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A Walk After Dark

Page 14

by Kirra Pierce

  Seeing Miranda’s eyes widen reflexively at the news, Cassandra hastily extended her hand, hoping to put her at ease.

  * * * * *

  Miranda’s tired mind jolted back to full alertness. After a quick mental sigh of relief that none appeared injured, the words “Duke Cynbarion” jumped out at her. This was the famous duke? He, the brethren Ty, and the woman ‑‑ Raphael’s friend ‑‑ carried themselves as if they were used to commanding the respect of those around them. The other woman, the prisoner, too, wore fine clothes and stood with the rigorously straight posture she’d observed among the nobles in the capital. All this flashed through her mind in a heartbeat’s time. Then Cassandra offered her hand.

  “Hello. As Raphael said, I am Cassandra. I am sorry to trouble you so late in the night, but I was hoping to find if you have some equipment I need. I have an idea that might help those women held by the ravers. It is important that I begin work on it as soon as possible. If what I need is not here, I’ll make a list and send for it at first light.”

  Cassandra’s easy smile and direct manner allowed Miranda to focus on the matter at hand rather than concerns with protocol. “Please, let’s sit.”

  Miranda and Cassandra took adjoining chairs. Raphael stood behind Miranda with one hand resting on her shoulder. She noted that Ty had taken a mirror position behind Cassandra, with Cynbarion seated next to her. The prisoner was pushed into a chair placed across the room from the others, where she could be watched, but not overhear their conversation.

  “Here in town I keep only a few basic pieces of equipment: a mortar and pestle, a few flasks ‑‑ although there are glass containers aplenty where the town bottles its waters ‑‑ and a small fire holder and stand. But the healer’s cottage a short distance from here has a fully equipped medicinal preparation room. What is it you need, and how do you think those women might be aided?”

  Cassandra nodded approvingly at Miranda’s to-the-point response. “Raphael says he has explained the scent addiction the ravers are using to control the women they kidnapped?”

  Miranda hesitated, reluctant to admit to the knowledge after Raphael had explained how carefully the brethren guarded that bit of knowledge, but Cassandra was clearly aware that she knew. “Yes.” She decided to not elaborate until she could determine exactly what Raphael had said.

  “And you are familiar with the herb called fox’s blood?”

  Excitement sparked in Miranda. She began to see where Cassandra was going. “Yes, but it is so rare…”

  “Recently we were lucky enough to harvest an unusual amount. The raw pollen is in my travel bag, which Cyn was thoughtful enough to bring.”

  Miranda bit her lip to keep from interrupting. She burned with curiosity to find out how Cassandra and the duke came to be in Quwe already. The message about the raver attack couldn’t have reached the keep already.

  The questions must have shown in her face because Cassandra interjected, “How we came to be here tonight is another story. Since fox’s blood acts as a cure for all poisons, I suspect it may also counteract the effects of the, ah, perfume that both ravers and brethren can exude.”

  Gasps, from Ty and Cynbarion drew her attention, but the men focused on Cassandra. Ty knelt and looked Cassandra in the eyes.

  “How long have you considered this?” The words sounded stiff, as though it was difficult to ask.

  Cassandra placed a hand on his cheek and reached for Cynbarion with her other hand. She gave them both a look so filled with tender love that Miranda felt she should turn away.

  “This does not affect my decision. Whether fox’s blood can break the addiction or not, it will not change my feelings or my decision.” Ty’s shoulder’s dropped slightly, and he turned his face to press his lips to her hand. Cynbarion held the hand Cassandra offered him between his own, then brought it to his lips also. Cassandra blushed slightly and pulled back her hands, putting on a back-to-business face.

  “If no new threat appears, we should go to the healer’s cottage tomorrow and process the raw pollen to a proper medicinal solution. How are you with laboratory work?”

  “I am excellent.”

  At Cassandra’s raised brow, she added. “I won honors for my skill at the Healer’s Academy and was invited to join the formulary there. But I wished to see more of the country, so I declined. I am currently serving my traveling apprenticeship before choosing a final town in which to practice.”

