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Strategic Vulnerability

Page 10

by Mandy M. Roth

  A man who had similar features to Lukian’s tapped his arm. “Would that be the big scary-lookin’ guy who I think might want Wilson dead?”

  “Yeah, Roi,” a short woman with long black hair said. “That would be the one. He’s kind of pissed because Kimberly is pregnant with Wilson’s baby.”

  Lukian blinked and shook his head. “You’re what with who?”

  Wilson yanked her close to him and kissed the top of her head. “Krauss tricked her and she showed up here, unconscious, about two weeks back. They kept her tied down to a cot, in my cell, just out of my reach.” He stiffened. “They took her out each day, talking about monitoring her progress and—”

  A hulk of a man with auburn hair growled. “Tell me they did not try to run genetic-altering tests on her!”

  Melanie rushed to the man and put her hand on the back of his neck. “Green, shhh. They did that and so much more to Wilson and her.”

  A man with amber eyes stared at her and sniffed the air. His eyes widened. “You really are expectin’ his baby?”

  “Yes, Jon,” Wilson said. “She is.”

  Roi laughed nervously. “I’d make a joke but her father is creepin’ me out.”

  Kim looked at her father. “Daddy, Wilson is guilty of saving my life. That’s it.”

  Her father’s jaw locked. “And of saving my grandson’s life.”

  “You’re not going to try to make me get rid of the baby?” she asked, tears flowing freely. “Daddy, I thought you’d hate me for what they did. I thought you’d hate the…”

  Her father came for her and Wilson eased his grip on her. “I’ll handle the men who did this to you. And never would I want harm to come to my family.”

  He smiled. It looked forced but it was an attempt. “The child you carry is my family.” He glanced at Wilson. “Are you going to insist on having him be a part of the child’s life?”

  Kim opened her mouth to answer and stopped. “Uh, umm, we only just broke free of the facility. We’ve not really talked about what we’re going to—”

  Wilson took her hand in his. “We’re getting married and raising our son.”

  She gasped. “Wil, I can’t marry you. I don’t even know you.”

  “Oh, bullshit, Kim!” he shouted, startling her. “Even if Krauss and his men hadn’t interfered, we’d have found our way to one another. It’s how these things work, honey. Mates find one another no matter what. What he did to you, to us, is beyond wrong. That does not change the fact it’s our baby growing inside you and it certainly does not fucking take away from the fact you are my mate.”

  “I’m not really your… I mean… I can’t be. You’re a shifter and I’m Fae. They can’t be compatible.”

  Green let out a long breath. “Actually, every mated pair here will beg to differ. They are all a blend of shifter and Fae matings. I’d like to get you two back to our compound and run some of my own tests.” He put his hands up. “Just to be sure you’re both okay. Who knows what else Krauss did to you both?”

  “Out of the question,” her father said. “Kimberly is coming home with me. If that vagabond insisting he’s her mate wishes to see her, he can try to come through me.”

  Wilson charged her father and Kim screamed, rushing between them. “No fighting!”

  “Wilson, we need to talk. Tell us everything you can about Krauss and his men. We’ll set up a strike.” Lukian came forward and stopped just shy of touching Wilson. He smiled. “It’s damn good to see your ugly ass again.”

  Wilson nodded and the next thing Kim knew, the men were all doing very manly versions of hugs. The women cried and clung to Wilson. Much to her surprise, the jealousy she’d felt toward Melanie died down as Melanie hugged Wilson again. Mostly, it had to do with the way Melanie and the man named Green seemed to react to one another. It was easy to see they were in love.

  Her father touched her back. “Come, I’ll take you home. This is no place for you or the baby to be.”

  She watched as Wilson continued to hug his friends. “Daddy, I can’t leave him.”

  Her father exhaled rather loudly. “Kimberly, I’m not asking you to never see the vaga—erm, man again. I simply wish to take you and the baby far from harm’s way. I think he would wish the same for you and his child.”

