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Ash: Scifi Alien Invasion Romance (Hell Squad Book 14)

Page 13

by Anna Hackett

  He swung around, firing at more incoming aliens. He gave a roar.

  Beside him, Levi tossed a grenade. Ash watched it bounce into the center of the raptors.

  “Fire in the fucking hole!” Levi shouted.

  Boom. The contained explosion lit up the tunnel for a second, the ground shaking.

  Then Manu stepped forward and dropped to one knee. He lifted the heavy assault carbine and fired. Green laser poured out in a deadly rush.


  He spun to look back at Marin. She was pointing across the corridor. He glanced over and spotted the tech raptor—who was slimmer than the others and clutching the raptor version of a tablet—sneaking down a side corridor.

  As Ash watched, Marin shimmied down along the corridor wall, then turned the corner, following the alien.

  Fuck. Ash fired at the raptor right in front of him, then leaped over the downed body. He charged through the fight and raced after Marin.

  Ahead, smoke billowed from the burning side rooms. He saw her slim form disappear, and then she was lost in the smoke.

  Double fuck. He charged in after her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  She was going to stop this.

  Marin hurried through the smoke, staying close to the wall. She’d let this happen, and she was going to stop it. This was their home, their sanctuary, and they weren’t going to lose it.

  Marin had just found something special, someone special, someone who liked her just the way she was. She was falling in love with Ash Connors and she wanted a chance to take that all the way.

  She paused, listening for any sign of the raptor she’d seen sneak this way. Heavy footsteps. She peered through the smoke.

  There. She saw the alien turn down another corridor.

  She glanced back through the billowing smoke. Where was Ash? She’d let him know she was following the raptor, but she guessed he’d gotten caught up fighting off the raptor soldiers.

  It didn’t matter. She had to push forward. She couldn’t afford to let this raptor do any more damage than he already had.

  Pulling out her thermo pistol, she crept down the corridor. Ahead, she heard a grunt. Through the smoke, she saw the shadow of the raptor as he held up a black tablet with jagged edges. He was standing beside an open Enclave control panel on the wall. As she watched, thin, worm-like wires snaked out of the tablet and stabbed into the control panel.

  No, you don’t. Steeling herself, Marin lifted the thermo pistol and strode forward. She pulled the trigger. Bullets slammed into the wall and the raptor ducked out of the way.

  Up close, he towered over her, but Marin reminded herself that he wasn’t a fighter. He was a geek, just like her. But she had a lot more to lose than he did.

  She strode forward again, aiming at his chest.

  Before she could pull the trigger, she heard a low, inhuman growl. The hairs on the back of her neck rose, and her heart knocked hard in her chest. Some part of her brain screamed at her to run.

  A canid leaped out of the smoke, sailed over the crouched raptor, and jumped straight at Marin.

  Shit. She stumbled backward and landed on her butt. The thermo pistol flew out of her hand and clattered on the ground nearby.

  The canid skulked closer, making low growling sounds in its throat.

  Marin scuttled backward, fear closing her throat. She reached out a hand, trying to find her pistol.

  The alien dog’s muscles bunched and it sprang forward.

  She screamed, throwing her hands up to hold it off. The canid slammed into her, knocking her flat on her back. It pinned her to the floor, its claws clicking on the concrete floor on either side of her.

  Marin’s hands were pressed against tough scales. The beast opened its mouth, and the stench of rotting meat hit her, making her stomach heave. She choked back a sob, seeing the huge fangs just inches from her face.

  Marin dropped a hand down by her side. She fumbled around and found the cedar oil grenade she had stuffed in her pocket.

  The canid growled, the sound vibrating through Marin. She ripped the grenade from her pocket, just as the animal reared back, ready to clamp its huge jaws around her head. She thumbed the activation switch and thrust her entire arm into the creature’s mouth, feeling the sting of razor sharp teeth tearing into her arm. She bit down on her lip and yanked her hand out. Come on.

  The grenade exploded.

  Cedar oil sprayed everywhere and the creature’s body jerked. The oil filled the canid’s mouth and covered Marin’s face.

