Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1)

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Within Six Months (A Wild Roses Novel Book 1) Page 11

by Cleo Scornavacca

  “I told Daniel’s parents the house was too much for me to take on, and I also swore Viv to secrecy. I knew if everyone found out I was here, they would want to help and that’s not what I needed right now.”

  “So your plan is to fix up this place and possibly buy it and then what?” Jade pressed forward.

  “Sort of.”

  “Sort of? I’m not understanding,” she stated.

  “You have most of it right. I intend to fix it up and hopefully buy it and also raise a family here.” I knew that statement in and of itself could scare any woman away. I just met Jade and my gut was gnawing at me to get to know her better, but if she knew my plans before knowing me, this whole thing might not end well.

  “I can tell you from experience there is no better place for a kid to grow up.” She sounded more alive, happy when she described the island.

  “I can see that.”

  “Sorry, I got off track. Now, where was I? Oh yes. After years of hanging out as friends, Damien had come down to stay for the summer after his college graduation. His parents were going through a divorce, and he was out of control. My brother Jimmy noticed it immediately, and he basically called Damien out on it. To make a long story short, they had become closer than they had ever been, and Damien decided to make amends with his parents and go to work for his dad in New York. I had finished school about a year after him and I was looking for a job as a pastry chef. Damien spoke with Reece because they needed a pastry chef for a restaurant Reece was going to open the following year. I was immediately hired.”

  “Wow, they must have really had confidence in you. I mean, you were a new chef, straight out of school with little experience and they gave you a job.”

  “Well, Reece did. Reece knew I was a good chef. I had catered private parties for him when I was home during the summer.”

  “And Damien?”

  “He just wanted to get me into his bed.”

  Her honesty made me spit my drink out all over the place. My surprise reaction got me a huge belly laugh from Jade. “Thanks, thanks a lot.”

  “You asked.”

  “Okay, but you were engaged to him?” I inquired further because Jade definitely didn’t seem like the type the of girl to sleep with a man to thank him for a favor of a new job.

  “After several years of trying to openly pursue me, I finally took pity on him, and we went out on a date. To my surprise, he was nothing like his dad, or so I thought at the time. We began to date, and everything was amazing between us. Or at least it seemed that way, so we decided we wanted to get married. Damien proposed, and I accepted. Everything was going great, but then the call came that Jimmy was injured in a devastating surfing accident out at The Mavericks. That was the beginning of the end,” Jade’s soft voice drifted away and changed into something eerily ominous.

  “The Mavericks? That’s one of the most dangerous spots in Cali to surf.” I was in shock. As much as I loved to surf, I had never imagined I would want to take that on. If the massive waves didn’t kill you, the rocks nearby would saw you in half. I wondered what would make Jimmy attempt such a feat.

  “My brother had become quite a skillful surfer. His dream was to surf The Mavericks, so he decided while he was out there on business for my dad, he would take a diversion and go to Northern California to check it out. We had no idea he would actually attempt it at that point. Then the authorities called the house to say he was badly injured and was rushed to Stanford Medical Center. My mom called my dad, who at the time was in New York with me. We met her at the airport and we all flew out there together.”

  “How badly was he hurt?” I already knew the answer, but Jade didn’t know that, so the obvious thing to do was ask.

  “His back was broken, but that wasn’t all of it. If it had just been his back, then more than likely he would have recovered. He had a spinal cord injury, which left him paralyzed from the waist down.”

  “Jade, I’m so sorry.”

  “Thank you.” Two small words that spoke volumes.

  “That’s how you know Daniel?”

  “Yes, Jimmy had months and months of therapy in California before he could be moved back here to Jersey. Once home, my dad found the Center just outside of Philly that made amazing strides in helping adults with spinal cord injuries. Jimmy was moved there. I can tell you at first he hated it. He was almost impossible to deal with. In fact, the head of the center wanted him discharged and moved elsewhere, but Daniel stood up for him and he was able to remain there until…” She stopped.


