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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

Page 8

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “He’s here.” She was out of breath and out of sorts.

  “Here, as in his house, here?” I asked, but I had a feeling that is not at all what Blaze meant.

  “No, here, as in your front doorstep, and here, as in Viv’s house for dinner.” She panicked as she spoke about Reece.

  “Wait, you're telling me he’s at Viv’s?” I began to panic right along with Blaze.

  She nodded frantically with a cryptic smile on her face.

  “Shit!” It was all I could say.

  “Shit is right. What do we do, now?” She looked to me for some sort of epiphany, which wasn’t about to happen, because I didn't have a clue on how to handle Reece Montgomery. I knew what he was like, and when he set his sights on something. In this case, that something being Blaze. He wouldn’t let anyone or anything, not even his health, stand in his way.

  “If he’s at Viv’s, then does that mean Damien is there too?” I raised my voice slightly and looked away from Blaze to Tommy and Daniel. They didn’t say anything and tried to appear nonchalant, as not to show that they were listening. Not that they could help it, Blaze vividly exposed the situation when she made her grand entrance onto Tommy’s deck. I didn’t give Blaze a chance to answer. I felt I owed Tommy and Daniel, an apology for our behavior, and I felt it would be a good time to introduce Blaze to the both of them. I was almost positive that Blaze had met Daniel before, though.

  “Tommy, Daniel, I apologize for all of this craziness. Some of us shouldn’t have brought their problems here.” I cleared my throat and cocked my head to indicate to Blaze it was her cue to apologize for her abrupt entrance and that it would be a good time for her to introduce herself.

  She stopped in her tracks, paused, then recovered. She stiffly raised her hand and awkwardly said hello. “Hi, I’m Blaze, sorry for my obnoxious intrusion.”

  Tommy immediately came forward to welcome her. He took her hand, which for some strange reason made me uneasy. He was being kind and I was being ridiculous. He was a single man and I was a single woman with no expectations because I didn’t want anything serious. There was no reason for me to feel this way. I just met him. This was insane. I chalked it up to being overtired and overstressed from the past week, with all the drama created by Reece and Blaze, not to mention my surprise about my parent’s house being rented out without Viv advising me on it beforehand.

  “Blaze, I’m Tommy Conte. Good to meet you. I assume you know Daniel already,” Tommy said as he turned in Daniel’s direction.

  “Yes, hi Daniel, it’s been awhile. How are you?” Blaze said with a smile that could make the sun melt.

  “I’m good, Blaze. I’d ask you how you are, but by the sound of things I think I already have my answer.” Daniel remembered Blaze.

  “Yeah, again, I’m sorry about all of this,” She said as she waved her hands aimlessly in the air. She was about to explain further, but Tommy’s introduction finally hit her.

  “Wait…” She reached for Tommy’s upper arm in a flirtatious move. I would have reached for her throat if I could.

  What the hell was wrong with me! No expectations, Jade, remember?

  With her hand still curled around Tommy’s bicep, she questioned him further. “You said, Tommy Conte?”

  Tommy nodded with a quirky smile on his face. Where was she going with this? I think everyone was intrigued.

  “The photographer?” she continued.

  Tommy nodded again in response to her question.

  “I love your work. My company has used your services several times to acquire photographs for staging many of our properties in New York City.” She explained her presumptive action to his introduction.

  “Thank you, I really appreciate the compliment.” Tommy was sincere. I had no idea he was a photographer. I wondered what else I would learn about Tommy as Blaze continued to grill him.

  “What a small world; I assume by the work that needs to be done on Jade’s childhood home, you aren’t currently taking on any photography work?”

  “You’re right. I’m taking a leave of absence for the time being, but my parents and my business partner have it all handled. My partner took a break for a while after having her children, so now it’s my turn.” Tommy’s business partner was a woman? Why should this surprise me?

  “And you know Daniel. The world has gotten even smaller.” Now Blaze was fishing. I needed to put a stop to this and fast, yet I hesitated. I didn’t want Tommy nor Daniel to be put off by her questions, yet I learned a great deal in the past few minutes.

