crazy? Why wouldn’t she worry about his well-being?

  He nuzzled his face against her neck, making her giggle as his whiskers brushed over her neck. “Ticklish?”

  “N-no.” She tried and failed to suppress her laughter as he rubbed his jaw back and forth. “Stop. I’m serious here. He’s going to kill you.”

  “Yep, probably, but I’ll be sure to get you safely out of here first,” he said softly.

  She tensed. “I’m not leaving without you.”

  Wilson surprised her by kissing her neck and pulling her tighter against his frame. “Hon, I appreciate your concern. I do, but I’m not worried about me.”

  She cried harder, and he kissed her neck once more. “Shh, hon, don’t cry.”

  “I don’t want you hurt,” she confessed. “I want to leave here with you. Not alone.”

  “Then I promise to do my best to stay alive. How is that?”

  She smiled through her tears and nodded, the action making his beard hairs tickle her neck once more. She laughed softly. He purposely rubbed his whiskers against her neck more, and she laughed harder, curling up against him, letting him spoon her as if they’d been lovers forever and this was just another night to them. The thought sobered her instantly, but she didn’t want to give up the jovial feeling just yet. “Wil.”

  “Yes?” he asked, going for her ribs.

  She caught his hand and pulled it around, forcing him to hold her. “Tell me about yourself. About how you ended up here, in South America, and here with Krauss. Anything. Just tell me about you.”

  He was quiet for a moment and Kim thought he might ignore her. “I was in South America on business.”

  It was the truth but not the whole truth. She didn’t press, deciding to let him speak freely. He drew her back against him as he went on.

  “It’s safe to say Krauss’s men caught me with my guard down, and I’ve been here ever since.”

  Kim twisted a bit in his arms so she could see his face. “You’re being incredibly vague. You do understand that I’ve bathed you, right? Secrets now seem kind of pointless.”

  He grinned mischievously. “Yes, but I’d like you to think I’m dark and mysterious.”

  She snorted.

  “So, I’m not pulling off the whole Bond thing?”

  She patted his arm gently. “Oh yes. Very well.” Laughing, Kim tried to hide her smile, but Wilson grabbed her chin and locked gazes with her. Her breath caught as his lips hovered just above hers. Wanting to be kissed by him way more than she should, Kim pulled herself together and went for a change of subject. “Okay, answer something simple. Like…how old are you?”

  He kept his lips close to hers. “How old do I look?”

  “Mid to late twenties, but something tells me you’re older than that.”

  He licked his lower lip causing moisture to pool at the apex of her thighs. “It’s my wise eyes, isn’t it?”

  She laughed so hard she snorted. “Oh yes. That must be it.”

  “I figured as much.”

  Grinning, Kim laced her fingers through his. “Thank you.”

  His brow creased. “For what?”

  “For making me feel safe and for making me laugh, Wilson.” Kim exhaled deeply and closed her eyes briefly. “I don’t even want to think about what it would have been like to wake up without you here with me.”

  “Bet it would have smelled a right bit better,” he said, his lips brushing her cheek.

  She laughed. “I can’t answer that for fear I’ll point out the fact you smelled horrible.”

  It was Wilson’s turn to laugh. He rubbed their joined hands over her abdomen. “So, tell me about your
self. How old are you?”

  “How old do I look?” she asked, spinning his questions back at him.

  He clucked his tongue against his cheek. “Barely legal, so I’m hoping older than I think.”

  Kim nodded. “I’ll be twenty-six soon.”

  He didn’t look convinced. She smiled. “I swear to you. I’ll be twenty-six.” She shook her head. “I can’t help the fact I look like I just turned eighteen. Sort of a running theme in my family—at least on my dad’s side anyway. I’ll always look younger than I am.”

  Way younger.

  She kept that thought to herself. It wasn’t like she could come right out and tell Wilson that Krauss was right—she was Fae.

  Wilson cleared his throat. “So, do you have anyone special back home?”

  She locked gazes with him. “Are we counting all men or just the ones who walk on two legs most of the time?”

  For a second, he looked nervous. Kim squeezed his hand. “I wouldn’t be in this bed with you now if I did, Wil. But I think Ike would be jealous if I didn’t at least mention him as being important to me since he’s the guy I come home to every night. Plus, he shares my room.”

  “Ike?” Wilson asked, a jealous note in his voice.

  Her eyes widened. “Yep. Ike, my pet rat.”

  Wilson went ramrod stiff. “You have a pet rat?”

  “He’s very smart and loyal.” She stared up at Wilson with a serious look on her face. “They’re not dirty animals. I know a lot of people think rats are but they’re not. Well, not the domesticated ones, anyways. He comes when you call his name and he’s—”

  Wilson pressed his lips to hers, ceasing her rambling. His kiss was chaste. He pulled back a bit and smiled. “You don’t have to justify having Ike to me, Kim.”

  “So you don’t think I’m weird? My father thinks I am. I rescued Ike from a lab some ten years back and he’s—”

  “Ten years?” Wilson asked. “Domesticated rats live about three, at best.”

  That was true, but Ike had bitten her father by accident shortly after she rescued him, and since her father was Fae and immortal, the rat now had a much longer life span. He also had the ability to change colors with his mood, but Kim kept that to herself. Talking about a rat with magikal powers would no doubt make Wilson think she was insane.


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