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A Walk After Dark

Page 3

by Kirra Pierce

  No one spoke for a moment as the men exchanged looks of understanding. Markus was a seer. All the brethren had enhanced senses, but he had something more. He could see beyond the appearance, scent, and sound of a person to know their heart. He often could intuit what their future would hold, or at least, where their current path would lead them and if they should go a different way. His acceptance of Cassandra’s decision cooled everyone’s mounting anger.

  The morning campfire still burned brightly. Ty sighed heavily and squeezed Cassandra’s shoulder. “Let’s sit and talk a bit. We’ve just heard some new information from the raver that must be investigated.” He looked around the small group. “It is of interest to the brethren as well as to the kingdom at large.”

  Darius stepped closer to the fire, then stopped and smiled at him. “Remember you are now brethren also, Ty. That makes me your leader, doesn’t it?”

  Cyn stiffened and froze next to Cassandra. Oh, no, not when they are just beginning to act in a reasonable manner. “Darius, no teasing.”

  Cyn spoke quickly. “Yes, my bond brother is still mine, and even closer now, since he is brethren, and we share a chosen. Let’s not rehash an old conflict.”

  Darius gave a short, self-deprecating smile. “Sorry, you’re right. Sometimes my beast intrudes. What’s your news?”

  Raphael took Cassandra’s arm to hold her back as the others went to sit by the fire to talk. He looked over at Ty and Cyn and then raised his eyebrows in silent question. Is all truly well, little sister?

  She nodded and gave him an open smile that said, Yes, I am truly happy with them.

  She felt the remaining tension leave his shoulders. He gave her a one-armed hug and went to join the others. Cassandra also joined the little group and sat between Ty and Cyn.

  In spare sentences, Ty told them of the raver killed the previous night. “This raver was clearly mad, as they all are, but he claimed there is an organized group of ravers living along the border with Ibsen. The border troubles could have hidden most of their kills. So far as I know, no large group of ravers has ever organized in this fashion.”

  Cyn nodded grimly. “It would indicate at least some of them are retaining an unusual degree of lucidity. Imagine a group of hungry beasts with the minds of men who have just embraced being killers.”

  Darius’s expression mirrored Cyn’s. “It’s a possibility we have discussed, but haven’t had to deal with.” He explained to Cassandra. “While most who turn raver are killers because their minds have snapped, unable to deal with the presence of a beast within them, there are those men who were little more than killers to begin with. The presence of an inner wolf does not so much confuse them as enhance their killer instincts. They do not truly go mad, just become more of what they already were.” He looked at Ty. “It can also affect those of us who kill as part of our profession in that way. We were very concerned when we heard you were bitten.” Left unsaid was what the three of them had been prepared to do if Ty had lost himself in his beast.

  Cassandra felt a shiver run through the arm Ty had pressed against her. She threaded her fingers through his in reassurance and whispered, “It did not happen. It will not happen. You are brethren, not raver.” At her soft words, she felt him relax again.

  The others pretended not to notice her quiet aside. Instead, Darius cleared his throat to speak. “As far as investigating this claim of an organized group of ravers, since Isben has broken with the Brethren Accords, we are not welcome there. In any case, if a large group of brethren went into the area, any raver group might simply run and hide until we were gone. We need a spy, someone who can creep up upon a human or changer and then be gone before his presence is known. A really sneaky individual.” A wicked smile crossed Darius’s face. “Rafe, I volunteer you.”

  Chapter Three

  Perfection of communication would solve over half of the problems of the seven nation’s good men and women.

  -- The Book of Common Wisdom

  The main problem being there are so few good men and women.