  She took in a shallow, shaky breath, “Until his death almost three years ago on his 37th birthday.” Jade turned solemn. Darkness cloaked her. She’d obviously never recovered from the loss of her brother. I moved closer to her; I didn't think about the pushback of touching—there wasn’t any.

  “Come here.” I took her arm and gently pulled her into my lap. She didn’t resist. “No more. It was never my intention for you to tell me a story that would do this to you. You barely know me, but I want you to know I never meant to bring up so much hurt in you. This is not how I wanted our friendship to start.” I felt her pain. Pain that may not have originated here, but a pain I stirred up. My thumb gently wiped away the sadness of the single tear that trickled down the warm skin of her face. She looked into my eyes searching for the comfort she needed. Or was it something else?

  “It’s not your fault. I haven’t really talked about Jimmy’s accident since Damien and I broke up. Actually, no one ever likes to mention it around me. The truth is, they think I’ll break or something. I guess tonight I proved them right.” She seemed annoyed with herself for letting her bad memories of her brother get to her.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” I said to reassure her that no one had to know what happened here tonight.

  “Thank you, again.” She whispered, as she yawned and rested her head against my chest. She was weary and needed a safe place at the moment. This evening I was that for her. Holding her close to protect her from the intensity of what just happened between us and the awkward stillness in the room, coupled with the sound of Jade’s soft breaths, caused my eyes to become heavy. I knew I would be unable to fight it, so I laid Jade back and placed a blanket over her. Knowing she was resting, I watched her until sleep found her and went off to bed.


  COMFORTABLE AND WARM, I didn’t want to wake from my rest even though I heard Blaze as she pounded on the glass door. Had I locked her out? Or had she left in secrecy to go to Reece in the middle of the night and forgotten her key? I was halfway between sleep and time to get up modes when I also heard Daniel. I vaguely wondered why Blaze was still knocking on the door and why Daniel was in my house ready to let her back in. My subconscious questions were answered as I felt warm lips kiss my cheek and whisper in my ear.

  “Good morning, Jade, how did you sleep?” My heart stopped and my breath hitched in one brief second. That voice was Tommy’s.

  Oh no, I slept with him? I didn't think I drank all that much last night. Wait a minute. Waking further, I knew no matter how much I drank, if I slept with Tommy I would absolutely remember it. Tommy had the body a woman wouldn’t easily forget. I peeled my eyes open carefully, one at a time, and looked down. There was a huge Native American Indian blanket that covered me. I realized then, I must have fallen asleep during our talk last night and Tommy had covered me.

  GOD…this could have been embarrassing.

  It did get pretty emotional for me when I spoke about my brother Jimmy. I remembered I had begun to cry when Tommy wiped my tears and pulled me to him. He was tender, and he made me feel comfortable. I was completely at ease with him; I must have become totally relaxed and fell asleep.

  Blaze halted her assault on Tommy’s door when Daniel let her in. They both approached Tommy and me on his couch. Daniel grinned and Blaze was somewhat awestruck.

  “I can’t believe it. You slept with him…already? That’s so not like you.” Blaze wrongl
y observed with wide-eyes.

  “I guess you're right, it appears I have,” I toyed with her.

  “You could have at least called me to let me know you were okay.”

  “Blaze, have you lost your mind? I was right next door. What trouble could I have possibly gotten into from my deck to Tommy’s?”

  She crossed her arms and cocked her eyebrow, as she gave me a bit of a judgmental look. She had to be kidding? She was going to disapprove of my actions last night when she was sleeping with not only an older man but one that she had been sneaking around with for six months and kept her relationship with him a secret from me the entire time they had been together.

  “I suggest whatever that look is on your face, you get rid of it and quick,” I said, as I untangled myself from the blanket and stood up to face my friends.

  “What look?” She was being coy.

  “Exactly,” I said and turned my attention to Daniel.

  “Good Morning, Daniel, I hope my intrusion last night didn’t disturb you?”

  “No, not at all, I haven’t slept this good in months,” Daniel replied.