  “Yes, Daniel’s brother is married to my childhood friend and business partner,” Tommy said, and I was surprised by that, too. Daniel never mentioned he had a brother in all the time I’d known him.

  “I thought you were an only child?” Now, I was the one being nosy.

  Both Daniel and Tommy grinned at each other as if they had some secret that only the two of them knew about.

  “No, I’m not an only child, but I hadn’t gotten to know my brother until recently, so it was something I’ve never talked about.”

  “I want to apologize on behalf of Blaze and myself,” I said to Daniel. “We should have never pried.”

  He laughed and Tommy smiled, while Blaze sulked. She obviously felt like I was being ridiculous for my apology, but his personal life was not our business, especially since I hadn’t kept in close contact with him for the past few years.

  “Believe me, Jade, it’s okay, but it’s a long story and not one that I can really talk about without going into enormous detail, and also one we don’t have time for right now, but I’d love to tell you about it, so why don’t we all have dinner one night soon and I’ll explain everything.” He grinned.

  “We’re having dinner tonight,” Blaze interrupted.

  “Blaze,” I snapped, and she closed her mouth tight.

  Daniel let out a huge laugh. “I don’t think tonight would be a good idea. Let’s take one drama at a time, shall we?” He was referring to Blaze and her issues with Reece.

  “So, while we are on the subject, and if you don’t mind me asking, what is all the drama you ladies are dealing with at the moment?” Tommy jumped in.

  “Blaze is having boyfriend problems.”

  “Thanks for making it sound so juvenile,” Blaze said, directing to me.

  “That’s because it is.” I justifiably smirked, but I looked at Tommy; he was already staring at me. I looked down. Strangely, my shyness when I was around him hadn’t dissipated after our original introduction.

  Just as Blaze was about to explain what had happened in the last few days, a familiar voice called out her name from my garden. It was Reece. He’d probably tried the bell and when neither of us answered, he decided to walk around back and intrude. Or maybe, knowing Reece, he just barged in and didn’t ring my bell at all. Anyhow, there he was, fully recuperated by his standards and calling out for Blaze.

  Blaze made her apologies and headed down the stairs of Tommy’s deck to cross over onto my patio. It was only a matter of time for Reece to come and look for Blaze. He probably got an earful from Aunt Viv and decided that he would make an excuse to go find her. Tommy, Daniel, and I approached the side of the deck to watch as Blaze went to Reece. He had a huge bouquet of red roses and a bottle of champagne. She jumped into his awaiting arms.

  “Oh no…clearly, she doesn’t want a serious relationship with him, not at all,” I stated, snidely. Both men turned their heads and looked at me, but said nothing. They knew exactly what I meant.

  I decided to head back to my house to get the desserts for later. I told Tommy and Daniel that I would meet them over there in about an hour. I was initially relieved to see that Reece was alone. I thought that meant he took it upon himself to get a ride down here with his driver or a car service, but when I cleared Tommy’s stairs and headed to mine I could see that Damien was in the car. He must have surmised that it would not be the best idea to wait inside of my house.

  Unfortunately, Damien
saw me too and awkwardly waved. I stood still for a moment. I didn’t know whether I should pretend he didn’t exist or if I should address him. I decided I had better deal with him now while he was alone. I imagined that if he was back here on the East Coast, Courtney wasn’t too far behind. I walked over to the convertible that I had assumed he’d rented. I didn’t know of Reece or Damien owning one. Reece rarely drove his car. He had a full-time driver and Damien always drove a four-wheel drive vehicle, like me, so that he could get easily on and off the beach.

  As soon as he saw that I would talk with him, he got out of the car to meet me half way. He came close, to kiss my cheek. I was surprised that my skin didn’t crawl like it had in the past when I met him. Now was not the time to negatively reminisce. Now was the time to find out how long he planned to be here, and what he was doing about keeping his father on a short leash.

  “Thank you for calling me the other night,” he said after his hello kiss.