  -- The Common Man or Woman’s Response

  Present time: At the duke’s keep

  Cassandra paced the bedroom floor, suddenly stopping with a huff. She looked around. The room was lovely: a sitting area with wide leather chairs and sofa, walls with tall bookshelves and tapestries. There was a desk, a large fireplace with a black fur rug, and of course, a giant, beast-sized four-poster curtained bed covered in the duke’s signature colors of red, purple, gold, and black. The colors were the same as the king’s, except for the black. She briefly wondered if his majesty was peeved by the Dukedom’s use of the royal purple. She smiled. Cyn, one of her chosen and the current duke, wouldn’t care. Whatever he wanted, he took or arranged to have. He even had a private bathing, and personal-relief chamber with hot water pumped from the belowground chambers of the keep. The whole keep ran smoothly. Anything she asked for was delivered immediately and with a smile. Why, then, was she so restless?

  At first when she, Cyn, and Ty had reached the keep, she was so busy satisfying the needs of her chosen and learning her way around, the closeness of the place hadn’t chafed. As Cyn had promised, she was able to spend more time each day apart from her men. They spent more hours apart and then came together with a fierce hunger. She blushed remembering the times when Cyn had simply ordered everyone from the passage or hall so he and Ty could take her where they stood. She snorted; they probably only ordered the others out for her sake. They seemed to think fucking anywhere was their right, and to the seven hells with everyone else. No wonder women around the keep looked at them with longing and at her with jealousy.

  Even so, the walls had begun to close in. Cyn kept finding reasons for her to stay in the keep. “Please review my remedy room.” “Could you help Adeena with the fall trade fair?” “Please review my current trade contracts.” Neither he nor Ty wanted her more than a hand span away. And now some royal messengers were passing back and forth between the keep and the royal house. Cyn hadn’t spoken to her about them, and she felt confused as to her official status with him. She was accepted and honored as Ty’s chosen and Cyn’s mistress. Well accepted, with a few exceptions. The people of the keep didn’t know Cyn was also a beast, and she was his chosen. She’d seen the speculation in the eyes of some. They wondered when Cyn would tire of his common trader and look for entertainment elsewhere or, even more importantly, when he would take on a more permanent match. This last bothered her most of all.

  “He says he is mine. He gives his body freely while demanding Ty’s and mine, but he is the duke, and he must marry.” Why has he not spoken of it? Is it just too painful? Well, painful or not, I’m tired of waiting to hear how we’ll handle this. I will not have it continue to hang over me like an anvil on a fraying rope. And, dammit, I’m getting out of here for a while and going for a ride.

  She swiftly pulled her riding boots out of the wardrobe and was pulling them on when a knock sounded on the door. Hells’ demons, if that’s yet another bit of busy work Cyn’s dreamed up, I’ll scream. “Enter.”

  Cela, one of the maids who sent her jealous glances when she thought no one was looking, came in accompanied by a man in sturdy work clothes. His deeply tanned face was weathered like a man who spent most of his time outside. She could see dirt stains on his dark green pants and dirt around his nails. Cela tried to hide a look of irritation as she rushed to stay ahead of his quick strides. “My lady, may I present Harrow, one of the duke’s huntsmen. He has a request of you.” She moved to the side quickly. It was either that or risk being run over as he rushed over to Cassandra.

  She almost jumped back in alarm, but his eager face was open and non-threatening so she just put up her hand gesturing him to slow down. “What is it you want, Harrow?”

  “My lady, I was hunting a deer and found some fox’s blood plants at the point of blossoming. I do not know how to harvest their pollen properly, but heard you deal in medicinal herbs. Can you help me?”

sp; Cassandra was grabbing her cape before he finished speaking. Her heart raced and joined in his excitement. Fox’s blood was a common plant that rarely blossomed. They more commonly propagated by new stems popping up from the existing root system as it grew out and spread. When it did blossom, the flowers only opened for a short time. Their pollen, if it was properly harvested, acted as a universal poison cure. Harvesting was a delicate procedure, and any misstep could spoil it, so supplies were exceedingly rare.

  “How far from here?”

  “Less than an hour’s ride. If we hurry, we will make it.” She grabbed a slip of paper from the desk, dashed a quick note for Cyn and Ty, and left it on the mantel above the fire. Grabbing the small tool and herb bag she always kept ready, she hurried with Harrow out the door, leaving Cela open-mouthed behind them.