  The dog leaped off her with a wild screech. As it danced in circles, shaking its head, Marin collapsed on the ground, sucking in air. She was drenched in cedar oil, which, she decided, was infinitely better than being chewed on by a canid.

  Then a huge figure appeared above her.

  The raptor.

  Oh, no. She watched the alien lift a giant clawed hand up above his head, ready to slam it down on her. Her muscles bunched, and she desperately groped around on the floor. Where the hell was the pistol?

  The raptor swung. Marin rolled to the side and the raptor’s fist hit the ground. She saw the thermo pistol right in front of her face. She grabbed it, rolled, and fired.

  Her aim was way off, but the bullet lodged in the raptor’s shoulder. He let out a horrible, guttural roar.

  “There’s more where that came from, asshole,” she yelled.

  All of a sudden, carbine fire echoed off the walls, and green laser fire lit up the smoke-filled tunnel. The raptor’s body jerked, laser fire tearing into him. He fell backward, and landed in a sprawl on the floor.

  Marin scrambled into a crouch and recognized Ash striding toward her. Sweet relief flooded her whole body. She leaped to her feet and ran at him. She launched herself into the air and he caught her with one arm, yanking her close.

  Their kiss was fast and desperate.

  “Did you see?” she said, adrenaline making her talk too fast. “I was badass.”

  “I saw, but no more missions,” Ash ground out. “Ever. I’m keeping you naked in my bed.”

  She laughed, squeezing him tight. Then she pulled back. “I’ve got to see what he was doing.”

  Ash nodded and set her on her feet. She raced over to the raptor tablet, trying to make sense of the raptor characters. Several at the bottom of the screen were changing.

  Like a countdown.

  Her belly cramped. “I think he’s uploading a virus to our system.” She frowned. “It’s still uploading.”

  “Can you stop it?”

  “I don’t know.” Panic was like acid in her veins. She gripped the two black cables attaching the tablet to the wall. She tugged and tugged, but they wouldn’t budge.

  Ash grabbed them, and yanked. Nothing. “Fuck. Can we cut it?”

  “It’s too strong.” Marin heard noises behind them. Tane and the rest of the berserkers appeared in the tunnel.

  “We have another group of raptors incoming.” Tane’s face was set like stone. “We need to drop back and find some cover.”

  “I’ve got to stop this virus uploading.” Marin tapped on the screen. “I think I can shut down the program, but I need more time.”

  Ash lifted his carbine. “We’ll give it to you. You do your thing.”

  She drew in a shuddering breath. “Right.”

  He leaned down and pressed a hard kiss to her lips. “You can do this, Princess. I know you can.”

  Determination filled her. Ash Connors looked at her like she could do anything, and this was what Marin was best at.

  She might not be PrincessBadass with a carbine, but she sure as hell was PrincessBadass with a comp. She nodded and bent over the tablet.

  Time to show the raptors how it was done.

  Ash stared down the smoke-filled tunnel, waiting. Around him, his squad did the same thing, weapons up and gazes unwavering.

  The raptors were close. Ash could sense them.

  He glanced back at Marin. She was absorbed in her work, and had her own
tablet joined up to the raptor one. The dead raptor lay nearby, and a flash of pride filled him. His fierce PrincessBadass.

  “Another berserker takes the fall,” Levi said. “Ash Connors in love. I always knew you’d score a gorgeous babe, just never guessed it would be a geek hottie.”

  Ash grinned. “It’s fucking awesome, man.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Hemi said. “I get to have the sexiest woman in the world in my bed every night. And wake up with her lips wrapped around my—”

  “We get it,” Ash said. “And if Cam hears you talking like that, you might wake up on the couch.”

  Hemi’s grin widened. “But it’s more than just the hot sex. It’s the whole package. Hell, Cam’s smile makes everything worth it.”

  Yeah, Ash knew exactly what Hemi was talking about. Shit. Ash controlled a jolt. He was in love with sweet, smart Marin Mitchell.