  “Ah, then we are fortunate your travels brought you here. After we prepare the solution, we can test its effectiveness on me. I first became bound to Ty when he saved my life by giving me his blood after a raver attack. Instead of a more gradual binding, the blood tie is instantaneous and quite strong. In the months since then, our tie has grown even stronger.”

  At her words, Miranda saw both Cynbarion and Ty’s lips press tightly together. She could understand the brethren’s concern, but why was the duke upset? Whether or not Cassandra was bound to Ty would not affect her engagement to the duke, would it? Mentally shrugging the question off as none of her business, she focused on the test Cassandra proposed instead.

  “Your chosen bond was created by a blood tie? If the solution works for you, will it work the same for those who have been addicted in a different manner?”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “How long does it take to form the bond normally?” Once again, Cassandra raised an elegant eyebrow in question. Miranda blushed, hating it that she did so. “Raphael and I have been together several times between last night and earlier today.” She looked at him, unsure of how he would take what she suggested. “If we bonded, we could then test the solution on me…” Her voice trailed off as Raphael’s shock-frozen face came alive with a burning possessiveness.

  Cassandra tried to speak. “Miranda, I don’t think that’s a ‑‑”

  Raphael interrupted looking only at Miranda. “I had already asked to see you when this was over. Can you guess why?”

  Miranda looked down, afraid to answer. He took a deep breath. “I want you for my chosen. I know, that is, I remember, fully human men and women do not decide so quickly, but my beast knows ‑‑ I know.”

  She realized she was gaping and closed her mouth. He looked away a moment. She saw his profile furrowed in concentration. When he looked back, his face had firmed in resolution. “If we do this and your solution doesn’t work, I will be happy.” He knelt beside her and took her hands. “It will be…very difficult to even let you try. Once you are mine, no part of me will want to let you go. I know this is important, but I don’t want to frighten you with my beast’s reaction. Don’t ask me to feel that tie, to know you are mine and then just let you go.

  “What was done to those women sickens me. I think I can let you try, if you promise that if the potion works, you’ll let me re-form the bond.” Raphael actually trembled. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t feel that and then just let you go.”

  Tenderness and passion ripped through Miranda’s body. Love? Was this love she felt already for this too beautiful man? Maybe. She was afraid to commit more than her body to him. What if I am wrong? She thought of the women degraded, enslaved by a twisted form of the very bond she deliberately courted. Do I really trust Raphael enough to risk him having that sort of control over me? Yes.

  With that acceptance, she felt a freedom she had never allowed herself before. Surprised, she realized that love was there also, and she found herself nodding to Raphael’s enquiring gaze. “Yes, if the solution doesn’t work, I could live with the consequences, and if it does work, I will still be here for you.”

  She felt her cheeks blazing now under his searching look. He put one hand behind her head to draw her close, then pressed a kiss that, although tender, melted her down to her core with its heat.

  A polite cough reminded her they were not alone, and she pushed against his chest. His arms stayed firm about her, but he did lift his face away, whispering, “Later,” before rising and stepping back.

dared to look for the others’ reactions. Ty and Cynbarion were pleased, but obviously trying to suppress their response. She guessed they didn’t want to do anything to anger Cassandra. That woman has power. Cassandra herself, on the other hand, looked at them with slightly misty eyes, although she also attempted a smirk.

  “Well, I never thought I would live so long… Raphael is dear to me, irritant though he is. Congratulations,” Cassandra finished, with a genuine smile, before clearing her throat to continue.

  “I believe the bonds, or rather I mean the bond, I formed with Ty is the same as those formed in the normal manner, but testing the solution on more than one subject would be best.”

  She ignored the “But, Cassandra …” that both Ty and Cynbarion tried to interject and continued.

  “So if you do bond, we can both test whether or not our cure will work.”