  * * * * *

  The nerve of that woman to brush by me as if I was a piece of furniture! I cannot believe the duke ignores me now for that graceless clod. Her eyes grew crafty. My lord’s lust is ever simmering. Perhaps if he does not know when she will be back, he will turn to someone else. I will be close by to welcome him if he does. She picked up Cassandra’s note and carefully dropped it into the fire. Oops, too bad, but sometimes the rooms’ drafts will blow things about. Smiling smugly, she exited the room. I must make sure that I come to dust and straighten the duke’s chambers later, just before he comes to dress for dinner.

  * * * * *

  “Where is she?” Black fury filled his mind. She should be here. He needed to know where she was. She was supposed to be here. She was gone.

  Ty breathed in deeply, attempting to calm his beast. It had been hours since she was in their chambers. When the royal messenger had arrived, Cassandra left him and Cyn, saying she had correspondence of her own to work on.

  If Cassandra left them, she would sicken and possibly die. He and Cyn would also be in danger of losing their humanity, their sanity.

  Why would she go?

  He was a newly turned beast and even more at risk than Cyn, who had been born with an inner beast.

  How could she just leave?

  His tie to her kept him stable, kept him human. He felt this should be telling him something. It should be important, but the only thoughts his mind could hold were that she was gone, and he must get her back.

  Damn! Her small travel bag was gone. Did she think to sneak away? He would find her. Where? Why would she go? He paced the day away. Panic and despair ate at his soul. His mate, his chosen, had rejected him. She’d left. Life was worthless. He had been judged unworthy.

  His face twisted in a sneer. She would not leave him like this. He would hunt her down and take her back. He would take her again and again. Drown her in the pleasure of his beast scent. When he was done with her, she would never leave him again.

  No, no. He forced his beast back down. Cassandra would not just leave. Something has happened, but what? It doesn’t matter. Getting her back is what matters.

  Ty continued to pace, so distracted he did not notice when the change occurred. His torso, arms and legs became furred, his canines elongated to become fangs, and an angry snarl came continuously from his throat.

  He threw open the door to the storage closet and went in to grab his travel pack.

  He had to get her now! He would never let her out of his sight again.

  He was shoving a few random shirts and pants into the pack when there was a brief rap on the door, and a smiling, small redheaded maid entered. Lucinda walked in a few steps, then paled and stopped.

  “My lord…perhaps I should come back later.” Her words squeaked out as she backed towards the door.

  Ty stilled then, his eyes narrowed and fixed on her like a predator spotting weak, vulnerable prey. “Why do you run, Lucinda?” His voice was oily and cruel. He dropped the clothes and quietly advanced on the woman.

  She stepped back until she met the wall, her eyes growing larger with each step. “My lord Tyler. You were growling! Please excuse me, my lord. Shall I fetch the duke for you?” Ty’s hands captured her arms against the wall, not squeezing, but offering no escape. “Please stop!”

  He could hear her heart pounding, smell her fear, practically taste the blood just beneath the thin skin of her neck. Hunger uncoiled within him.

  The room’s door burst open and slammed against the wall. Through the thick fog of anger, he felt Cyn behind him. His arms reached beneath Ty’s, and his hands locked behind his neck, forcing him to release the maid.

  “Run!” Cyn ordered the frozen girl. “Find Cassandra and bring her here.”

  The duke’s words released the maid from the terror that held her, and she sped out the door into the corridor, her “Yes, my lord!” following behind her.

  Cyn shook Ty. “What, what has caused this, Ty? Your control has been perfect. Why is your beast so angry and out of control?”

  Ty slumped in Cyn’s arms. The sudden jolt of Ty’s full weight caused Cyn to take a steadying step back. “She is gone.” Ty’s voice was a mournful cry. “Her scent has faded. She is not in the keep. Her travel pack is gone.”

  * * * * *

  Cyn allowed Ty’s body, still in man-beast form, to slide to the floor. He then visually searched the room. Cassandra’s travel pack was gone from its accustomed place, and his own beast-enhanced senses told him she’d been gone for hours.

