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You Needed Me III: A Love Story

Page 6

by Shvonne Latrice

“Do you know what room number?” I asked Laila as we walked into the hotel. She shook her head no.

  “He just paid for the room, he didn’t get the number.”

  We’d just come from the suite that Goldie and I were gonna be sleeping in for the night, and we were now at the hotel Tekeya was in.

  “Welcome to the Holiday Inn,” the clerk smiled.

  “Hey, I need another key for my room. I’ve had a long day and I’m not sure where I misplaced it.” I was holding Laila’s hand, squeezing the living daylights out of it to let her know not to try any fly shit.

  “Absolutely, what room number?”

  “Umm, shit, I can’t even remember. Can you look me up?” I frowned, making sure to strategically shield my face from the three cameras I spotted. My dreads were pulled back and stuffed into my hoodie, so that helped too.

  “Sure, can I see some I.D?”

  “Of course.” I removed Stewart’s wallet from my pocket, and slid his I.D. across the counter to her. She glanced down at it, looked back up at me, and then looked down at it again. I looked nothing like him, but we had similar skin colors, he was just a tad bit lighter.

  “Thank you, Mr. Mitchell.” She nodded and began clicking around. Thank God. “There is your I.D., and your room key. Was there anything else I could help out with?”

  “Nope, you’ve been perfect.” I winked, making her blush and smile.

  Laila and I walked to the elevator hand in hand, and just in case they had cameras on that bitch, too, I kept my head down towards my shoes. I wasn’t too worried about getting caught, but I still liked to be somewhat careful. I didn’t kill niggas on the daily like Rhys, but when I did I wanted to keep it clean. Finally we made it to Tekeya’s floor, and tread down the hallway until I got to the room listed on the little, white card holder the clerk gave me. Upon arriving, I put my gloves on.

  Slipping the key into the door, I entered and saw Tekeya watching TV and eating. The room smelled foul, and I was sure it was a dead body in here. The smell was very distinct, and I knew what it was every time I came in contact with it. If not, Tekeya needed to have a couple hundred showers and a check up.

  “Britain!” She dropped her food onto the floor as I slid my gloves on.

  As soon as the door closed behind me, I pulled my silenced gun from my waist and popped Laila between the eyes.

  “Ah!” Tekeya jumped at the sight of Laila’s body dropping.

  “What’s good, Key?” I smirked as I moved closer to her. When I looked to my left, I saw someone in the other bed faced down.

  “She’s dead already,” Tekeya cried when I aimed my gun at the person in the bed.

  Turning them over, I almost threw up when I saw Angelica’s decomposing body.

  “Yo, how the fuck are you chilling and eating in here with a dead fucking body?” I frowned at Tekeya’s silly ass. This bitch got crazier and crazier as time went on.

  “I don’t know! I was scared! I didn’t mean to kill her, just like I didn’t mean to get you arrested! Britain please!” she sobbed.

  “Why couldn’t you just move on? Why couldn’t you just be with the guy who got you pregnant, Key?”

  “Because your brother killed him! And I didn’t want him, I wanted you!”

  “My brother? Bitch, who got you pregnant?” I placed my gun to her forehead.



  I sent the bullet through her head.

  I couldn’t believe that hoe. And all the fucking guilt trips she sent me on about fucking around on her with different women, yet here was she was doing the same thing, only worse because she was doing it with a business affiliate and getting knocked up. Anything that I may have felt for her ass was completely gone, and for once I didn’t feel bad about it.

  Chapter Four: Kimberlyn

  “Ms. Harrey, it’s time!” the doctor yelled to me as I laid on the hospital bed sweating. I was about to have a baby, and I was excited, yet scared. It seemed like everything was happening back to back because I’d just graduated from college, and a week later I’m giving birth.

  “Where is TQ?!” I hollered as my grandmother rubbed my head.

  “He’s coming, honey. They just had to get him in the right attire so that he can come in,” my grandma answered as I continued to cry.

  “He’s here!” the nurse shouted over the room, and I almost broke my neck trying to look around her. He finally made his way through, wearing that gorgeous smile of his. “Okay, it’s time to push,” the nurse added, before going to stand by the doctor.