  “It must be the ocean air,” I added.

  I looked around and picked up my phone from the coffee table. It was 6am. Wow, 6am and Blaze was awake. She really must have been worried. I had to be at the shoppe for 8, so I needed to get a shower and some coffee. I was about to say goodbye when Tommy pulled me close.

  “Stay and have coffee with me.” His bright eyes searched for my response, as the morning light hit them. His hands holding my upper arms, gently, as he waited for my decision.

  When I turned to look at Blaze and Daniel, they both tried to hide their amusement. Oh, sure, now she’s okay with this. I turned back to Tommy, but before I could ask for a raincheck, he was asking Blaze to stay, as well. She eagerly agreed and made herself at home on one of the stools at the island in the kitchen. Daniel followed her but settled at the kitchen table.

  “I guess we’re staying,” I said to Tommy.

  “Good, you get the breakfast treats and I’ll make the coffee.” Then he kissed the tip of my nose and walked into the kitchen to join our friends. His actions made me smile, which surprised me. I didn't want to be with any man and I still don’t, but Tommy’s carefree attitude was making my decision more difficult, especially since I struggled with the fact I just met him.

  Before retrieving the breakfast, I called the shoppe to let them know that, yet again, I was going to be late. I couldn't continue to make a habit of this. I only worked about six months out of the year to begin with, and I had a business to run. I was certainly not setting a good example for my staff, especially being late two days in a row and on the first weekend of the new season. I ended the call and joined Tommy, Daniel, and Blaze seconds later with the breakfast I had brought over last night, which got me into this situation in the first place. Once everything was on the table, we sat down together to talk. Blaze, of course, needed to know everything, so she started the conversation.

  “So now will you tell me what happened? What had you sleeping on Tommy’s couch in the first twenty-four hours you know him?” She was insistent and finally realized sleeping on my neighbor’s couch didn’t mean sleeping with my neighbor.

  “Tommy had asked me about my relationship with Damien and how we met, so I started to tell him the story.”

  “Okay, but that still doesn’t explain why you fell asleep here.”

  “I was okay until I got to the part about Jimmy.”

  “Oh,” Blaze said, but that was all she said. My statement explained everything. She knew how hard it still was for me.

  “Yeah, oh,” I flatly repeated.

  “So, Tommy knows everything now?” Daniel asked and as I took a sip of my delicious brew, Tommy answered his friend.

  “No, we were getting to that point, but when I saw our talk was upsetting Jade, I cut it short.”

  “So he doesn’t know all of it?” Blaze addressed me.

  I shook my head.

  “What… don’t I know?” Tommy was confused.

  “Are you going to tell him, or should I?”

  “I’ll tell him.”

  “Would you like Blaze and me to give you and Tommy some privacy?” Daniel asked. He was always so considerate. He knew much of the story and felt that maybe it was something I needed to discuss alone with Tommy. Probably because it could become even more emotionally charged than last night.

  “No, Daniel, both you and Blaze should stay. You both know what went on. There are no secrets here.” I really think I asked them to stay more for moral support. I was afraid to get close to Tommy. I was extremely attracted to him, but I had promised myself not to get deeply involved with any man since Damien. I knew if our friends stayed here, there would be less of a chance for intimacy between Tommy and myself. What happened between Tommy and me last night was one thing, but I couldn’t lead him on. I had basically abused his kindness when I told Reece that Tommy and I were in a relationship. I wouldn’t take any further advantage of him.

  “Okay, but just say the word and Blaze and I will get lost,” he said, as he gave me his sweet smile.

  Tommy placed his hand over mine. “You don’t have to do this.”

  I placed my free hand on his and took a moment before I finished what I had started last night; looking at him wasn't an option.

  “It’s okay, Tommy. Thank you, but I’m fine now.” I paused to collect my thoughts and myself. “Let’s see. I told you about The Mavericks and Jimmy going to the Center where he met Daniel.” I rehashed part of last night’s conversation.