  “Gone? Gone. She has been restless, but she would not go on a trip without us. She needs us still too often to go alone, and she knows we need her. Something must have called her away and then delayed her.” Cyn looked in Ty’s maddened eyes. “Hold on, my Bond Brother. I will find out what happened. Cassandra swore to take us. She would not discard us on a whim. Think. You know that.”

  “Tie me up, Cyn. Your presence pushed back the beast, but we’re both angry, confused. I don’t know what I will do.” As he spoke, his voice grew to more of a growl. Cyn could see lucidity fading from his face.

  Cyn was moving before he finished speaking. He opened a chest and snatched the Oryions rope and wound it around Ty. He changed one hand to its clawed form, quickly pierced his arm and squeezed a few drops of blood on the rope, then twisted it to animate its special properties. Now, no matter if Ty changed to wolf, human, or back to half-beast, the rope would hold him bound. He whispered in Ty’s ear, “I’m sorry, my Bond Brother. I will keep you safe from this madness.”

  He moved Ty to the floor on the far side of the bed from the door. No one coming into the room would be able to see him. He knew Cassandra would never just leave them, but still something was keeping her away. Ruthlessly, Cyn pushed back his own fear and then began his questioning. He called back their room maid, the house steward, until finally a stable boy came with the stable master. He told Cyn Cassandra had left early that afternoon with one of the duke’s huntsmen. In a shaky voice, the lad repeated her words, saying something about the blossoming time and that she would follow Harrow anywhere for a chance at it.

  “No! She’s mine, and I will not let her go.” Ty’s shout was full of first pain, then rage. The stable master and boy startled in alarm, then stepped back toward the door.

  Fear filled Cyn’s heart ‑‑ fear that his bond brother would disappear into his inner beast. He knew he must act quickly to get Ty back under control before he became unreachable.

  “Out! Everyone out and leave us. No one except Cassandra may enter.”

  Free from watching eyes, Cyn untied Ty’s legs and used his own beast’s strength to pick him up and throw him facedown over the rail across the end of their bed. Cyn stood between Ty’s legs, holding him down with one hand planted in the middle of Ty’s back. He changed to his half-beast form as well and used his clawed hands to tear open Ty’s tightly stretched pants and then his own. In this form, his strength and emotions were magnified: fear for his bond brother and his desire for him were another step away from any human morality or restraint. He allowed his beast scent to roll out his pores and saturate the air. Ty ceased struggling to be free, and
his growls turned to hungry groans.

  Cyn reached beneath Ty’s thighs to lift them so only Ty’s face rested on the bed. Ty’s writhing abruptly stopped when Cyn licked first one of his balls and then the other. Cyn licked and allowed his fangs to gently slide over the delicate flesh in clear warning. Hungry fire filled Cyn’s belly and hips. He needed to assert mastery over his bond brother and to feed the need that never really left him.

  His hands shook as he sought the control to call forth only the hot oil that preceded a transformation, but to not change to either his full-wolf form or full-man form. He lowered Ty’s hips back to the rail and bent once again to run his long tongue over Ty’s balls, then back to his anus. He circled and stabbed the tight opening while his ears consumed the musical groans his lover gave just for him.

  With Ty’s body quivering before him, he stood and positioned his change oil-covered cock at the delicate opening to Ty’s body. His clawed fingers tightened around Ty’s thighs, and he harshly pushed in and began pumping, bringing both cries of distress and then pleasure from Ty’s throat. The hot grip of Ty’s body drew loud moans of delight from his own throat as he fought to remember the reason for this, not just the pleasure. He reached under Ty’s belly to grip his thick cock. Using Ty’s pre-cum for lubricant, he stroked him from root to tip in time with his own thrusts in Ty’s ass. He felt Ty expand in his fingers, preparing to come. Determinedly, he clamped down on his own desire and tightly gripped the root of Ty’s cock to stop him from coming while he continued thrusting in and out and over the spot guaranteed to bring Ty intense pleasure.


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