  As Wilson continued to be hugged and held by the people who obviously loved him, Kim nodded. “Okay, but I want you to promise to flash back and protect him. He’s weakened from what they’ve done to him, Daddy. He shouldn’t be involved in a strike of any kind.”

  Lukian pulled Peren into a hug and stared over at Kim. “I agree. It’s why, after he’s debriefed, he’s going home. If he even thinks of lifting a finger to help capture Krauss, I’ll shoot him myself.”

  Kim smiled at her longtime friend. “Wouldn’t bother him a bit. Guess they used him as target practice in there at least once a day. Scared the heck out of me when he healed over instantly.”

  Lukian approached, holding Peren’s hand. He stopped when he was close. “Kimberly, how bad was it for him?”

  Her eyes filled with unshed tears as she thought back to the filthy condition she’d found Wilson in. Peren hugged her tight and stroked her back. “Oh, honey, don’t even say it. I can see it in your eyes. It was bad. He’s safe now.” She pulled back. “You’re both safe now.”

  Lukian stared down at Peren. “And that is the only reason I’m not tanning your backside for disobeying my orders and putting not only yourself but our little one in danger too.” He touched her abdomen.

  Kimberly’s father cleared his throat. “So, the rumors are true. The great lycan king mated.”

  Lukian nodded. “If only we could mate off the members of the Fae Council.”

  Kimberly tuned out their friendly banter and focused on Wilson. The man he’d called Jon hugged him again, and it was easy to see they were close. When they broke apart, Jon did a light, fake punch to Wilson’s jaw.

  “Nice beard, man.”

  “And hair,” the one called Roi said as he pushed Wilson’s shoulder.

  Kimberly stepped closer to her father, needing the comfort of family. “Daddy, I want to go home.”

  “But I thought you said you couldn’t leave him.”

  Shocked her father was honoring her wishes, Kimberly nodded. “I know, but I’m tired and he’s safe…with his friends and family now. We should—”

  “If you leave,” Peren reached for her, “it will break his heart. They’re excited to see him, Kimberly. They thought he was dead and they’re like brothers. They really are.”

  Lukian nodded. “She’s right. If you go, Wilson won’t be the same.”

  Kim wanted to agree but couldn’t. Wilson seemed healthier and happier having his friends and family near. It eased some of the pressure in her chest she was fast realizing was concern for him. She hugged her old friend and then hugged the woman she assumed was his wife. “Thank you for worrying about him, but he’ll be fine. He has all of you back, and though I only just met Wil, I have a pretty good guess he won’t take being shut out of the strike against Krauss lying down.” Fatigue set in and Kim instantly felt drained. “I’m tired and—”

  Her father drew in a sharp breath. “The child pulls on too much of your power, Kimberly.”

  “I’ll be fine, Daddy.”

  She hoped.

  Her father stared at Lukian. “I’ll take Kimberly to safety and then return to assist in finding the men responsible for doing this to my daughter.”

  “Thank you, Culann,” Lukian said. “I’d appreciate that. How about I send my wife and her friends with you and Kimberly now? They can help watch over her until we can all,” he glanced back at Wilson who was now being bear-hugged by the man called Green, “get back to her.”

  Kim’s gaze went to Melanie, who was watching her closely. She looked away and forced a smile to her face. “I’ll be fine, Lukian. Thank you though. Daddy keeps the house warded. Nothing is getting in that he doesn’t want there.”

  Her fat
her put his arm around her. “Come.”

  She obeyed, refusing to look in Wilson’s direction again for fear she’d run to him and never let go. She didn’t know the man. Not really. They were strangers thrust together by chance who now had a common thread. One they never planned on.

  A baby.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Wilson tapped the metal table, his mind racing and his body aching to hold Kim. His patience was gone and he wanted to be out there, searching the jungle for Krauss and his men. His breathing was erratic and his pulse was off the charts. Green kept coming at him with a blood pressure cuff and a serious expression on his face. Wilson snarled. “Leave me alone. I’m fine.”

  “Your test results are saying otherwise,” Green said, never missing a beat as he cuffed Wilson’s upper arm.

  “Yeah, whatever. I want to hunt the bastard down and kill him with my bare hands.”