  “It’s fine. Actually, your dad made me call you. He said you wouldn’t have answered if it was him.”

  Damien chuckled. “Yeah, he’s right. We only talk when there’s a concern with the business.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Although I had no reason to feel bad for Damien, I knew that Reece was his only family and family was very important to me. Regardless of the ill feelings between us, I hated to see that he and his dad were still not repairing their relationship.

  “You know how he is. He won’t stop with his demands on how my life should be.”

  “You mean who should be in your life,” I remarked.

  “Yeah, he just won’t let us go,” Damien said with an exhausted sigh. Reece never liked Courtney, and he certainly didn’t approve of how his son and Courtney became a couple. He voiced his opinion on the subject every chance he got. That was the main reason why Damien moved to Napa Valley. That, and the fact that with everything that happened between us, he felt it necessary to distance himself. Although he still helped run his dad’s business out there. I was glad when he left. It made a very complicated and heartbreaking situation slightly easier for me.

  I smirked. “He pulled that same garbage with me at the hospital.”

  “How did you get him to stop?” he asked.

  “I threatened not to call you.” I smiled.

  Damien laughed. “You always had a way with him.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that,” I said, modestly.

  “Trust me… you do,” he whispered.

  I had to admit that when I saw Damien just now, I thought I would have had a flood of emotions, from hate to sadness, even maybe some small attraction. Yet, it wasn’t like that at all. I didn’t feel anything, good or bad. I wondered if I was still numb. Whatever it was that I was feeling, I hoped it held up until Damien left. My thoughts were broken when Reece decided to join the conversation.

  “Well, well, well, I knew I would find you two together,” the voice of doom echoed, as he came up from behind us.

  “It’s not what your mind thinks it is,” I said, turning to acknowledge his error in judgment.

  “Then what is it, Jade? Do enlighten me. You two belong together, and once you both realize it, life as we know it will finally get back to normal.”

  “Why don’t you worry about your own love life, old man, instead of sticking your nose in where it doesn’t belong,” Damien injected with some visible resentment.

  “Ignore him, Jade. You and Damien will be back together sooner rather than later, if I have anything to say about it,” Reece persisted.

  “I’m going to tell you this for the last time. Damien and I will never be together again. And for your information, you don’t have a say in this matter. This is my life, and no one gets to have a say in it, but me. Who I decide to be with in the future is my business and mine alone. Do I make myself clear?”

  Reece didn’t answer me. He addressed his son.

  “I can't believe you gave Jade up so easily for that bitch you are warming your sheets with.”

  Our anger erupted, causing footsteps to pound the stairs and stop short in front of us.

  “What the hell happened? I can hear you guys from upstairs,” Blaze asked, breathlessly.

  “Your boyfriend is what happened.”


  “Boyfriend? What the hell are you talking about?” They hadn’t talked to Damien yet. I thought they had because Damien drove Reece all the way down here, and yet, instead of going to their home, they were at mine. I assumed he knew, but I guess my assumption was wrong. Both Blaze and Reece fell silent. I guess if I was the one who opened my big mouth, then I should be the one to elaborate on the situation.

  “Damien, your dad and Blaze are sleeping together. They have been for months.” There, I said it. I didn’t want to be the one to tell him, but he had to be told. Now it was up to Reece to put it all into perspective for Damien.

  Damien stepped in front of me to confront both Blaze and Reece.

  “When were you both going to tell me?” Damien was eerily calm.

  “We hadn’t said anything to you before, because we weren’t sure where all of this was headed.” Reece approached Damien with caution.

  “Do both of you know where this relationship is headed now?” he asked.

  “Don’t be condescending.” Reece seriously advised his son to back off.

  Blaze cut in before Damien could respond. “Maybe now, outside in front of Jade’s neighbors, isn’t really a good time or place to have this discussion. Not to mention the fact that Reece, you are supposed to be recovering from a heart attack, or did you forget?”

