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So You Think You Can Marry an Alien: Stargazer Alien Reality Show Brides #1

Page 10

by Black, Tasha

  She’d made it home two days ago, thanks to the friendly fry cook at the diner in Stargazer allowing her to use his phone.

  She’d called her mom, who offered her sympathy and a plane ticket.

  Margot had taken her up on both.

  When she finally got home, she had busied herself cleaning her tiny LA apartment from stem to stern.

  Once the apartment was clean, she had organized her paperbacks and her entire wardrobe.

  Anything to keep her mind off the events of the past few weeks.

  But the time had come.

  She had to call Ed.

  She grabbed her spare cell phone off the charger, trying to ignore the alerts on it.

  She had managed to avoid social media and pretty much all contact of any kind except real, actual calls with her mom for this long.

  She wasn’t ready to face the world just yet. But soon she would be - on her own terms.

  She tapped her agent’s contact and closed her eyes.

  “Margot.” He sounded relieved and excited at the same time.

  “Ed, listen,” she told him. “Before you say anything, I have to get something off my chest.”

  She took another breath, and to his credit, he stayed quiet.

  “I’m really sorry, Ed,” she said. “You’ve always been good to me. But I left that fat camp and I’m not going back. I don’t need to lose weight. I’m active, I’m healthy, and I like the way I look. The world is tough enough on girls who don’t look a certain way. I may not be able to be part of the solution, but I refuse to be part of the problem. And I’m willing to let my dream job go if they’re too stupid to realize my exact size doesn’t matter. I understand if you don’t want to represent me anymore.”

  “Oh, kid,” Ed said, his voice breaking a little. “Where do I start? Look, first of all, I would never fire you over your principles. I hope you know that. You’re a good person, and this goes beyond a single business deal with us.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. Hot tears ran down her face.

  “Secondly, have you been under a rock?” he asked.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Haven’t you been on Twitter?” he asked. “Instagram?”

  “Um, they took my phone at that camp,” she said.

  “Holy crap,” he cackled. “You’re not going to believe it, kiddo. But you’re not the only one who thinks losing weight to play that part is stupid.”

  “I’m not?” Margot asked.

  “Oh, no, no, no,” Ed said. “Word got out that you went AWOL from that weight loss resort, and the internet went crazy. There are like a hundred memes of Queen Esther telling the producers to kiss her curvy derriere making the rounds.”

  “No way,” Margot breathed.

  “Oh yes,” Ed said. “And you can believe I’ve been getting some calls. MovieNet is offering you your own series.”

  “They are?” Margot asked.

  “Yes, but you should also know that the producer from A Lion’s Game who referred you to that weight loss place got canned, and they’re offering to double your salary if you’ll come back,” Ed said.

  “Holy crap,” Margot said.

  “You did good, kid,” Ed told her. “You stood up for yourself and you earned some well-deserved respect. But I’ll tell you right now, none of this would be happening for you if you weren’t a fantastic actress in the first place. And that’s all on you.”

  “Ed, I… I don’t know what to say,” Margot said.

  “You don’t have to say anything, except promise me you won’t drop off the face of the Earth again,” Ed said firmly. “You scared me to death. My wife was beside herself.”

  “I’m sorry,” she told him, and meant it. She’d been to plenty of BBQ dinners with Ed and his family. His wife was super nice. “Please tell Marleen I’m sorry too.”

  “I’ll do that, sweetheart,” he said. “We’ll get together soon, and then we can start talking about whatever project you want, once you’re done with your reality show.”

  “Wait. How did you know about that?” Margot asked.

  “The GPS tracker I put in all of my clients,” he said lightly. “Ha. I’m kidding. I got a call from Olivia Fontaine. They found out who you are, and they want you back for the finale next week.”

  “Oh, no,” Margot told him. “I was disqualified.”

  “What did you do?” Ed asked.

  “I, um, punched one of the other contestants in the face,” Margot said, feeling the blood rush to her cheeks. “She was cheating and said some hurtful things to my friend and me.”

  “You know, I’m starting to like the new you,” Ed said. “I guess after that you’re not gonna win, but they’ll probably cut a montage of you doing crazy stuff. People love that. It’ll be a good send-off.”

  “Wow, okay,” Margot said.

  “For now just relax, and call if you need anything,” Ed said warmly. “And when you feel like it, check your email. There are a couple of spec film scripts in there as well as the offer from MovieNet and your upgraded contract from Lion’s. See if any of it speaks to you.”

  “Thanks, Ed,” Margot said.

  “Thank you, kid,” Ed said. “I’m proud to represent you. And I always have been.”



  Margot drove her rental car slowly down the streets of Stargazer, Pennsylvania.

  She could have taken a train from the Philadelphia Airport, but she found the drive through the suburbs and countryside peaceful.

  After many miles of rolling hills and pastures, the sight of the little town with its alien-themed everything seemed almost unreal.

  She pulled into the lot beside the old movie theater and took a deep breath.

  This is going to hurt. But you’ll find your balance again, she told herself.

  The last week had been affirming in so many ways. It was incredible to see her career taking off. Offers had continued to pour in throughout the days after she had returned home.