  Levi slapped Ash’s back. “I know you reached for more once, and life kicked you in the teeth. I’m glad you weren’t afraid to reach again. If I find a woman who looks at me like Marin looks at you…”

  Suddenly, the lights came back on.

  “Woo-hoo,” Hemi called out. “Nice job, Curls.”

  Marin looked up, smiling. “You’re welcome. And I’ve got the virus contained! I can’t shut it down, but I’ve got it quarantined. With Noah’s help, we might be able to study it.”

  Ash grinned at her. “Brilliant.”

  She took a little bow.

  There was a hint of movement in the smoke right behind Marin. Ash frowned.

  “What the fuck is that?” Tane called out.

  Ash swiveled to look in the opposite direction.

  A group of raptors was moving down the tunnel. They were huddled together, all holding metallic shields up and interlocked. They looked like a giant, armored animal moving down the corridor.

  “Marin!” Ash swung back to her. “Get over here.”

  But as he yelled, his squad opened fire, and she didn’t hear him. She was pulling her tablet toward her, disconnecting from the raptor tech.

  Again, he saw something move behind Marin.

  “Marin!” Ash charged toward her, whipping his carbine up. Levi turned to look at him.

  Marin lifted her head, staring straight at Ash. A giant raptor charged out of the smoke behind her.

  Fuck. Ash didn’t have a shot. “Marin, get down!”

  The raptor moved and a huge black blade punched out through Marin’s chest, just below her breasts. Her eyes went wide, and her comp dropped to the floor and shattered.

  Not computing what he was seeing, Ash stared at the jagged black edge of the sword protruding through her.

  The raptor had stabbed her with a sword.

  “No!” Ash let out a roar, a red haze covering his vision. He rushed forward.

  The raptor pulled the blade back, and with it gone, Marin slumped to the ground.

  Ash opened fire. He held the trigger down, watching the laser tear into the raptor. The alien collapsed, but Ash kept firing, fueled by the hot, molten rage inside him.

  Two more raptors materialized. Ash didn’t care. He’d mow through every raptor on the planet if he had to. Anything to save Marin.

  Suddenly, Dom stepped up beside him, wielding a shotgun. He held it up and it boomed as he fired.

  One raptor stumbled back. On the other side of Ash, Levi appeared, his carbine roaring as he took down the other raptor.

  Trusting his squad mates to take care of them, Ash dropped down beside Marin. He turned her over, cradling her in his arms. Blood soaked her clothes, her chest dominated by the terrible wound.

  All around them, he heard shouting and weapons fire. Then he heard a gravelly voice.

  “Hell Squad, ready to go to hell?”

  “Hell yeah,” a chorus of voices shouted. “The devil needs an ass-kicking!”

  Hell Squad had arrived. But too late to help Marin.

  Ash fought the horrible tearing inside him. “Marin.” Her name was a broken plea.

  At first, Marin felt a tearing, burning pain in her chest, but it had faded now. Now, she felt like she was floating.

  Strong arms held her close and she looked up into Ash’s face. Her pulse jumped. It was a terrible, pained mask.

  “I’m here, Marin.” His voice was ragged. He laid her down flat, his hands tearing at her shirt.

  She watched as he pressed wadded fabric against her chest, and checked her pulse.

  She liked seeing him use those medical skills he’d never had the chance to hone. She felt him pressing down hard on her chest, and she whimpered. That hurt. She decided to focus on his handsome face, instead. He would have made a hell of a doctor. A badass, tattooed doctor, who would have driven the nurses wild.

  She smiled. And he’d wanted her. Who would have thought?

  Then she saw tears in his eyes.

  “Don’t be sad.” She wanted to touch his stubbled cheek, but her arm wouldn’t move.

  “Hold still,” he said. “Tane, we need Doc Emerson.”

  “She’s on her way,” came Tane’s deep voice. “Indy called her already.”

  A dull, heavy lethargy was creeping over Marin. It was strange, her eyelids were so heavy. She blinked slowly.

  “You stay with me, Marin.” One of Ash’s hands touched her curls, then brushed down her cheek.

  “No one has ever looked at me the way you do,” she whispered.