  “Give me one nice push, Ms. Harrey,” the doctor instructed. I clenched my teeth and tried to push, but I didn’t do well I guess. “That was good, Ms. Harrey, but I need you to push a little harder for me okay?”

  “I can’t do it!” I cried and gripped TQ’s hand tightly.

  “Yes you can, Ms. Harrey, just be a little bit tougher, honey,” the nurse replied.

  “I can’t do it!” I repeated.

  “Can y’all give me like twenty seconds?” TQ asked, and everyone looked at him like he was crazy. “Just twenty seconds, maybe even less.”

  The doctor and nurse made eye contact, before getting up to leave out. My grandmother followed, and once the room was clear, he turned to look at me.

  “I can’t do it, TQ, I’m sorry,” I panted and cried.

  He leaned down and began caressing my face gently, calming me down a little bit.

  “Kimberlyn, this is our baby, you have to bring him here so we can be a family. Don’t you want that?” he asked and I nodded. “Okay, so just try a little harder for our baby, shorty.” He kissed me softly a couple times, before going to open the door and letting the doctor, nurse, and my grandmother in.

  The doctor got back in position, and although painful and difficult I was able to deliver. All I kept thinking about was how badly I wanted my baby, how happy TQ would be, and how much I wanted to make our family complete. My thoughts alone gave me the ability to woman up and do what I had to do. Seeing him be held up in the air was surreal, because I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. Not long ago I was an old virgin looking for love, and now I was a mother. I couldn’t wait until they brought him back in so that I could hold him and kiss him.

  “Good job, shorty. Thank you.” TQ grinned and pressed his full lips against mine as the nurse began to clean me.

  I was just happy the hardest part of delivery seemed to be over.


  One month later…

  I was sitting in bed, holding my son, Tarenz Quinton II. He was so cute and small, but I wished he didn’t sleep so much. I enjoyed seeing him look around with his beautiful, blue eyes, and seeing him give me little smiles. I loved when he held my thumb in his small hand, or moved his little legs. However, right now, like always, he was knocked out.

  “Are you hungry?” TQ walked into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed.

  “Yes, even though I probably shouldn’t be eating.”

  These days I stayed in shorts and crop tops. My stomach wasn’t too fat anymore, I could actually show it, but I had more thighs and butt than usual. I thought it would go down with my stomach, but my grandmother said it probably wouldn’t.

  “What? You look good shorty.” TQ frowned, biting his lip as he looked my body up and down.

  I just smiled at him, and laid my son on the little pallet I’d made for him. He had a crib, actually a whole room full of shit, but I wanted to keep him close while I worked on some jobs, just in case he woke up. I didn’t wanna miss seeing him awake and moving around.

  “What did you make to eat?”

  “Just cereal, you want some?” he chuckled, showing his beautiful smile. He was such a handsome man, and I never got tired of looking at him. The more I saw him, the better looking he seemed to be.

  “Actually I do want some, can you bring it to me?”

  “Nope!” He scooped me up and carried me out of the room.

  “TQ, I have to watch—”
he cut me off by pressing his lips against mine a couple times.

  “That little nigga will be fine. Your other baby needs some attention.” He put me down in Baby Tarenz’s room which had a bed and started kissing on my neck. “Walking around here in these little ass shorts and shit, got a nigga hard as a rock,” he said in a low tone as he sucked on my neck and squeezed my ass.

  Kissing me hungrily, he led me to the bed while unbuttoning my shorts. He then tugged them off right along with my panties, and laid me down gently. He stared at me lustfully as he removed all of his damn clothes, and then climbed in between my legs with his monster swinging. Feeling his head caused me to tense up a bit, because we hadn’t had sex yet.

  “You want to?” He stopped himself.

  “Yes, just don’t be rough.”

  He nodded and pushed my tube top up and off to reveal my breasts. Suddenly I felt him pushing at my opening, and I began to pant heavily. It was already super painful, and he wasn’t even in yet. I heard him mumble damn, before spreading my legs a little more and pushing into me with all of his might. Once he was inside, he went back to being gentle, and held my face to tongue me down.