  And more importantly, she was getting messages of support and gratitude from so many people who had felt judged for being different. It felt good to be a role model for little girls and boys.

  It felt good to be a role model for herself.

  She tried to hold these things in her heart as she headed to the old theater to watch the man she loved marry someone else.

  Even if it had been Ruby, she could have found something to be happy about in it. But Regina? Just the thought of it got her blood boiling again.

  She took a deep breath to calm herself and stepped inside. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust after the bright sunlight.

  By the time she could see what was happening, Ruby was a foot away, arms outstretched.

  “Margot,” she squealed.

  “Hey, Ruby,” Margot said with a smile, accepting the warm hug. “How’s it going?”

  “Great,” Ruby said. “I’m really glad you came back.”

  “Me too,” Margot said, meaning it.

  “What have you been up too?” Ruby asked.

  “Okay, people,” Olivia called out before Margot had time to respond. “We need you in make-up and wardrobe,”

  “I’ll tell you later,” Margot said, unable to even begin to explain her news without a little time.

  She dreamed her way through her time in wardrobe and make-up. Not even bothering to gossip with Kendra, her favorite Make-up artist.

  It was impossible not to think about the fact that she was about to see Kent again.

  She wondered if he would be glad to see her, or if the prospect of what was happening today was as painful to him as it was to her.

  “Places,” one of the stage managers called out. “Remember, this finale airs live, so there are no do-overs, ladies.”

  “You look amazing,” Kendra whispered to her.

  “Thanks so much,” Margot replied. “You’re an amazing artist. And I’ll miss seeing you.”

  “Word on the street is you’ll be spending a
lot of time on any set you want after this,” Kendra said with a wink. “If you want me, just request me. I’d follow you anywhere.”

  Margot laughed. “I’ll do that,” she promised.

  She went to the wings where the other contestants were waiting.

  Everyone looked amazing. All the original contestants were there to celebrate - each wearing a glamorous dress or her own.

  Regina looked resplendent in a light blue gown that accentuated her strawberry blonde hair. Thankfully, her cheek looked perfectly fine.

  Margot nodded at Regina and mouthed sorry when the other woman met her eye.

  She was glad she had stood up for herself, but not proud that she had resorted to violence.

  To her great surprise, Regina smiled back at her and mouthed me too.

  Before Margot could take in what had just happened, Ruby scooted up to her and grabbed her elbow.

  “Listen, Margot,” she whispered. “You didn’t tell me all your secrets.”

  “Oh,” Margot said, unsure what Ruby meant.

  “You should have trusted me,” Ruby scolded her.

  Margot wanted to ask what she meant but the music was already swelling, and they were being gestured onstage.

  She took her place - the same one she’d had on the very first day.

  “Welcome back to the finale,” Olivia called out. “Today we’re going to meet our Final Four as we say goodbye to the other ladies in the Top Six.”

  The cameras panned across the stage and the music shifted into a slower, more anticipatory sound.

  “First, let’s meet our Final Four,” Olivia said. “The first woman in our final four is Regina Talbot.”

  Regina let out a pretty squeal, even though clearly she already knew she was not only in the Final Four - she was Kent’s choice.

  “Next is Susanna Anderson,” Olivia announced as Regina accepted a bouquet of pink roses from one of the assistants.

  “Our third member of the Final Four is Rachel Waltz,” Olivia said.

  Classic. Regina and her minions were in the Final Four.

  At least Ruby would be there with them. Margot had ensured that with her actions at the farm.

  “And the fourth member of our Final Four is…” Olivia let the words hang in the air for a moment of suspense.

  Margot caught Ruby’s eye and smiled as they waited for Ruby’s name to be called.

  “Margot Lane,” Olivia cried.

  All eyes went to Margot.

  She gasped and looked back at Ruby.

  Ruby winked and gestured for her to go forward.

  “Margot, come on down and get your flowers, honey,” Olivia said with a twinkle in her eyes.

  Margot felt her feet carrying her down to Olivia. She felt the lights on her face and saw the smiles of her fellow contestants out of the corner of her eye.

  How had this happened? She had been disqualified. She supposed there was some logic in moving her on to the next round just to make the footage of her… altercation that much more dramatic.

  The assistant director pressed a bouquet into her hands and led her to stand next to Rachel who nodded at her in a friendly way.

  “And now, the sad part,” Olivia said. “We have to say good-bye to Zara Jeffries.”

  A montage played on the screen of Zara baking a cake, and riding a skateboard down the Stargazer streets.

  “And we need to say good-bye to Ruby Bruno,” Olivia said.

  A montage played on the screen of Ruby’s beautiful rose heart cake, and her tripping while dancing with Kent.

  Then the scene cut to the farm and showed Regina’s face going blank in horror. Immediately it cut to a clip of Ruby looking angry and pulling back her fist, and then cut back to Regina on the ground.

  Margot’s mouth dropped open.

  That wasn’t what happened.

  She looked up at Ruby who grinned at her with twinkling eyes.

  They had spliced together the footage to make it look like Ruby had been the one to lose her temper.

  But why?

  And how had they gotten Regina to agree?