  Cynbarion placed a hand on Cassandra’s arm and leaned in closer to her. “To the point Raphael referenced earlier, will he and Miranda, or you and Ty, be able to re-form the chosen bond if this solution works? Does fox’s blood just cure the immediate…poisoning?” His mouth pinched on this word, as if he swallowed something very bitter. “Or does it form an immunity to the substance altogether?”

  Cassandra paused and thought a moment. “As far as I know, no one has ever deliberately repoisoned themselves to test. But, you know, that doesn’t really matter to us. I will stay with you and Ty, and Miranda has promised to stay with Raphael. Regardless of the outcome, no brethren in this room will be deprived of his chosen. Understood?”

  “Yes.” Cynbarion placed a soft kiss on Cassandra’s cheek. “Thank you.”

  Miranda turned away, feeling she watched something too intimate for observers. She found Raphael studying her.

  He spoke softly, just for her. “To answer your other question, if both parties are willing, that seems to speed the bonding process. It can be done tonight. If you, if we, are going to form a chosen bond, I would have the privacy of your cottage. The brethren’s leader is pursuing the one escaped raver. He will not be back to trouble your town tonight. Can you leave your charges here for the remainder of the night?”

  “Chrissa’s body, and even her mind, seem to be healing as you said she would. It is remarkable. She is at her home with her family and should be alright for the night. Roland’s wounds have healed, although he is quite shaken emotionally by the coming changes, he will need you and your fellow brethren to help with those, not me. Eli, however, is still very fragile. I will need to check on him again later and be here in case something changes in the meanwhile…we can only afford the privacy of Paulus’s room tonight.”

  “Then, my dedicated healer, that is where we shall go.”

  She turned back to the others who now stood by the door. Ty had a firm hold on the prisoner who shot daggered looks at all of them. “I will see you all again in the morning. Cassandra, Ty, Your Grace.” She tried to maintain her dignity as she said good night to each of them. Instead, she felt her face burn and knew she was turning a fiery shade of red. The gently amused looks she received did not help.

  The casual relationships she had enjoyed never affected her this way, but now she felt naked before these near strangers who quietly murmured good nights and then were gone.

  Her heart beat so loudly Raphael must hear it.

  He turned her, held her at arm’s length, and searched her face. “Miranda, you do not have to do this. I would not force a bond on you, nor have you choose one because of any healer’s oath.”

  “No! No, it’s not that. I’m just nervous.” He didn’t look convinced, and she sought the words to explain. “Before, when you said humans didn’t know their hearts so quickly, it is usually true, but not always. After I offered to form a bond with you to test whether fox’s blood would dissolve it or not, I realized I did so only because I trust you to not abuse such a bond ‑‑ and that trust came from love.” She looked down, then shyly peeked back up at him to gauge his reaction.

  “I guess sometimes even we full humans are still able to touch our inner beast,” she joked.

  The concern melted from Raphael’s face, and when he smiled, it was like the blinding brightness of the sun.

  “Mine!” He shouted before she shushed him, indicating Eli’s closed door. He picked her up and whirled her around, before pulling her in for a joyous kiss that promised everything.

  He carried her to the room they had shared earlier and swiftly shut the door behind them. Curtains only covered the lower portion of the window, so the moon provided a gentle light. He let her legs go to wrap both his arms tightly around her chest. She reached behind his head to pull him down for a kiss. The scent of his beast filled the air, and she felt her conscious mind slipping away as hunger began to roar a demand through her body.

  Pulling back she gasped, “No, not yet, Raphael. Hold back the scent for now. I want to take you without it. I want you to know I want you, just you, without anything extra to call me.”

  She felt a fine tremor run through Raphael all the way down his torso. “Thank you.” His eyes filled with tears he did not shed. “This first time, as you wish, but I must release the beast scent later to ensure the bond will form.”

  She inclined her head, then pushed up on the balls of her feet while pulling him down for another kiss that began tenderly. But soon their tongues were battling in a game to see who would drive the other mad first. It was a game they were both winning.