  “Because he hurt you?” Green asked, a knowing look on his face.

  “Because he hurt Kim!”

  Green nodded as if he understood completely before falling silent, taking Wilson’s blood pressure. When he was done, he stared down at Wilson. “Without Krauss you wouldn’t have a baby on the way right now.”

  “So you’re saying I should send the bastard a fucking wedding invite?” Frustration churned within him and he puffed a breath of air out slowly.

  “No, I’m saying you should calm down, and I was trying to find the silver lining in all of this, Wilson. Kimberly would certainly qualify as one. She seemed very nice and very concerned about you from what Peren tells me.”

  He huffed. “Yeah, so much so she bolted the first chance she had.”

  “Wilson.” Green squeezed his arm hard. “Peren mentioned something else to me. Something about the drain the baby was putting on Kimberly’s system. I think her father took her because he sensed it happening.”

  Wilson gasped. “I need to go to her.”

  “What you need,” a deep voice said from the doorway, “is to sit and allow that gentleman to continue his tests. If my grandson is going to have his father around, I want to know the man is healthy.”

  Culann made his way into the room, seeming a little less threatening than the last encounter. Wilson tried to move but Green pinned him in place. “I can and will sedate you.”

  Wilson rolled his eyes. “Go ahead. I’m used to it.”

  Culann stared at him. “Are you this difficult with everyone in your life?”

  “Is Kim safe?” he asked, ignoring the man’s question.

  Inclining his head slightly, Culann locked gazes with Wilson. “She is. She’s resting. The wards on our home are strong. She’s safe. I assure you. I would not be here if she wasn’t.”

  Wilson knew as much. The man was overprotective, but Wilson was damn thankful for that fact. Green finished his newest set of tests and Wilson stood too fast. The blood rushed from his head and he swayed. He would have hit the floor if Green hadn’t caught him and eased him back into the chair.

  “Oh yeah,” Green mused. “You’re ready to take on the world. Go lie down, Wilson. I’ll get a bag of fluids and we’ll work on getting your electrolytes somewhere near normal again. Not to mention your—”

  Culann turned as Lukian stepped through the doorway. “Lukian.”

  Lukian glanced at Wilson. “We’ve run over everything you’ve told us and tracked the area where you think Krauss’s facility is but found nothing.”

  Wilson’s brow furrowed. How could that be? He’d made a point to keep track of what direction they’d traveled to be sure to come back and strike. It made no sense. “He couldn’t have moved the entire facility.”

  Lukian’s gaze bore into him. “Get some rest, Wilson. Maybe you’ll remember something later, when you’re feeling a little more like yourself.”

  “Are you saying I gave you bad directions?”

  Lukian glanced at Green. “Give him something to help him rest.”

  Wilson shook his head. “No. I want to find Krauss and then I’m going to get my wife and child.”

  Culann cleared his throat with a cough. “Until my daughter is claimed, she’s no one’s wife.” He turned to Lukian. “Let’s do one more sweep now that I’m here and can lend a hand magikally.”

  “I’m coming.” Wilson tried to stand and crashed to the floor, but this time Green wasn’t fast enough to catch him. His head bounced off the unforgiving floor and Wilson’s vision blurred. When he collected himself, he groaned and blinked up, his head swimming. “Kim…have to get to Kim. Have to keep her and the baby safe. Have to…Kim.”

  Culann was suddenly next to him, kneeling down. He put his hand out above Wilson’s head. “What you have to do is rest and regain your strength. Until you’re healthy, you’re of no use to my daughter or my grandson.”

  Wilson opened his mouth to protest and felt Culann’s magik easing over him. He knew what was coming and wasn’t strong enough to fight it.

  A sleep spell.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Two and a half months later…

  Kim pushed her sunglasses higher as she walked around the shopping plaza. Her father had forbidden her from leaving the safety of their home, but after two and a half months of being cooped up there, she needed to get out. She’d taken to waiting until he was off handling this council affair or that before going for a walk or drive. Today she’d decided to take it one step further and venture out into a crowded place.