  “Yeah, you had said Jimmy passed away,” Tommy’s low hesitant tone proved it was a tough statement for him to make.

  I took a deep breath, his grip tightened further. His support helped me to continue and helped me to look up at him.

  “I remember when your brother and I first met. He was one angry son of a bitch. Yet, later on, after many arguments and long late-night discussions, we became really close. Damn, I miss him.” Daniel became teary-eyed. Using my free hand, I reached out to Daniel, nodding in agreement with his assessment of my brother.

  Daniel knew exactly how Jimmy felt. Yet, Daniel would always say that someone who is born with his condition has somewhat of an easier time psychologically in dealing with it, because they only know that one way of life. Whereas, Jimmy’s life changed in an instant from one bad decision…a decision he himself made. It was a hard thing for any person in Jimmy’s position to live with, because he had to live with himself knowing it was his choice that put him in the condition he was in at that time.

  “Eventually, Jimmy did settle in and became one of the art directors at the Center. He loved to draw and take photographs. He also became a counselor like Daniel. Life started to improve for him. Even his relationship with my dad had gotten better.”

  “Jade, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I’m kind of confused. Yesterday you said Jimmy passed away on his 37th birthday. Did his health take a turn for the worse or were there complications no one was aware of?” Tommy struggled with my explanation, but his confusion was justified. I couldn’t blame him. He didn’t know what to expect after last night and being that I hadn’t elaborated on how my brother died, now I had no choice but to tell Tommy the complete story.

  “Yes, his emotional health did suffer greatly and in many ways silently. I mean to say we knew he was distraught. No one needed an explanation about that, but there was a great deal of pain that my brother was feeling, which we weren't fully aware of. Pain that he kept inside and pain that in the end, destroyed him.” I had to let what I said sink in and in doing so, Blaze took over.

  “Yeah, and through no fault of his own,” Blaze added. I loved my friend. She supported me through all of this. She knew as well as I did what sent my brother over the edge. I mean who sent him over the edge…Courtney.

  I smiled supportively at Blaze. She understood and got up to kiss the top of my head and squeeze my shoulder before she w
alked over to the counter to retrieve more coffee.

  “What Blaze means is that my brother had been in a long-term relationship with someone, but after his accident, her demeanor towards him began to change.”

  “I see,” Tommy said with a bit of sadness and a hint of disgust.

  “You don’t know the half of it.” Blaze chimed in once more.

  “Huh?” Tommy remarked.

  A sympathetic smile crossed my lips. Tommy was confused, so I continued. Even though I knew up until now wasn’t the toughest part I had to reveal to Tommy, and I knew it would hurt me even further, but for some strange reason I needed for him to hear all of it. I don’t know why I felt I needed to be this forthcoming to a man I hardly knew, but a man I wanted to know better, even if it was just to become good friends.

  “You see before Jimmy went out to The Mavericks, he had proposed to his girlfriend and she had agreed wholeheartedly to marry him. Then, after the accident, she was understandably scared and confused. In the beginning, Jimmy was very bitter. Sometimes even cruel. He would kick her out of his hospital room. He would look for any excuse to have an argument with her. I believe he did it to make her break up with him, but she never did.”

  “No, she did a hell of a lot worse in my opinion. That bitch drove him to his death,” Blaze lost it and her temper.

  We all stared at her.

  “I’m sorry, Jade, but it had to be said,” Blaze stated, and then quietly retreated in her chair, as she stared outside; her grimace reflected the swirl of emotions Blaze was dealing with inside. Her emotions were in a fight with each other as she spoke of Jimmy.

  “Go on, Jade,” Tommy mildly prompted me to continue.

  “I’m sorry to say the way it turned out proved Blaze wasn’t wrong about Jimmy’s girlfriend. What she said to him on the day before his birthday is what killed him. I mean…it’s what made him kill himself.” It was still hard to say it after all this time, but in some strange way telling Tommy was cathartic.

  “You can stop now if you need to.” Tommy was being sensitive, but Blaze halted that in its tracks.


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