  His hands ran down her spine pressing her tightly to his body. She tilted her hips to fit closer to the hard flesh at his hips.

  He groaned and pulled back enough to reach between them and loosen the ties of her bodice, tearing it away. “Miranda.” He paused, and she raised her arms for him to pull off her blouse. It was gone in a second. Her skirt and undergarment quickly followed.

  Anticipation ran through her as she watched the hunger battle for control in his face. His hands roughly pressed into her flesh while he rubbed them up and down over her hips before pulling back abruptly.

  He pulled off his shirt, then toed off his boots, and removed his pants. Although his movements were jerky, he never looked away from her face ‑‑ never tried to hide the hunger in his.

  If she thought her heart would burst with nervousness earlier, now she was sure this tender hunger would consume the remains.

  “The bed. Lie down.” She forced the words out. He slid past her to stretch out the length of the bed, hands fisting in the comforter, chest expanding and contracting with deep breaths. His eyes remained pinned on her, waiting for what she would do.

  She licked her lips, wanting him so much and wanting him to feel to his bones that it was him that she wanted, not just what his beast scent could do. She crawled onto the bed and between his loosely spread legs. Holding him in place with just her eyes meeting his, she laid her hands over his fists. “Keep them here.” She felt his hands flex even tighter, then slowly looked down his body past the glistening of sweat on his chest, past his belly to the nest of hair surrounding his cock, then up its seeking length. He groaned and thrust up slightly when she licked her lips again, looking at the full, plum tip.

  “Please,” he groaned, as if in pain.

  She leaned over, placing one hand over his heart and the other around his cock, then took him in her mouth, sucking and licking along the length. She felt his heart leap and pound. He twisted his head, groaning loudly. Fire roared through her body. Salty, bitter drops escaped into her mouth. She wanted more. She wanted him to fall apart in her hands, under her lips. She sucked him in even deeper.

  “Ahh! No!” he cried, then grabbed her and pulled her up, quickly dragging her along his body until his cock was poised at the opening of her vagina. “No, I want to be fucking you when I come. I want to be holding you.”

  His eyes were an inferno and made her passion rise higher. She needed him in her more than she needed her next breath.

  “Yes.” She slid down onto his cock, his arms wrapped tightly ab
out her. He pushed up just enough to meet the downward arc of her head for a rough kiss. His lips surrounded hers, and his tongue captured her mouth while his hips bucked upward, pounding into her flesh.

  The passion burned her from the inside out with its white fire. She could no longer contain it. A cry broke from her lips, and her body shook with the release, squeezing again and again his flesh within her. Then he shouted against her lips, filling her with his cum. The hot liquid pushed her even further. She started to lose consciousness, but his mouth pressed into hers, demanded she stay with him while he pressed up into her through the last spasm of his orgasm.

  His arms loosened, and they collapsed together on the bed. For long moments the only sound in the room was the twin sounds of their panting.

  She lay listening to the heart under her cheek, one of his hands lightly rubbing over her back. She felt unbelievably connected to him. Her pulse sped. She didn’t know if she could stand to even try the fox’s blood solution! Just the thought of separating from him overwhelmed her.

  Startled, she pushed up to see him in the moonlight. “Raphael?!”

  “It’s done, Miranda.” He gripped her hips, still joined with his.

  “You are mine now. My chosen, as I am yours. Even with my controlling the scent, it ‑‑whatever it is that makes the scent ‑‑ is in my body fluids, especially the liquid that carries my seed. We have been together so much in this short time…you already carried a great deal of my essence. I felt the bond slip into place between us as I came.

  “I have never felt such joy, or now, so complete. Are…are you pleased?”

  Part of her wanted to just rub against him and soak up even his basic male scent, to taste his skin and be part of him. That feeling of need was frightening and made another part of her want to run. However, the hesitancy in his voice, the way his hands still gripped her as though she might run screaming from him, awakened Miranda’s empathy and gave her courage.


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