  She knew from talking to her father that Krauss and a large group of his men had managed to evade capture, and she knew what an asset she was to Krauss. That being said, she refused to live her life in fear. It broke her father’s heart and he even tried suggesting they go to Virginia to visit Wilson. She refused. It had taken Kim the greater part of two and half months away from Wilson to realize she’d been falling in love with a man she barely knew. A man who shouldn’t be forced to love her for the sake of a child.

  Absentmindedly, she ran a hand over the tiniest of swells on her lower abdomen. She was barely showing, to the point she was still able to wear her normal clothing. The doctor, who specialized in supernaturals and worked out of the limelight of public view, assured Kim all was well with the baby.

  Kim walked past the food court and the smells turned her stomach. Well, all but one. She glanced around, trying to figure out what seemed to call to her, but found nothing. The plaza was crowded, no doubt due to the fact it was prime tourist season for the area.

  Her flat, brown leather dress sandals clicked against the pavement. They had coral beads on them that matched her embroidered voile skirt, which in turn matched the beaded neckline of her v-neck top. Kim had even added bracelets to the mix today. Considering she hadn’t felt much like getting out of her pajamas since her return home, that was saying a lot.

  She turned back around and bumped into something solid. Heat raced through her body, centering first low in her stomach and then moving lower, between her thighs. She blinked and stared up at a tall man with close-cut brown hair and squared jawline. He was incredibly handsome and every ounce of him looked sculpted. He also seemed to be staring at her with quite the amused yet ravenous look in his chocolate-brown eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, trying to go around him. “I didn’t see you there.”

  He stepped in her path and smiled, clearly trying not to laugh.

  Kim’s brows knit. “Uh, excuse me, buddy.”

  He stood his ground. The white shirt he wore showed off his tawny skin, and the faded jeans he had on were snug in all the right places. She especially liked the black combat boots he wore.

  Shocked at how rude, yet incredibly breathtaking the man was, Kim gave up and turned around, storming off in the other direction, mumbling under her breath about what a jerk the man had been. She continued on, heading to the other end of the mall. A baby store seemed to call to her. Reluctantly, she headed for it, still uneasy about the entire ordeal.

  She stepped over the threshold and felt comp
elled to head toward the mobiles and other baby toys. Once there, her stomach fluttered and she sensed Fae power. It wasn’t hers per se but it was close to hers. It was also mixed with something else. Something foreign. The power trickled out and over the mobiles, making them spin, their music playing loudly.

  The sales clerk looked over at her and Kim bit her lip, looking away, not wanting to acknowledge what was going on. The buzz of power continued. She backed up, shaking her head, touching her abdomen.

  Her cell phone rang and she nearly dumped the contents of her purse in an attempt to get it. When she did, she sounded frantic. “Yes?”

  Her father’s laugh greeted her. “Something the matter?”

  She continued to touch her stomach. “Um, Dad, when Mom was pregnant with me, did I do anything odd? Like wield power before I was even born?”

  “Yes. Scared the hell out of her at the start. We had no way of knowing you’d be that powerful at that age.”

  Kim looked up at the mobiles, which were still going. Themed bedside lamps began to turn on and off all on their own. The sales clerk went to check on them, appearing puzzled, mumbling about a short in the wiring or something.

  “Kimberly?” her father asked. “Is everything all right? Is my grandson making his presence known?”

  She was about to say no when a display full of soft, plush balls dumped onto the floor. “Dad, I have to go now.” She hung up quickly, touching her stomach once more. “Stop that. It’s bad.”

  A warm chuckle sounded from behind her, making her jump slightly. She spun around to find the sexy man with chocolate eyes staring at her. The minute she tried to walk past him and bumped his arm, the power increased, causing absolute chaos in the store. A baby-blue blanket flew directly at the hunk before her. He caught it with one hand, never taking his eyes from her.

  Kim glanced around nervously, noticing everyone beginning to panic. She put her hand on her stomach again and whispered, “No, sweetie. It’s scaring people. Stop now.”

  The power ceased.


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