  A spasm crossed his face. “I’m going to look at you like that every day. Every damn day for the rest of our lives. You’re mine, Marin.”

  Sweet pain burned through her. It was everything she’d ever wanted. “I never thought I’d have a sexy biker bad boy in my bed.” She let her eyes close.

  “No. Hold the fuck on, Marin.” There was a hard edge to his voice, and so much pain. “I need my fierce fighter right now. Where’s my badass princess?”

  She managed to open her eyes, but it was a battle. “I love you, SuperSoldier.” God, was that raspy whisper hers?

  Ash’s hand gripped hers, bringing it to his chest. “No, Marin. No.”

  But she couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore. Darkness overtook her, and the last thing she heard was a horrible, anguished cry.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ash stared at the blood on his hands. Marin’s blood. He could still feel it pumping out of her as he’d put pressure on her wound. He could still feel it sliding down his arms as he’d tried to stem the flow.

  He’d kept the pressure on until Doc Emerson and her team had arrived. They’d whisked Marin away on a floating iono-stretcher.

  Jesus H. Christ. Ash pressed his hands against the wall outside of the infirmary. Every second, the image of that blade slicing through Marin replayed in his head.

  He sensed a presence beside him, and a hand landed on his arm. He knew it was Levi.

  “She’s small, but she’s way tougher than she looks,” his friend said.

  His squad stood around him, still covered in the sweat and grime of the fight. The raptors had been killed or contained, and the breach of the Enclave had been shored up.

  Noah had sent a team to the tech lab to monitor the virus that Marin had contained. He was standing just down the hall, his face set in worried lines, with his woman, Laura, by his side. Several tech team members had come and gone, all of them were waiting for news on Marin.

  “She is tough.” His fierce princess. Ash’s fingers curled. She’d be all right. She had to be.

  “She must be brave to take you on,” Hemi said.

  Ash tried to smile, but couldn’t quite do it. What if Marin didn’t make it? God. Fuck.

  It had been too long. Ash knew that if the doc had pumped Marin full of nanomeds, then the tiny medical machines would have finished healing her by now. Something was terribly wrong.

  His head snapped up, and he stared at the closed door of the infirmary. It had been hours. He couldn’t handle waiting any longer. He charged up to the door and banged it open. He dodged Levi, as his frie
nd tried to grab him.

  The infirmary was a hive of activity. Several people, including some squad members, had been injured in the attack.

  Ash strode toward the surgery bays.

  A short, round nurse with dark skin stepped in front of him and held up her hands. “Hold it right there, soldier.”

  “Move. I need to see her.”

  “She’s still in surgery.”

  Still? His gut was as hard as stone. “How is she? What’s her prognosis?”

  A sympathetic look flickered over Norah’s face. Ash knew what that meant, and it cut into him.

  “No.” He shook his head, refusing to believe it.

  One of the surgical bay doors opened, and a weary-looking Emerson stepped out. Her scrubs were covered in blood. Marin’s blood.

  She looked at him and arched a brow. “Do I barge in when you’re on a mission?” She walked over to a set of long sinks and started rinsing off her gloved hands.

  There was so much blood. Ash felt a wave of dizziness hit him.

  “Hey, easy there, big guy.” Norah grabbed one of his arms and firm hands gripped the other. Ash looked into Levi’s unsmiling face. They helped him into a chair.

  Doc Emerson stepped in front of him and he stared her straight in the eye. “Is she dead?” His voice cracked.

  Emerson sighed and sat down beside him. “No. I’ve done what I can. I gave her a large dose of nanomeds.”

  Hope flared inside him. She was alive and he knew that nanomeds could perform miracles.

  “But they aren’t working, Ash,” the doc said gently. “There’s too much damage.”

  His chest caved in, and he dropped his head into his hands. He was going to lose her. He sensed Levi staying close and noticed Tane right behind him. Ash knew they were there to lock him down if he started to lose his shit.

  “The nanomeds are keeping her alive for the moment, but…I’m so sorry.” Emerson pressed a hand to Ash’s leg. “I wish there was more I could do.”


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