  “Yo, Kimberlyn, fuck shorty,” he grunted into my mouth as he went in and out of me slowly. It hurt, but I could also feel the underlying pleasure as he wound his hips into me. “Damn, a nigga wanna cry because it feels so good.”

  “Uuuh, mmm.” I gripped his torso as his long, thick dick invaded my body constantly.

  “I wanna marry you, shorty,” he growled in between kisses and thrusts. By now I was dripping wet, and I could hear him entering me. Hugging his torso, I kissed him harder as I released on his pole. My pussy throbbed around his dick as he continued to make love to me like he was on the job. “Tell me you’ll marry me, Kimberlyn.” He gazed into my eyes, pulverizing my center.

  “I’ll marry you,” I whimpered as he pounded between my legs.

  “Ahh fuck, ahh!” he called out the sexiest moan I’d ever heard, just as we came together. He immediately kissed me, and when he pulled away I just stared into his blue eyes.

  “You really wanna get married?”

  “Of course, shorty. I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” I cheesed because I couldn’t help it.

  We laid there kissing, talking, and fucking, until Baby Tarenz woke up. But after I fed him, we showered together, turned on some low music, and cooked a Russian dinner together. I was for real obsessed with this nigga, but could you blame me?


  I walked into the Quinton Workforce building, and on the way to my office, I spotted Isabetta and Rosie chilling in the front waiting area. Stopping in my tracks, I looked to Alyona, and she just shrugged her shoulders. I made my way over to the ladies, and once Rosie spotted me, she gave me that seductive smile she always wore. I couldn’t stand these bitches.

  “Is there something I can help you ladies out with?” I furrowed my brows.

  “Yes, but can we come to your office?” Isabetta replied as Rosie licked her lips at me. I swear I hated her ass, and wished I could take back all the times I allowed her to suck me up.

  I hesitated at first, but then waved for them to follow me back to my office. Once inside, I closed the door behind them, and then made myself a drink. I declined to offer them one, because they wouldn’t be here that long. A part of me wanted to give their asses the boot before even speaking their piece, but I was a bit interested.

  “Talk,” I said before sipping my drink.

  “Lendsey, we talked before about you helping me out with finding the person who murdered my sister. And before you told me you couldn’t help me, but I believe you can,” Isabetta smiled.

  “I can’t.”

  “Oh but you can. See your little brother was just arrested. I know because… well everyone knows. But a little birdie told me that your father pulled some strings and got the charges dropped.”

  “I don’t know anything about that, but what’s your point?” I shifted in my seat.

  “My point is that you lied about having the connections to law enforcement to help me, Lendsey.”

  “I didn’t lie. You said my father got him off, not me right? So again, why the fuck are you in my office begging me for some shit that I’ve so nicely told you I couldn’t help you with.”

  “Lendsey let me tell you something—”

  “No, let me tell you something, Isabetta. Regardless of whether I have connections or not, which I don’t, I am not obligated to help you in finding out who murdered your sister. I don’t owe you anything at all. And you think because I stuck my dick in her that it’s my job to hit the pavement to bring her justice? Is it sad? Yes, it is. Am I sorry for your loss? Absolutely, but don’t come up in my shit acting like me helping you is something that I need to do because I don’t. I didn’t even have to let your ass come back here.”

  “I didn’t say you were obligated to help me, I just thought since you and my sister had a relationship that you’d want to find out who took her away. But I guess since now you have someone new to sleep with and throw to the side, my sister is no longer your concern.”

  “She stopped being my concern long before she died.”

  “I used to tell Dania to leave him alone.” Rosie sucked her teeth and shook her head like she wasn’t just in here begging to take Dania’s place.

  “Oh you’re mad because you sucking my dick didn’t get you the same treatment it got Dania?” I raised a brow, causing her jaw to drop, and Isabetta to snap her head in her direction.

  “You’ve slept with him?” Isabetta asked her, pointing to me.