  “No darling, I didn’t forget. I just want my son to understand that I don’t appreciate his tone.” Reece’s words became tight as he spoke to Blaze, yet his statement wasn’t directed at Blaze. It was directed at his son.

  “You’re telling me that you don’t appreciate the way I speak to you? You must be joking. What about the way you have spoken to me for the last few years?” His son asked, but that wasn’t truly a question. They were more like comparisons. In some ways, Damien and Reece were mirror images of each other and, in other ways, they were complete opposites.

  “I want what’s best for you, Damien. Even if you can’t see that. I’ve been trying to show you what a mistake it was for you to leave Jade…”

  I needed to stop this now.

  “Reece, that’s enough!” I yelled to the point that I not only had complete silence but their undivided attention, as well.

  I softly spoke to him with the hope that he would understand what I was about to tell him.

  “Listen to me. For once, Reece, just listen to me. What happened between me and Damien was years ago, but now it’s over. We had so much good and then it all went bad. It wasn’t completely Damien’s fault. I was to blame as well. I let Jimmy’s death consume me back then. It took me away from Damien more and more every day. And when that happened, he looked elsewhere for his happiness. And because of that, I’m sorry to say I can never trust Damien again. I don’t blame him anymore for what happened, but I’m not now, nor will I ever be, in a place in my life where I want to revisit the past with him again. I know you hoped we would be together, but that will never happen. For the last time, please understand and respect my feelings.”

  I went to let go, but Reece pulled me forward to him. He let go of my hands and placed his arms around me. Then he held me at arm’s length to assess me further.

  “Okay, you both have my word, no more meddling in your future. Jade, I’m sorry. I just want what’s best for you and Damien.”

  Although Reece sounded sincere enough, I decided to reserve my judgment until he proved that he would not involve himself in my life, or even Damien’s life, as he has in the past. If he proved that he was done playing matchmaker, then maybe I would believe him completely.

  All of us at once realized it was getting late and that it was time for Blaze, Reece, and myself to head over to Aunt Viv’s for dinner. Damien explained
that Viv extended the dinner invitation to him. He said he would cancel if it were to be too uncomfortable for me, but I told him that it was fine. Blaze thought I lost my mind, and Reece showed a small hint of enjoyment when he found out that Damien was going to join us. I had a strange feeling that Reece was not at all finished with his plan to get me and Damien back together, but unfortunately for him, I had a plan of my own.

  I went upstairs to get the desserts, leaving Tommy’s box home for now. Perhaps once dinner ended, I could walk out with Tommy to let him know that I had some sweets from the shoppe for him.


  WHEN I ARRIVED at Viv’s with Blaze, Reece, and Damien in tow, Tommy and Daniel were already there. Tommy noticed me first, yet his veil of a smile faded when his focus went to Damien and then back to me again. His blank expression ignited my curiosity as to what he was thinking and why such a reaction from a man I barely knew.

  I walked over to my aunt, who was seated with Daniel. Kissing her cheek, I handed her the pastries that we would serve later for dessert as I whispered in her ear.

  “This is not the dinner party I expected to be with tonight.” My tone was tight.

  She leaned away and with a haughty smirk she said, “My darling girl, you’ll get through it, I promise. Besides, I think my new bartender is more than eager to help you with that this evening.” Viv placed down the box and lifted her martini glass in the direction of Tommy, who returned the gesture.

  She just doesn’t quit.

  I closed my eyes, bit my tongue, and then straightened my body like a stick, as I rotated on my heels and turned to say hello again to Daniel.

  I kissed him as I turned my back towards my aunt, or as she is affectionately known, ‘the matchmaker.’ I must admit Viv looked delighted to see Daniel again, as they appeared to be catching up before I interrupted them.

  The small conversation between Viv, Daniel, and myself was short lived. I could feel Tommy’s gaze on me again. A cold drink was my excuse to leave and join the hot bartender at the other end of the deck and put wider distance between me and Reece, Damien, and Blaze, as they made their way over to thank Viv for having them stay for dinner. I wished my aunt was less hospitable in situations like these, but she didn't want to be rude.


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