  Margot searched the crew for Al and saw him behind one of the cameras.

  He winked at her.

  “Yes, it’s always surprising and sad to say good-bye to our contestants,” Olivia said. “But now is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. Kent, would you please come out?”

  Suddenly Margot couldn’t feel the bouquet in her hands anymore. The sound of the music seemed to fade in her ears.

  And then he was there, his big body silhouetted by the spotlight behind him.

  “Kent,” Olivia said. “This is going to be an extremely difficult decision, I know. How are you feeling…”

  She trailed off as Kent walked straight past her.

  Margot’s heart pounded as he came closer and stopped beside her.

  “Margot,” he said softly. “I’m so glad you came back. Please don’t ever run from me again.”

  She gazed up into his soulful brown eyes, unable to imagine ever wanting to run.

  Then he was kneeling right there on the stage.

  “Margot Lane, will you marry me?” he asked.

  Her tears blurred her vision so that she could barely see him, but she nodded.

  “Yes,” she whispered back.

  Then he was sliding something onto her finger, and kissing her hand, her wrist, standing to kiss her cheeks her forehead, even her chin.

  She had been kidding herself if she thought she would have been able to deal with any other outcome. This was everything she ever wanted, and so much more.

  Margot laughed and went up on her toes to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him in earnest.

  He growled and clutched her tightly to him.

  Margot stopped giggling, borne away by a desire so strong she thought she would swoon in its wake as Kent ran his fingers through her hair and slid his other hand between her shoulder blades and down toward her bottom.

  “Okay, okay, this is network television,” Olivia yelled. “Let’s keep it PG. What are your wedding plans, kids?”

  Mortified, Margot pulled back.

  Kent reluctantly let her go, but kept an arm around her possessively.

  “We don’t really have plans yet,” he told Olivia. “But I am told Earth females enjoy planning elaborate weddings. So as soon as Margot tells me about her dream wedding I’ll do everything I can to make it happen.”

  There was a communal sigh of appreciation among the female contestants.

  “That sounds fantastic,” Olivia said. “Hey, we should do a show about that. What do you guys think?”

  Everyone in the theater broke into applause.

  Wow. Another job offer.

  “Whatever Margot wants,” Kent said with a smile, squeezing her shoulders.

  “You keep saying that,” Olivia teased.

  “Yes, it will be my pleasure to help Margot accomplish all that she desires,” Kent said reverently. “This is the joy of mating and of marriage too, I am told.”

  “And there you have it,” Olivia said. “Romantic words from a big, sexy alien. Thank you for tuning in, everyone!”

  The music swelled and confetti fell from the ceiling for another minute.

  “That’s a wrap,” the director yelled. “Great job, everyone.”

  Suddenly everyone was bustling around, removing lighting, heading back to wardrobe, dismantling camera equipment.

  But Kent and Margot stood very still.

  “I’m sorry we weren’t able to talk about this before it happened,” Kent told her. “You didn’t take your calls or email.”

  “How did you manage all of this?” Margot asked. “I should have been disqualified.”

  “That is a story for another time,” Kent said with a smile. “Right now, my brothers and I want to take you and your friend out to celebrate. Would that be okay?”

  “That would be amazing,” Margot said. “I can’t wait to meet your brothers.”

nd they can’t wait to meet you,” Kent said as they strolled back to Wardrobe together. “At least my brother Wayne can’t wait to meet you. I think Parker might be more interested in meeting Ruby.”

  Margot smiled, tempted to pinch herself.

  It was incredible to believe it was really happening - all her dreams coming true.

  And if Kent had a brother for Ruby?

  Well, an absolutely perfect day was probably too much to ask.

  But Margot wasn’t ruling it out.

  At this point, it seemed like anything was possible.


  26. Kent

  Kent stood by the window of the most luxurious hotel suite in the whole town of Stargazer.

  Olivia had pressed an envelope into his hand as he’d left wardrobe back at the theater.

  “You need to take her someplace really special,” Olivia had whispered.

  When he opened the envelope, he found directions to the hotel and the room key, which was in the form of a plastic card.

  He had showed them to Margot, and she seemed quite pleased but not surprised. Olivia had guided him well, yet again. She was a true friend.

  Now Margot was freshening up, and Kent was taking in everything that had happened.

  Or at least he was trying to. It was hard not to be distracted by the loveliness of the view.

  Although the building was right on Stargazer’s main drag, the rear windows faced the farmland that bordered the town.

  Kent took in the lush greenery, the cerulean blue of the atmosphere with its adornment of fluffy condensation, and the glow of the planet’s solitary sun, burning brightly so many miles away.

  “It’s different from your home,” Margot said softly as she came back into the room.

  She placed her hand gently on his shoulder.

  “Yes,” he said, reaching back to pull her into his arms. “And it is beautiful. But not as beautiful as you.”

  She smiled and her cheeks went pink.

  He knew that this was because she was pleased, which satisfied him. He wanted to please her in every way, and being alone in this room with nothing but a bed and a view made him feel anxious to please her right away.

  She had emerged from the bathroom wearing a robe. He suspected she wore nothing underneath. The thought made it difficult to concentrate on anything else.


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