  “Correction, she sucked my dick and nothing more. Now, ladies, if you don’t mind, I do have some things to take care of, and I can’t sit here all day discussing nonsense with you.” I stood up.

  “Rosie, go wait for me in the lobby,” Isabetta said, and watched until her ‘cousin’ was out of my office before turning to me. “Lendsey, I tried to be nice. And I thought that because of you and my sister’s bond, you would have been more than willing to help my family and me. But since you won’t, I refuse to help you.”

  “I don’t need yo’ fucking help,” I frowned.

  “No, you don’t, but Matikah does. If you don’t agree to assist me, I will have to let her go and it will be effective immediately,” she smiled.

  “You can’t just fire her for no fucking reason. You can get sued for that shit!” I seethed. She had hit a nerve trying to fuck over my shorty. I was about ready to wring her damn neck like a sponge.

  “Oh but I can, and I can ruin her reputation forever, too. She won’t be able to get another job unless she leaves Massachusetts, and even then she may not be able to work.” She shrugged one shoulder. “I will give you forty-eight hours to think about it, Lendsey. But if I don’t hear from you, or get the answer I want, Matikah will be let go.” She nodded with a smile, before getting her purse and jacket to leave.

  Plopping down in my chair, I massaged my temples because I was stuck. I didn’t want to help this bitch, but I knew she would follow through and fire my shorty. I wasn’t sure how the beauty industry worked, and I would hate for Matikah to not be able to work in her field of choice because of my deceased fuck buddy. She loved that fucking job, and not only would she not be able to work at Isabetta’s, but she may not be able to work in the state.

  Could I kill Isabetta? Of course I could, but that may make shit worse, especially since I’m sure she’s told her family that she was seeking my help. If she disappeared, that may cause more harm than anything. This was some bullshit.

  After working for ten hours, I finally decided to go home. When I got into my condo, I saw Matikah sitting on the couch, curled up watching TV. I tried to see if she was angry or sad at the moment, but I couldn’t tell right away. I know Isabetta said I had forty-eight hours, but I didn’t know if she had made her move already. When Matikah noticed me, she looked to me wearing a smile, so I let out a sigh of relief.

, baby, come here.” She grinned and patted the couch cushion next to her. I plopped down, and she straddled my lap. “I missed you today. I had so many clients, but all I could think about was you.” She pulled my hoodie over my head along with my t-shirt.

  “Oh yeah?” I questioned as she unbuckled my jeans, releasing the beast.

  “Yes,” she smirked right before removing the dress she had on. “Mmm.” She tucked her bottom lip in as she sat down on my dick.

  “Fuck,” I grunted as I held her torso in my hands, while moving her up and down on my dick. “You are so damn wet, shorty,” I licked my lips as I watched my dick disappear inside of her repeatedly.

  I began groping her breasts, before taking one of her nipples into my mouth as she continued to bounce in my lap. I switched back and forth between nipples, while squeezing her ass roughly, giving her a smack every now and then.

  “Lendseeeeeyy,” she whined as she exploded right on me.

  I leaned her back, placing her legs on top of my arms, and then gripped her ribs so I could beat the pussy up. The way she looked at me with her pretty twisted face as I demolished her middle made me cum so hard that my toes curled up.

  “Fuck!” I shouted as we both tried to come back from that orgasm.

  She removed her legs from being on top of my arms, and then pressed her body into mine so we could kiss.

  I guess I didn’t need to say anything just yet.


  “Do you feel bad?” I asked Britain as we laid in bed at my condo.

  He was finally telling me what Bolingbrook was all about, so I was wondering if he felt any remorse for having to get rid of Tekeya. I mean I was happy that she wouldn’t be popping up anymore, but I just wish that she had moved on instead of having to die. So if I felt that way, I was sure he must have as well, because I hated the bitch’s guts.

  “No, I really don’t.” He shook his head while caressing my thigh.

  “Not even a little bit? You guys spent a lot of time together.”

  “She wasn’t the same girl I spent time with, she was someone else. I told you she killed her best friend and was just letting her body rot in the fucking room.”


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